003        File:           AboutJMenuItem.java
004        Author:         Steve Roy <steve@sillybit.com>
006        Part of MRJ Adapter, a unified API for easy integration of Mac OS specific
007        functionality within your cross-platform Java application.
009        This library is open source and can be modified and/or distributed under
010        the terms of the Artistic License.
011        <http://mrjadapter.dev.java.net/license.html>
013        Change History:
014        01/31/03        Created this file - Steve
018package jahuwaldt.swing;
020import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
021import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
022import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
025 * This is the Swing implementation of the About menu item.
026 * <p>
027 * On all versions of Mac OS, this menu item is always automatically included
028 * in the menu bar of the application. On other platforms, it never is. You
029 * can find out at runtime if the menu item is automatically included with the
030 * <code>isAutomaticallyPresent()</code> method and then add it yourself if
031 * it isn't. This will make your code cross-platform while letting the
032 * application do the right thing for the current platform.
033 * <p>
034 * In the case where the About menu item is automatically included, this menu
035 * item is really just a placeholder for the actual native menu item, passing
036 * off operations to and from the native menu item where possible. Of course,
037 * when this is the case, not all methods of this class will be functional.
038 * However, there is no harm in calling dysfunctional methods, other than
039 * your user interface not matching your requests.
040 * <p>
041 * The methods that work on all platforms are the following.
042 * <ul>
043 * <li>addActionListener</li>
044 * <li>removeActionListener</li>
045 * <li>setAction (only making the action the listener will actually work on
046 * all platforms)</li>
047 * </ul>
048 * 
049 * MRJ Adapter 1.2, Modified by Joseph A. Huwaldt
050 * @version December 12, 2023
051 */
052public class AboutJMenuItem extends JMenuItem {
054    /**
055     * Construct an About menu item. This method is package private so only the
056     * <code>Application</code> class can create an About menu item.
057     *
058     * @param application the application instance using this item
059     */
060    @SuppressWarnings("OverridableMethodCallInConstructor")
061    AboutJMenuItem(MDIApplication application) {
062        super("About");
063        String appName = application.getName();
064        if (nonNull(appName))
065            setText("About " + appName);
066    }
068    /**
069     * Get whether this menu item is automatically present in the menu bar of the current
070     * underlying platform.
071     *
072     * @return whether this menu item is automatically present
073     */
074    public static boolean isAutomaticallyPresent() {
075        return MacOSUtilities.isMacOS();
076    }