002*   Quadrature  -- Methods for integrating a 1D function: I=int_a^b{f(x) dx}.
004*   Copyright (C) 2009-2025 by Joseph A. Huwaldt.
005*   All rights reserved.
007*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
009*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
010*   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
012*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015*   Lesser General Public License for more details.
017*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
018*   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
019*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
020*   Or visit:  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
022package jahuwaldt.tools.math;
024import static java.lang.Math.*;
028*  A collection of methods for integrating a 1D function within a range:
029*  <code>I=int_a^b{f(x) dx}</code>.
031*  <p>  Modified by:  Joseph A. Huwaldt  </p>
033*  @author   Joseph A. Huwaldt   Date:  June 8, 2009
034*  @version  February 14, 2025
036public class Quadrature {
038        //      2^(JMAX-1) is the maximum number of steps in simpsonsRule.
039        private static final int JMAX = 20;
041    /**
042     * Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to
043     * <code>b</code> using Simpson's Rule. Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 139.
044     *
045     * @param func The function being integrated (the "derivative" method is never called).
046     * @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
047     * @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
048     * @param tol The desired relative error.
049     * @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
050     * @throws IntegratorException if to many iterations are attempted.
051     * @throws RootException thrown by the function itself.
052     */
053    public static double simpsonsRule(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b, double tol) throws IntegratorException, RootException {
054        if (tol < MathTools.EPS)    tol = MathTools.EPS;
056        double ost = 0;
057        double os = 0;
058        for (int j = 1; j <= JMAX; ++j) {
059            double st = trapzd(func, a, b, j, ost);
060            double s = (4 * st - ost) / 3.;
061            if (j > 5)
062                if (abs(s - os) < tol * abs(os) || (s == 0.0 && os == 0.0))
063                    return s;
064            os = s;
065            ost = st;
066        }
067        throw new IntegratorException("To many steps in simpsonsRule.");
068    }
070        /**
071        *  This routine computes the nth stage of refinement of an extended
072        *  trapezoidal rule.  When called with n=1, the routine returns the
073        *  crudest estimate of int_a^b{f(x)dx}.  Subsequent calls with
074        *  n=2,3,... (in sequential order) will improve the accuracy by adding
075        *  2^(n-2) additional interior points.
076        *  Reference:  Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 137.
077        *
078        *  @param func  The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
079        *  @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
080        *  @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
081        *  @param n Desired stage of refinement (n=1, 2, 3, ... in sequential order).
082        *  @param s The estimate of the integral from the last call to this method (ignored when n==1).
083        *  @return The estimate of the function's integral.
084        *  @throws RootException thrown by the function itself.
085        */
086        private static double trapzd(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b, int n, double s) throws RootException {
087                if (n == 1)     return 0.5*(b-a)*(func.function(a)+func.function(b));
089                int it = 1;
090                for (int j=1; j < n-1; j++) it <<= 1;
092                double tnm = it;
093                double del = (b-a)/tnm;
094                double x = a + 0.5*del;
095                double sum = 0.;
096                for (int j=0; j < it; j++, x += del)
097                        sum += func.function(x);
099                s = 0.5*(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm);
101                return s;
102        }
105        /**
106        *  Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>
107        *  using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1).
108        *  Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 148.
109        *
110        *  @param func  The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
111        *  @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
112        *  @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
113        *  @param x The abscissas for the quadrature.  Number of points determined by length of x.
114        *  @param w The weights for the quadrature.  Must be same length as x.
115        *  @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
116        *  @throws RootException may be thrown by the function itself.
117        */
118        private static double gaussLegendre_Wx1(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b, double[] x, double[] w) throws RootException {
120                double xm = 0.5*(b+a);
121                double xr = 0.5*(b-a);
122                double s = 0;
123                int size = x.length;
124                for (int j=0; j < size; j++) {
125                        double dx = xr*x[j];
126                        s += w[j]*(func.function(xm+dx) + func.function(xm-dx));
127                }
128                return s *= xr;
129        }
131        //      Abscissa used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N10().
132        private static final double[] _gaussLx_Wx1N10 =
133                {0.14887433898163122, 0.43339539412924716, 0.6794095682990244, 0.8650633666889845, 0.9739065285171717};
134        //      Weights used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N10().
135        private static final double[] _gaussLw_Wx1N10 =
136                {0.2955242247147529, 0.26926671930999174, 0.21908636251598218, 0.14945134915058053, 0.06667134430868371};
138        /**
139        *  Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>
140        *  using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=10).
141        *  Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 148.
142        *
143        *  @param func  The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
144        *  @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
145        *  @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
146        *  @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
147        *  @throws RootException may be thrown by the function itself.
148        */
149        public static double gaussLegendre_Wx1N10(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b) throws RootException {
150                return gaussLegendre_Wx1(func, a, b, _gaussLx_Wx1N10, _gaussLw_Wx1N10);
151        }
153        //      Abscissa used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N20().
154        private static final double[] _gaussLx_Wx1N20 =
155                {0.07652652113349734, 0.2277858511416451, 0.37370608871541955, 0.5108670019508271, 0.636053680726515,
156                 0.7463319064601508, 0.8391169718222189, 0.912234428251326, 0.9639719272779138, 0.9931285991850949};
157        //      Weights used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N20().
158        private static final double[] _gaussLw_Wx1N20 =
159                {0.15275338713072598, 0.14917298647260382, 0.1420961093183819, 0.1316886384491766, 0.11819453196151775,
160                 0.10193011981724048, 0.08327674157670474, 0.06267204833410904, 0.04060142980038705, 0.017614007139150577};
162        /**
163        *  Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>
164        *  using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=20).
165        *  Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 148.
166        *
167        *  @param func  The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
168        *  @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
169        *  @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
170        *  @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
171        *  @throws RootException may be thrown by the function itself.
172        */
173        public static double gaussLegendre_Wx1N20(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b) throws RootException {
174                return gaussLegendre_Wx1(func, a, b, _gaussLx_Wx1N20, _gaussLw_Wx1N20);
175        }
177        //      Abscissa used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N40().
178        private static final double[] _gaussLx_Wx1N40 =
179                {0.038772417506050816, 0.11608407067525521, 0.1926975807013711, 0.2681521850072, 0.3419940908257585,
180                 0.413779204371605, 0.4830758016861787, 0.5494671250951282, 0.6125538896679802, 0.6719566846141796,
181                 0.7273182551899271, 0.7783056514265194, 0.8246122308333117, 0.8659595032122595, 0.9020988069688743,
182                 0.9328128082786765, 0.9579168192137917, 0.9772599499837743, 0.990726238699457, 0.9982377097105593};
183        //      Weights used by gaussLegendre_Wx1N40().
184        private static final double[] _gaussLw_Wx1N40 =
185                {0.0775059479784248, 0.077039818164248, 0.07611036190062617, 0.07472316905796833, 0.07288658239580408,
186                 0.07061164739128681, 0.06791204581523393, 0.06480401345660108, 0.06130624249292889, 0.05743976909939157,
187                 0.05322784698393679, 0.04869580763507221, 0.04387090818567314, 0.03878216797447161, 0.033460195282546436,
188                 0.02793700698001634, 0.02224584919416689, 0.016421058381907876, 0.010498284531152905, 0.004521277098533099};
190        /**
191        *  Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>
192        *  using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=40).
193        *  Reference: Numerical Recipes in C, pg. 148.
194        *
195        *  @param func  The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
196        *  @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
197        *  @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
198        *  @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
199        *  @throws RootException may be thrown by the function itself.
200        */
201        public static double gaussLegendre_Wx1N40(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b) throws RootException {
202                return gaussLegendre_Wx1(func, a, b, _gaussLx_Wx1N40, _gaussLw_Wx1N40);
203        }
206    //  Constants used by the adaptive Lobatto integration routines.
207    private static final double ALPHA = sqrt(2./3.);
208    private static final double BETA = 1./sqrt(5.);
209    private static final double X1 = 0.942882415695480;
210    private static final double X2 = 0.641853342345781;
211    private static final double X3 = 0.236383199662150;
213    /**
214     * Returns the integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>
215     * using the adaptive Gauss-Lobatto method.<br>
216     * Reference:
217     *  Gander, W., Gautschi, W., "Adaptive Quadrature - Revisited", ETH Zürich, Aug. 1998.
218     *
219     * @param func The function being integrated (the "derivative" function is never called).
220     * @param a The lower integration limit (must be < b).
221     * @param b The upper integration limit (must be > a).
222     * @param tol The desired relative error.
223     * @return The integral of the supplied function from <code>a</code> to <code>b</code>.
224     * @throws IntegratorException if to many iterations are attempted.
225     * @throws RootException may be thrown by the function itself.
226     */
227    public static double adaptLobatto(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b, double tol) throws IntegratorException, RootException {
228        // Ref: https://web.archive.org/web/20250215023253/https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/bitstream/handle/20.500.11850/69327/eth-4347-01.pdf
229        if (tol < MathTools.EPS)    tol = MathTools.EPS;
231        double m = (a+b)/2;
232        double h = (b-a)/2;
233        double[] x = {a, m-X1*h, m-ALPHA*h, m-X2*h, m-BETA*h, m-X3*h, m, m+X3*h,
234                    m+BETA*h, m+X2*h, m+ALPHA*h, m+X1*h, b};
235        double[] y = new double[13];
236        for (int i=0; i < 13; ++i)
237            y[i] = func.function(x[i]);
238        double fa = y[0];
239        double fb = y[12];
240        double i2 = h/6*(fa + fb + 5*(y[4] + y[8]));
241        double i1 = h/1470*(77*(fa + fb) + 432*(y[2] + y[10]) + 625*(y[4] + y[8]) + 672*y[6]);
242        double is = h*(0.01582719197343802*(fa+fb) + 0.0942738402188500*(y[1]+y[11])
243                + 0.155071987336585*(y[2]+y[10]) + 0.188821573960182*(y[3]+y[9])
244                + 0.199773405226859*(y[4]+y[8]) + 0.224926465333340*(y[5]+y[7])
245                + 0.242611071901408*y[6]);
246        double s = signum(is);
247        if (MathTools.isApproxZero(s)) s = 1;
248        double erri1 = abs(i1-is);
249        double erri2 = abs(i2-is);
250        double R = erri1/erri2;
251        if (R > 0 && R < 1)
252            tol = tol/R;
253        is = s*abs(is)*tol/MathTools.EPS;
254        if (MathTools.isApproxZero(is))
255            is = b-a;
257        return adaptlobstp(func,a,b,fa,fb,is);
258    }
260    /**
261     * Recursion function used by adaptlob().
262     */
263    private static double adaptlobstp(Evaluatable1D func, double a, double b, double fa, double fb, double is) throws IntegratorException, RootException {
264        double h = (b-a)/2;
265        double m = (a+b)/2;
266        double mll = m-ALPHA*h;
267        double ml = m-BETA*h;
268        double mr = m+BETA*h;
269        double mrr = m+ALPHA*h;
270        double fmll = func.function(mll);
271        double fml = func.function(ml);
272        double fm = func.function(m);
273        double fmr = func.function(mr);
274        double fmrr = func.function(mrr);
275        double i2 = h/6*(fa+fb+5*(fml+fmr));
276        double i1 = h/1470*(77*(fa + fb) + 432*(fmll + fmrr) + 625*(fml + fmr) + 672*fm);
277        if (MathTools.isApproxEqual(is + (i1-i2), is) || mll <= a || b <= mr) {
278            if (m <= a || b <= m ) {
279                throw new IntegratorException("Interval contains no more machine precision. Required tolerance not met.");
280            }
281            return i1;
283        } else {
284            double output = adaptlobstp(func,a,mll,fa,fmll,is);
285            output += adaptlobstp(func,mll,ml,fmll,fml,is);
286            output += adaptlobstp(func,ml,m,fml,fm,is);
287            output += adaptlobstp(func,m,mr,fm,fmr,is);
288            output += adaptlobstp(func,mr,mrr,fmr,fmrr,is);
289            output += adaptlobstp(func,mrr,b,fmrr,fb,is);
291            return output;
292        }
293    }