AbstractParamVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,T extends AbstractParamVector<Q,T>> |
AbstractRotation<T extends AbstractRotation<?>> |
This class represents a partial implementation of a Rotation object.
AxisAngle |
This class represents a rotation axis and rotation angle made up of Float64
Coordinate3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements representing a
geometrical coordinate.
Cylindrical3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements
representing a geometrical cylindrical coordinate with elements radius, azimuth angle
and height.
DCMatrix |
This class represents a 3x3 transformation or direction cosine matrix
that represents a relative orientation (attitude or rotation transformation) between
two different reference frames; B wrt A or BA.
EulerAngles |
This class represents the three Euler angles; theta1, theta2, theta3.
Matrix3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents an amount (a value with associated units) for which operations
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed (it
implements the Field interface).
ParameterFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing parameter instances.
ParameterVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents an n-dimensional vector of Parameter
elements sharing the same units.
ParamTestSuite |
ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit |
ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests |
Polar3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements
representing a geometrical polar coordinate with elements magnitude, azimuth angle and
elevation angle where elevation is measured positive above the reference plane (similar
to latitude).
Quaternion |
This class represents a 4 element quaternion made up of Float64
Vector3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements sharing
the same units.