002*   Minimization  -- A collection of static methods for finding the minima or maxima of functions.
004*   Copyright (C) 2006-2014 by Joseph A. Huwaldt
005*   All rights reserved.
007*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010*   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
012*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015*   Lesser General Public License for more details.
017*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
018*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
019*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
020*   Or visit:  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
022package jahuwaldt.tools.math;
024import static java.lang.Math.*;
028*  A collection of static routines to find the minima or maxima
029*  of functions or sets of functions.
031*  <p>  Modified by:  Joseph A. Huwaldt  </p>
033*  @author   Joseph A. Huwaldt   Date:  July 22, 2006
034*  @version  January 23, 2014
036public class Minimization {
038        /**
039        *  Machine floating point precision.
040        **/
041        private static final double ZEPS = 1e-10;
043        /**
044        *  Maximum number of allowed iterations.
045        **/
046        private static final int  MAXIT = 1000;
048        /**
049        *  The default ratio by which successive intervals are magnified.
050        **/
051        private static final double GOLD = 1.618034;
053        /**
054        *  The golden ratio.
055        **/
056        private static final double CGOLD = 0.3819660;
058        private static final double GLIMIT = 100;
059        private static final double TINY = 1.0e-20;
060        private static final double TINY2 = 1.0e-25;
061        private static final double TOL = 1.0e-8;
064        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
065        /**
066        *  <p>  Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision
067        *       of about "tol". A version of Brent's method is used with derivative
068        *       information if it is available or a version without if it is not.</p>
069        *
070        *  @param  eval    An evaluatable 1D function that returns the
071        *                  function value at x and optionally returns the
072        *                  function derivative value (d(fx)/dx) at x. It is
073        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
074        *                  before "derivative()".
075        *  @param  x1      The lower bracket surrounding the minimum (assumed that
076        *                  minimum lies between x1 and x2).
077        *  @param  x2      The upper bracket surrounding the root (assumed that
078        *                  minimum lies between x1 and x2).
079        *  @param  tol     The root will be refined until it's accuracy is
080        *                  better than this.  This should generally not be smaller
081        *                  than Math.sqrt(EPS)!
082        *  @param  output  An optional 2-element array that will be filled in with the abscissa (x) and
083        *                  function minimum ordinate ( f(x) ) on output.  output[xmin,f(xmin)].
084        *                  Pass "null" if this is not required.
085        *  @return The abscissa (x) of the minimum value of f(x).
086        *  @exception  RootException  Unable to find a minimum of the function.
087        **/
088        public static double find( Evaluatable1D eval, double x1, double x2, double tol, double[] output ) throws RootException  {
090                //  First find an initial triplet that brackets the minimum.
091                double[] triplet = new double[3];
092                bracket1D(x1, x2, triplet, null, eval);
094                //      Now find the minimum.
095                return find(eval, triplet[0], triplet[1], triplet[2], tol, output);
096        }
099        /**
100        *  <p>  Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision
101        *       of about "tol".  A version of Brent's method is used with derivative
102        *       information if it is available or a version without if it is not.</p>
103        *
104        *  @param  eval    An evaluatable 1D function that returns the
105        *                  function value at x and optionally returns the
106        *                  function derivative value (d(fx)/dx) at x. It is
107        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
108        *                  before "derivative()".  The return value from the 1st
109    *                  call to "function()" is ignored.
110        *  @param  ax      The lower bracket known to surround the minimum (assumed that
111        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
112        *  @param  bx      Abscissa point that lies between ax and cx where f(bx) is less than
113        *                  both f(ax) and f(cx).
114        *  @param  cx      The upper bracket known to surround the root (assumed that
115        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
116        *  @param  tol     The root will be refined until it's accuracy is
117        *                  better than this.  This should generally not be smaller
118        *                  than Math.sqrt(EPS)!
119        *  @param  output  An optional 2-element array that will be filled in with the abscissa (x) and
120        *                  function minimum ordinate ( f(x) ) on output.  output[xmin,f(xmin)].
121        *                  Pass "null" if this is not required.
122        *  @return The abscissa (x) of the minimum value of f(x).
123        *  @exception  RootException  Unable to find a minimum of the function.
124        **/
125        public static double find( Evaluatable1D eval, double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double[] output ) throws RootException  {
126                if (tol < MathTools.EPS)  tol = MathTools.EPS;
127                double f = eval.function(bx);
128                double d = eval.derivative(bx);
129                if (Double.isNaN(d))
130                        return brent(eval, ax, bx, cx, tol, output);
131                return dbrent(eval, ax, bx, cx, tol, output);
132        }
135        /**
136        *  Method that searches in the downhill direction (defined by the function as
137        *  evaluated at the initial points) and returns new points (in triple) that bracket
138        *  a minimum of the function.
139        *
140        *  @param  ax      The lower bracket surrounding the minimum (assumed that
141        *                  minimum lies between ax and bx).
142        *  @param  bx      The upper bracket surrounding the root (assumed that
143        *                  minimum lies between ax and bx).
144        *  @param  triple  A 3-element array that will be filled in with the abcissa of the
145        *                  three points that bracket the minium triple[ax,bx,cx].
146        *  @param  values  A 3-element array that contains the function values that correspond
147        *                  with the points ax, bx and cx in triple.  Null may be passed for this
148        *                  if the function values are not required.
149        *  @param  eval    An evaluatable 1D function that returns the
150        *                  function value at x and optionally returns the
151        *                  function derivative value (d(fx)/dx) at x. It is
152        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
153        *                  before "derivative()".
154        **/
155        public static void bracket1D(double ax, double bx, double[] triple, double[] values, Evaluatable1D eval)
156                                                throws RootException {
157                double fa = eval.function(ax);
158                double fb = eval.function(bx);
159                if (fb > fa) {
160                        //  Switch roles of a and b so that we can go downhill in the direction from a to b.
161                        double dum = ax;
162                        ax = bx;
163                        bx = dum;
164                        dum = fb;
165                        fb = fa;
166                        fa = dum;
167                }
169                double cx = bx+GOLD*(bx-ax);
170                double fc = eval.function(cx);
171                double fu;
172                while (fb > fc) {
173                        //  Keep returning here until we bracket.
174                        double r = (bx - ax)*(fb - fc);         //  Compute u by parabolic interpolation from a,b,c.
175                        double q = (bx - cx)*(fb - fa);
176                        double u = bx - ((bx - cx)*q - (bx - ax)*r)/
177                                                        (2.0*MathTools.sign(max(abs(q-r),TINY), q-r));
178                        double ulim = bx + GLIMIT*(cx - bx);
180                        if ((bx - u)*(u - cx) > 0.0) {
181                                //  Parabolic u is between b and c.
182                                fu = eval.function(u);
183                                if (fu < fc) {
184                                        //  Got a minimum between b and c.
185                                        ax = bx;
186                                        bx = u;
187                                        fa = fb;
188                                        fb = fu;
189                                        triple[0] = ax;
190                                        triple[1] = bx;
191                                        triple[2] = cx;
192                                        if (values != null) {
193                                                values[0] = fa;
194                                                values[1] = fb;
195                                                values[2] = fc;
196                                        }
197                                        return;
199                                } else if (fu > fb) {
200                                        //  Got a minimum between a and u.
201                                        cx = u;
202                                        fc = fu;
203                                        triple[0] = ax;
204                                        triple[1] = bx;
205                                        triple[2] = cx;
206                                        if (values != null) {
207                                                values[0] = fa;
208                                                values[1] = fb;
209                                                values[2] = fc;
210                                        }
211                                        return;
212                                }
213                                u = cx + GOLD*(cx - bx);        //  Parabolic fit was no use.  Use default magnification.
214                                fu = eval.function(u);
216                        } else if ((cx - u)*(u - ulim) > 0.0) {
217                                //  Parabolic fit is between c and it's allowed limit.
218                                fu = eval.function(u);
219                                if (fu < fc) {
220                                        bx = cx;
221                                        cx = u;
222                                        u = u + GOLD*(u - bx);
223                                        fb = fc;
224                                        fc = fu;
225                                        fu = eval.function(u);
226                                }
228                        } else if ((u - ulim)*(ulim - cx) >= 0.0) {
229                                //  Limit parabolic u to maximum allowed value.
230                                u = ulim;
231                                fu = eval.function(u);
233                        } else {
234                                //  Reject parabolic u, use default magnification.
235                                u = cx + GOLD*(cx - bx);
236                                fu = eval.function(u);
237                        }
239                        //  Eliminate oldest point and continue.
240                        ax = bx;
241                        bx = cx;
242                        cx = u;
243                        fa = fb;
244                        fb = fc;
245                        fc = fu;
246                }
248                triple[0] = ax;
249                triple[1] = bx;
250                triple[2] = cx;
251                if (values != null) {
252                        values[0] = fa;
253                        values[1] = fb;
254                        values[2] = fc;
255                }
257        }
260        /**
261        *  <p>  Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision
262        *       of about "tol" using Brent's method.  </p>
263        *
264        *  <p> Ported from brent() code found in _Numerical_Recipes_in_C:_The_Art_of_Scientific_Computing_,
265        *      2nd Edition, 1992.  </p>
266        *
267        *  @param  eval    An evaluatable 1D function that returns the
268        *                  function value at x and optionally returns the
269        *                  function derivative value (d(fx)/dx) at x. It is
270        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
271        *                  before "derivative()".
272        *  @param  ax      The lower bracket surrounding the minimum (assumed that
273        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
274        *  @param  bx      Abscissa point that lies between ax and cx where f(bx) is less than
275        *                  both f(ax) and f(cx).
276        *  @param  cx      The upper bracket surrounding the root (assumed that
277        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
278        *  @param  tol     The minimum will be refined until it's accuracy is
279        *                  better than this.  This should generally not be smaller
280        *                  than Math.sqrt(EPS)!
281        *  @param  output  An optional 2-element array that will be filled in with the abscissa (x) and
282        *                  function minimum ordinate ( f(x) ) on output.  output[xmin,f(xmin)].
283        *                  Pass <code>null</code> if this is not required.
284        *  @return The abscissa (x) of the minimum value of f(x).
285        *  @exception  RootException  Unable to find a minimum of the function.
286        **/
287        private static double brent( Evaluatable1D eval, double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double[] output ) throws RootException  {
289                double e = 0;           //  This is the distance moved on the step before last.
291                //  a and b must be in ascending order, but the input abscissas need not be.
292                double a = (ax < cx ? ax : cx);
293                double b = (ax > cx ? ax : cx);
294                double x = bx, w = bx, v = bx;
295                double fx = eval.function(x);
296                double fw = fx, fv = fx;
297                double u, fu, d = 0;
299                //  Main program loop.
300                for (int iter = 0; iter < MAXIT; ++iter) {
301                        double xm = 0.5*(a + b);
302                        double tol1 = tol*abs(x) + ZEPS;
303                        double tol2 = 2.0*tol1;
305                        //  Test for done here.
306                        if (abs(x-xm) <= (tol2 - 0.5*(b-a))) {
307                                if (output != null) {
308                                        output[0] = x;
309                                        output[1] = fx;
310                                }
311                                return x;
312                        }
314                        if (abs(e) > tol1) {
315                                //  Construct a trial parabolic fit.
316                                double r = (x - w)*(fx - fv);
317                                double q = (x - v)*(fx - fw);
318                                double p = (x - v)*q - (x - w)*r;
319                                q = 2.0*(q - r);
320                                if (q > 0.0)    p = -p;
321                                q = abs(q);
322                                double etemp = e;
323                                e = d;
324                                if (abs(p) >= abs(0.5*q*etemp) || p <= q*(a-x) || p >= q*(b-x)) {
325                                        //  Take a golden ratio step.
326                                        e = (x >= xm ? a - x : b - x);
327                                        d = CGOLD*e;
329                                } else {
330                                        //  Take a parabolic step.
331                                        d = p/q;
332                                        u = x + d;
333                                        if (u - a < tol2 || b - u < tol2)
334                                                d = MathTools.sign(tol1, xm - x);
335                                }
337                        } else {
338                                //  Take a golden ratio step.
339                                e = (x >= xm ? a - x : b - x);
340                                d = CGOLD*e;
341                        }
343                        u = (abs(d) >= tol1 ? x + d : x + MathTools.sign(tol1, d));
344                        fu = eval.function(u);                  //  This is the one function eval per iteration.
346                        if (fu <= fx) {
347                                if (u >= x)
348                                        a = x;
349                                else
350                                        b = x;
351                                v = w;
352                                w = x;
353                                x = u;
354                                fv = fw;
355                                fw = fx;
356                                fx = fu;
358                        } else {
359                                if (u < x)
360                                        a = u;
361                                else
362                                        b = u;
363                                if (fu <= fw || w == x) {
364                                        v = w;
365                                        w = u;
366                                        fv = fw;
367                                        fw = fu;
369                                } else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w) {
370                                        v = u;
371                                        fv = fu;
372                                }
373                        }
375                }   //  Next iter
377                // Max iterations exceeded.
378                throw new RootException("Maximum number of iterations exceeded");
380        }
383        /**
384        *  <p>  Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision
385        *       of about "tol" using Brent's method plus derivatives.  </p>
386        *
387        *  <p> Ported from dbrent() code found in _Numerical_Recipes_in_C:_The_Art_of_Scientific_Computing_,
388        *      2nd Edition, 1992, pg 406.  </p>
389        *
390        *  @param  eval    An evaluatable 1D function that returns the
391        *                  function value at x and returns the
392        *                  function derivative value (d(fx)/dx) at x. It is
393        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
394        *                  before "derivative()".
395        *  @param  ax      The lower bracket surrounding the minimum (assumed that
396        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
397        *  @param  bx      Abscissa point that lies between ax and cx where f(bx) is less than
398        *                  both f(ax) and f(cx).
399        *  @param  cx      The upper bracket surrounding the root (assumed that
400        *                  minimum lies between ax and cx).
401        *  @param  tol     The minimum will be refined until it's accuracy is
402        *                  better than this.  This should generally not be smaller
403        *                  than Math.sqrt(EPS)!
404        *  @param  output  An optional 2-element array that will be filled in with the abscissa (x) and
405        *                  function minimum ordinate ( f(x) ) on output.  output[xmin,f(xmin)].
406        *                  Pass <code>null</code> if this is not required.
407        *  @return The abscissa (x) of the minimum value of f(x).
408        *  @exception  RootException  Unable to find a minimum of the function.
409        **/
410        private static double dbrent( Evaluatable1D eval, double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double[] output )
411                                                        throws RootException  {
412                double a=(ax < cx ? ax : cx);
413                double b=(ax > cx ? ax : cx);
414                double x=bx;
415                double w=bx;
416                double v=bx;
417                double fw=eval.function(x);
418                double fv=fw;
419                double fx=fw;
420                double fu;
421                double dw=eval.derivative(x);
422                double dv=dw;
423                double dx=dw;
424                double d=0.0;
425                double e=0.0;
426                double u;
428                for (int iter=0;iter < MAXIT;iter++) {
429                        double xm=0.5*(a+b);
430                        double tol1 = tol*abs(x)+ZEPS;
431                        double tol2 = 2.0*tol1;
432                        if (abs(x-xm) <= (tol2-0.5*(b-a))) {
433                                if (output != null) {
434                                        output[0] = x;
435                                        output[1] = fx;
436                                }
437                                return x;
438                        }
439                        if (abs(e) > tol1) {
440                                double d1=2.0*(b-a);
441                                double d2=d1;
442                                if (dw != dx) d1=(w-x)*dx/(dx-dw);
443                                if (dv != dx) d2=(v-x)*dx/(dx-dv);
444                                double u1=x+d1;
445                                double u2=x+d2;
446                                boolean ok1 = (a-u1)*(u1-b) > 0.0 && dx*d1 <= 0.0;
447                                boolean ok2 = (a-u2)*(u2-b) > 0.0 && dx*d2 <= 0.0;
448                                double olde=e;
449                                e=d;
450                                if (ok1 || ok2) {
451                                        if (ok1 && ok2)
452                                                d = (abs(d1) < abs(d2) ? d1 : d2);
453                                        else if (ok1)
454                                                d = d1;
455                                        else
456                                                d = d2;
457                                        if (abs(d) <= abs(0.5*olde)) {
458                                                u = x+d;
459                                                if (u-a < tol2 || b-u < tol2)
460                                                        d = MathTools.sign(tol1,xm-x);
461                                        } else {
462                                                d = 0.5*(e=(dx >= 0.0 ? a-x : b-x));
463                                        }
464                                } else {
465                                        d = 0.5*(e=(dx >= 0.0 ? a-x : b-x));
466                                }
467                        } else {
468                                d = 0.5*(e=(dx >= 0.0 ? a-x : b-x));
469                        }
470                        if (abs(d) >= tol1) {
471                                u = x+d;
472                                fu = eval.function(u);
473                        } else {
474                                u = x + MathTools.sign(tol1,d);
475                                fu=eval.function(u);
476                                if (fu > fx) {
477                                        if (output != null) {
478                                                output[0] = x;
479                                                output[1] = fx;
480                                        }
481                                        return x;
482                                }
483                        }
484                        double du = eval.derivative(u);
485                        if (fu <= fx) {
486                                if (u >= x) a=x; else b=x;
487                                v = w;
488                                fv = fw;
489                                dv = dw;
490                                w = x;
491                                fw = fx;
492                                dw = dx;
493                                x = u;
494                                fx = fu;
495                                dx = du;
496                        } else {
497                                if (u < x) a=u; else b=u;
498                                if (fu <= fw || w == x) {
499                                        v = w;
500                                        fv = fw;
501                                        dv = dw;
502                                        w = u;
503                                        fw = fu;
504                                        dw = du;
505                                } else if (fu < fv || v == x || v == w) {
506                                        v = u;
507                                        fv = fu;
508                                        dv = du;
509                                }
510                        }
511                }
513                // Max iterations exceeded.
514                throw new RootException("Maximum number of iterations exceeded");
515        }
518        /**
519        *  <p>  Method that isolates the minimum of an n-Dimensional scalar function
520        *       to a fractional precision of about "tol".  If no derivatives are available
521        *       then Powell's method is used.  If derivatives are available, then a
522        *       Polak-Reibiere minimization is used.</p>
523        *
524        *  @param  func    An evaluatable n-D scalar function that returns the
525        *                  function value at a point, p[1..n], and optionally returns the
526        *                  function derivatives (d(fx[1..n])/dx) at p[1..n]. It is
527        *                  guaranteed that "function()" will always be called
528        *                  before "derivatives()".
529        *  @param p        On input, this is the initial guess at the minimum point.  On output, this
530        *                  is filled in with the values that minimize the function.
531        *  @param n        The number of variables in the array p.
532        *  @param tol      The convergence tolerance on the function value.
533        *  @return The minimum value of f(p[1..n]).
534        *  @exception  RootException if unable to find a minimum of the function.
535        **/
536        public static double findND( ScalarFunctionND func, double[] p, int n, double tol )
537                                                        throws RootException  {
538                if (tol < MathTools.EPS)  tol = MathTools.EPS;
539                double[] df = new double[n];
540                double f = func.function(p);
541                boolean hasDerivatives = func.derivatives(p, df);
542                if (hasDerivatives)
543                        //      We have derivatives, so use Polak-Reibiere method.
544                        return frprmn(p, n, tol, func);
545                //df = null;
547                //      No derivatives, so use Powell's method.
548                double[][] xi = new double[n][n];
549        for (int i=0;i < n;i++)
550          for (int j=0;j < n;j++)
551            xi[i][j]=(i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0);
553                return powell(p, n, xi, tol, func);
554        }
557        /**
558        *  Given a starting point, p[1..n], a Powell's method minimization is
559        *  performed on a function, func.
560        *
561        *  Reference:  Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd Edition, pg 417.
562        *
563        *  @param p  On input, this is the initial guess at the minimum point.  On output, this
564        *            is filled in with the values that minimize the function.
565        *  @param n  The number of variables in the array p.
566        *  @param xi An existing nxn matrix who's columns contain the initial set of directions
567        *            (usually the n unit vectors).
568        *  @param ftol The convergence tolerance on the function value.
569        *  @param func The function being minimized and it's derivative.
570        *  @return The minimum function value.
571        **/
572        private static double powell(double[] p, int n, double[][] xi, double ftol, ScalarFunctionND func)
573                                                        throws RootException {
574                double fptt;
575                double[] pt = new double[n];
576                double[] ptt = new double[n];
577                double[] xit = new double[n];
578                double fret = func.function(p);
579        System.arraycopy(p, 0, pt, 0, n);   // for (int j=0;j < n;j++) pt[j]=p[j];      //      Save the initial point.
580                for (int iter=0;;++iter) {
581                        double fp=fret;
582                        int ibig=0;
583                        double del=0.0;         //      Will be the biggest function decrease.
585                        //      Loop over all the directions in the set.
586                        for (int i=0;i < n;i++) {
587                                for (int j=0;j < n;j++) xit[j]=xi[j][i];        //      Copy the direction.
588                                fptt=fret;
589                                fret = linmin(n, p,xit,func);   //      Minimize along direction.
591                                //      Record if the largest decrease so far.
592                                if (abs(fptt-fret) > del) {
593                                        del=abs(fptt-fret);
594                                        ibig=i;
595                                }
596                        }
598                        //      Termination criteria.
599            double ferr = 2.0*abs(fp-fret);
600            double fcrit = ftol*(abs(fp)+abs(fret))+TINY2;
601                        if (ferr <= fcrit) {
602                                return fret;
603                        }
604                        if (iter == MAXIT) throw new RootException("Exceeded maximum iterations.");
606                        //      Construct extrapolated point and average direction moved and save old starting point.
607                        for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
608                double pj = p[j];
609                double ptj = pt[j];
610                                ptt[j]=2.0*pj-ptj;
611                                xit[j]=pj-ptj;
612                                pt[j]=pj;
613                        }
615                        fptt = func.function(ptt);      //      Function value at extrapolated point.
616                        if (fptt < fp) {
617                                double tmp1 = fp-fret-del;
618                                double tmp2 = fp-fptt;
619                                double t = 2.0*(fp-2.0*fret+fptt)*tmp1*tmp1-del*tmp2*tmp2;
620                                if (t < 0.0) {
621                                        //      Move to the minimum of the new direction, and save the new direciton.
622                                        fret = linmin(n, p,xit,func);
623                                        for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
624                                                xi[j][ibig] = xi[j][n-1];
625                                                xi[j][n-1] = xit[j];
626                                        }
627                                }
628                        }
629                }       //      Next iteration
630        }
633        /**
634        *  Given a starting point, p[1..n], a Polak-Reibiere minimization is
635        *  performed on a function, func, using it's gradient.
636        *
637        *  Reference:  Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd Edition, pg 423.
638        *
639        *  @param p  On input, this is the initial guess at the minimum point.  On output, this
640        *            is filled in with the variables that minimize the function.
641        *  @param n  The number of variables in the array p.
642        *  @param ftol The convergence tolerance on the function value.
643        *  @param func The function being minimized and it's derivative.
644        *  @return The minimum function value.
645        **/
646        private static double frprmn(double[] p, int n, double ftol, ScalarFunctionND func)
647                                                throws RootException {
649                double[] g = new double[n];
650                double[] h = new double[n];
651                double[] xi = new double[n];
653                //      Initializations
654                double fp = func.function(p);
655                func.derivatives(p,xi);
657                for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
658                        g[j] = -xi[j];
659                }
660        System.arraycopy(g, 0, h, 0, n);
661        System.arraycopy(g, 0, xi, 0, n);
663                //      Loop over the iterations.
664                for (int its=0;its < MAXIT;its++) {
665                        double fret = linmin(n, p,xi,func);
666                        if (2.0*abs(fret-fp) <= ftol*(abs(fret)+abs(fp)+TINY))
667                                return fret;    //      Normal return.
668                        fp=fret;
669                        func.derivatives(p,xi);
670                        double dgg = 0.0;
671                        double gg = 0.0;
672                        for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
673                double gj = g[j];
674                                gg += gj*gj;
675                double xij = xi[j];
676        //              dgg += xij*xij];                                //      Statement for Fletcher-Reeves.
677                                dgg += (xij+gj)*xij;            //      Statement for Polak-Ribiere.
678                        }
679                        if (gg == 0.0)                  //      Unlikely, if gradient is exactly 0, then we are already done.
680                                return fret;
682                        double gam = dgg/gg;
683                        for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
684                                g[j] = -xi[j];
685                                xi[j]=h[j]=g[j]+gam*h[j];
686                        }
687                }
688                throw new RootException("Too many iterations required for minimization.");
689        }
691        /**
692        *  Given an n-dimensional point, p[1..n], and an n-dimensional direction, xi[1..n],
693        *  moves and resets p to where the function, func(p), takes on a minimum along the
694        *  direction xi from p, and replaces xi by the actual vector displacement that p was
695        *  moved.  Also returns the function value at p.
696        *
697        *  Reference:  Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd Edition, pg 419.
698        **/
699        private static double linmin(int n, double[] p, double[] xi, ScalarFunctionND func)
700                                                        throws RootException {
702                Evaluatable1D f1dim = new F1DimFunction(p, xi, n, func);
703                double[] triple = new double[3];
704                double[] values = new double[3];
705                bracket1D(0, 1, triple, values, f1dim);
706                double ax = triple[0];
707                double xx = triple[1];
708                double bx = triple[2];
710                double[] outputs = new double[2];
711                double xmin = find(f1dim,ax,xx,bx,TOL,outputs);
712                double fret = outputs[1];
713                for (int j=0;j < n;j++) {
714                        xi[j] *= xmin;
715                        p[j] += xi[j];
716                }
718                return fret;
719        }
721        /**
722        *  This is the value of the function, nrfunc, along the line going through the
723        *  point p in the direction of xi.  This is used by linmin().
724        **/
725        private static class F1DimFunction extends AbstractEvaluatable1D {
726                private double[] _pcom;
727                private double[] _xicom;
728                private int _ncom;
729                private double[] _xt;
730                private double[] _df;
731                private ScalarFunctionND _nrfunc;
733                public F1DimFunction(double[] p, double[] xi, int n, ScalarFunctionND nrfunc) {
734                        _pcom = p;
735                        _xicom = xi;
736                        _ncom = n;
737                        _xt = new double[n];
738                        _df = new double[n];
739                        _nrfunc = nrfunc;
740                }
742        @Override
743                public double function(double x) throws RootException {
744                        for (int j=0;j < _ncom;j++)
745                                _xt[j] = _pcom[j] + x*_xicom[j];
746                        return _nrfunc.function(_xt);
747                }
749        @Override
750                public double derivative(double x) throws RootException {
751                        boolean hasDerivatives = _nrfunc.derivatives(_xt, _df);
752                        if (hasDerivatives) {
753                                double df1 = 0;
754                                for (int j=0;j < _ncom;j++)
755                                        df1 += _df[j]*_xicom[j];
756                                return df1;
757                        }
758                        return Double.NaN;
759                }
760        }
762        /**
763        *  Used to test out the methods in this class.
764        **/
765        public static void main(String args[]) {
767                System.out.println();
768                System.out.println("Testing Minimization...");
770                try {
771                        // Find the minimum of f(x) = x^2 - 3*x + 2.
773                        // First create an instance of our evaluatable function.
774                        Evaluatable1D function = new DemoMinFunction();
776                        //  Create some temporary storage.
777                        double[] output = new double[2];
779                        // Then call the minimizer with brackets on the minima and a tolerance.
780                        // The brackets can be used to isolate which minima you want (for instance).
781                        double xmin = find( function, -10, 10, 0.0001, output );
783                        System.out.println("    Minimum of f(x) = x^2 - 3*x + 2 is x = " + (float)xmin +
784                                                                                ", f(x) = " + (float)output[1]);
786                } catch (Exception e) {
787                        e.printStackTrace();
788                }
790        }
792        /**
793        *  <p>  A simple demonstration class that shows how to
794        *       use the Evaluatable1D class to find the minimum
795        *       of a 1D equation.  </p>
796        **/
797        private static class DemoMinFunction extends AbstractEvaluatable1D {
799                /**
800                *  User supplied method that calculates the function y = fn(x).
801                *  This demonstration returns the value of y = x^2 - 3*x + 2.
802                *
803                *  @param   x  Independent parameter to the function.
804                *  @return  The x^2 - 3*x + 2 evaluated at x.
805                **/
806        @Override
807                public double function(double x) {
808                        return (x*x - 3.*x + 2.);
809                }
811                /**
812                *  Calculates the derivative of the function dy/dx = d fn(x)/dx.
813                *  This demonstration returns dy/dx = 2*x - 3.
814                *
815                *  @param   x  Independent parameter to the function.
816                *  @return  The 2*x - 3 evaluated at x.
817                **/
818        @Override
819                public double derivative(double x) {
820                        return (2.*x - 3.);
821                }
823        }