002 * GTransform -- A general transformation matrix.
003 *
004 * Copyright (C) 2009-2025, by Joseph A. Huwaldt. All rights reserved.
005 *
006 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
007 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
008 * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009 *
010 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
011 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
012 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
013 *
014 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
015 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
016 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Or visit: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
017 */
018package geomss.geom;
020import jahuwaldt.js.param.*;
021import java.text.MessageFormat;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.Objects;
024import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
025import java.util.ResourceBundle;
026import javax.measure.quantity.Angle;
027import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
028import javax.measure.unit.SI;
029import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
030import javolution.context.ArrayFactory;
031import javolution.context.ImmortalContext;
032import javolution.context.ObjectFactory;
033import javolution.context.StackContext;
034import static javolution.lang.MathLib.abs;
035import static javolution.lang.MathLib.cos;
036import static javolution.lang.MathLib.sin;
037import static javolution.lang.MathLib.sqrt;
038import javolution.lang.ValueType;
039import javolution.text.Text;
040import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
041import javolution.util.FastTable;
042import javolution.xml.XMLFormat;
043import javolution.xml.XMLSerializable;
044import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
045import org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64;
046import org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix;
047import org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector;
048import org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix;
051 * A general 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms {@link GeomPoint} objects.
052 *
053 * <p> Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt </p>
054 *
055 * @author Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: April 29, 2009
056 * @version February 17, 2025
057 */
059public class GTransform implements ValueType, Cloneable, XMLSerializable {
061    /**
062     * The resource bundle for this package.
063     */
064    private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCES = AbstractGeomElement.RESOURCES;
066    /**
067     * Constant used to identify the X coordinate in a vector and the 1st row/column in
068     * this matrix.
069     */
070    private static final int X = 0;
072    /**
073     * Constant used to identify the Y coordinate in a vector and the 2nd row/column in
074     * this matrix.
075     */
076    private static final int Y = 1;
078    /**
079     * Constant used to identify the Z coordinate in a vector and the 3rd row/column in
080     * this matrix.
081     */
082    private static final int Z = 2;
084    /**
085     * Constant used to identify the 4th row/column in this matrix.
086     */
087    private static final int W = 3;
089    /**
090     * The universal translation units used. The translation elements of a GTransform
091     * are always stated in meters.
092     */
093    private static final Unit<Length> METER = SI.METER;
095    ///////////////////////
096    // Factory creation. //
097    ///////////////////////
098    private GTransform() { }
100    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
101    private static final ObjectFactory<GTransform> FACTORY = new ObjectFactory<GTransform>() {
102        @Override
103        protected GTransform create() {
104            return new GTransform();
105        }
106    };
108    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
109    private static GTransform copyOf(GTransform original) {
110        GTransform M = FACTORY.object();
111        M._data = original._data.copy();
112        return M;
113    }
115    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
116    private static GTransform newInstance(Float64Matrix data) {
117        GTransform M = FACTORY.object();
118        M._data = data;
119        return M;
120    }
122    //  The bottom row of many new matricies.
123    private static final Float64Vector BOTTOM_ROW;
125    /**
126     * A matrix containing all zero elements.
127     */
128    public static final GTransform ZERO;
130    /**
131     * The identity matrix containing ones along the diagonal.
132     */
133    public static final GTransform IDENTITY;
135    static {
136        // Forces constants to ImmortalMemory.
137        ImmortalContext.enter();
138        try {
139            BOTTOM_ROW = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, 0, 0, 1);
140            ZERO = GTransform.valueOf(0, 0, 0, 0);
141            IDENTITY = GTransform.valueOf(1, 1, 1, 1);
142        } finally {
143            ImmortalContext.exit();
144        }
145    }
147    /**
148     * The elements stored in this matrix. Serialization is handled by this class since
149     * Float64Matrix is not Serializable.
150     */
151    private transient Float64Matrix _data;
153    /**
154     * Returns a transformation matrix holding the specified row vectors. Note: any
155     * transformations in the 4th column of the matrix must have units of meters!
156     *
157     * @param row0 the 1st row vector. May not be null.
158     * @param row1 the 2nd row vector. May not be null.
159     * @param row2 the 3rd row vector. May not be null.
160     * @param row3 the 4th row vector. May not be null.
161     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified rows.
162     * @throws DimensionException if the any of the rows do not have a dimension of 4.
163     */
164    public static GTransform valueOf(Float64Vector row0, Float64Vector row1, Float64Vector row2, Float64Vector row3) {
165        if (row0.getDimension() != 4 || row1.getDimension() != 4
166                || row2.getDimension() != 4 || row3.getDimension() != 4)
167            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("rowsMustHave4Elements"));
169        GTransform M = GTransform.newInstance(Float64Matrix.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, row3));
171        return M;
172    }
174    /**
175     * Returns a transformation matrix holding the row vectors from the specified list.
176     * Note: any transformations in the 4th column of the matrix must have units of
177     * meters!
178     *
179     * @param rows The list of 4 row vectors. May not be null.
180     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified rows.
181     * @throws DimensionException if the rows do not have a dimension of 4.
182     */
183    public static GTransform valueOf(List<Float64Vector> rows) {
184        if (rows.size() != 4)
185            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("fourVectorsReq"));
187        return GTransform.newInstance(Float64Matrix.valueOf(rows));
188    }
190    /**
191     * Returns a transformation matrix holding the specified diagonal vector with zeros
192     * placed in all the other elements.
193     *
194     * @param diagX the 1st element of the diagonal vector for the matrix.
195     * @param diagY the 2nd element of the diagonal vector for the matrix.
196     * @param diagZ the 3rd element of the diagonal vector for the matrix.
197     * @param diagW the 4th element of the diagonal vector for the matrix.
198     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified diagonal.
199     */
200    public static GTransform valueOf(double diagX, double diagY, double diagZ, double diagW) {
202        Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf(diagX, 0, 0, 0);
203        Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, diagY, 0, 0);
204        Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, 0, diagZ, 0);
205        Float64Vector row3 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, 0, 0, diagW);
207        GTransform M = GTransform.newInstance(Float64Matrix.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, row3));
209        return M;
210    }
212    /**
213     * Returns a {@link GTransform} instance containing a copy of the specified matrix of
214     * Float64 values. The matrix must have dimensions of either 3x3 for a combined scale
215     * and direction cosine matrix or 4x4 for a general transformation matrix. If a 3x3
216     * matrix is input, then the upper-left 3x3 portion of the output matrix will be set
217     * to those values and the other elements will be set as if it were an identity matrix
218     * (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component). If a 4x4 matrix is input,
219     * then the 4th column (the translation) must be in units of meters!
220     *
221     * @param matrix the matrix of Float64 values to convert (must have dimension of 3x3
222     *               or 4x4). May not be null.
223     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified elements.
224     */
225    public static GTransform valueOf(Matrix<Float64> matrix) {
226        GTransform M = null;
228        if (matrix.getNumberOfColumns() == 3 && matrix.getNumberOfRows() == 3) {
229            FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
231            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
232                Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(matrix.get(i, X).doubleValue(),
233                        matrix.get(i, Y).doubleValue(), matrix.get(i, Z).doubleValue(), 0);
234                rowList.add(row);
235            }
236            rowList.add(BOTTOM_ROW);
238            M = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
240        } else if (matrix.getNumberOfColumns() == 4 && matrix.getNumberOfRows() == 4) {
241            M = GTransform.newInstance(Float64Matrix.valueOf(matrix));
243        } else
244            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3x3or4x4Req"));
246        return M;
247    }
249    /**
250     * Returns a {@link GTransform} instance containing the specified direction cosine
251     * rotation matrix, uniform scale factor, and translation vector.
252     *
253     * @param dcm   The direction cosine matrix to convert (must have dimension of 3x3).
254     *              May not be null.
255     * @param scale The uniform scale factor to apply to each axis.
256     * @param trans The amount to translate in each axis X, Y &amp; Z.
257     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified elements.
258     */
259    public static GTransform valueOf(Matrix<Float64> dcm, double scale, Vector<Length> trans) {
261        if (dcm.getNumberOfColumns() != 3 && dcm.getNumberOfRows() != 3)
262            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3x3DCMReq"));
264        //  Convert translation vector to meters.
265        Float64Vector T = trans.to(METER).toFloat64Vector();
267        //  Create a list of rows with the input elements.
268        FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
269        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
270            double iX = dcm.get(i, X).doubleValue() * scale;
271            double iY = dcm.get(i, Y).doubleValue() * scale;
272            double iZ = dcm.get(i, Z).doubleValue() * scale;
273            Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(iX, iY, iZ, T.getValue(i));
274            rowList.add(row);
275        }
276        rowList.add(BOTTOM_ROW);
278        //  Create the transformation matrix.
279        GTransform M = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
281        return M;
282    }
284    /**
285     * Returns a {@link GTransform} instance containing a copy of the specified rotation
286     * transformation. The upper-left 3x3 portion of the output matrix will be set to DCM
287     * values from the rotation and the other elements will be set as if it were an
288     * identity matrix (i.e., affine matrix with no translational component).
289     *
290     * @param rotation the Rotation transformation to convert. May not be null.
291     * @return the general transformation matrix having the specified rotational elements.
292     */
293    public static GTransform valueOf(Rotation rotation) {
294        return valueOf(rotation.toDCM().toFloat64Matrix());
295    }
297    /**
298     * Returns a {@link GTransform} instance containing the specified rotation
299     * transformation, uniform scale factor, and translation vector.
300     *
301     * @param rotation The rotation transformation to convert. May not be null.
302     * @param scale    The uniform scale factor to apply to each axis.
303     * @param trans    The amount to translate in each axis X, Y &amp; Z. May not be null.
304     * @return the transformation matrix having the specified elements.
305     */
306    public static GTransform valueOf(Rotation rotation, double scale, Vector<Length> trans) {
307        return valueOf(rotation.toDCM().toFloat64Matrix(), scale, requireNonNull(trans));
308    }
310    /**
311     * Returns a {@link GTransform} instance representing the transformation from one axis
312     * direction directly to another. Input vectors must be 3D.
313     *
314     * @param srcAxis  A vector representing the 1st or starting axis. May not be null.
315     * @param destAxis A vector representing the 2nd or ending axis. May not be null.
316     * @return The transformation matrix representing the rotation from the 1st (source)
317     *         axis directly to the 2nd (destination) axis.
318     */
319    public static GTransform valueOf(GeomVector srcAxis, GeomVector destAxis) {
320        GeomVector axis = srcAxis.cross(requireNonNull(destAxis));  //  Find a perpendicular axis to rotate about.
321        Parameter length = axis.mag();
322        Parameter dot = srcAxis.dot(destAxis);
324        if (!length.isApproxZero()) {
325            Vector3D v3d = axis.toUnitVector().toParameterVector().toVector3D();
326            Parameter<Angle> angle = Parameter.atan2(length, dot);
328            Rotation R = AxisAngle.valueOf(v3d, angle);
329            return GTransform.valueOf(R);
331        } else if (dot.isGreaterThan(Parameter.ZERO)) {
332            // Nearly positively aligned; skip rotation, or compute
333            // axis and angle using other means.
334            return GTransform.IDENTITY;
335        }
337        // Nearly negatively aligned; axis is any vector perpendicular
338        // to either vector, and angle is 180 degrees
339        axis = GeomUtil.calcYHat(srcAxis);
340        Vector3D v3d = axis.toParameterVector().toVector3D();
341        Parameter<Angle> angle = Parameter.PI_ANGLE;
343        Rotation R = AxisAngle.valueOf(v3d, angle);
344        return GTransform.valueOf(R);
345    }
347    /**
348     * Returns a transformation matrix representing a scale matrix with a uniform scale
349     * factor applied to each dimension.
350     *
351     * @param scale The scale factor to create a scale matrix for.
352     * @return the transformation matrix representing the specified scale.
353     */
354    public static GTransform newScale(double scale) {
355        return valueOf(scale, scale, scale, 1);
356    }
358    /**
359     * Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
360     *
361     * @param transX The amount to translate, in meters, in the X axis direction.
362     * @param transY The amount to translate, in meters, in the Y axis direction.
363     * @param transZ The amount to translate, in meters, in the Z axis direction.
364     * @return the transformation matrix representing the specified translation.
365     * @throws DimensionException if the input vector does not have 3 elements.
366     */
367    public static GTransform newTranslation(double transX, double transY, double transZ) {
369        Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf(1, 0, 0, transX);
370        Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, 1, 0, transY);
371        Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0, 0, 1, transZ);
373        GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, BOTTOM_ROW);
375        return T;
376    }
378    /**
379     * Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
380     *
381     * @param transX The amount to translate in the X axis direction. May not be null.
382     * @param transY The amount to translate in the Y axis direction. May not be null.
383     * @param transZ The amount to translate in the Z axis direction. May not be null.
384     * @return the transformation matrix representing the specified translation.
385     * @throws DimensionException if the input vector does not have 3 elements.
386     */
387    public static GTransform newTranslation(Parameter<Length> transX,
388            Parameter<Length> transY, Parameter<Length> transZ) {
390        GTransform T = GTransform.newTranslation(transX.getValue(METER),
391                transY.getValue(METER), transZ.getValue(METER));
393        return T;
394    }
396    /**
397     * Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
398     *
399     * @param vector The amount to translate in each axis X, Y &amp; Z. May not be null.
400     * @return the transformation matrix representing the specified translation.
401     */
402    public static GTransform newTranslation(GeomVector<Length> vector) {
404        //  Convert the translation to meters and create a new
405        //  transformation matrix.
406        GTransform T = GTransform.newTranslation(
407                vector.getValue(X, METER), vector.getValue(Y, METER), vector.getValue(Z, METER));
409        return T;
410    }
412    /**
413     * Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
414     *
415     * @param trans The amount to translate, in meters, in each axis X, Y &amp; Z. May not be null.
416     * @return the transformation matrix representing the specified translation.
417     * @throws DimensionException if the input vector does not have 3 elements.
418     */
419    public static GTransform newTranslation(Float64Vector trans) {
421        if (trans.getDimension() != 3)
422            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3elementVectorReq"));
424        return newTranslation(trans.getValue(X), trans.getValue(Y), trans.getValue(Z));
425    }
427    /**
428     * Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed
429     * rotation about the X axis (when looking down the X-axis).
430     *
431     * @param angle The angle to rotate about the X axis. May not be null.
432     * @return A transformation matrix for a counter-clockwise rotation about the X axis.
433     */
434    public static GTransform newRotationX(Parameter<Angle> angle) {
435        double angleR = angle.getValue(SI.RADIAN);
436        double sina = sin(angleR);
437        double cosa = cos(angleR);
439        Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    1,    0,    0,    0);
440        Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0, cosa,-sina,    0);
441        Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0, sina, cosa,    0);
442//      Float64Vector row3 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0,    0,    0,    1);
444        GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, BOTTOM_ROW);
446        return T;
447    }
449    /**
450     * Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed
451     * rotation about the Y axis (when looking down the Y-axis).
452     *
453     * @param angle The angle to rotate about the Y axis. May not be null.
454     * @return A transformation matrix for a counter-clockwise rotation about the Y axis.
455     */
456    public static GTransform newRotationY(Parameter<Angle> angle) {
457        double angleR = angle.getValue(SI.RADIAN);
458        double sina = sin(angleR);
459        double cosa = cos(angleR);
461        Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf( cosa,    0, sina,    0);
462        Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0,    1,    0,    0);
463        Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(-sina,    0, cosa,    0);
464//      Float64Vector row3 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0,    0,    0,    1);
466        GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, BOTTOM_ROW);
468        return T;
469    }
471    /**
472     * Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed
473     * rotation about the Z axis (when looking down the Z-axis).
474     *
475     * @param angle The angle to rotate about the Z axis. May not be null.
476     * @return A transformation matrix for a counter-clockwise rotation about the Z axis.
477     */
478    public static GTransform newRotationZ(Parameter<Angle> angle) {
479        double angleR = angle.getValue(SI.RADIAN);
480        double sina = sin(angleR);
481        double cosa = cos(angleR);
483        Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf(cosa, -sina,    0,    0);
484        Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(sina,  cosa,    0,    0);
485        Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(0,  0,    1,    0);
486//      Float64Vector row3 = Float64Vector.valueOf(    0,    0,    0,    1);
488        GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, BOTTOM_ROW);
490        return T;
491    }
493    /**
494     * Returns the number of rows for this matrix. This implementation always returns 4.
495     *
496     * @return The number of rows in this matrix (always 4).
497     */
498    public int getNumberOfRows() {
499        return 4;
500    }
502    /**
503     * Returns the number of columns for this matrix. This implementation always returns 4.
504     *
505     * @return The number of columns in this matrix (always 4).
506     */
507    public int getNumberOfColumns() {
508        return 4;
509    }
511    /**
512     * Returns a single element from this matrix.
513     *
514     * @param i the row index (range [0..3[).
515     * @param j the column index (range [0..3[).
516     * @return the matrix element at [i,j].
517     */
518    public Float64 get(int i, int j) {
519        return _data.get(i, j);
520    }
522    /**
523     * Returns a single element from this matrix as a <code>double</code>.
524     * <p>
525     * This is a convenience method for: <code>this.get(i,j).doubleValue()</code>
526     * </p>
527     *
528     * @param i the row index (range [0..3[).
529     * @param j the column index (range [0..3[).
530     * @return the matrix element at [i,j].
531     */
532    public double getValue(int i, int j) {
533        return _data.get(i, j).doubleValue();
534    }
536    /**
537     * Return the transformation matrix that represents this GTransform object as a
538     * Float64Matrix. The translation column values have units of METER.
539     * 
540     * @return The transformation matrix that represents this GTransform object.
541     */
542    public Float64Matrix getFloat64Matrix() {
543        return _data;
544    }
546    /**
547     * Return the transformation matrix that represents this GTranfrom object as a 2D Java
548     * matrix. The translation column values have units of METER.
549     * 
550     * @return The transformation matrix that represents this GTranfrom object.
551     */
552    public double[][] getMatrix() {
553        StackContext.enter();
554        try {
555            double[][] mat = new double[4][4];
556            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
557                for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
558                    mat[i][j] = _data.get(i, j).doubleValue();
559                }
560            }
561            return mat;
562        } finally {
563            StackContext.exit();
564        }
565    }
567    /**
568     * Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
569     *
570     * @param i the row index (range [0..3[).
571     * @return The specified row in this matrix as a Float64Vector.
572     */
573    public Float64Vector getRow(int i) {
574        return _data.getRow(i);
575    }
577    /**
578     * Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
579     *
580     * @param j the column index (range [0..3[).
581     * @return The specified column in this matrix as a Float64Vector.
582     */
583    public Float64Vector getColumn(int j) {
584        return _data.getColumn(j);
585    }
587    /**
588     * Returns the diagonal vector.
589     *
590     * @return the vector holding the diagonal elements.
591     */
592    public Float64Vector getDiagonal() {
593        return _data.getDiagonal();
594    }
596    /**
597     * Transform the input point by multiplying it times this general transformation
598     * matrix.
599     *
600     * @param p The point to be transformed. May not be null.
601     * @return <code>this · p</code>
602     * @throws DimensionException if p.getPhyDimension() != 3
603     */
604    public Point transform(GeomPoint p) {
605        if (p.getPhyDimension() != 3)
606            throw new DimensionException(
607                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("dimensionNot3"), "point's", p.getPhyDimension()));
609        Unit<Length> pUnit = p.getUnit();
610        Float64Vector V;
611        StackContext.enter();
612        try {
613            //  Convert the point to units of meters (to be consistant with any translation in
614            //  this transformation matrix).
616            //  Convert the point to a 4 element vector.
617            V = Float64Vector.valueOf(p.getValue(X, METER), p.getValue(Y, METER), p.getValue(Z, METER), 1);
619            //  Multiply times the general transformation matrix.
620            V = _data.times(V);
622            V = StackContext.outerCopy(V);
624        } finally {
625            StackContext.exit();
626        }
628        //  Create output point.
629        Point Pout = Point.valueOf(V.getValue(X), V.getValue(Y), V.getValue(Z), METER);
630        return Pout.to(pUnit);
631    }
633    /**
634     * Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
635     *
636     * @param that the matrix multiplier. May not be null.
637     * @return <code>this · that</code>
638     */
639    public GTransform times(GTransform that) {
641        GTransform M = GTransform.newInstance(this._data.times(that._data));
643        return M;
644    }
646    /**
647     * Returns the inverse of this matrix. If the matrix is singular, the
648     * {@link #determinant()} will be zero (or nearly zero).
649     *
650     * @return <code>1 / this</code>
651     * @see #determinant
652     */
653    public GTransform inverse() {
655        GTransform M = GTransform.newInstance(_data.inverse());
657        return M;
658    }
660    /**
661     * Returns the determinant of this matrix.
662     *
663     * @return this matrix determinant.
664     */
665    public Float64 determinant() {
666        return _data.determinant();
667    }
669    /**
670     * Returns the transpose of this matrix.
671     *
672     * @return <code>A'</code>
673     */
674    public GTransform transpose() {
676        GTransform M = GTransform.newInstance(_data.transpose());
678        return M;
679    }
681    /**
682     * Returns the vectorization of this matrix. The vectorization of a matrix is the
683     * column vector obtained by stacking the columns of the matrix on top of one another.
684     *
685     * @return the vectorization of this matrix.
686     */
687    public Float64Vector vectorization() {
688        return _data.vectorization();
689    }
691    /**
692     * Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the
693     * stack).
694     *
695     * @return an identical and independent copy of this matrix.
696     */
697    @Override
698    public GTransform copy() {
699        return GTransform.copyOf(this);
700    }
702    /**
703     * Returns a copy of this GTransform instance
704     * {@link javolution.context.AllocatorContext allocated} by the calling thread
705     * (possibly on the stack).
706     *
707     * @return an identical and independent copy of this matrix.
708     * @throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException Never thrown.
709     */
710    @Override
711    @SuppressWarnings("CloneDoesntCallSuperClone")
712    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
713        return copy();
714    }
716    /**
717     * Returns the text representation of this matrix.
718     *
719     * @return the text representation of this matrix.
720     */
721    public Text toText() {
722        final int m = this.getNumberOfRows();
723        final int n = this.getNumberOfColumns();
724        TextBuilder tmp = TextBuilder.newInstance();
725        tmp.append('{');
726        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
727            tmp.append('{');
728            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
729                tmp.append(get(i, j));
730                if (j != n - 1) {
731                    tmp.append(", ");
732                }
733            }
734            tmp.append("}");
735            if (i != m - 1) {
736                tmp.append(",\n");
737            }
738        }
739        tmp.append("}");
740        Text txt = tmp.toText();
741        TextBuilder.recycle(tmp);
742        return txt;
743    }
745    /**
746     * Returns a string representation of this matrix.
747     */
748    @Override
749    public String toString() {
750        return toText().toString();
751    }
753    /**
754     * Compares this GTransform against the specified object for strict equality (same
755     * values).
756     *
757     * @param obj the object to compare with.
758     * @return <code>true</code> if this transform is identical to that transform;
759     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
760     */
761    @Override
762    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
763        if (this == obj)
764            return true;
765        if ((obj == null) || (obj.getClass() != this.getClass()))
766            return false;
768        GTransform that = (GTransform)obj;
770        return this._data.equals(that._data);
771    }
773    /**
774     * Returns the hash code for this GTransform object.
775     *
776     * @return the hash code value.
777     */
778    @Override
779    public int hashCode() {
780        return Objects.hash(_data);
781    }
783    /**
784     * Returns the uniform scale factor for this matrix. If the matrix has non-uniform
785     * scale factors, than the maximum of the X, Y &amp; Z scale factor is returned.
786     *
787     * @return the uniform or maximum scale factor.
788     */
789    public double getScale() {
791        double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
792        double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
793        getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
795        double scale = max3(tmp_scale);
797        //  Recycle scratch arrays.
798        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_rot);
799        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_scale);
801        return scale;
802    }
804    /**
805     * Returns a 3 element vector containing the scale factors in each dimension X, Y &amp; Z.
806     *
807     * @return the scale factors of this matrix
808     */
809    public Float64Vector getScaleVector() {
811        double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
812        double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
813        getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
815        //  Create the output vector (Note: tmp_scale may be longer than 3 elements).
816        Float64Vector scale = Float64Vector.valueOf(tmp_scale[X], tmp_scale[Y], tmp_scale[Z]);
818        //  Recycle scratch arrays.
819        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_rot);
820        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_scale);
822        return scale;
823    }
825    /**
826     * Returns a direction cosine matrix containing the rotational portion of this
827     * transformation matrix.
828     *
829     * @return the direction cosine matrix
830     */
831    public DCMatrix getRotation() {
833        double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
834        double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
835        getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
837        //  Create the output vector (Note: tmp_rot may be longer than 9 elements).
838        DCMatrix rot = DCMatrix.valueOf(tmp_rot[0], tmp_rot[1], tmp_rot[2],
839                tmp_rot[3], tmp_rot[4], tmp_rot[5],
840                tmp_rot[6], tmp_rot[7], tmp_rot[8]);
842        //  Recycle scratch arrays.
843        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_rot);
844        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp_scale);
846        return rot;
847    }
849    /**
850     * Returns the upper 3x3 values of this matrix (which contains combined rotation and
851     * scale information) and places them into the output matrix.
852     *
853     * @return A 3x3 matrix representing the combined rotation and scaling of this matrix.
854     */
855    public Matrix<Float64> getRotationScale() {
856        DCMatrix M = DCMatrix.valueOf(getValue(X, X), getValue(X, Y), getValue(X, Z),
857                getValue(Y, X), getValue(Y, Y), getValue(Y, Z),
858                getValue(Z, X), getValue(Z, Y), getValue(Z, Z));
859        return M.toFloat64Matrix();
860    }
862    /**
863     * Returns the translational components of this transformation matrix.
864     *
865     * @return The translational components of this transformation matrix.
866     */
867    public Vector<Length> getTranslation() {
868        return Vector.valueOf(METER, getValue(X, W), getValue(Y, W), getValue(Z, W));
869    }
871    /**
872     * Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the
873     * specified uniform scale factor applied.
874     *
875     * @param scale The scale factor to apply to this transformation.
876     * @return A new GTransform that is identical to this one, but with the specified
877     *         uniform scale factor applied.
878     */
879    public GTransform applyScale(double scale) {
881        /* Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring
882         out the current scale (by doing an SVD) from the rotational
883         component and multiplying by the new scale.
884         */
886        StackContext.enter();
887        try {
888            double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
889            double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
890            getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
892            Float64Vector row0 = Float64Vector.valueOf(tmp_rot[0] * scale, tmp_rot[1] * scale, tmp_rot[2] * scale, getValue(X, W));
893            Float64Vector row1 = Float64Vector.valueOf(tmp_rot[3] * scale, tmp_rot[4] * scale, tmp_rot[5] * scale, getValue(Y, W));
894            Float64Vector row2 = Float64Vector.valueOf(tmp_rot[6] * scale, tmp_rot[7] * scale, tmp_rot[8] * scale, getValue(Z, W));
895            Float64Vector row3 = getRow(3);
897            GTransform T = GTransform.newInstance(Float64Matrix.valueOf(row0, row1, row2, row3));
899            return StackContext.outerCopy(T);
901        } finally {
902            StackContext.exit();
903        }
904    }
906    /**
907     * Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the
908     * specified set of three scale factors applied in each axis (X,Y,Z).
909     *
910     * @param scale The scale factor in each dimension (X, Y &amp; Z) to apply to this
911     *              transformation. May not be null.
912     * @return A new GTransform that is identical to this one, but with the specified set
913     *         of three scale factors applied.
914     * @throws DimensionException if the input list of scale factors does not have 3
915     * elements.
916     */
917    public GTransform applyScale(Float64Vector scale) {
918        if (scale.getDimension() != 3)
919            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3elementScaleFReq"));
921        /* Sets the scale component of the current matrix by factoring
922         out the current scale (by doing an SVD) from the rotational
923         component and multiplying by the new scale.
924         */
926        StackContext.enter();
927        try {
928            double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
929            double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
930            getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
932            FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
933            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
934                double iX = getValue(i, X) * scale.getValue(X);
935                double iY = getValue(i, Y) * scale.getValue(Y);
936                double iZ = getValue(i, Z) * scale.getValue(Z);
937                Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(iX, iY, iZ, getValue(i, W));
938                rowList.add(row);
939            }
940            rowList.add(getRow(3));
942            GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
944            return StackContext.outerCopy(T);
945        } finally {
946            StackContext.exit();
947        }
948    }
950    /**
951     * Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the
952     * rotational components replaced with those in the specified direction cosine matrix.
953     * The effect of scale is factored out, then the new rotation components are placed in
954     * the upper-left 3x3 portion of the matrix and then the scale is reapplied.
955     *
956     * @param m1 The direction cosine matrix to apply to this matrix. May not be null.
957     * @return A new GTransform that is identical to this one, but with the rotational
958     *         components replaced with those in the specified direction cosine matrix.
959     * @throws DimensionException if matrix is not 3x3
960     */
961    public GTransform applyRotation(Matrix<Float64> m1) {
963        if (m1.getNumberOfColumns() != 3 && m1.getNumberOfRows() != 3)
964            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3x3DCMReq"));
966        /* Sets the rotational component of the current matrix by factoring
967         out the current scale (by doing an SVD) from the rotational
968         component, replacing the upper-left 3x3 with the input matrix
969         and then reapplying the old scale to the new rotational components.
970         */
972        StackContext.enter();
973        try {
974            double[] tmp_rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //   new double[9];  // scratch matrix
975            double[] tmp_scale = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3); //   new double[3];  // scratch matrix
976            getScaleRotate(tmp_scale, tmp_rot);
978            FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
979            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
980                double iX = m1.get(i, X).doubleValue() * tmp_scale[X];
981                double iY = m1.get(i, Y).doubleValue() * tmp_scale[Y];
982                double iZ = m1.get(i, Z).doubleValue() * tmp_scale[Z];
983                Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(iX, iY, iZ, getValue(i, W));
984                rowList.add(row);
985            }
986            rowList.add(getRow(3));
988            GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
990            return StackContext.outerCopy(T);
992        } finally {
993            StackContext.exit();
994        }
995    }
997    /**
998     * Return a new transformation matrix with the upper-left 3x3 portion of this matrix
999     * (rotation and scaling) replaced by the specified values. The remaining elements of
1000     * the matrix are left unchanged.
1001     *
1002     * @param m1 The 3x3 matrix that will be the new upper left portion. May not be null.
1003     * @return A new GTransform with the upper-left 3x3 portion of this matrix replaced by
1004     *         the specified values.
1005     * @throws DimensionException if m1 is not 3x3
1006     */
1007    public GTransform applyRotationScale(Matrix<Float64> m1) {
1009        if (m1.getNumberOfColumns() != 3 && m1.getNumberOfRows() != 3)
1010            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3x3MatrixReq"));
1012        StackContext.enter();
1013        try {
1014            FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
1015            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1016                double iX = m1.get(i, X).doubleValue();
1017                double iY = m1.get(i, Y).doubleValue();
1018                double iZ = m1.get(i, Z).doubleValue();
1019                Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(iX, iY, iZ, getValue(i, W));
1020                rowList.add(row);
1021            }
1022            rowList.add(getRow(3));
1024            GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
1026            return StackContext.outerCopy(T);
1028        } finally {
1029            StackContext.exit();
1030        }
1031    }
1033    /**
1034     * Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the
1035     * translation components replaced by the specified values. The remaining elements of
1036     * the matrix are left unchanged.
1037     *
1038     * @param trans The 3 element translation offsets in (X, Y &amp; Z). May not be null.
1039     * @return A new GTransform that is identical to this one, but with the translation
1040     *         components replaced by the specified values.
1041     */
1042    public GTransform applyTranslation(Vector<Length> trans) {
1044        //  Convert the translation to meters and then compute the new
1045        //  transformation matrix.
1046        GTransform T = this.applyTranslation(trans.to(METER).toFloat64Vector());
1048        return T;
1049    }
1051    /**
1052     * Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the
1053     * translation components replaced by the specified values. The remaining elements of
1054     * the matrix are left unchanged.
1055     *
1056     * @param trans The 3 element translation offsets in meters (X, Y &amp; Z). May not be null.
1057     * @return A new GTransform that is identical to this one, but with the translation
1058     *         components replaced by the specified values.
1059     * @throws DimensionException if input vector does not have exactly 3 elements.
1060     */
1061    public GTransform applyTranslation(Float64Vector trans) {
1062        if (trans.getDimension() != 3)
1063            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("3elementVectorReq"));
1065        StackContext.enter();
1066        try {
1067            FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
1068            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1069                double iX = getValue(i, X);
1070                double iY = getValue(i, Y);
1071                double iZ = getValue(i, Z);
1072                Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(iX, iY, iZ, trans.getValue(i));
1073                rowList.add(row);
1074            }
1075            rowList.add(getRow(3));
1077            GTransform T = GTransform.valueOf(rowList);
1079            return StackContext.outerCopy(T);
1081        } finally {
1082            StackContext.exit();
1083        }
1084    }
1086    /**
1087     * During serialization, this will write out the Float64Matrix as a simple series of
1088     * <code>double</code> values. This method is ONLY called by the Java Serialization
1089     * mechanism and should not otherwise be used.
1090     */
1091    private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException {
1093        // Call the default write object method.
1094        out.defaultWriteObject();
1096        //  Write out the matrix values.
1097        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
1098            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
1099                out.writeDouble(_data.get(i, j).doubleValue());
1101    }
1103    /**
1104     * During de-serialization, this will handle the reconstruction of the Float64Matrix.
1105     * This method is ONLY called by the Java Serialization mechanism and should not
1106     * otherwise be used.
1107     */
1108    private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
1110        // Call the default read object method.
1111        in.defaultReadObject();
1113        //  Read in the matrix values.
1114        FastTable<Float64Vector> rows = FastTable.newInstance();
1115        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
1116            double v1 = in.readDouble();
1117            double v2 = in.readDouble();
1118            double v3 = in.readDouble();
1119            double v4 = in.readDouble();
1120            Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(v1, v2, v3, v4);
1121            rows.add(row);
1122        }
1124        _data = Float64Matrix.valueOf(rows);
1126    }
1128    /**
1129     * ******* The Following taken from javax.vecmath.Matrix3d with minor mods **********
1130     */
1131    private void getScaleRotate(double scales[], double rots[]) {
1132        double[] tmp = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);       // scratch matrix
1134        tmp[0] = getValue(X, X);
1135        tmp[1] = getValue(X, Y);
1136        tmp[2] = getValue(X, Z);
1138        tmp[3] = getValue(Y, X);
1139        tmp[4] = getValue(Y, Y);
1140        tmp[5] = getValue(Y, Z);
1142        tmp[6] = getValue(Z, X);
1143        tmp[7] = getValue(Z, Y);
1144        tmp[8] = getValue(Z, Z);
1146        compute_svd(tmp, scales, rots);
1148        //  Recycle the scratch array.
1149        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp);
1150    }
1152    private static final double EPS = 1.110223024E-16;
1154    private static void compute_svd(double[] m, double[] outScale, double[] outRot) {
1155        double[] u1 = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);        //  new double[9];
1156        double[] v1 = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);        //  new double[9];
1157        double[] t1 = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);        //  new double[9];
1158        double[] t2 = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);        //  new double[9];
1160        double[] tmp = t1;
1161        double[] single_values = t2;
1163        double[] rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);       //  new double[9];
1164        double[] e = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3);         //  new double[3];
1165        double[] scales = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3);    //  new double[3];
1167        try {
1168            System.arraycopy(m, 0, rot, 0, 9);
1170            // u1
1171            if (m[3] * m[3] < EPS) {
1172                u1[0] = 1.0;
1173                u1[1] = 0.0;
1174                u1[2] = 0.0;
1175                u1[3] = 0.0;
1176                u1[4] = 1.0;
1177                u1[5] = 0.0;
1178                u1[6] = 0.0;
1179                u1[7] = 0.0;
1180                u1[8] = 1.0;
1181            } else if (m[0] * m[0] < EPS) {
1182                tmp[0] = m[0];
1183                tmp[1] = m[1];
1184                tmp[2] = m[2];
1185                m[0] = m[3];
1186                m[1] = m[4];
1187                m[2] = m[5];
1189                m[3] = -tmp[0]; // zero
1190                m[4] = -tmp[1];
1191                m[5] = -tmp[2];
1193                u1[0] = 0.0;
1194                u1[1] = 1.0;
1195                u1[2] = 0.0;
1196                u1[3] = -1.0;
1197                u1[4] = 0.0;
1198                u1[5] = 0.0;
1199                u1[6] = 0.0;
1200                u1[7] = 0.0;
1201                u1[8] = 1.0;
1202            } else {
1203                double g = 1.0 / sqrt(m[0] * m[0] + m[3] * m[3]);
1204                double c1 = m[0] * g;
1205                double s1 = m[3] * g;
1206                tmp[0] = c1 * m[0] + s1 * m[3];
1207                tmp[1] = c1 * m[1] + s1 * m[4];
1208                tmp[2] = c1 * m[2] + s1 * m[5];
1210                m[3] = -s1 * m[0] + c1 * m[3]; // zero
1211                m[4] = -s1 * m[1] + c1 * m[4];
1212                m[5] = -s1 * m[2] + c1 * m[5];
1214                m[0] = tmp[0];
1215                m[1] = tmp[1];
1216                m[2] = tmp[2];
1217                u1[0] = c1;
1218                u1[1] = s1;
1219                u1[2] = 0.0;
1220                u1[3] = -s1;
1221                u1[4] = c1;
1222                u1[5] = 0.0;
1223                u1[6] = 0.0;
1224                u1[7] = 0.0;
1225                u1[8] = 1.0;
1226            }
1228            // u2
1229            if (m[6] * m[6] < EPS) {
1230            } else if (m[0] * m[0] < EPS) {
1231                tmp[0] = m[0];
1232                tmp[1] = m[1];
1233                tmp[2] = m[2];
1234                m[0] = m[6];
1235                m[1] = m[7];
1236                m[2] = m[8];
1238                m[6] = -tmp[0]; // zero
1239                m[7] = -tmp[1];
1240                m[8] = -tmp[2];
1242                tmp[0] = u1[0];
1243                tmp[1] = u1[1];
1244                tmp[2] = u1[2];
1245                u1[0] = u1[6];
1246                u1[1] = u1[7];
1247                u1[2] = u1[8];
1249                u1[6] = -tmp[0]; // zero
1250                u1[7] = -tmp[1];
1251                u1[8] = -tmp[2];
1252            } else {
1253                double g = 1.0 / sqrt(m[0] * m[0] + m[6] * m[6]);
1254                double c2 = m[0] * g;
1255                double s2 = m[6] * g;
1256                tmp[0] = c2 * m[0] + s2 * m[6];
1257                tmp[1] = c2 * m[1] + s2 * m[7];
1258                tmp[2] = c2 * m[2] + s2 * m[8];
1260                m[6] = -s2 * m[0] + c2 * m[6];
1261                m[7] = -s2 * m[1] + c2 * m[7];
1262                m[8] = -s2 * m[2] + c2 * m[8];
1263                m[0] = tmp[0];
1264                m[1] = tmp[1];
1265                m[2] = tmp[2];
1267                tmp[0] = c2 * u1[0];
1268                tmp[1] = c2 * u1[1];
1269                u1[2] = s2;
1271                tmp[6] = -u1[0] * s2;
1272                tmp[7] = -u1[1] * s2;
1273                u1[8] = c2;
1274                u1[0] = tmp[0];
1275                u1[1] = tmp[1];
1276                u1[6] = tmp[6];
1277                u1[7] = tmp[7];
1278            }
1280            // v1
1281            if (m[2] * m[2] < EPS) {
1282                v1[0] = 1.0;
1283                v1[1] = 0.0;
1284                v1[2] = 0.0;
1285                v1[3] = 0.0;
1286                v1[4] = 1.0;
1287                v1[5] = 0.0;
1288                v1[6] = 0.0;
1289                v1[7] = 0.0;
1290                v1[8] = 1.0;
1291            } else if (m[1] * m[1] < EPS) {
1292                tmp[2] = m[2];
1293                tmp[5] = m[5];
1294                tmp[8] = m[8];
1295                m[2] = -m[1];
1296                m[5] = -m[4];
1297                m[8] = -m[7];
1299                m[1] = tmp[2]; // zero
1300                m[4] = tmp[5];
1301                m[7] = tmp[8];
1303                v1[0] = 1.0;
1304                v1[1] = 0.0;
1305                v1[2] = 0.0;
1306                v1[3] = 0.0;
1307                v1[4] = 0.0;
1308                v1[5] = -1.0;
1309                v1[6] = 0.0;
1310                v1[7] = 1.0;
1311                v1[8] = 0.0;
1312            } else {
1313                double g = 1.0 / sqrt(m[1] * m[1] + m[2] * m[2]);
1314                double c3 = m[1] * g;
1315                double s3 = m[2] * g;
1316                tmp[1] = c3 * m[1] + s3 * m[2];  // can assign to m[1]?
1317                m[2] = -s3 * m[1] + c3 * m[2];  // zero
1318                m[1] = tmp[1];
1320                tmp[4] = c3 * m[4] + s3 * m[5];
1321                m[5] = -s3 * m[4] + c3 * m[5];
1322                m[4] = tmp[4];
1324                tmp[7] = c3 * m[7] + s3 * m[8];
1325                m[8] = -s3 * m[7] + c3 * m[8];
1326                m[7] = tmp[7];
1328                v1[0] = 1.0;
1329                v1[1] = 0.0;
1330                v1[2] = 0.0;
1331                v1[3] = 0.0;
1332                v1[4] = c3;
1333                v1[5] = -s3;
1334                v1[6] = 0.0;
1335                v1[7] = s3;
1336                v1[8] = c3;
1337            }
1339            // u3
1340            if (m[7] * m[7] < EPS) {
1341            } else if (m[4] * m[4] < EPS) {
1342                tmp[3] = m[3];
1343                tmp[4] = m[4];
1344                tmp[5] = m[5];
1345                m[3] = m[6];   // zero
1346                m[4] = m[7];
1347                m[5] = m[8];
1349                m[6] = -tmp[3]; // zero
1350                m[7] = -tmp[4]; // zero
1351                m[8] = -tmp[5];
1353                tmp[3] = u1[3];
1354                tmp[4] = u1[4];
1355                tmp[5] = u1[5];
1356                u1[3] = u1[6];
1357                u1[4] = u1[7];
1358                u1[5] = u1[8];
1360                u1[6] = -tmp[3]; // zero
1361                u1[7] = -tmp[4];
1362                u1[8] = -tmp[5];
1364            } else {
1365                double g = 1.0 / sqrt(m[4] * m[4] + m[7] * m[7]);
1366                double c4 = m[4] * g;
1367                double s4 = m[7] * g;
1368                tmp[3] = c4 * m[3] + s4 * m[6];
1369                m[6] = -s4 * m[3] + c4 * m[6];  // zero
1370                m[3] = tmp[3];
1372                tmp[4] = c4 * m[4] + s4 * m[7];
1373                m[7] = -s4 * m[4] + c4 * m[7];
1374                m[4] = tmp[4];
1376                tmp[5] = c4 * m[5] + s4 * m[8];
1377                m[8] = -s4 * m[5] + c4 * m[8];
1378                m[5] = tmp[5];
1380                tmp[3] = c4 * u1[3] + s4 * u1[6];
1381                u1[6] = -s4 * u1[3] + c4 * u1[6];
1382                u1[3] = tmp[3];
1384                tmp[4] = c4 * u1[4] + s4 * u1[7];
1385                u1[7] = -s4 * u1[4] + c4 * u1[7];
1386                u1[4] = tmp[4];
1388                tmp[5] = c4 * u1[5] + s4 * u1[8];
1389                u1[8] = -s4 * u1[5] + c4 * u1[8];
1390                u1[5] = tmp[5];
1391            }
1393            single_values[0] = m[0];
1394            single_values[1] = m[4];
1395            single_values[2] = m[8];
1396            e[0] = m[1];
1397            e[1] = m[5];
1399            if (!(e[0] * e[0] < EPS && e[1] * e[1] < EPS)) {
1400                compute_qr(single_values, e, u1, v1);
1401            }
1403            scales[0] = single_values[0];
1404            scales[1] = single_values[1];
1405            scales[2] = single_values[2];
1407            // Do some optimization here. If scale is unity, simply return the rotation matric.
1408            if (almostEqual(abs(scales[0]), 1.0)
1409                    && almostEqual(abs(scales[1]), 1.0)
1410                    && almostEqual(abs(scales[2]), 1.0)) {
1411                //  System.out.println("Scale components almost to 1.0");
1413                int negCnt = 0;
1414                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1415                    if (scales[i] < 0.0)
1416                        negCnt++;
1417                }
1419                if ((negCnt == 0) || (negCnt == 2)) {
1420                    //System.out.println("Optimize!!");
1421                    outScale[0] = outScale[1] = outScale[2] = 1.0;
1422                    System.arraycopy(rot, 0, outRot, 0, 9);
1424                    return;
1425                }
1426            }
1428            transpose_mat(u1, t1);
1429            transpose_mat(v1, t2);
1431            /*
1432             System.out.println("t1 is \n" + t1);
1433             System.out.println("t1="+t1[0]+" "+t1[1]+" "+t1[2]);
1434             System.out.println("t1="+t1[3]+" "+t1[4]+" "+t1[5]);
1435             System.out.println("t1="+t1[6]+" "+t1[7]+" "+t1[8]);
1437             System.out.println("t2 is \n" + t2);
1438             System.out.println("t2="+t2[0]+" "+t2[1]+" "+t2[2]);
1439             System.out.println("t2="+t2[3]+" "+t2[4]+" "+t2[5]);
1440             System.out.println("t2="+t2[6]+" "+t2[7]+" "+t2[8]);
1441             */
1442            svdReorder(m, t1, t2, scales, outRot, outScale);
1444        } finally {
1445            //  Recycle scratch arrays.
1446            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(u1);
1447            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(v1);
1448            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(t1);
1449            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(t2);
1450            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(rot);
1451            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(e);
1452            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(scales);
1453        }
1454    }
1456    private static void svdReorder(double[] m, double[] t1, double[] t2, double[] scales,
1457            double[] outRot, double[] outScale) {
1459        int[] out = ArrayFactory.INTS_FACTORY.array(3);         //  new int[3];
1460        int[] in = ArrayFactory.INTS_FACTORY.array(3);          //  new int[3];
1461        double[] mag = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(3);   //  new double[3];
1462        double[] rot = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);   //  new double[9];
1464        // check for rotation information in the scales
1465        if (scales[0] < 0.0) {   // move the rotation info to rotation matrix
1466            scales[0] = -scales[0];
1467            t2[0] = -t2[0];
1468            t2[1] = -t2[1];
1469            t2[2] = -t2[2];
1470        }
1471        if (scales[1] < 0.0) {   // move the rotation info to rotation matrix
1472            scales[1] = -scales[1];
1473            t2[3] = -t2[3];
1474            t2[4] = -t2[4];
1475            t2[5] = -t2[5];
1476        }
1477        if (scales[2] < 0.0) {   // move the rotation info to rotation matrix
1478            scales[2] = -scales[2];
1479            t2[6] = -t2[6];
1480            t2[7] = -t2[7];
1481            t2[8] = -t2[8];
1482        }
1484        mat_mul(t1, t2, rot);
1486        // check for equal scales case  and do not reorder
1487        if (almostEqual(abs(scales[0]), abs(scales[1]))
1488                && almostEqual(abs(scales[1]), abs(scales[2]))) {
1489            System.arraycopy(rot, 0, outRot, 0, 9);
1490            System.arraycopy(scales, 0, outScale, 0, 3);
1492        } else {
1494            // sort the order of the results of SVD
1495            if (scales[0] > scales[1]) {
1496                if (scales[0] > scales[2]) {
1497                    if (scales[2] > scales[1]) {
1498                        out[0] = 0;
1499                        out[1] = 2;
1500                        out[2] = 1; // xzy
1501                    } else {
1502                        out[0] = 0;
1503                        out[1] = 1;
1504                        out[2] = 2; // xyz
1505                    }
1506                } else {
1507                    out[0] = 2;
1508                    out[1] = 0;
1509                    out[2] = 1; // zxy
1510                }
1511            } else {  // y > x
1512                if (scales[1] > scales[2]) {
1513                    if (scales[2] > scales[0]) {
1514                        out[0] = 1;
1515                        out[1] = 2;
1516                        out[2] = 0; // yzx
1517                    } else {
1518                        out[0] = 1;
1519                        out[1] = 0;
1520                        out[2] = 2; // yxz
1521                    }
1522                } else {
1523                    out[0] = 2;
1524                    out[1] = 1;
1525                    out[2] = 0; // zyx
1526                }
1527            }
1529            /*
1530             System.out.println("\nscales="+scales[0]+" "+scales[1]+" "+scales[2]);
1531             System.out.println("\nrot="+rot[0]+" "+rot[1]+" "+rot[2]);
1532             System.out.println("rot="+rot[3]+" "+rot[4]+" "+rot[5]);
1533             System.out.println("rot="+rot[6]+" "+rot[7]+" "+rot[8]);
1534             */
1535            // sort the order of the input matrix
1536            mag[0] = (m[0] * m[0] + m[1] * m[1] + m[2] * m[2]);
1537            mag[1] = (m[3] * m[3] + m[4] * m[4] + m[5] * m[5]);
1538            mag[2] = (m[6] * m[6] + m[7] * m[7] + m[8] * m[8]);
1540            int in0, in1, in2;
1541            if (mag[0] > mag[1]) {
1542                if (mag[0] > mag[2]) {
1543                    if (mag[2] > mag[1]) {
1544                        // 0 - 2 - 1
1545                        in0 = 0;
1546                        in2 = 1;
1547                        in1 = 2;// xzy
1548                    } else {
1549                        // 0 - 1 - 2
1550                        in0 = 0;
1551                        in1 = 1;
1552                        in2 = 2; // xyz
1553                    }
1554                } else {
1555                    // 2 - 0 - 1
1556                    in2 = 0;
1557                    in0 = 1;
1558                    in1 = 2;  // zxy
1559                }
1560            } else {  // y > x   1>0
1561                if (mag[1] > mag[2]) {
1562                    if (mag[2] > mag[0]) {
1563                        // 1 - 2 - 0
1564                        in1 = 0;
1565                        in2 = 1;
1566                        in0 = 2; // yzx
1567                    } else {
1568                        // 1 - 0 - 2
1569                        in1 = 0;
1570                        in0 = 1;
1571                        in2 = 2; // yxz
1572                    }
1573                } else {
1574                    // 2 - 1 - 0
1575                    in2 = 0;
1576                    in1 = 1;
1577                    in0 = 2; // zyx
1578                }
1579            }
1581            int index = out[in0];
1582            outScale[0] = scales[index];
1584            index = out[in1];
1585            outScale[1] = scales[index];
1587            index = out[in2];
1588            outScale[2] = scales[index];
1590            index = out[in0];
1591            outRot[0] = rot[index];
1593            index = out[in0] + 3;
1594            outRot[0 + 3] = rot[index];
1596            index = out[in0] + 6;
1597            outRot[0 + 6] = rot[index];
1599            index = out[in1];
1600            outRot[1] = rot[index];
1602            index = out[in1] + 3;
1603            outRot[1 + 3] = rot[index];
1605            index = out[in1] + 6;
1606            outRot[1 + 6] = rot[index];
1608            index = out[in2];
1609            outRot[2] = rot[index];
1611            index = out[in2] + 3;
1612            outRot[2 + 3] = rot[index];
1614            index = out[in2] + 6;
1615            outRot[2 + 6] = rot[index];
1616        }
1618        //  Recycle scratch arrays.
1619        ArrayFactory.INTS_FACTORY.recycle(out);
1620        ArrayFactory.INTS_FACTORY.recycle(in);
1621        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(mag);
1622        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(rot);
1623    }
1625    private static void compute_qr(double[] s, double[] e, double[] u, double[] v) {
1627        double[] cosl = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(2);  //  new double[2];
1628        double[] cosr = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(2);  //  new double[2];
1629        double[] sinl = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(2);  //  new double[2];
1630        double[] sinr = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(2);  //  new double[2];
1631        double[] m = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);     //  new double[9];
1633        final int MAX_INTERATIONS = 10;
1634        final double CONVERGE_TOL = 4.89E-15;
1635        final double c_b48 = 1.;
1637        boolean converged = false;
1638        if (abs(e[1]) < CONVERGE_TOL || abs(e[0]) < CONVERGE_TOL)
1639            converged = true;
1641        for (int k = 0; k < MAX_INTERATIONS && !converged; k++) {
1642            double shift = compute_shift(s[1], e[1], s[2]);
1643            double f = (abs(s[0]) - shift) * (d_sign(c_b48, s[0]) + shift / s[0]);
1644            double g = e[0];
1645            compute_rot(f, g, sinr, cosr, 0);
1646            f = cosr[0] * s[0] + sinr[0] * e[0];
1647            e[0] = cosr[0] * e[0] - sinr[0] * s[0];
1648            g = sinr[0] * s[1];
1649            s[1] = cosr[0] * s[1];
1651            double r = compute_rot(f, g, sinl, cosl, 0);
1652            s[0] = r;
1653            f = cosl[0] * e[0] + sinl[0] * s[1];
1654            s[1] = cosl[0] * s[1] - sinl[0] * e[0];
1655            g = sinl[0] * e[1];
1656            e[1] = cosl[0] * e[1];
1658            r = compute_rot(f, g, sinr, cosr, 1);
1659            e[0] = r;
1660            f = cosr[1] * s[1] + sinr[1] * e[1];
1661            e[1] = cosr[1] * e[1] - sinr[1] * s[1];
1662            g = sinr[1] * s[2];
1663            s[2] = cosr[1] * s[2];
1665            r = compute_rot(f, g, sinl, cosl, 1);
1666            s[1] = r;
1667            f = cosl[1] * e[1] + sinl[1] * s[2];
1668            s[2] = cosl[1] * s[2] - sinl[1] * e[1];
1669            e[1] = f;
1671            // update u  matrices
1672            double utemp = u[0];
1673            u[0] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[3];
1674            u[3] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[3];
1675            utemp = u[1];
1676            u[1] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[4];
1677            u[4] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[4];
1678            utemp = u[2];
1679            u[2] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[5];
1680            u[5] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[5];
1682            utemp = u[3];
1683            u[3] = cosl[1] * utemp + sinl[1] * u[6];
1684            u[6] = -sinl[1] * utemp + cosl[1] * u[6];
1685            utemp = u[4];
1686            u[4] = cosl[1] * utemp + sinl[1] * u[7];
1687            u[7] = -sinl[1] * utemp + cosl[1] * u[7];
1688            utemp = u[5];
1689            u[5] = cosl[1] * utemp + sinl[1] * u[8];
1690            u[8] = -sinl[1] * utemp + cosl[1] * u[8];
1692            // update v  matrices
1693            double vtemp = v[0];
1694            v[0] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[1];
1695            v[1] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[1];
1696            vtemp = v[3];
1697            v[3] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[4];
1698            v[4] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[4];
1699            vtemp = v[6];
1700            v[6] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[7];
1701            v[7] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[7];
1703            vtemp = v[1];
1704            v[1] = cosr[1] * vtemp + sinr[1] * v[2];
1705            v[2] = -sinr[1] * vtemp + cosr[1] * v[2];
1706            vtemp = v[4];
1707            v[4] = cosr[1] * vtemp + sinr[1] * v[5];
1708            v[5] = -sinr[1] * vtemp + cosr[1] * v[5];
1709            vtemp = v[7];
1710            v[7] = cosr[1] * vtemp + sinr[1] * v[8];
1711            v[8] = -sinr[1] * vtemp + cosr[1] * v[8];
1713            m[0] = s[0];
1714            m[1] = e[0];
1715            m[2] = 0.0;
1716            m[3] = 0.0;
1717            m[4] = s[1];
1718            m[5] = e[1];
1719            m[6] = 0.0;
1720            m[7] = 0.0;
1721            m[8] = s[2];
1723            if (abs(e[1]) < CONVERGE_TOL || abs(e[0]) < CONVERGE_TOL)
1724                converged = true;
1725        }
1727        if (abs(e[1]) < CONVERGE_TOL) {
1728            compute_2X2(s[0], e[0], s[1], s, sinl, cosl, sinr, cosr, 0);
1730            double utemp = u[0];
1731            u[0] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[3];
1732            u[3] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[3];
1733            utemp = u[1];
1734            u[1] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[4];
1735            u[4] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[4];
1736            utemp = u[2];
1737            u[2] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[5];
1738            u[5] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[5];
1740            // update v  matrices
1741            double vtemp = v[0];
1742            v[0] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[1];
1743            v[1] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[1];
1744            vtemp = v[3];
1745            v[3] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[4];
1746            v[4] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[4];
1747            vtemp = v[6];
1748            v[6] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[7];
1749            v[7] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[7];
1750        } else {
1751            compute_2X2(s[1], e[1], s[2], s, sinl, cosl, sinr, cosr, 1);
1753            double utemp = u[3];
1754            u[3] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[6];
1755            u[6] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[6];
1756            utemp = u[4];
1757            u[4] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[7];
1758            u[7] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[7];
1759            utemp = u[5];
1760            u[5] = cosl[0] * utemp + sinl[0] * u[8];
1761            u[8] = -sinl[0] * utemp + cosl[0] * u[8];
1763            // update v  matrices
1764            double vtemp = v[1];
1765            v[1] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[2];
1766            v[2] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[2];
1767            vtemp = v[4];
1768            v[4] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[5];
1769            v[5] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[5];
1770            vtemp = v[7];
1771            v[7] = cosr[0] * vtemp + sinr[0] * v[8];
1772            v[8] = -sinr[0] * vtemp + cosr[0] * v[8];
1773        }
1775        //  Recycle the temporary arrays.
1776        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(cosl);
1777        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(cosr);
1778        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(sinl);
1779        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(sinr);
1780        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(m);
1782    }
1784    private static double max(double a, double b) {
1785        if (a > b)
1786            return (a);
1787        else
1788            return (b);
1789    }
1791    private static double min(double a, double b) {
1792        if (a < b)
1793            return (a);
1794        else
1795            return (b);
1796    }
1798    private static double d_sign(double a, double b) {
1799        double x = (a >= 0 ? a : -a);
1800        return (b >= 0 ? x : -x);
1801    }
1803    private static double compute_shift(double f, double g, double h) {
1804        double ssmin;
1806        double fa = abs(f);
1807        double ga = abs(g);
1808        double ha = abs(h);
1809        double fhmn = min(fa, ha);
1810        double fhmx = max(fa, ha);
1811        if (fhmn == 0.) {
1812            ssmin = 0.;
1813        } else {
1814            if (ga < fhmx) {
1815                double as = fhmn / fhmx + 1.;
1816                double at = (fhmx - fhmn) / fhmx;
1817                double d__1 = ga / fhmx;
1818                double au = d__1 * d__1;
1819                double c = 2. / (sqrt(as * as + au) + sqrt(at * at + au));
1820                ssmin = fhmn * c;
1821            } else {
1822                double au = fhmx / ga;
1823                if (au == 0.) {
1824                    ssmin = fhmn * fhmx / ga;
1825                } else {
1826                    double as = fhmn / fhmx + 1.;
1827                    double at = (fhmx - fhmn) / fhmx;
1828                    double d__1 = as * au;
1829                    double d__2 = at * au;
1830                    double c = 1. / (sqrt(d__1 * d__1 + 1.) + sqrt(d__2 * d__2 + 1.));
1831                    ssmin = fhmn * c * au;
1832                    ssmin += ssmin;
1833                }
1834            }
1835        }
1837        return (ssmin);
1838    }
1840    private static void compute_2X2(double f, double g, double h, double[] single_values,
1841            double[] snl, double[] csl, double[] snr, double[] csr, int index) {
1843        final double c_b3 = 2.;
1844        final double c_b4 = 1.;
1846        double ft = f;
1847        double fa = abs(ft);
1848        double ht = h;
1849        double ha = abs(h);
1851        int pmax = 1;
1852        boolean swap = false;
1853        if (ha > fa) {
1854            swap = true;
1855        }
1857        if (swap) {
1858            pmax = 3;
1859            double temp = ft;
1860            ft = ht;
1861            ht = temp;
1862            temp = fa;
1863            fa = ha;
1864            ha = temp;
1866        }
1867        double gt = g;
1868        double ga = abs(gt);
1869        if (ga == 0.) {
1871            single_values[1] = ha;
1872            single_values[0] = fa;
1873            //clt = 1.;
1874            //crt = 1.;
1875            //slt = 0.;
1876            //srt = 0.;
1877        } else {
1878            boolean gasmal = true;
1880            double ssmax = single_values[0];
1881            double ssmin = single_values[1];
1883            double clt = 0.0;
1884            double crt = 0.0;
1885            double slt = 0.0;
1886            double srt = 0.0;
1887            if (ga > fa) {
1888                pmax = 2;
1889                if (fa / ga < EPS) {
1891                    gasmal = false;
1892                    ssmax = ga;
1893                    if (ha > 1.) {
1894                        ssmin = fa / (ga / ha);
1895                    } else {
1896                        ssmin = fa / ga * ha;
1897                    }
1898                    clt = 1.;
1899                    slt = ht / gt;
1900                    srt = 1.;
1901                    crt = ft / gt;
1902                }
1903            }
1904            if (gasmal) {
1906                if (ga > fa) {
1907                    pmax = 2;
1908                    if (fa / ga < EPS) {
1910                        gasmal = false;
1911                        ssmax = ga;
1912                        if (ha > 1.) {
1913                            ssmin = fa / (ga / ha);
1914                        } else {
1915                            ssmin = fa / ga * ha;
1916                        }
1917                        clt = 1.;
1918                        slt = ht / gt;
1919                        srt = 1.;
1920                        crt = ft / gt;
1921                    }
1922                }
1923                if (gasmal) {
1925                    double d = fa - ha;
1926                    double l;
1927                    if (d == fa) {
1928                        l = 1.;
1929                    } else {
1930                        l = d / fa;
1931                    }
1933                    double m = gt / ft;
1935                    double t = 2. - l;
1937                    double mm = m * m;
1938                    double tt = t * t;
1939                    double s = sqrt(tt + mm);
1941                    double r;
1942                    if (l == 0.) {
1943                        r = abs(m);
1944                    } else {
1945                        r = sqrt(l * l + mm);
1946                    }
1948                    double a = (s + r) * .5;
1950                    ssmin = ha / a;
1951                    ssmax = fa * a;
1952                    if (mm == 0.) {
1954                        if (l == 0.) {
1955                            t = d_sign(c_b3, ft) * d_sign(c_b4, gt);
1956                        } else {
1957                            t = gt / d_sign(d, ft) + m / t;
1958                        }
1959                    } else {
1960                        t = (m / (s + t) + m / (r + l)) * (a + 1.);
1961                    }
1962                    l = sqrt(t * t + 4.);
1963                    crt = 2. / l;
1964                    srt = t / l;
1965                    clt = (crt + srt * m) / a;
1966                    slt = ht / ft * srt / a;
1967                }
1968            }
1969            if (swap) {
1970                csl[0] = srt;
1971                snl[0] = crt;
1972                csr[0] = slt;
1973                snr[0] = clt;
1974            } else {
1975                csl[0] = clt;
1976                snl[0] = slt;
1977                csr[0] = crt;
1978                snr[0] = srt;
1979            }
1981            double tsign = 0;
1982            if (pmax == 1) {
1983                tsign = d_sign(c_b4, csr[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, csl[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, f);
1984            }
1985            if (pmax == 2) {
1986                tsign = d_sign(c_b4, snr[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, csl[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, g);
1987            }
1988            if (pmax == 3) {
1989                tsign = d_sign(c_b4, snr[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, snl[0]) * d_sign(c_b4, h);
1990            }
1991            single_values[index] = d_sign(ssmax, tsign);
1992            double d__1 = tsign * d_sign(c_b4, f) * d_sign(c_b4, h);
1993            single_values[index + 1] = d_sign(ssmin, d__1);
1994        }
1996    }
1998    private static double compute_rot(double f, double g, double[] sin, double[] cos, int index) {
1999        double cs, sn;
2000        double scale;
2001        double r;
2002        final double safmn2 = 2.002083095183101E-146;
2003        final double safmx2 = 4.994797680505588E+145;
2005        if (g == 0.) {
2006            cs = 1.;
2007            sn = 0.;
2008            r = f;
2009        } else if (f == 0.) {
2010            cs = 0.;
2011            sn = 1.;
2012            r = g;
2013        } else {
2014            double f1 = f;
2015            double g1 = g;
2016            scale = max(abs(f1), abs(g1));
2017            if (scale >= safmx2) {
2018                int count = 0;
2019                while (scale >= safmx2) {
2020                    ++count;
2021                    f1 *= safmn2;
2022                    g1 *= safmn2;
2023                    scale = max(abs(f1), abs(g1));
2024                }
2025                r = sqrt(f1 * f1 + g1 * g1);
2026                cs = f1 / r;
2027                sn = g1 / r;
2028                for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
2029                    r *= safmx2;
2030                }
2031            } else if (scale <= safmn2) {
2032                int count = 0;
2033                while (scale <= safmn2) {
2034                    ++count;
2035                    f1 *= safmx2;
2036                    g1 *= safmx2;
2037                    scale = max(abs(f1), abs(g1));
2038                }
2039                r = sqrt(f1 * f1 + g1 * g1);
2040                cs = f1 / r;
2041                sn = g1 / r;
2042                for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
2043                    r *= safmn2;
2044                }
2045            } else {
2046                r = sqrt(f1 * f1 + g1 * g1);
2047                cs = f1 / r;
2048                sn = g1 / r;
2049            }
2050            if (abs(f) > abs(g) && cs < 0.) {
2051                cs = -cs;
2052                sn = -sn;
2053                r = -r;
2054            }
2055        }
2057        sin[index] = sn;
2058        cos[index] = cs;
2060        return r;
2061    }
2063    private static void mat_mul(double[] m1, double[] m2, double[] m3) {
2064        double[] tmp = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(9);       //  new double[9];
2066        tmp[0] = m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[1] * m2[3] + m1[2] * m2[6];
2067        tmp[1] = m1[0] * m2[1] + m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[7];
2068        tmp[2] = m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[1] * m2[5] + m1[2] * m2[8];
2070        tmp[3] = m1[3] * m2[0] + m1[4] * m2[3] + m1[5] * m2[6];
2071        tmp[4] = m1[3] * m2[1] + m1[4] * m2[4] + m1[5] * m2[7];
2072        tmp[5] = m1[3] * m2[2] + m1[4] * m2[5] + m1[5] * m2[8];
2074        tmp[6] = m1[6] * m2[0] + m1[7] * m2[3] + m1[8] * m2[6];
2075        tmp[7] = m1[6] * m2[1] + m1[7] * m2[4] + m1[8] * m2[7];
2076        tmp[8] = m1[6] * m2[2] + m1[7] * m2[5] + m1[8] * m2[8];
2078        System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, m3, 0, 9);
2080        ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(tmp);
2081    }
2083    private static void transpose_mat(double[] in, double[] out) {
2084        out[0] = in[0];
2085        out[1] = in[3];
2086        out[2] = in[6];
2088        out[3] = in[1];
2089        out[4] = in[4];
2090        out[5] = in[7];
2092        out[6] = in[2];
2093        out[7] = in[5];
2094        out[8] = in[8];
2095    }
2097    private static double max3(double[] values) {
2098        if (values[0] > values[1]) {
2099            if (values[0] > values[2])
2100                return (values[0]);
2101            else
2102                return (values[2]);
2103        } else {
2104            if (values[1] > values[2])
2105                return (values[1]);
2106            else
2107                return (values[2]);
2108        }
2109    }
2111    private static boolean almostEqual(double a, double b) {
2112        if (a == b)
2113            return true;
2115        final double EPSILON_ABSOLUTE = 1.0e-6;
2116        double diff = abs(a - b);
2118        if (diff < EPSILON_ABSOLUTE)
2119            return true;
2121        final double EPSILON_RELATIVE = 1.0e-4;
2122        double absA = abs(a);
2123        double absB = abs(b);
2124        double max = (absA >= absB) ? absA : absB;
2126        return (diff / max) < EPSILON_RELATIVE;
2127    }
2129    /**
2130     * Holds the default XML representation for this transformation matrix. For example:
2131     * <pre>
2132     *    &lt;GTransform&gt;
2133     *        &lt;Float64 value="1" /&gt;
2134     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2135     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2136     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2137     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2138     *        &lt;Float64 value="1" /&gt;
2139     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2140     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2141     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2142     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2143     *        &lt;Float64 value="1" /&gt;
2144     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2145     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2146     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2147     *        &lt;Float64 value="0" /&gt;
2148     *        &lt;Float64 value="1" /&gt;
2149     *    &lt;/GTransform&gt;
2150     * </pre>
2151     */
2152    protected static final XMLFormat<GTransform> XML
2153            = new XMLFormat<GTransform>(GTransform.class) {
2155                @Override
2156                public GTransform newInstance(Class<GTransform> cls, InputElement xml) throws XMLStreamException {
2157                    return FACTORY.object();
2158                }
2160                @Override
2161                public void read(InputElement xml, GTransform M) throws XMLStreamException {
2163                    FastTable<Float64Vector> rowList = FastTable.newInstance();
2165                    try {
2166                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
2167                            if (!xml.hasNext())
2168                                throw new XMLStreamException(
2169                                        MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("need16ElementsFoundLess"), i));
2171                            double x = ((Float64)xml.getNext()).doubleValue();
2172                            double y = ((Float64)xml.getNext()).doubleValue();
2173                            double z = ((Float64)xml.getNext()).doubleValue();
2174                            double w = ((Float64)xml.getNext()).doubleValue();
2175                            Float64Vector row = Float64Vector.valueOf(x, y, z, w);
2176                            rowList.add(row);
2177                        }
2179                        if (xml.hasNext())
2180                            throw new XMLStreamException(RESOURCES.getString("gtToManyElements"));
2182                        M._data = Float64Matrix.valueOf(rowList);
2184                    } finally {
2185                        FastTable.recycle(rowList);
2186                    }
2188                }
2190                @Override
2191                public void write(GTransform M, OutputElement xml) throws XMLStreamException {
2193                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
2194                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
2195                            xml.add(M.get(i, j));
2196                        }
2197                    }
2198                }
2199            };
2201    /**
2202     * Tests the methods in this class.
2203     *
2204     * @param args Command-line arguments (not used).
2205     */
2206    public static void main(String args[]) {
2207        System.out.println("Testing GTransform:");
2209        Parameter<Angle> psi = Parameter.valueOf(60, javax.measure.unit.NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE);
2210        Parameter<Angle> theta = Parameter.ZERO_ANGLE;
2211        Parameter<Angle> phi = Parameter.valueOf(20, javax.measure.unit.NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE);
2212        System.out.println("\npsi = " + psi);
2214        GTransform T1 = GTransform.newRotationZ(psi);
2215        System.out.println("   T1 = \n" + T1);
2217        System.out.println("\nphi = " + phi);
2219        GTransform T2 = GTransform.newRotationX(phi);
2220        System.out.println("   T2 = \n" + T2);
2221        System.out.println("   T1.times(T2) = \n" + T1.times(T2));
2223        System.out.println("\npsi = " + psi + ", theta = " + theta + ", phi = " + phi);
2224        DCMatrix M3 = DCMatrix.getEulerTM(psi, theta, phi);
2225        System.out.println("M3 = \n" + M3);
2226        GTransform T3 = GTransform.valueOf(M3);
2227        System.out.println("   T3 = \n" + T3);
2229        Point p1 = Point.valueOf(1, 1, 1, METER);
2230        System.out.println("\np1 = " + p1);
2231        System.out.println("M3.times(p1.toVector3D()) = " + M3.times(p1.toVector3D()));
2232        System.out.println("T3.transform(p1) = " + T3.transform(p1));
2233        System.out.println("T3.transform(p1).norm() = " + T3.transform(p1).norm() + " [1.73205080756888 m]");
2235        GTransform T4 = T3.applyScale(2.5);
2236        System.out.println("\nT4 = T3.applyScale(2.5);");
2237        System.out.println("T4.transform(p1) = " + T4.transform(p1));
2238        System.out.println("T4.transform(p1).norm() = " + T4.transform(p1).norm() + " [4.33012701892219 m]");
2239        System.out.println("T4.getScale() = " + T4.getScale());
2240        System.out.println("T4.getRotation() = \n" + T4.getRotation());
2242        GTransform T5 = GTransform.newTranslation(Vector.valueOf(METER, 10, -5, 0.5));
2243        System.out.println("\np1 = " + p1);
2244        System.out.println("T5.transform(p1) = " + T5.transform(p1) + " [11 m, -4 m, 1.5 m]");
2246        //  Write out XML data.
2247        try {
2248            System.out.println();
2250            // Creates some useful aliases for class names.
2251            javolution.xml.XMLBinding binding = new GeomXMLBinding();
2253            javolution.xml.XMLObjectWriter writer = javolution.xml.XMLObjectWriter.newInstance(System.out);
2254            writer.setIndentation("    ");
2255            writer.setBinding(binding);
2256            writer.write(T4, "GTransform", GTransform.class);
2257            writer.flush();
2259            System.out.println();
2260        } catch (Exception e) {
2261            e.printStackTrace();
2262        }
2264    }