002 * CSTCurveUtils -- A collection of methods for working with CSTCurve objects.
003 *
004 * Copyright (C) 2015-2019, by Joseph A. Huwaldt. All rights reserved.
005 *
006 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
007 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
008 * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009 *
010 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
011 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
012 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
013 *
014 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
015 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
016 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Or visit: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
017 */
018package geomss.geom.cst;
020import geomss.geom.*;
021import geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve;
022import geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory;
023import geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector;
024import jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter;
025import jahuwaldt.tools.math.BasisFunction;
026import jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools;
027import jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData;
028import jahuwaldt.tools.math.RootException;
029import java.text.MessageFormat;
030import java.util.Arrays;
031import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
032import java.util.ResourceBundle;
033import javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless;
034import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
035import javolution.context.ArrayFactory;
036import javolution.context.StackContext;
039 * A collection of methods for working with Class-Shape-Transform or {@link CSTCurve}
040 * curves.
041 *
042 * <p> Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt </p>
043 *
044 * @author Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: October 9, 2015
045 * @version December 23, 2019
046 */
047public final class CSTCurveUtils {
048    /**
049     * The resource bundle for this package.
050     */
051    private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCES = CSTCurve.RESOURCES;
053    /**
054     * Method that returns a {@link BasicCSTCurve} that approximates the input list of
055     * points on either the upper or lower surface of a blunt nosed airfoil. This is
056     * useful to approximate a specific airfoil or blunt LE body shape. This method offers
057     * control over the leading edge radius and the trailing edge slope. The input points
058     * must be ordered from leading edge to trailing edge and must be co-planar. In
059     * addition, the input xhat (chord- wise direction vector) must be parallel to or
060     * contained in the plane containing the points. The origin of the resulting CSTCurve
061     * will be taken as the first point in the input list of points and the trailing edge
062     * offset will be taken as the distance from the last point in the input list to the
063     * line formed by passing xhat through the origin point. Finally, the points must
064     * represent a shape that can be modeled by a blunt-nosed CST curve with the given
065     * class function or the fit will be very poor.
066     *
067     * @param order  The order for the Bezier curve used for the shape function. This
068     *               controls the accuracy that the input points are approximated.
069     * @param xhat   The chord-wise direction to assume for the input points. This vector
070     *               must lie parallel to the plane containing the points being
071     *               approximated. May not be null.
072     * @param rLE    The LE radius to use for the airfoil. May not be null.
073     * @param tanTE  The trailing edge tangent vector on the airfoil curve. May not be null.
074     * @param points The list of airfoil points ordered from leading edge to trailing edge
075     *               to be approximated by a CSTCurve. May not be null.
076     * @param tol    The tolerance to use when determining if the input points are
077     *               co-planar. May not be null.
078     * @return A new BasicCSTCurve that approximates the input list of points. The user
079     *         data with the key "CHISQ" contains the chi-squared measure of the fit. A
080     *         value near zero indicates a perfect fit.
081     * @throws RootException if a fit to the points could not be made.
082     */
083    public static BasicCSTCurve approxAirfoilPoints(int order, GeomVector<Dimensionless> xhat,
084            Parameter<Length> rLE, GeomVector<Dimensionless> tanTE, PointString<?> points,
085            Parameter<Length> tol) throws RootException {
086        requireNonNull(rLE);
087        requireNonNull(tanTE);
089        StackContext.enter();
090        try {
091            //  Is the input curve planar?
092            BasicNurbsCurve ncrv = CurveFactory.fitPoints(2, requireNonNull(points));
093            if (!ncrv.isPlanar(requireNonNull(tol)))
094                throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("approxPntsNotCoplanarErr"));
096            //  Find the largest dimension among the inputs.
097            int numDims = points.getPhyDimension();
098            if (numDims < xhat.getPhyDimension())
099                numDims = xhat.getPhyDimension();
100            if (numDims < 3)
101                numDims = 3;
103            //  Convert to common dimensions.
104            points = points.toDimension(numDims);
105            xhat = xhat.toDimension(numDims);
106            ncrv = ncrv.toDimension(numDims);
108            //  Since curve is planar, any binormal will work as the plane normal vector.
109            Vector<Dimensionless> nhat = ncrv.getBinormal(0.5);
110            Point pMid = nhat.getOrigin();
112            //  Determine the yhat direction for the curve.
113            Vector<Dimensionless> yhat = xhat.cross(nhat).toUnitVector();
115            //  The origin is the first point in the input list.
116            Point origin = points.get(0).immutable();
118            //  Determine the distance from the end of the points curve to the chord-line.
119            Point pTE = GeomUtil.pointLineClosest(points.get(-1), origin, xhat);
120            Parameter<Length> chord = pTE.distance(origin);
121            Parameter<Length> offsetTE = GeomUtil.pointPlaneDistance(points.get(-1), pTE, yhat);
122            double offsetTE_c = offsetTE.divide(chord).asType(Dimensionless.class).getValue(Dimensionless.UNIT);
123            if (MathTools.isApproxZero(offsetTE_c))
124                offsetTE_c = 0;
126            //  Check to make sure that xhat is in the plane of the curve.
127            double ftol = tol.divide(chord).asType(Dimensionless.class).getValue(Dimensionless.UNIT);
128            IntersectType itype = GeomUtil.linePlaneIntersect(origin, xhat, Plane.valueOf(nhat, pMid), null, ftol);
129            if (!itype.equals(IntersectType.COINCIDENT))
130                throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("xhatNotCoincidentWithPntsPlane"));
132            //  Create the class function we need.
133            CSTClassFunction Cf = CSTClassFunction.BLUNTNOSED_AIRFOIL;
135            //  Create the shape function values we are trying to approximate.
136            int size = points.size();
137            double[] Sf = new double[size];
138            double[] x_cArr = new double[size];
139            int sizem1 = size - 1;
140            for (int i = 1; i < sizem1; ++i) {
141                Vector<Length> pv = points.get(i).toGeomVector();
142                double x_c = xhat.times(pv).divide(chord).asType(Dimensionless.class).getValue(Dimensionless.UNIT);
143                double y_c = yhat.times(pv).divide(chord).asType(Dimensionless.class).getValue(Dimensionless.UNIT);
144                if (x_c < 0.)
145                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("X-location of point #" + (i+1) + " is < 0. All X-coordinates must be positive.");  
146                x_cArr[i] = x_c;
147                Sf[i] = (y_c - offsetTE_c * x_c) / Cf.getValue(x_c);
148            }
150            //  Use the input leading edge radius to compute Sf[0] = sqrt(2*rLE/c).
151            x_cArr[0] = 0;
152            double rLE_c = rLE.divide(chord).asType(Dimensionless.class).getValue(Dimensionless.UNIT);
153            Sf[0] = Math.sqrt(2*rLE_c);
155            //  Use the input trailing edge tangent vector to compute Sf[1] = tan(beta) + offsetTE/c.
156            x_cArr[sizem1] = 1;
157            Parameter tanTEx = xhat.times(tanTE);
158            Parameter tanTEy = yhat.times(tanTE).opposite();
159            double tanBeta = tanTEy.divide(tanTEx).getValue();
160            Sf[sizem1] = tanBeta + offsetTE_c;
162            //  Fit a set of basis function coefficients to the Sf data in a least-square error sense.
163            double[] coefs = new double[order];
164            double[] sig = new double[size];
165            Arrays.fill(sig, 1.0);
167            //  Force the curve to match the input LE radius and TE slope more accurately than other points.
168            sig[0] = 0.5;
169            sig[sizem1] = 0.5;
171            double chisq = ModelData.fit(x_cArr, Sf, sig, new BezierFitBasisFunction(order), coefs);
173            //  Create the Shape Function from the basis function fit coefficients.
174            CSTShapeFunction Sfunc = CSTShapeFunction.newInstance(order, coefs);
176            //  Create the CST curve for the airfoil.
177            BasicCSTCurve crv = BasicCSTCurve.newInstance(Cf, Sfunc, offsetTE, origin, chord, xhat, yhat);
178            crv.putUserData("CHISQ", chisq);
180            return StackContext.outerCopy(crv);
181        } finally {
182            StackContext.exit();
183        }
184    }
186    /**
187     * BasisFunction used to fit a Bezier curve to a set of data where the parameters of
188     * the function are the coefficients of the Bernstein polynomial of the Bezier curve.
189     */
190    private static class BezierFitBasisFunction implements BasisFunction {
191        private final KnotVector kv;
193        public BezierFitBasisFunction(int order) {
194            kv = KnotVector.bezierKnotVector(order-1);
195        }
197        @Override
198        public int getMinNumCoef() {
199            return kv.getDegree()+1;
200        }
202        @Override
203        public void func(double x, double[] p) {
204            double[] Nik = kv.basisFunctions(x);
205            int size = p.length;
206            for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
207                p[i] = Nik[i];
208            ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.recycle(Nik);
209        }
210    }
212    /**
213     * Return a {@link BasicCSTCurve} that represents the thickness distribution for an
214     * airfoil formed by the input upper and lower airfoil curves. The input curves must
215     * be of the same order.
216     *
217     * @param upper The {@link CSTCurve} that represents the upper surface of the airfoil.
218     *              May not be null.
219     * @param lower The {@link CSTCurve} that represents the lower surface of the airfoil.
220     *              May not be null.
221     * @return A curve that represents the thickness distribution for the airfoil. The
222     *         returned curve will have the same units, dimensions, origin, chord and
223     *         trailing edge thickness as the input upper surface curve.
224     */
225    public static BasicCSTCurve getThicknessDist(CSTCurve upper, CSTCurve lower) {
226        // Reference: Kulfan, B.M., Bussoletti, J.E., "'Fundamental' Parametric Geometry
227        //          Representations for Aircraft Component Shapes", AIAA-2006-6948, pg. 32.
229        CSTShapeFunction Supper = upper.getSFunction();
230        CSTShapeFunction Slower = lower.getSFunction();
231        int order = Supper.getOrder();
232        if (order != Slower.getOrder())
233            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
234                    RESOURCES.getString("crvsDifferentOrder"), "upper", "lower airfoil"));
236        //  Get the Bernstein Polynomial coefficients for each curve.
237        double[] Aupper = Supper.getCoefficients();
238        double[] Alower = Slower.getCoefficients();
240        //  Thickness distribution is formed form the average of the
241        //  upper and lower surface coefficients.
242        double[] Ath = Aupper;
243        for (int i=0; i < order; ++i) {
244            Ath[i] = (Aupper[i] + Alower[i])/2;
245        }
247        //  Create the Shape Function from the thickness profile coefficients.
248        CSTShapeFunction Sfunc = CSTShapeFunction.newInstance(order, Ath);
250        //  Create the CST curve for the airfoil.
251        BasicCSTCurve crv = BasicCSTCurve.newInstance(upper.getCFunction(), Sfunc, upper.getOffsetTE(), 
252                upper.getOrigin(), upper.getChord(), upper.getXhat(), upper.getYhat());
254        return crv;
255    }
257    /**
258     * Return a {@link BasicCSTCurve} that represents the camber distribution for an
259     * airfoil formed by the input upper and lower airfoil curves. The input curves must
260     * be of the same order.
261     *
262     * @param upper The {@link CSTCurve} that represents the upper surface of the airfoil.
263     *              May not be null.
264     * @param lower The {@link CSTCurve} that represents the lower surface of the airfoil.
265     *              May not be null.
266     * @return A curve that represents the camber distribution for the airfoil. The
267     *         returned curve will have the same units, dimensions, origin, chord and
268     *         trailing edge thickness as the input upper surface curve.
269     */
270    public static BasicCSTCurve getCamberDist(CSTCurve upper, CSTCurve lower) {
271        // Reference: Kulfan, B.M., Bussoletti, J.E., "'Fundamental' Parametric Geometry
272        //          Representations for Aircraft Component Shapes", AIAA-2006-6948, pg. 32.
274        CSTShapeFunction Supper = upper.getSFunction();
275        CSTShapeFunction Slower = lower.getSFunction();
276        int order = Supper.getOrder();
277        if (order != Slower.getOrder())
278            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
279                    RESOURCES.getString("crvsDifferentOrder"), "upper", "lower airfoil"));
281        //  Get the Bernstein Polynomial coefficients for each curve.
282        double[] Aupper = Supper.getCoefficients();
283        double[] Alower = Slower.getCoefficients();
285        //  Camber distribution is formed form the difference of the
286        //  upper and lower surface coefficients.
287        double[] Acamb = Aupper;
288        for (int i=0; i < order; ++i) {
289            Acamb[i] = (Aupper[i] - Alower[i])/2;
290        }
292        //  Create the Shape Function from the thickness profile coefficients.
293        CSTShapeFunction Sfunc = CSTShapeFunction.newInstance(order, Acamb);
295        //  Create the CST curve for the airfoil.
296        BasicCSTCurve crv = BasicCSTCurve.newInstance(upper.getCFunction(), Sfunc, upper.getOffsetTE(), 
297                upper.getOrigin(), upper.getChord(), upper.getXhat(), upper.getYhat());
299        return crv;
300    }