Class OBL

  • public class OBL
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static PointString invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env, bsh.CallStack callstack, Curve crv, GeomPlane plane, double eps)
      Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified curve.
      static GeomList invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env, bsh.CallStack callstack, GeometryList geom, GeomPlane plane, Parameter tol)
      Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified list of geometry.
      static GeomList invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env, bsh.CallStack callstack, Surface srf, GeomPlane plane, Parameter tol)
      Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified surface.
      static java.lang.String usage()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • OBL

        public OBL()
    • Method Detail

      • usage

        public static java.lang.String usage()
      • invoke

        public static GeomList invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env,
                                      bsh.CallStack callstack,
                                      GeometryList geom,
                                      GeomPlane plane,
                                      Parameter tol)
                               throws bsh.EvalError
        Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified list of geometry. Only intersections with curves and surfaces are considered. Intersections with curves result in PointString objects being added to the output GeomList that contain any intersection SubrangePoint objects. Intersections with surfaces result in GeomList objects being added to the output GeomList that contain any intersection SubrangeCurves on the surface.
        geom - The list of geometry to be intersected with the plane.
        plane - The arbitrary plane to use for intersection.
        tol - The desired tolerance for the intersection.
        The list of all the intersections between the specified plane and the input list of geometry.
      • invoke

        public static PointString invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env,
                                         bsh.CallStack callstack,
                                         Curve crv,
                                         GeomPlane plane,
                                         double eps)
                                  throws bsh.EvalError
        Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified curve. A PointString object is returned that contains any intersection SubrangePoint objects.
        crv - The curve to be intersected with the plane.
        plane - The arbitrary plane to use for intersection.
        eps - The desired fractional tolerance in parameter space for the intersection.
        The list of all the intersections points between the specified plane and the input curve.
      • invoke

        public static GeomList invoke​(bsh.Interpreter env,
                                      bsh.CallStack callstack,
                                      Surface srf,
                                      GeomPlane plane,
                                      Parameter tol)
                               throws bsh.EvalError
        Return the intersection between an arbitrary plane and the specified surface. A GeomList object is returned that contains any intersection SubrangeCurve objects.
        srf - The surface to be intersected with the plane.
        plane - The arbitrary plane to use for intersection.
        tol - The desired tolerance for the intersection.
        The list of all the intersections curves between the specified plane and the input surface.