AbstractCurve<T extends AbstractCurve> |
The interface and implementation in common to all curves.
AbstractGeomElement<T extends AbstractGeomElement> |
AbstractGeomList<T extends AbstractGeomList,E extends GeomElement> |
Partial implementation of a list of GeomElement objects.
AbstractNote<T extends AbstractNote> |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space.
AbstractPointGeomList<T extends AbstractPointGeomList,E extends PointGeometry> |
AbstractSurface<T extends AbstractSurface> |
The interface and implementation in common to all surfaces.
CircleInfo |
An simple container that packages together information about circles.
CurveTestSuite |
This class holds the geomss.geom Curve unit tests and benchmarks.
CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest |
CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest |
CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest |
CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest |
CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests |
CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest |
ForwardingChangeListener |
A ChangeListener that forwards the change event on to a target
AbstractGeomElement instance.
GenModelNote |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, and
represented at a fixed size and orientation in model space.
GenScreenNote |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, but is
displayed at a fixed size on the screen and oriented such that it is always face-on to
the user.
GeomList<E extends GeomElement> |
GeomPlane |
The interface and implementation in common to all 2D planes in n-dimensional space.
GeomPlaneTrans |
GeomPoint |
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
GeomPointTrans |
GeomTriangle |
The interface and implementation in common to all triangles in n-dimensional space.
GeomUtil |
A collection of static methods used by classes in the geometry package.
GeomVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
Partial implementation of an n-dimensional vector which indicates direction, but not
GeomXMLBinding |
This class represents the binding between GeomSS Java classes and their XML
representation (XMLFormat); the binding may be shared among multiple
XMLObjectReader/XMLObjectWriter instances (is thread-safe).
GridSpacing |
A collection of methods for creating various grid spacing options.
GTransform |
A general 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms GeomPoint objects.
LinearComboCurve |
Represents a linear combination made up of a list of Curve objects.
LineSeg |
A concrete line segment in n-dimensional space.
LineSegment |
The interface and implementation in common to all line segments in n-dimensional space.
LineSegTrans |
LoftedSurface |
Represents a "lofted" or "skinned" surface defined from a list of defining
curves that each define a cross-section of the surface.
MeshUtil |
A collection of static methods used to work with triangular unstructured meshes.
ModelNote |
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a specified size and
orientation in model space.
ModelNoteTrans |
MutablePoint |
A mutable container that holds changeable coordinates of a point in n-dimensional
MutableVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A container that holds changeable coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which
indicates direction, but not position.
Note |
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a fixed size and
orientation on the screen.
NoteTrans |
Plane |
A concrete, immutable, 2D plane in n-dimensional space.
Point |
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
PointArray<E extends GeomPoint> |
A PointArray is a collection of PointString objects that make up a
"list of strings of points".
PointComponent |
PointString<E extends GeomPoint> |
A PointString is a collection of GeomPoint objects that make up a
"string of points".
PointVehicle |
SubrangeCurve |
SubrangePoint |
SubrangeSurface |
A subrange or trimmed Surface that is defined by a set of four 2D boundary
curves that define the 4 parametric edges of the trimmed surface on the child surface.
TFISurface |
Represents a bi-linearly blended transfinite interpolation (TFI) or Coons patch surface
defined from four boundary curves.
Triangle |
A concrete triangle in n-dimensional space.
TriangleList<E extends GeomTriangle> |
TriangleTrans |
TriangleVertData |
An simple container that packages together information about a list of
Vector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A container that holds the coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which indicates
direction, but not position.
VectorTrans<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |