002 * SurfaceFactory -- A factory for creating NURBS surfaces.
003 * 
004 * Copyright (C) 2010-2025, by Joseph A. Huwaldt. All rights reserved.
005 * 
006 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
007 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
008 * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009 * 
010 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
011 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
012 * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
013 * 
014 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
015 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
016 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Or visit: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
017 * 
018 * This source file is based on, but heavily modified from, the LGPL jgeom (Geometry
019 * Library for Java) code, NurbsCreator.java, by Samuel Gerber, Copyright (C) 2005.
020 */
021package geomss.geom.nurbs;
023import geomss.geom.*;
024import jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter;
025import java.text.MessageFormat;
026import java.util.List;
027import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
028import java.util.ResourceBundle;
029import javax.measure.quantity.Angle;
030import javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless;
031import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
032import javax.measure.unit.SI;
033import javax.measure.unit.Unit;
034import javolution.context.ArrayFactory;
035import javolution.context.ImmortalContext;
036import javolution.context.StackContext;
037import static javolution.lang.MathLib.*;
038import javolution.util.FastTable;
039import org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64;
040import org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector;
043 * A collection of methods for creating NURBS surfaces
044 * 
045 * <p> Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt </p>
046 * 
047 * @author Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: June 15, 2010
048 * @version February 17, 2025
049 */
050public final class SurfaceFactory {
052    /**
053     * The resource bundle for this package.
054     */
055    private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCES = geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement.RESOURCES;
057    /**
058     * The length threshold for a set of points being considered a degenerate curve.
059     */
060    private static final double EPSC = 1e-10;
062    //  A generic geometry space tolerance
063    private static final Parameter<Length> GTOL;
065    static {
066        ImmortalContext.enter();
067        try {
068            GTOL = Parameter.valueOf(1e-8, SI.METER);
069        } finally {
070            ImmortalContext.exit();
071        }
072    }
074    private SurfaceFactory() { }
076    /**
077     * Create a sphere {@link NurbsSurface} about the specified center point with the
078     * specified radius.
079     *
080     * @param center The center of the sphere. May not be null.
081     * @param radius The radius of the sphere. May not be null.
082     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface representing the sphere.
083     */
084    public static BasicNurbsSurface createSphere(GeomPoint center, Parameter<Length> radius) {
085        requireNonNull(radius);
086        StackContext.enter();
087        try {
088            //  Make sure center point is at least 3D.
089            Point o = center.immutable();
090            int numDims = o.getPhyDimension();
091            if (numDims < 3) {
092                o = o.toDimension(3);
093                numDims = 3;
094            }
096            //  Create a polar axis.
097            Vector<Dimensionless> polarAxis = GeomUtil.makeZVector(numDims);
098            polarAxis.setOrigin(o);
100            //  Create a normal vector for the semi-circle.
101            Vector<Dimensionless> n = GeomUtil.makeYVector(numDims);
103            //  Create the sphere cross-section.
104            NurbsCurve xsec = CurveFactory.createSemiCircle(o, radius, n);
106            //  Revolve into a sphere.
107            BasicNurbsSurface srf = createRevolvedSurface(polarAxis, xsec, 0, TWO_PI);
108            return StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
110        } finally {
111            StackContext.exit();
112        }
113    }
115    /**
116     * Create a torus {@link NurbsSurface} about the specified center point and axis. The
117     * surface will be parameterized such that the "s" direction is around the
118     * cross-section of the torus and the t-direction is around the axis.
119     *
120     * @param center      The center of the torus. May not be null.
121     * @param axis        The axis to place the torus about. May not be null.
122     * @param innerRadius The inner radius of the torus. May not be null.
123     * @param outerRadius The outer radius of the torus. May not be null.
124     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface representing the torus.
125     */
126    public static BasicNurbsSurface createTorus(GeomPoint center, GeomVector<Dimensionless> axis,
127            Parameter<Length> innerRadius, Parameter<Length> outerRadius) throws DimensionException {
128        requireNonNull(innerRadius);
130        //  Make sure the input axis is at least 3 dimensional.
131        int numDims = axis.getPhyDimension();
132        if (numDims < 3)
133            axis = axis.toDimension(3);
134        numDims = center.getPhyDimension();
135        if (numDims < 3)
136            center = center.toDimension(3);
137        if (center.getPhyDimension() != axis.getPhyDimension())
138            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("pointAxisDimErr"));
140        StackContext.enter();
141        try {
142            //  Create the yhat & xhat vector (Y & X axes, orthogonal to axis and each other,
143            //  in the plane of the torus).
144            Vector<Dimensionless> yhat = GeomUtil.calcYHat(axis);
145            Vector<Dimensionless> xhat = GeomUtil.calcXHat(axis, yhat);
147            //  The radius of the torus cross-section.
148            Parameter<Length> xsec_radius = outerRadius.minus(innerRadius).divide(2);
150            //  Find the center of the x-section.
151            Point xsec_c = center.plus(Point.valueOf(xhat.times(innerRadius.plus(xsec_radius))));
153            //  Create a x-section circle.
154            NurbsCurve xsec = CurveFactory.createCircle(xsec_c, xsec_radius, yhat);
156            //  Revolve into a torus.
157            BasicNurbsSurface srf = createRevolvedSurface(axis, xsec, 0, TWO_PI);
158            return StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
160        } finally {
161            StackContext.exit();
162        }
163    }
165    /**
166     * Create a surface of revolution {@link NurbsSurface} by sweeping the specified curve
167     * about the specified axis. The surface will be parameterized such that the curve
168     * defines the "s" direction and the revolution around the axis is the "t" direction.
169     *
170     * @param axis  The axis to sweep the curve about (the vector gives direction; use
171     *              axis.setOrigin() to set a point on the axis). May not be null.
172     * @param curve The curve to be revolved around the axis. May not be null.
173     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface for the input curve revolved around the input axis.
174     */
175    public static BasicNurbsSurface createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless> axis, NurbsCurve curve)
176            throws DimensionException {
177        return createRevolvedSurface(axis, curve, Parameter.ZERO_ANGLE, Parameter.TWOPI_ANGLE);
178    }
180    /**
181     * Create a surface of revolution {@link NurbsSurface} by sweeping the specified curve
182     * about the specified axis with the specified curve and angular start and stop values
183     * (relative to the curve and axis). The surface will be parameterized such that the
184     * curve defines the "s" direction and the revolution around the axis is the "t"
185     * direction.
186     *
187     * @param axis  The axis to sweep the curve about (the vector gives direction; use
188     *              axis.setOrigin() to set a point on the axis). May not be null.
189     * @param curve The curve to be revolved around the axis. May not be null.
190     * @param theta The angle to revolve the curve through (starting at the curve's
191     *              position). May not be null.
192     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface for the input curve revolved around the input axis.
193     */
194    public static BasicNurbsSurface createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless> axis, NurbsCurve curve,
195            Parameter<Angle> theta) throws DimensionException {
196        return createRevolvedSurface(axis, curve, Parameter.ZERO_ANGLE, theta);
197    }
199    /**
200     * Create a surface of revolution {@link NurbsSurface} by sweeping the specified curve
201     * about the specified axis with the specified curve and angular start and stop values
202     * (relative to the curve and axis). The surface will be parameterized such that the
203     * curve defines the "s" direction and the revolution around the axis is the "t"
204     * direction.
205     *
206     * @param axis   The axis to sweep the curve about (the vector gives direction; use
207     *               axis.setOrigin() to set a point on the axis). May not be null.
208     * @param curve  The curve to be revolved around the axis. May not be null.
209     * @param thetaS The start angle to revolve the curve through (starting at the curve's
210     *               position). May not be null.
211     * @param thetaE The end angle to revolve the curve through (starting at the curve's
212     *               position). If the end angle is smaller than the start angle, it is
213     *               increased by increments of 2*PI until it is larger than the start
214     *               angle. May not be null.
215     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface for the input curve revolved around the input axis.
216     */
217    public static BasicNurbsSurface createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless> axis, NurbsCurve curve,
218            Parameter<Angle> thetaS, Parameter<Angle> thetaE) throws DimensionException {
219        int numDims = curve.getPhyDimension();
220        if (numDims < 3)
221            throw new DimensionException(
222                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("dimensionNotAtLeast3"), "curve", numDims));
223        if (axis.getPhyDimension() != numDims)
224            throw new DimensionException(RESOURCES.getString("crvAxisDimErr"));
226        return createRevolvedSurface(axis, curve, thetaS.getValue(SI.RADIAN), thetaE.getValue(SI.RADIAN));
227    }
229    /**
230     * Create a surface of revolution {@link NurbsSurface} by sweeping the specified curve
231     * about the specified axis with the specified curve and angular start and stop values
232     * (relative to the curve and axis). The surface will be parameterized such that the
233     * curve defines the "s" direction and the revolution around the axis is the "t"
234     * direction.
235     *
236     * @param axis  The axis to sweep the curve about (the vector gives direction; use
237     *              axis.setOrigin() to set a point on the axis). May not be null.
238     * @param curve The curve to be revolved around the axis. May not be null.
239     * @param ths   The start angle to revolve the curve through (starting at the curve's
240     *              position) in radians.
241     * @param the   The end angle to revolve the curve through (starting at the curve's
242     *              position) in radians. If the end angle is smaller than the start
243     *              angle, it is increased by increments of 2*PI until it is larger than
244     *              the start angle.
245     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface for the input curve revolved around the input axis.
246     */
247    private static BasicNurbsSurface createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless> axis, NurbsCurve curve,
248            double ths, double the) {
249        requireNonNull(axis);
250        requireNonNull(curve);
252        StackContext.enter();
253        try {
254            //  Get ths and the in the range 0 - 2*PI.
255            ths = GeomUtil.bound2Pi(ths);
256            the = GeomUtil.bound2Pi(the);
258            //  Make sure the end angle is > than the start angle.
259            if (the <= ths)
260                the += TWO_PI;
261            double theta = the - ths;
263            //  How many arc segments are required?
264            int narcs = 4;
265            if (theta <= HALF_PI)
266                narcs = 1;
267            else if (theta <= PI)
268                narcs = 2;
269            else if (theta <= PI + HALF_PI)
270                narcs = 3;
272            //  Pre-calculate sine and cosine tables.
273            double[] cos = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(narcs + 1);
274            double[] sin = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(narcs + 1);
275            double angle = ths;
276            double dtheta = theta / narcs;
277            for (int i = 0; i <= narcs; ++i) {
278                sin[i] = sin(angle);
279                cos[i] = cos(angle);
280                angle += dtheta;
281            }
282            double sinths = sin(ths), cosths = cos(ths);
283            double wm = cos(dtheta / 2);
285            //  Get the curve's control points.
286            List<ControlPoint> pj = curve.getControlPoints();
287            int pjSize = pj.size();
289            //  Create a list of control points for the surface being generated.
290            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> pij = FastTable.newInstance();
291            int num = 2 * narcs + 1;
292            for (int j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
293                FastTable<ControlPoint> tbl = FastTable.newInstance();
294                tbl.setSize(pjSize);
295                pij.add(tbl);
296            }
298            //  Some handy constants for use later.
299            Unit<Length> unit = curve.getUnit();
300            int numDims = curve.getPhyDimension();
301            GeomPoint axisOrigin = axis.getOrigin();
303            //  Loop over each of the curves control points.
304            MutablePoint p1 = MutablePoint.newInstance(numDims, unit);
305            for (int j = 0; j < pjSize; ++j) {
307                //  Get the curve control point.
308                ControlPoint pjj = pj.get(j);
309                double pjjw = pjj.getWeight();
310                Point pjjp = pjj.getPoint();
312                //  Determine the center of the circle for this curve control point.
313                Point center = GeomUtil.pointLineClosest(pjjp, axisOrigin, axis).to(unit);
315                // Determine the X-axis direction.
316                Vector<Length> xhatd = pjjp.minus(center).toGeomVector();
317                Parameter<Length> radius = xhatd.mag();         //  Circle radius
318                Vector<Dimensionless> xhat;
319                if (radius.getValue(unit) < EPSC) {
320                    xhat = GeomUtil.calcYHat(axis); //  X-axis in arbitrary direction perpendicular to axis.
321                    radius = Parameter.ZERO_LENGTH;
322                } else {
323                    xhat = xhatd.toUnitVector();
324                }
326                //  Determine the Y-axis direction.
327                Vector<Dimensionless> yhat = (Vector<Dimensionless>)axis.cross(xhat);
329                //  Create the starting control point
330                Vector<Dimensionless> p0v = xhat.times(cosths).plus(yhat.times(sinths));
331                MutablePoint p0 = MutablePoint.valueOf(center.plus(Point.valueOf(p0v.times(radius))));
332                pij.get(0).set(j, ControlPoint.valueOf(p0.immutable(), pjjw));
334                //  Create starting perpendicular vector
335                Vector<Dimensionless> t0 = xhat.times(-sinths).plus(yhat.times(cosths));
337                //  Loop over all the required arcs around the revolution.
338                int index = 0;
339                for (int i = 1; i <= narcs; i++) {
341                    //  Create segment end control point: p2 = r*(xhat*cos[i] + yhat*sin[i])
342                    p0v = xhat.times(cos[i]).plus(yhat.times(sin[i]));
343                    Point p2 = center.plus(Point.valueOf(p0v.times(radius)));
344                    pij.get(index + 2).set(j, ControlPoint.valueOf(p2, pjjw));
346                    //  Create end perpendicular vector:    t2 = -xhat*r*sin[i] + yhat*r*cos[i]
347                    Vector<Dimensionless> t2 = xhat.times(-sin[i]).plus(yhat.times(cos[i]));
349                    //  Find the intersection of the two perpendiculars.
350                    GeomUtil.lineLineIntersect(p0, t0, p2, t2, GTOL, null, p1, null);
352                    //  Create the intermediate control point.
353                    pij.get(index + 1).set(j, ControlPoint.valueOf(p1.immutable(), wm * pjjw));
355                    index += 2;
356                    if (i < narcs) {
357                        p0.set(p2);
358                        t0 = t2;
359                    }
360                }
361            }
363            //  Turn the list into a network of control points for the surface.
364            ControlPointNet cpnet = ControlPointNet.valueOf(pij);
366            //  Create the knot vector around the revolution.
367            FastTable<Float64> tKnots = FastTable.newInstance();
368            int j = 3 + 2 * (narcs - 1);
369            tKnots.setSize(j + 3);
370            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
371                tKnots.set(i, Float64.ZERO);
372                tKnots.set(i + j, Float64.ONE);
373            }
374            switch (narcs) {
375                case 2:
376                    tKnots.set(3, Float64.valueOf(0.5));
377                    tKnots.set(4, Float64.valueOf(0.5));
378                    break;
379                case 3:
380                    tKnots.set(3, Float64.valueOf(1. / 3.));
381                    tKnots.set(4, Float64.valueOf(1. / 3.));
382                    tKnots.set(5, Float64.valueOf(2. / 3.));
383                    tKnots.set(6, Float64.valueOf(2. / 3.));
384                    break;
385                case 4:
386                    tKnots.set(3, Float64.valueOf(0.25));
387                    tKnots.set(4, Float64.valueOf(0.25));
388                    tKnots.set(5, Float64.valueOf(0.5));
389                    tKnots.set(6, Float64.valueOf(0.5));
390                    tKnots.set(7, Float64.valueOf(0.75));
391                    tKnots.set(8, Float64.valueOf(0.75));
392                    break;
393            }
395            //  Create the NURBS surface.
396            KnotVector kvt = KnotVector.newInstance(2, Float64Vector.valueOf(tKnots));
397            BasicNurbsSurface srf = BasicNurbsSurface.newInstance(cpnet, curve.getKnotVector(), kvt);
398            return StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
400        } finally {
401            StackContext.exit();
402        }
403    }
405    /**
406     * Create a surface that interpolates, is skinned or lofted, through the input list of
407     * curves. This creates a surface in NURBS form that passes through the input list of
408     * curves to within the specified tolerance. The degree in the parametric "s"
409     * direction (along the input curves) will be determined by the highest degree input
410     * curve. The degree in the "t" direction (across the input curves) is specified. If
411     * the input curves are all NURBS curves, then the "tol" parameter is ignored.
412     * Otherwise, "tol" is used to make a NURBS approximation of the input curves. It is
413     * assumed that all the input curves are oriented in an appropriate direction and
414     * order to create the desired skinned surface.
415     *
416     * @param crvs     A list of curves to be skinned. May not be null.
417     * @param tDegree The degree in the t-direction of the NURBS surface to create (must
418     *                be &gt; 0 and &lt; the number of curves in the list).
419     * @param tol     The greatest possible difference between the input list of curves
420     *                and the NURBS surface returned. May not be null or zero.
421     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface that interpolates the input list of curves.
422     */
423    public static BasicNurbsSurface createSkinnedSurface(List<? extends Curve> crvs, int tDegree, Parameter<Length> tol) {
424        requireNonNull(tol);
425        int numCrvs = crvs.size();
426        if (numCrvs < 2)
427            throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("skinnedNotEnoughCrvs"));
428        if (tDegree >= numCrvs)
429            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
430                    RESOURCES.getString("incDefiningCrvCount"), "skinned surface", tDegree + 1, numCrvs));
432        //StackContext.enter();
433        try {
435            //  We have to create a list of compatible NURBS curves to create a NURBS surface.
436            GeomList<NurbsCurve> newCrvs = generateCompatibleCurves(crvs, tol);
438            //  Extact the S knot vector (in common to all the compatible curves).
439            KnotVector sKnots = newCrvs.getFirst().getKnotVector();
441            //  Extract the control point network.
442            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> crvCParr = FastTable.newInstance();
443            for (int i = 0; i < numCrvs; ++i) {
444                NurbsCurve crv = newCrvs.get(i);
445                crvCParr.add((FastTable<ControlPoint>)crv.getControlPoints());
446            }
447            int numCPs = crvCParr.get(0).size();
449            //  Create a knot vector in the T direction by averaging the chord-type
450            //  distance between the curve control points.
451            double[] d = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(numCPs);
452            for (int i = 0; i < numCPs; ++i) {
453                d[i] = 0;
454                for (int k = 1; k < numCrvs; ++k) {
455                    ControlPoint Qk = crvCParr.get(k).get(i);
456                    ControlPoint Qkm1 = crvCParr.get(k - 1).get(i);
457                    double distV = Qk.distance(Qkm1);
458                    d[i] += distV;
459                }
460            }
461            double[] tParams = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(numCrvs);
462            tParams[0] = 0;
463            for (int k = 1; k < numCrvs; ++k) {
464                tParams[k] = 0;
465                for (int i = 0; i < numCPs; ++i) {
466                    ControlPoint Qk = crvCParr.get(k).get(i);
467                    ControlPoint Qkm1 = crvCParr.get(k - 1).get(i);
468                    double distV = Qk.distance(Qkm1);
469                    tParams[k] += distV / d[i];
470                }
471                tParams[k] /= numCPs;
472                tParams[k] += tParams[k - 1];
473            }
474            tParams[numCrvs - 1] = 1;
476            KnotVector tKnots = CurveFactory.buildInterpKnotVector(tParams, numCrvs, tDegree);
478            //  Convert to the surface representation.
479            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> newCPLst = FastTable.newInstance();
480            FastTable<ControlPoint> pnts = FastTable.newInstance();
481            for (int i = 0; i < numCPs; ++i) {
483                //  Get the control points on each definining section.
484                pnts.clear();
485                for (int k = 0; k < numCrvs; ++k) {
486                    pnts.add(crvCParr.get(k).get(i));
487                }
489                //  Fit a curve to the control points in the T-direction.
490                BasicNurbsCurve iCrv = CurveFactory.fitControlPoints(tDegree, pnts, tParams, tKnots);
492                //  Extract the control points of the i-curve.
493                FastTable<ControlPoint> newCPs = (FastTable<ControlPoint>)iCrv.getControlPoints();
495                //  Save off the new control points.
496                newCPLst.add(newCPs);
497            }
499            //  Create the control point network for the surface.
500            ControlPointNet cpNet = ControlPointNet.valueOf(newCPLst).transpose();
502            //  Create the surface.
503            BasicNurbsSurface srf = BasicNurbsSurface.newInstance(cpNet, sKnots, tKnots);
504            return srf; //StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
506        } finally {
507            //StackContext.exit();
508        }
509    }
511    /**
512     * Generate and return a list of NURBS surface compatible curves from the supplied
513     * list of curves.
514     */
515    private static GeomList<NurbsCurve> generateCompatibleCurves(List<? extends Curve> crvs, Parameter<Length> tol) {
517        //  Convert all the section curves to NURBS curves first.
518        int maxDeg = 0;
519        GeomList<NurbsCurve> lst = GeomList.newInstance();
520        int numCrvs = crvs.size();
521        for (int i = 0; i < numCrvs; ++i) {
522            Curve crv = crvs.get(i);
524            //  Convert member curve to NURBS.
525            NurbsCurve nCrv = crv.toNurbs(tol);
526            lst.add(nCrv);
528            //  Find the highest degree among the member curves.
529            if (nCrv.getDegree() > maxDeg)
530                maxDeg = nCrv.getDegree();
531        }
533        //  Raise all the section curves to the same degree.
534        GeomList<NurbsCurve> nCrvs = GeomList.newInstance();
535        for (int i = 0; i < numCrvs; ++i) {
536            NurbsCurve crv = lst.get(i);
537            nCrvs.add(CurveUtils.elevateToDegree(crv, maxDeg));
538        }
540        //  Merge the knot vectors of all the section curves into a Union knot vector.
541        Float64Vector U = nCrvs.get(0).getKnotVector().getAll();
542        for (int i = 1; i < numCrvs; ++i) {
543            Float64Vector Ui = nCrvs.get(i).getKnotVector().getAll();
544            U = CurveUtils.knotVectorUnion(U, Ui);
545        }
547        //  Merge the union knot vector with the knot vector of each section curve.
548        GeomList<NurbsCurve> compCrvs = GeomList.newInstance();
549        for (int i = 0; i < numCrvs; ++i) {
550            NurbsCurve crv = nCrvs.get(i);
551            NurbsCurve ncrv = crv.mergeKnotVector(U);
552            compCrvs.add(ncrv);
553        }
555        //  Finally, convert all the curves to the same units.
556        Unit<Length> refUnit = compCrvs.get(0).getUnit();
557        GeomList<NurbsCurve> outCrvs = GeomList.newInstance();
558        outCrvs.add(compCrvs.get(0));
559        for (int i = 1; i < numCrvs; ++i)
560            outCrvs.add(compCrvs.get(i).to(refUnit));
562        return outCrvs;
563    }
565    /**
566     * Create a Transfinite Interpolation (TFI) NURBS surface, or Coons patch, from the
567     * specified boundary curves. This creates a surface in NURBS form that uses the input
568     * set of curves as boundaries on all sides to within the specified tolerance. The
569     * degree in each parametric dimension will be determined by the highest degree of the
570     * input curves. If the input curves are all NURBS curves, then the "tol" parameter is
571     * ignored. Otherwise, "tol" is used to make a NURBS approximation of the input
572     * curves. It is assumed that all the input curves are oriented in an appropriate
573     * direction and order to create the desired TFI surface. The corner points are
574     * checked for coincidence.
575     *
576     * @param s0crv The curve that represents the s=0 boundary of the TFI surface. May not
577     *              be null.
578     * @param t0crv The curve that represents the t=0 boundary of the TFI surface. May not
579     *              be null.
580     * @param s1crv The curve that represents the s=1 boundary of the TFI surface. May not
581     *              be null.
582     * @param t1crv The curve that represents the t=1 boundary of the TFI surface. May not
583     *              be null.
584     * @param tol   The greatest possible difference between the input list of curves and
585     *              the NURBS surface returned. May not be null or zero.
586     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface that forms a TFI surface from the input curves.
587     */
588    public static BasicNurbsSurface createTFISurface(Curve s0crv, Curve t0crv, Curve s1crv, Curve t1crv,
589            Parameter<Length> tol) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParameterException {
590        //  Reference:  Handbook of Grid Generation, Chapter 30, Section 30.3.8
592        //StackContext.enter();
593        try {
594            //  Check to make sure all the corner points are properly coincident.
595            Point p00 = s0crv.getRealPoint(0);
596            Point p1 = t0crv.getRealPoint(0);
597            if (p00.distance(p1).isGreaterThan(tol)) {
598                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
599                        MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("s00t00NotCoincident"),
600                                p00.distance(p1).toString()));
601            }
602            Point p10 = t0crv.getRealPoint(1);
603            p1 = s1crv.getRealPoint(0);
604            if (p10.distance(p1).isGreaterThan(tol)) {
605                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
606                        MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("s10t01NotCoincident"),
607                                p10.distance(p1).toString()));
608            }
609            Point p11 = s1crv.getRealPoint(1);
610            p1 = t1crv.getRealPoint(1);
611            if (p11.distance(p1).isGreaterThan(tol)) {
612                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
613                        MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("s11t11NotCoincident"),
614                                p11.distance(p1).toString()));
615            }
616            Point p01 = t1crv.getRealPoint(0);
617            p1 = s0crv.getRealPoint(1);
618            if (p01.distance(p1).isGreaterThan(tol)) {
619                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
620                        MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("s01t10NotCoincident"),
621                                p01.distance(p1).toString()));
622            }
624            //  Create a list for the two curves in the S direction.
625            GeomList<Curve> sCrvs = GeomList.newInstance();
626            sCrvs.add(t0crv, t1crv);
628            //  Create a skinned intermediate surface in the S direction.
629            NurbsSurface Ps = createSkinnedSurface(sCrvs, 1, tol);
631            //  Create a list for the two curves in the T direction.
632            GeomList<Curve> tCrvs = GeomList.newInstance();
633            tCrvs.add(s0crv, s1crv);
635            //  Create a skinned intermediate surface in the T direction.
636            NurbsSurface Pt = createSkinnedSurface(tCrvs, 1, tol).transpose();
638            //  Create a flat intermediate surface between the corner points.
639            PointString<Point> str1 = PointString.valueOf(p00, p10);
640            PointString<Point> str2 = PointString.valueOf(p01, p11);
641            PointArray<Point> arr = PointArray.valueOf(str1, str2);
642            NurbsSurface PsPt = fitPoints(1, 1, arr);
644            //  Get the max degree in the s and t direcitons.
645            int maxDegS = Ps.getSDegree();
646            if (PsPt.getSDegree() > maxDegS)
647                maxDegS = PsPt.getSDegree();
648            if (Pt.getSDegree() > maxDegS)
649                maxDegS = Pt.getSDegree();
650            int maxDegT = Ps.getTDegree();
651            if (PsPt.getTDegree() > maxDegT)
652                maxDegT = PsPt.getTDegree();
653            if (Pt.getTDegree() > maxDegT)
654                maxDegT = Pt.getTDegree();
656            //  Raise all the surfaces to the same degree in the S & T directions.
657            PsPt = SurfaceUtils.elevateToDegree(PsPt, maxDegS, maxDegT);
658            Ps = SurfaceUtils.elevateToDegree(Ps, maxDegS, maxDegT);
659            Pt = SurfaceUtils.elevateToDegree(Pt, maxDegS, maxDegT);
661            //  Merge the knot vectors of all the surfaces into a Union knot vector in each direction.
662            Float64Vector Us = PsPt.getSKnotVector().getAll();
663            Float64Vector Ui = Ps.getSKnotVector().getAll();
664            Us = CurveUtils.knotVectorUnion(Us, Ui);
665            Ui = Pt.getSKnotVector().getAll();
666            Us = CurveUtils.knotVectorUnion(Us, Ui);
668            Float64Vector Ut = PsPt.getTKnotVector().getAll();
669            Ui = Ps.getTKnotVector().getAll();
670            Ut = CurveUtils.knotVectorUnion(Ut, Ui);
671            Ui = Pt.getTKnotVector().getAll();
672            Ut = CurveUtils.knotVectorUnion(Ut, Ui);
674            //  Merge the union knot vectors with the knot vectors of each surface.
675            PsPt = PsPt.mergeSKnotVector(Us);
676            PsPt = PsPt.mergeTKnotVector(Ut);
677            Ps = Ps.mergeSKnotVector(Us);
678            Ps = Ps.mergeTKnotVector(Ut);
679            Pt = Pt.mergeSKnotVector(Us);
680            Pt = Pt.mergeTKnotVector(Ut);
682            //  Get the control point networks for the intermediate surfaces.
683            ControlPointNet cpNet = Ps.getControlPoints();
684            ControlPointNet cpNetPt = Pt.getControlPoints();
685            ControlPointNet cpNetPsPt = PsPt.getControlPoints();
687            //  Construct a new control point network where:
688            //      Points:  P = Ps + Pt - PsPt
689            //      Weights: w = Ws * Wt
690            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> cpNetArr = FastTable.newInstance();
691            int rows = cpNet.getNumberOfRows();
692            int cols = cpNet.getNumberOfColumns();
693            for (int t = 0; t < cols; ++t) {
694                FastTable<ControlPoint> cpLst = FastTable.newInstance();
695                cpNetArr.add(cpLst);
696                for (int s = 0; s < rows; ++s) {
697                    ControlPoint cp = cpNet.get(s, t);
698                    double wPs = cp.getWeight();
699                    ControlPoint cpPt = cpNetPt.get(s, t);
700                    double wPt = cpPt.getWeight();
701                    ControlPoint cpPsPt = cpNetPsPt.get(s, t);
702                    cp = cp.plus(cpPt);
703                    cp = cp.minus(cpPsPt);
704                    cp = cp.changeWeight(wPs * wPt);
705                    cpLst.add(cp);
706                }
707            }
709            //  Construct a new surface with the new control point network.
710            cpNet = ControlPointNet.valueOf(cpNetArr);
711            BasicNurbsSurface newSrf = BasicNurbsSurface.newInstance(cpNet,
712                    Ps.getSKnotVector(), Ps.getTKnotVector());
714            return newSrf;  //StackContext.outerCopy(newSrf);
716        } finally {
717            //StackContext.exit();
718        }
719    }
721    /**
722     * Create a {@link NurbsSurface} of the specified degrees that is fit to,
723     * interpolates, or passes through the specified array of geometry points in the input
724     * order. This is a global interpolation of the points, meaning that if one of the
725     * input points is moved, it will affect the entire surface, not just the local
726     * portion near the point.
727     *
728     * @param sDegree The degree in the s-direction (down the strings of points) of the
729     *                NURBS surface to create (must be &gt; 0 and &lt; the number of
730     *                points in each string).
731     * @param tDegree The degree in the t-direction (across the rows of strings) of the
732     *                NURBS surface to create (must be &gt; 0 and &lt; the number of
733     *                strings in the array).
734     * @param points  The array of GeomPoint objects to pass the surface through:
735     *                points[col idx][row idx] -&gt; [t][s]. May not be null.
736     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface fit to the input array of points.
737     * @throws ParameterException if there is a problem with the parameterization
738     * resulting from fitting a curve through the supplied points.
739     * @see #approxPoints
740     */
741    public static BasicNurbsSurface fitPoints(int sDegree, int tDegree, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint> points) 
742            throws IllegalArgumentException, ParameterException {
743        int nt = points.size();
744        if (nt < 1)
745            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
746                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("zeroLengthListErr"),
747                            "points"));
748        if (tDegree >= nt)
749            throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numColsLEQDegErr"));
750        int ns = points.get(0).size();
751        if (ns < 1)
752            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
753                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numGTZero"),
754                            "number of rows", ns));
755        if (sDegree >= ns)
756            throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numRowsLEPDegErr"));
757        for (int i = 0; i < nt; ++i) {
758            if (points.get(i).size() != ns)
759                throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numPointsInEachColErr"));
760        }
762        //StackContext.enter();
763        try {
764            //  Turn the points into an array of parameter values on the surface.
765            double[][] st = parameterizeArray(points);
767            //  Check for bad parameterization.
768            CurveFactory.parameterizationCheck(ns, st[0]);
769            CurveFactory.parameterizationCheck(nt, st[1]);
771            //  Generate the knot vectors.
772            KnotVector sKnots = CurveFactory.buildInterpKnotVector(st[0], ns, sDegree);
773            KnotVector tKnots = CurveFactory.buildInterpKnotVector(st[1], nt, tDegree);
775            //  Generate the matrix of control points.
776            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> rv = FastTable.newInstance();
777            for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
778                PointString tmp = PointString.newInstance();
779                for (int l = 0; l < nt; l++) {
780                    tmp.add(points.get(l).get(i));
781                }
783                NurbsCurve curve = CurveFactory.fitPoints(tDegree, tmp);
784                rv.add((FastTable<ControlPoint>)curve.getControlPoints());
785            }
787            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> cp = FastTable.newInstance();
788            for (int l = 0; l < nt; l++) {
789                PointString tmp = PointString.newInstance();
790                for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++) {
791                    tmp.add(rv.get(i).get(l).getPoint());
792                }
794                NurbsCurve curve = CurveFactory.fitPoints(sDegree, tmp);
795                cp.add((FastTable<ControlPoint>)curve.getControlPoints());
796            }
798            //  Create the surface.
799            ControlPointNet cpNet = ControlPointNet.valueOf(cp);
800            BasicNurbsSurface srf = BasicNurbsSurface.newInstance(cpNet, sKnots, tKnots);
801            return srf; //StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
803        } finally {
804            //StackContext.exit();
805        }
806    }
808    /**
809     * Turn an array of points into an array of parameter values on a surface through
810     * those points. The returned array was created using ArrayFactor.DOUBLES_FACTORY and
811     * can be recycled.
812     */
813    private static double[][] parameterizeArray(PointArray<? extends GeomPoint> points) {
814        //  This uses the Chord Length method which is described here:
815        //      http://www.cs.mtu.edu/~shene/COURSES/cs3621/NOTES/INT-APP/PARA-chord-length.html
817        Unit<Length> refUnit = points.get(0).get(0).getUnit();
818        int rows = points.get(0).size();
819        int n = rows - 1;
820        int cols = points.size();
821        int m = cols - 1;
822        double[] sk = newZeroedDoubleArray(rows);           //  sk = new double[rows];
823        double[] tk = newZeroedDoubleArray(cols);           //  tk = new double[cols];
825        StackContext.enter();
826        try {
827            double[] cds = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(rows * cols); //  cds = new double[rows*cols];
829            int num = cols;
830            sk[n] = 1;
831            for (int l = 0; l < cols; ++l) {
832                double total = 0;
834                for (int k = 1; k < rows; k++) {
835                    int km1 = k - 1;
836                    Parameter<Length> distance = points.get(l).get(k).distance(points.get(l).get(km1));
837                    double distV = distance.getValue(refUnit);
838                    cds[k] = distV;
839                    total += distV;
840                }
841                if (abs(total) <= EPSC) {
842                    //  The points form a degenerate curve of zero length.
844                    //  Just evenly space out parameters.
845                    for (int k = 1; k < n; ++k) {
846                        double s = (double)(k) / n;
847                        sk[k] += s;
848                    }
850                } else {
851                    //  The points form a curve of finite length.
852                    double d = 0;
853                    for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
854                        d += cds[k];
855                        sk[k] += d / total;
856                    }
857                }
858            }
859            if (num > 0) {
860                for (int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
861                    sk[k] /= num;
862                }
863            }
865            num = rows;
866            tk[m] = 1;
867            for (int l = 0; l < rows; l++) {
868                double total = 0;
869                for (int k = 1; k < cols; k++) {
870                    int km1 = k - 1;
871                    Parameter<Length> distance = points.get(k).get(l).distance(points.get(km1).get(l));
872                    double distV = distance.getValue(refUnit);
873                    cds[k] = distV;
874                    total += distV;
875                }
876                if (abs(total) <= EPSC) {
877                    //  The points form a degenerate curve of zero length.
879                    //  Just evenly space out parameters.
880                    for (int k = 1; k < m; ++k) {
881                        double t = (double)(k) / n;
882                        tk[k] += t;
883                    }
885                } else {
886                    //  The points form a curve of finite length.
887                    double d = 0;
888                    for (int k = 1; k < m; k++) {
889                        d += cds[k];
890                        tk[k] += d / total;
891                    }
892                }
893            }
894            if (num > 0) {
895                for (int k = 1; k < m; k++) {
896                    tk[k] /= num;
897                }
898            }
900        } finally {
901            StackContext.exit();
902        }
904        //  Create the output array of arrays.
905        double[][] res = DOUBLEDOUBLE_FACTORY.array(2);                 //  res = new double[2][]
906        res[0] = sk;
907        res[1] = tk;
909        return res;
910    }
912    /**
913     * Create a {@link NurbsSurface} of the specified degrees that approximates, in a
914     * least squares sense, the specified array of geometry points in the input order.
915     * This is a global approximation of the points, meaning that if one of the input
916     * points is moved, it will affect the entire surface, not just the local portion near
917     * the point.
918     *
919     * @param sDegree The degree in the s-direction of the NURBS surface to create (must
920     *                be &gt; 0 and &lt; the number of points in each string).
921     * @param tDegree The degree in the t-direction of the NURBS surface to create (must
922     *                be &gt; 0 and &lt; the number of strings in the array).
923     * @param nS      The number of surface control points to use in the parametric S
924     *                direction (must be &gt; 1 and &lt; the number of points in each
925     *                string).
926     * @param nT      The number of surface control points to use in the parametric T
927     *                direction (must be &gt; 1 and &lt; the number of strings in the
928     *                array).
929     * @param points  The array of GeomPoint objects approximate a surface through:
930     *                points[col idx][row idx] -&gt; [t][s]. May not be null.
931     * @return A BasicNurbsSurface approximating the input array of points.
932     * @throws ParameterException if there is a problem with the parameterization that
933     * results from approximating the supplied points.
934     * @see #fitPoints
935     */
936    public static BasicNurbsSurface approxPoints(int sDegree, int tDegree, int nS, int nT,
937            PointArray<? extends GeomPoint> points) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParameterException {
938        int mt = points.size();
939        if (mt < 1)
940            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
941                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("zeroLengthListErr"),
942                            "points"));
943        if (tDegree <= 0)
944            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
945                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numGTZero"),
946                            "degree in the T-direction", tDegree));
947        if (tDegree >= mt)
948            throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numColsLEQDegErr"));
949        int ms = points.get(0).size();
950        if (ms < 1)
951            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
952                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numGTZero"),
953                            "number of rows", ms));
954        if (sDegree <= 0)
955            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
956                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numGTZero"),
957                            "degree in the S-direction", sDegree));
958        if (sDegree >= ms)
959            throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numRowsLEPDegErr"));
960        if (nS <= 1)
961            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
962                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numPointsLEOneErr"), "S"));
963        if (nT <= 1)
964            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
965                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numPointsLEOneErr"), "T"));
966        if (nS >= ms)
967            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
968                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numDPLEnumCPErr"), "S"));
969        if (nT >= mt)
970            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
971                    MessageFormat.format(RESOURCES.getString("numDPLEnumCPErr"), "T"));
972        for (int i = 0; i < mt; ++i) {
973            if (points.get(i).size() != ms)
974                throw new IllegalArgumentException(RESOURCES.getString("numPointsInEachColErr"));
975        }
977        StackContext.enter();
978        try {
979            //  Turn the points into an array of parameter values on the surface.
980            double[][] st = parameterizeArray(points);
982            //  Check the parameterizations for correctness.
983            CurveFactory.parameterizationCheck(nS, st[0]);
984            CurveFactory.parameterizationCheck(nT, st[1]);
986            //  Generate the knot vectors.
987            KnotVector sKnots = CurveFactory.buildApproxKnotVector(st[0], ms, nS, sDegree);
988            KnotVector tKnots = CurveFactory.buildApproxKnotVector(st[1], mt, nT, tDegree);
990            //  Generate the matrix of control points.
991            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> rv = FastTable.newInstance();
992            for (int i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
993                PointString tmp = PointString.newInstance();
994                for (int l = 0; l < mt; l++) {
995                    tmp.add(points.get(l).get(i));
996                }
998                NurbsCurve curve = CurveFactory.approxPoints(tDegree, nT, tmp);
999                rv.add((FastTable<ControlPoint>)curve.getControlPoints());
1000            }
1002            FastTable<FastTable<ControlPoint>> cp = FastTable.newInstance();
1003            for (int l = 0; l < nT; l++) {
1004                PointString tmp = PointString.newInstance();
1005                for (int i = 0; i < ms; i++) {
1006                    List<ControlPoint> cpLst = rv.get(i);
1007                    ControlPoint ctrlp = cpLst.get(l);
1008                    tmp.add(ctrlp.getPoint());
1009                }
1011                NurbsCurve curve = CurveFactory.approxPoints(sDegree, nS, tmp);
1012                cp.add((FastTable<ControlPoint>)curve.getControlPoints());
1013            }
1015            //  Create and return the surface.
1016            ControlPointNet cpNet = ControlPointNet.valueOf(cp);
1017            BasicNurbsSurface srf = BasicNurbsSurface.newInstance(cpNet, sKnots, tKnots);
1018            return StackContext.outerCopy(srf);
1020        } finally {
1021            StackContext.exit();
1022        }
1023    }
1025    /**
1026     * Return a new double array with the values zeroed. The returned instance is created
1027     * using ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY and may be recycled.
1028     */
1029    private static double[] newZeroedDoubleArray(int size) {
1030        double[] arr = ArrayFactory.DOUBLES_FACTORY.array(size);
1031        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
1032            arr[i] = 0;
1033        return arr;
1034    }
1036    private static final ArrayFactory<double[][]> DOUBLEDOUBLE_FACTORY = new ArrayFactory<double[][]>() {
1037        @Override
1038        protected double[][] create(int size) {
1039            return new double[size][];
1040        }
1041    };