A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Α Ε Μ Π Σ Φ ℎ ℏ
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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- a0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Bohr radius (α/(4π·Rinf))
- AboutJMenuItem - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
This is the Swing implementation of the About menu item.
- abs() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the absolute value of this measure.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the absolute value of this number.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the absolute value of this floating point number.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the absolute value of this number.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the absolute value of this large integer.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the absolute value of this rational number.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the absolute value of this real number.
- abs() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the absolute value of this measure.
- AbstractCurve<T extends AbstractCurve> - Class in geomss.geom
The interface and implementation in common to all curves.
- AbstractCurve() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
- AbstractEvaluatable1D - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A class that defines a 1D function
y = fn(x)
(named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders. - AbstractEvaluatable1D() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.AbstractEvaluatable1D
- AbstractGeomElement<T extends AbstractGeomElement> - Class in geomss.geom
A partial implementation of the
interface. - AbstractGeomElement() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
- AbstractGeomList<T extends AbstractGeomList,E extends GeomElement> - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a list of
objects. - AbstractGeomList() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
- AbstractGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
A partial implementation of the
interface. - AbstractGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
- AbstractNote<T extends AbstractNote> - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space.
- AbstractNote() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
- AbstractParamVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,T extends AbstractParamVector<Q,T>> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- AbstractParamVector() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
- AbstractPlotWindow - Class in geomss.ui
A partial implementation of a window that displays a plot using JFreeChart.
- AbstractPlotWindow(String, String) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Construct a new AbstractPlotWindow with the given parameters.
- AbstractPointGeomList<T extends AbstractPointGeomList,E extends PointGeometry> - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a named list of
objects. - AbstractPointGeomList() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractPointGeomList
- AbstractRotation<T extends AbstractRotation<?>> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a partial implementation of a Rotation object.
- AbstractRotation() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
- AbstractSurface<T extends AbstractSurface> - Class in geomss.geom
The interface and implementation in common to all surfaces.
- AbstractSurface() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
- acceleration() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the acceleration units.
- ACCELERATION - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- accept(File) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Return true if this file should be shown , false if it should not.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Return true if this file should be included in a file list, false if it shouldn't.
- acos(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with an arc-cosine spacing between 0 and 1.
- acos(Parameter<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the arc cosine of the specified value, in the range of
. - ACOS - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- acosh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the specified argument.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.ChooseUnitDialog
This method is called when the user clicks on the "OK Button".
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectCasesDialog
This method is called when the user clicks on the "OK Button".
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectParamsDialog
This method is called when the user clicks on the "OK Button".
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.EditUnitSetDialog
This method is called when the user clicks on the "OK Button".
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.GenericActionListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.TransferActionListener
- adaptLobatto(Evaluatable1D, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
Returns the integral of the supplied function from
using the adaptive Gauss-Lobatto method.
Reference: Gander, W., Gautschi, W., "Adaptive Quadrature - Revisited", ETH Zürich, Aug. - add(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractPointGeomList
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, E) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, E...) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified list of arguments into this list at the specified position. - add(int, E...) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified list of arguments into this list at the specified position. - add(int, E, Double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Inserts the specified GeomElement at the specified position in this list.
- add(int, Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list with a default weight of 1.0. - add(int, Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, Curve...) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified list of arguments into this LinearComboCurve at the specified position with a default weight of 1.0 assigned to each. - add(int, Curve...) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified list of arguments into this list at the specified position. - add(int, Curve, Double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, PointArray) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, PointComponent) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, PointString<E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Inserts the specified
at the specified position in this list. - add(int, DataParam) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Inserts the specified parameter at the specified position in this case.
- add(E) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Appends the specified
to the end of this list. - add(E...) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Appends all of the elements in the specified list of arguments to this geometry element list.
- add(E...) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Appends all of the elements in the specified list of arguments to this geometry element list.
- add(E, Double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Appends the specified GeomElement to the end of this list.
- add(Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Appends the specified
to the end of this LinearComboCurve with a default weight of 1.0. - add(Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Appends the specified
to the end of this surface's list of curves. - add(Curve...) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Appends all of the elements in the specified list of arguments to this LinearComboCurve with a default weight of 1.0 assigned to each.
- add(Curve...) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Appends all of the elements in the specified list of arguments to this geometry element list.
- add(Curve, Double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Appends the specified
to the end of this list of curves. - add(AbstractButton) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Adds a button to the group
- add(AbstractButton[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Adds an array of buttons to the group
- addAll(int, E[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified array into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, E[]) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified array into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, E[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Inserts the specified list of elements at the specified position in this list.
- addAll(int, Curve[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified array into this LinearComboCurve at the specified position with a default weight of 1.0 assigned to each. - addAll(int, Curve[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified array into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, DataParam[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Inserts the specified list of parameters at the specified position in this case.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>, Collection<Double>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Inserts all of the GeomElement objects in the specified collection and their associated weights into this linear combination at the specified position.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends Curve>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts all of the curves in the specified collection of curves into this LinearComboCurve with default weights of 1.0 for each.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends Curve>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Inserts all of the curves in the specified collection into this surface at the specified position.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends Curve>, Collection<Double>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Inserts all of the curves in the specified collection and their associated weights into this LinearComboCurve at the specified position.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends PointArray>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, Collection<? extends PointComponent>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(int, Collection<? extends PointString<E>>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Inserts all of the
objects in the specified collection into this list at the specified position. - addAll(E[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to this geometry element list.
- addAll(E[]) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Appends all of the elements in the specified array to this geometry element list.
- addAll(E[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Appends the specified list of elements to the end of this list.
- addAll(Curve[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Appends all of the curves in the specified array to this LinearComboCurve with a default weight of 1.0 assigned to each.
- addAll(Curve[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Appends all of the curves in the specified array to this LoftedSurface.
- addAll(DataParam[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Appends the specified list of parameters to the end of this case.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this geometry element list.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>, Collection<Double>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Appends all of the GeomElement objects in the specified collection to this list.
- addAll(Collection<? extends Curve>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Adds all of the curves in the specified collection to this LinearComboCurve with a default weight of 1.0 for each.
- addAll(Collection<? extends Curve>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Adds all of the curves in the specified collection to this surface.
- addAll(Collection<? extends Curve>, Collection<Double>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Appends all of the curves in the specified collection to this LinearComboCurve.
- addBackground(BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Adds the specified background to this canvas.
- addCaptureObserver(CapturedImageObserver) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.ImageCaptureCanvas3D
Add an observer to this canvas to listen for images.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Add a listener that is notified of changes to the state of this element.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Add a listener that is notified of changes to the state of this element.
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Add an edit and notify our listeners.
- addExtension(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Adds a file name "dot" extension to filter against.
- addExtensions(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Adds a list of extensions parsed from a comma, space or tab delimited list.
- addExtensionToFile(Component, File, String, String, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Return a version of the provided file reference that has the specified extension on it.
- addFilename(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Adds a full filename to filter against.
- addOverlay(BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Adds the specified overlay to this canvas.
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
- addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
- addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
- addQuitListener(QuitListener) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Register an object to receive notification that the application is going to quit soon.
- addToWindowsMenu(Window) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Add the supplied window to the Windows menu of the main application.
- addTransformChangeListener(TransformChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Add a
to this canvas. - addTransformChangeListener(TransformChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Add a
to this object. - addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Add a listener to be notified each time an edit is added to this manager.
- addWindow(Window) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Register the supplied window with the list of windows managed by this MDIApplication.
- adjoint() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the adjoint of this matrix.
- adjoint() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the adjoint of this matrix.
- adjoint() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- adjoint() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- adjoint() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- adjoint() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the adjoint of this matrix.
- adjoint() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- advancingFrontPlanar(PointString<? extends GeomPoint>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MeshUtil
Generate an unstructured mesh/grid on a planar region defined by the input boundary points.
- advancingFrontPlanar(PointString<? extends GeomPoint>, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Area>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MeshUtil
Generate an unstructured mesh/grid on a planar region defined by the input boundary points.
- Airfoil - Interface in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
Defines the interface in common to all airfoil type objects.
- aitken(Evaluatable1D, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Find a root of a 1D equation using the Aitken method.
- allocate2DArray(int, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Allocate a recyclable 2D array of double values using factory methods.
- allocateArray(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Allocate a recyclable array that can contain Point objects using factory methods.
- allocateArray(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Allocate a recyclable array that can contain Vector objects using factory methods.
- allOpenWindows() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get an unmodifiable list of all the currently open windows in the application.
- Altitude - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the Mean-Sea-Level
altitude (MSL). - AMBIENT - geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
- AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE - geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
- Amount<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in org.jscience.physics.amount
This class represents a determinate or estimated amount for which operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed (it implements the
interface). - AmountException - Exception in org.jscience.physics.amount
Signals that an illegal measure operation has been performed.
- AmountException() - Constructor for exception org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountException
Constructs a measure exception with no detail message.
- AmountException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountException
Constructs a measure exception with the specified message.
- AmountFormat - Class in org.jscience.physics.amount
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing
instances. - amu - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the unified atomic mass unit (0.001 kg/mol)/N
- angle - Variable in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
The angle between the start and end of the circle (if represented as a circular arc).
- angle - Variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Rotation angle
- angle() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the angular measure units for this unit set.
- angle(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the angle between this vector and the specified vector.
- angle(AbstractParamVector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the angle between this vector and the specified vector.
- ANGLE - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- anglesTo(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the equivalent to this vector but with the angles stated in the specified unit.
- angleTo(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the equivalent to this vector but with the azimuth angle stated in the specified unit.
- ANGULAR_VELOCITY - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- angularVelocity() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the angular velocity units.
- append(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- applyRotation(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the rotational components replaced with those in the specified direction cosine matrix.
- applyRotationScale(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix with the upper-left 3x3 portion of this matrix (rotation and scaling) replaced by the specified values.
- applyScale(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the specified uniform scale factor applied.
- applyScale(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the specified set of three scale factors applied in each axis (X,Y,Z).
- applyTranslation(Vector<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the translation components replaced by the specified values.
- applyTranslation(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a new transformation matrix that is identical to this one, but with the translation components replaced by the specified values.
- applyWeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a new ControlPoint with the geometric point portion of this control point multiplied by the weight.
- AppPreferences - Class in geomss.app
This class serves as a collection of preferences for this program.
- AppPreferences() - Constructor for class geomss.app.AppPreferences
- approxAirfoilPoints(int, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, PointString<?>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveUtils
Method that returns a
that approximates the input list of points on either the upper or lower surface of a blunt nosed airfoil. - approximates(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Indicates if this real approximates the one specified.
- approximates(Amount) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Indicates if this measure approximates that measure.
- approxPoints(int, int, int, int, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a
of the specified degrees that approximates, in a least squares sense, the specified array of geometry points in the input order. - approxPoints(int, int, PointString<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a
of the specified degree that approximates, in a least squared error sense, the specified list of geometry points in the input order. - appSupportFolder(String, boolean) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Return a reference to the MacOS application support folder.
- AppUtilities - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A set of generic utilities that I have found useful and that are used by most of my Java applications.
- AQUA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The blue color the sky reflected in water.
- ARC - geomss.geom.GridRule
Gridding by arc-length in real space.
- arcLengthParameterize(NurbsCurve, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return a NurbsCurve, with the same degree as the input curve, which is an approximate arc-length re-parameterization of the input NurbsCurve.
- ArcLengthTest(Curve, Parameter<Length>, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest
- area() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the area units.
- AREA - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- areas - Variable in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
The surface area of one side of each triangle.
- argument() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the argument of this complex number.
- ArrayParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
An array of parameter values in a
or run. - asin(Parameter<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the arc sine of the specified value, in the range of
. - asinh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the specified argument.
- asType(Class<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
Casts this Coordinate3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Casts this Cylindrical3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Casts this Matrix3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the specified quantity and this matrix unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Casts this Parameter to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Casts this ParameterVector to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Casts this Polar3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - asType(Class<T>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Casts this Vector3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a
if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match. - atan(Parameter<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the arc tangent of the specified value, in the range of
. - atan2(Parameter<R>, Parameter<R>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the angle theta such that (x == cos(theta)) && (y == sin(theta)).
- atanh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the specified argument.
- AUD - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Australian Dollar currency unit.
- averagePoints(GeomPoint...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Compute the average of an array of points (returning the mid-point between them all).
- averagePoints(List<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Compute the average of a list of points (returning the mid-point between them all).
- Axis - Class in geomss.app
Representation of a set of axes around the coordinates.
- Axis() - Constructor for class geomss.app.Axis
Create a default axis object with each item length 5 from the origin
- Axis(float) - Constructor for class geomss.app.Axis
Create an axis object with the given axis length from the origin.
- Axis(float, float) - Constructor for class geomss.app.Axis
Create an axis object with the given axis length from the origin.
- AxisAngle - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a rotation axis and rotation angle made up of Float64 elements.
- AZIMUTH - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Constant used to identify the azimuth angle of the vector.
- AZIMUTH - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Constant used to identify the azimuth angle of the vector.
- BANANA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The yellowish color of a banana.
- BASE_UNIT - Static variable in interface org.jscience.economics.money.Money
Holds the base unit for money quantities (symbol "¤", currency symbol).
- BasicCSTCurve - Class in geomss.geom.cst
An implementation of the Class-Shape-Transform (CST) planar curve.
- BasicNurbsCurve - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A basic implementation of a parametric NURBS curve.
- BasicNurbsSurface - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A basic implementation of a parametric NURBS surface.
- BasisFunction - Interface in jahuwaldt.tools.math
Defines the interface for a basis function as required by the ModelData class.
- basisFunctionDerivatives(int, double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Calculates all the derivatives of all the unweighted basis functions from
up to the given grade,d^{grade}Nik(s)/d^{grade}s
. - basisFunctions(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the basis function values for the given parameter value (Nik(s)).
- basisFunctions(int, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the unweighted basis function values for the given parameter value (Nik(s)), when the span that the parameter value lies in is already known.
- BDSGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for writing vehicle point geometry out to an SAIC bdStudio BDS mesh geometry file. - BDSGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
- bezierKnotVector(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return a knot vector that can be used to create a Bezier curve segment of the specified degree using the BasicNurbsCurve class.
- bezierKnotVector(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return a knot vector that can be used to create a Bezier curve segment of the specified degree using the BasicNurbsCurve class.
- BGFGCanvas3D - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
BGFGCanvas3D is a
that renders an list of arbitrary 2DBGFGImage
objects either behind or over top of the 3D scene. - BGFGCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Constructs and initializes a new BGFGCanvas3D object that Java 3D can render into.
- BGFGCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Constructs and initializes a new BGFGCanvas3D object that Java 3D can render into.
- BGFGImage - Interface in jahuwaldt.j3d
The interface in common to any objects that provide a background or foreground (overlay) image to render behind or on top of a
. - bin2dec(BitSet) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Converts binary number to it's base 10 decimal equivalent.
- BinomialCoef - Class in jahuwaldt.js.math
This class represents an immutable matrix of binomial coefficients (n/k) defined up to a specified maximum index.
- bitLength() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the minimal number of bits to represent this large integer in the minimal two's-complement (sign excluded).
- BLACK - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pure black.
- blankedStatus() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return blank status.
- BLUE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pure blue.
- BLUNTNOSED_AIRFOIL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for a blunt-nosed airfoil (subsonic airfoil).
- BOTTOM - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- bound2Pi(double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the input angle (in radians) bounded to the range 0 - 2*PI.
- bound2Pi(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the input angle bounded to the range 0 - 2*PI.
- boundPi(double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the input angle (in radians) bounded to the range +/-PI.
- boundPi(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the input angle bounded to the range +/-PI (+/- 180 deg).
- boundsIntersect(GeomElement, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns true if the bounding boxes of two geometry objects intersect or overlap.
- bracket(Evaluatable1D, double, double, int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Given a function,
, defined on the intervalx1
, this routine subdivides the interval inton
equally spaced segments, and searches for zero crossings of the function. - bracket1D(double, double, double[], double[], Evaluatable1D) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
Method that searches in the downhill direction (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points) and returns new points (in triple) that bracket a minimum of the function.
- BracketRoot1D - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
Represents the bracket around a root in a 1D function.
- BracketRoot1D(double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
Construct a bracket around a root in a 1D function.
- browse(URI) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Launches the default browser to display a URI.
- BshLog - Class in geomss.ui
A logging context that dumps the log to the supplied BeanShell Console.
- BshLog(JConsole) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.BshLog
- BUBBLEGUM - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The violet-pink color of bubble gum.
- buffer2File(byte[], File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Write the entire contents of a byte array to the specified file.
- buildButtonGroup(ImageObserver, String[][], String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a ButtonGroup containing toggle buttons from a description stored in a String array.
- buildButtonGroup(ImageObserver, String[][], URL[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a ButtonGroup containing toggle buttons from a description stored in a String array.
- buildButtonGroup(ImageObserver, String[][], ImageIcon[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a ButtonGroup containing toggle buttons from a description stored in a String array.
- buildButtonList(Object, ImageObserver, String[][]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a List of buttons from a description stored in a String array.
- buildConstraints(GridBagConstraints, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Fills in the GridBagConstraints record for a given component with input items.
- buildInterpKnotVector(double[], int, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a vector of knots to go with the list of parameter values for a curve that passes through a list of points.
- buildMenu(Object, String, String[][]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a JMenu from a description stored in a String array.
- buildMenu(Object, String, List<String[]>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a JMenu from a description stored in a list of String arrays.
- buildMenuItem(Object, String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Build up a JMenuItem from a description stored in a String array.
- byteBuffer2File(ByteBuffer, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Write the contents of a ByteBuffer, from the beginning up to the current position, to the specified file.
- byteValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as a
- c - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the speed of light in vacuum (exact).
- c_square - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
². - CAD - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Canadian Dollar currency unit.
- calcXHat(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the xhat vector (an X axis orthogonal to the specified normal and Y-axis vectors).
- calcYHat(GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the yhat vector (a Y axis orthogonal to the specified plane normal).
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read paneled geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read paneled geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Method that determines if this reader can read geometry from the specified input file.
- canReadData(String, BufferedInputStream) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Method that determines if this reader can read data from the specified input stream.
- canReadData(String, BufferedInputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Method that determines if this reader can read data from the specified input stream.
- canReadData(String, BufferedInputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Method that determines if this reader can read data from the specified input stream.
- CANTALOUPE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The orangish color of a cantaloupe melon.
- canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.image.CapturedImageObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
- canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.JPEGImageObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
- canvasImageCaptured(BufferedImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.PNGImageObserver
Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
- canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_11_2DLinearString
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_12_3DLinearString
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_13_3DVectorString
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWrite() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers
if the Entity can be written to an exchange file. - canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
if this class can write at least some data in the format supported by this class. - canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Returns true if this class can write at least some data in the format supported by this class.
- canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
. - canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
. - canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
. - canWriteData() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Returns true if this class can write at least some data in the format supported by this class.
- canWriteData() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Returns true.
- canWriteData() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Returns false.
- canWriteFile(File) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Displays a message to the user if a file exists but can not be written to.
- CapturedImageObserver - Interface in jahuwaldt.j3d.image
An observer for when images have been captured from the Canvas3D.
- captureNextFrame() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.image.CapturedImageObserver
Returns a flag indicating if the next frame should be captured or not.
- captureNextFrame() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.JPEGImageObserver
Returns a flag indicating if the next frame should be captured or not.
- captureNextFrame() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.PNGImageObserver
Returns a flag indicating if the next frame should be captured or not.
- CARDGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing vehicle geometry from/to an APAS II (Airplane Preliminary Analysis System) CARD formatted geometry file. - CARDGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
- CARNATION - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The pink color of a carnation.
- CAYENNE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The medium red color of cayenne peppers.
- CCIntersectionTest(Curve, Curve, SubrangePoint, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest
- center - Variable in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
The center or origin of the circle.
- center() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Centers the geometry in the display.
- center() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Centers the geometry in the display.
- centerAndZoom() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Centers the geometry in the display and zooms until the geometry fills the display.
- centerAndZoom() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Centers the geometry in the display and zooms until the geometry fills the display.
- centerIt(Component) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Center the specified component on the screen.
- centerIt(Component, Component) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Center the "inside" component inside of the bounding rectangle of the "outside" component.
- centerTwoPointCircle(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds a circle that is approximately centered on the specified origin point and passes through the two input points.
- CGS - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Constant used to indicate that the coherent metric (cm-gram-sec) units should be used.
- changeBFCoefficients(int, double...) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the shape function Bernstein Polynomial coefficients changed to the specified coefficients.
- changeCFunction(CSTClassFunction) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the class function changed to the specified class function.
- changeChord(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the chord length changed to the specified value.
- changeDrawTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the draw tolerance changed to the specified value.
- changeFont(Font) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified font.
- changeFont(Font) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified font.
- changeFont(Font) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified font.
- changeFont(Font) - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified font.
- changeFont(Font) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified font.
- changeHeight(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified height in model space.
- changeHeight(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified height in model space.
- changeHeight(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified height in model space.
- changeLineColor(Color) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the line or curve color changed to the specified color.
- changeLineWidth(int) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the line width changed to the specified value.
- changeLocation(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified location in model space.
- changeLocation(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified location in model space.
- changeLocation(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified location in model space.
- changeLocation(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified location in model space.
- changeLocation(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return a new note object identical to this one, but with the specified location in model space.
- changeOffsetTE(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the trailing edge offset from the chord-line to chord ratio changed to the specified value.
- changeOffsetTE(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the trailing edge offset from the chord-line changed to the specified value.
- changeOrigin(Point) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the curve origin or leading-edge point changed to the specified value.
- changePointColor(Color) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the point color changed to the specified color.
- changePointSize(int) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the point size changed to the specified value.
- changeRefPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return a new Plane that is identical to this plane, but with a different reference point (the plane is shifted to pass through the specified point).
- changeSFunction(CSTShapeFunction) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this CSTCurve with the shape function changed to the specified shape function.
- changeSurfaceAlpha(float) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the alpha or transparency used to render surfaces and point-arrays changed.
- changeSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType, Color) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the specified type of color used to render surfaces and point-arrays changed.
- changeSurfaceShininess(float) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Return a set of rendering preferences that are identical to this one, but with the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays changed.
- changeTo(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Returns the parameter that has the same values as this parameter but with the units changed (without converting the values).
- changeTo(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns the parameter that has the same values as this parameter but with the units changed (without converting the values).
- changeTo(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.UnitParameter
Returns the parameter that has the same values as this parameter but with the units changed (without converting the values).
- changeWeight(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return a new control point that is identical to this one, but with the weight changed to the specified value.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Checks to see if the entity has any errors or warnings.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity000_Null
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity100_CircularArc
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_ConicArc
Checks to see if the entity should be drawn.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_CopiousData
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_XX_Unsupported
Checks to see if the entity has any errors or warnings.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_Plane
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_XX_Unsupported
Checks to see if the entity has any errors or warnings.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity112_ParSplineCurve
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_RuledSurface
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_XX_Unsupported
Checks to see if the entity has any errors or warnings.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity308_Subfigure
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_Associativity
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_XX_Unsupported
Checks to see if the entity has any errors or warnings.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity404_Drawing
Checks to see if the entity should be drawn.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity408_SingularSubfigure
Checks to see if the entity is correct.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity410_View
Checks to see if the entity should be drawn.
- check() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityXXX_Unsupported
The method check() should go through the given restrictions for the entity and put together an error string to be displayed in the error window.
- checkDateAndDie(Calendar, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that exits the program (with a warning message) if the current data is after the specified date.
- ChooseUnitDialog<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.app
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- ChooseUnitDialog(Component, String, String, String, Unit<Q>[], Unit<Q>) - Constructor for class geomss.app.ChooseUnitDialog
Construct a model dialog that allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- ChooseUnitPanel<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.app
A panel the allows the user to select a length unit to be used.
- ChooseUnitPanel(String, String, Unit<Q>[], Unit<Q>) - Constructor for class geomss.app.ChooseUnitPanel
Construct a panel that allows the user to select a length of unit to be used.
- CircleInfo - Class in geomss.geom
An simple container that packages together information about circles.
- CircleInfo() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
- cleanFileName(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Replace any potentially illegal characters from a file name with '_'.
- cleanFileName(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Replace any potentially illegal characters from a file name with '_'.
- clear() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Removes all of the elements from this collection.
- clear() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Removes all of the curves from this linear combination.
- clear() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Removes all of the curves from this surface.
- clearAllText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Removes all TextParam objects from this case.
- clearBackgrounds() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes all the backgrounds from this canvas.
- clearOverlays() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes all the overlays from this canvas.
- clearPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
- clone() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Returns a copy of this GeomElement instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - clone() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a copy of this GTransform instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - clone() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a copy of this ControlPoint instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - clone() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a copy of this ControlPointNet instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - clone() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns a copy of this KnotVector instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - clone() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Returns a shallow copy of this DialogItem instance.
- clone() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Make a copy of this object with identical data.
- clone() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
- clone() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - Makes an exact copy of this coordinate.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.GeomShape3D
Used to create a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DCurve
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGenModelNote
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGenScreenNote
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomList
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomPlane
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomPoint
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomVector
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointArray
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointString
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DSurface
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangle
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangleList
Creates a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.PointArrayShape3D
Used to create a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.TriangleListShape3D
Used to create a new instance of the node.
- cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.TriangleShape3D
Used to create a new instance of this node.
- CLOVER - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The rich green color of clover leaves.
- CNY - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The China Yan currency.
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix.
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix.
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix.
- cofactor(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- COINCIDENT - geomss.geom.IntersectType
The objects are coincident (the entire object intersects).
- colorIndexes - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for color index information if the shape type requires it.
- colors - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Colour values if using per-vertex coloring.
- Colors - Class in geomss.ui
A collection of Color constants with creative names.
- Colors() - Constructor for class geomss.ui.Colors
- compareTo(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Compares this number with the specified value for order.
- compareTo(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Compares this number with the specified value for order.
- compareTo(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Compares this large integer to the specified
value. - compareTo(DataElement) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
- compareTo(DataElement) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
- compareTo(DataReader) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Compares this object with the specified object for order based on the
method. - compareTo(DataReader) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Compares this object with the specified object for order based on the
method. - compareTo(BracketRoot1D) - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Compares this geometry element with the specified element for order (where order is determined by the element's name).
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Compares this object with the specified object for order based on the
method. - compareTo(Measurable<Duration>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- compareTo(Measurable<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- compareTo(Measurable<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- compareTo(Measurable<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Compares the
of this measure with the specified measurable object. - compareTo(Measurable<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this measure with the specified measurable object.
- compareTo(Measurable<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Compares this measure with the specified measurable object.
- compareTo(Term) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Compares this term with the one specified for order.
- compareTo(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Compares two complex numbers, the real components are compared first, then if equal, the imaginary components.
- compareTo(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
- compareTo(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Compares two floating point number numerically.
- compareTo(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
- compareTo(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Compares two large integers numerically.
- compareTo(ModuloInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- compareTo(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Compares two rational number numerically.
- compareTo(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Compares two real numbers numerically.
- compareTo(T) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Compares this number with the specified number for order.
- Complex - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents an immutable complex number.
- ComplexMatrix - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
- ComplexVector - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
- componentAdded(ContainerEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
This function is called whenever a Component or a Container is added to another Container belonging to this JFrame.
- componentRemoved(ContainerEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
This function is called whenever a Component or a Container is removed from another Container belonging to this JFrame.
- compose(Function<Z, R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- compose(Function<Z, X>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the composition of this function with the one specified.
- compose(Polynomial<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the composition of this polynomial with the one specified.
- CompoundCoordinates<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents a coordinates made up by combining two coordinates objects together.
- CompoundCRS<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a coordinate reference system combining two or more distinct reference systems.
- CompoundCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem<C1>, CoordinateReferenceSystem<C2>) - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CompoundCRS
- CONE_WEDGE - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for a cone or wedge shape.
- ConeGenerator - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
Generator of Cone raw coordinates and geometry normals.
- ConeGenerator() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Construct a default cone of height 2 and bottom radius of 1.
- ConeGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius that includes the bottom faces.
- ConeGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces.
- ConeGenerator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can control the number of facets in the cone.
- ConeGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces and control the number of facets in the cone.
- conjugate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the conjugate or spatial inverse of this quaternion.
- conjugate() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the conjugate of this complex number.
- connectCurves(NurbsCurve...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Connect together or "concatenate" a list of curves end-to-start.
- connectCurves(List<NurbsCurve>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Connect together or "concatenate" a list of curves end-to-start.
- Constant<R extends Ring<R>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a constant function (polynomial of degree 0).
- Constants - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The Constants class is a holding area for any "global" variables that are needed for multiple classes.
- Constants - Class in org.jscience.physics.amount
This class provides most accurate physical constants measurement; the more accurate the constants, the higher the precision of the calculations making use of these constants.
- Constants() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
- contains(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
- contains(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns true if this LinearComboCurve contains the specified
. - contains(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
- contains(AbstractButton) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Checks whether the group contains the given button
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns true if this collection contains all of the
objects in the specified collection. - containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
- containsGeometry() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
if this list actually contains any geometry andfalse
if this list is empty or contains only non-geometry items such as empty lists. - containsGeometry() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
if this list actually contains any geometry andfalse
if this list is empty or contains only non-geometry items such as empty lists. - containsGeometry() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
if this list actually contains any curves andfalse
if this list is empty. - containsGeometry() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
if this list actually contains any curves andfalse
if this list is empty. - ControlPoint - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A container that holds the coordinates of a NURBS control point in n-dimensional space.
- ControlPointNet - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A network or matrix of control points for a NURBS surface in n-dimensional space.
- convert(S) - Method in interface org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinatesConverter
Converts the specified coordinates.
- converterOf(Unit<?>, Unit<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns a unit converter that will convert between the specified units.
- convexHull(Collection<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return an ordered list of 2D points that represent the convex hull of a collection of unordered 2D points.
- convexHullList(List<Collection<? extends GeomPoint>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return a list of strings of ordered 2D points that represent the 2D convex hulls of each input collection of 2D points.
- Coordinate3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 3 element vector of
elements representing a geometrical coordinate. - Coordinate3D() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
- CoordinateReferenceSystem<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents an arbitrary system of reference for which
of same significance can be stated. - CoordinateReferenceSystem() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
- coordinates - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for coordinate information.
- Coordinates<R extends CoordinateReferenceSystem<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class designates the position that a point occupies in a given n-dimensional reference frame or system.
- CoordinatesConverter<S extends Coordinates<?>,T extends Coordinates<?>> - Interface in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This interface represents a converter between
. - CoordinateUtils - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
A utility class that can be used to modify coordinate values of an item of geometry.
- CoordinateUtils() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Create a default instance of the utility class.
- copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Returns a copy of this CSTClassFunction instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns a copy of this CSTCurveTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Returns a copy of this CSTShapeFunction instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns a copy of this curve instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns a copy of this GeomElement instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns a copy of this GeomPlane instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns a copy of this GeomPlaneTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns a copy of this GeomPointTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns a copy of this GeomVector instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns a copy of this LineSeg instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns a copy of this LineSegTrans instance allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns a copy of this ModelNote instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns a copy of this ModelNoteTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a copy of this MutablePoint instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a copy of this Vector instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns a copy of this Note instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns a copy of this NoteTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a copy of this ControlPoint instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a copy of this ControlPointNet instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns a copy of this KnotVector instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns a copy of this NurbsCurveTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns a copy of this NurbsSurfaceTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Returns a copy of this ParametricGeometry instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a copy of this Plane instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a copy of this Point instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns a copy of this SubrangePoint instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns a copy of this ParametricGeometry instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns a copy of this Triangle instance allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns a copy of this
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns a copy of this TriangleTrans instance allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a copy of this Vector instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns a copy of this VectorTrans instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Returns a copy of this ArrayParam instance
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns a copy of this parameter
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Returns a copy of this binomial coefficient matrix
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns a copy of this rotation transform
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a copy of this vector
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns a copy of this set of Euler angles
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns a copy of this Parameter allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
- copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a copy of this vector
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a copy of this vector
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a copy of this quaternion
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Returns an independent copy of this attitude transform.
- copy() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a copy of this vector
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
Returns a copy of these coordinates
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns a copy of this polynomial
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns a copy of this rational function.
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns an entierely new copy of this term
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns a copy of this number
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns a copy of this matrix
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- copy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns a copy of this vector
by the calling thread (possibly on the stack). - copy() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
- copy(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Copy a file from the source to the destination locations.
- copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Copy the input stream to the output stream.
- copyAndGzip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Copy a file to the specified destination directory while GZIP compressing the file.
- copyAndUngzip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Copy a file to the specified destination directory while decompressing the GZIP file.
- copyDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Recursively copy the contents of an entire directory tree from source to destination.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomTransform
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Return a copy of the child object transformed into a concrete
object (information on the parametric position on the child parametric geometry is removed). - copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Return a copy of this object with any transformations or subranges removed (applied).
- copyToReal() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Return a copy of the child object transformed by this transformation.
- cos(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with a cosine spacing between 0 and 1.
- cos(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified angle.
- COS - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- cosh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
- count() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- countTokens() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's
method can be called before it generates an exception. - countTokens(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's
method can be called before it generates an exception using the given set of delimiters. - CPlaneIntersectionTest(Curve, GeomPlane, SubrangePoint, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest
- CREAM - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color of cows cream (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cream_(colour)).
- create(Part, int, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityFactory
Return an entity that corresponds to the specified GeomSS geometry object.
- create(Part, List<Entity>, List<Entity>, DirEntry) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityFactory
Return an Entity that corresponds to the specified Directory Entry.
- create(String, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACAFactory
Returns an Airfoil object corresponding to the airfoil designation sting passed in.
- createAboutHandler() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Create an about handler for use in this application.
- createBlend(Curve, Curve, Parameter<Length>, double, double, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return a blending curve between two curve ends.
- createBlend(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPoint, GeomVector, boolean, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a potentially non-planar cubic Bezier
that joins or blends two end points with the specified tangent vectors at each end point. - createCircle(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a full-circle
that passes through the input (not co-linear) points. - createCircle(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a full-circle
around the given origin/center with radiusr
. - createCircleO(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a full-circle
that is approximately centered on the specified origin point and passes through the two input points. - createCircularArc(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a circular arc
that passes through the input (not co-linear) points. - createCircularArc(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a circular arc
that passes through the input points and that has the input tangents at the 1st point. - createCircularArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a circular arc
about the specified origin, with the specified radius and angular start and stop values. - createCircularArcO(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a circular arc
that is approximately centered on the specified origin point and passes through the two input points. - createEllipse(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a full-ellipse
around the given origin/center with semi-major axis lengtha
and semi-minor axis lengthb
. - createEllipticalArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create an elliptical arc
about the specified origin, with the specified semi-major axis length, semi-minor axis length and angular start and stop values. - createFillet(Curve, Curve, Parameter<Length>, double, double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return a fillet curve between two curves.
- createFillet(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return a circular fillet curve between two planar non-parallel lines.
- createLine(int, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a straight line
that represents the shortest distance, in Euclidean space between the two input points with the specified degree. - createLine(GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a 1-degree straight line
that represents the shortest distance, in Euclidean space between the two input points. - createList(Part, int, List<Entity>, String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityFactory
Return an entity that corresponds to the a Type 402-15 Associativity (List).
- createParabolicArc(GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a planar parabolic arc
that joins two end points with the specified tangent vectors at each end point. - createPoint(int, int, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a degenerate
of the specified degree that represents a point in space with the indicated number of co-located control points. - createPoint(int, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a degenerate
of the specified degree that represents a point in space. - createPreferencesHandler() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Return a preferences handler that displays the preference dialog for this application.
- createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, NurbsCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a surface of revolution
by sweeping the specified curve about the specified axis. - createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, NurbsCurve, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a surface of revolution
by sweeping the specified curve about the specified axis with the specified curve and angular start and stop values (relative to the curve and axis). - createRevolvedSurface(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, NurbsCurve, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a surface of revolution
by sweeping the specified curve about the specified axis with the specified curve and angular start and stop values (relative to the curve and axis). - createSemiCircle(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a semi-circle
with the specified normal vector around the given origin with radiusr
. - createSkinnedSurface(List<? extends Curve>, int, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a surface that interpolates, is skinned or lofted, through the input list of curves.
- createSphere(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a sphere
about the specified center point with the specified radius. - createSuperEllipticalArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, double, double, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create the first quadrant of a general super-ellipse
about the specified origin, with the specified semi-major and semi-minor axes and exponents. - createSuperEllipticalArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, double, double, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create the first quadrant of a general super-ellipse
about the specified origin, with the specified semi-major and semi-minor axes and exponents. - createSuperEllipticalArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, double, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create the first quadrant of a common exponent super-ellipse
about the specified origin, with the specified semi-major and semi-minor axes and exponent. - createSuperEllipticalArc(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, double, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create the first quadrant of a common exponent super-ellipse
about the specified origin, with the specified semi-major and semi-minor axes and exponent. - createTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Create a temporary directory using the specified prefix.
- createTFISurface(Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a Transfinite Interpolation (TFI) NURBS surface, or Coons patch, from the specified boundary curves.
- createTorus(GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a torus
about the specified center point and axis. - cross(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
- cross(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
- cross(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
- cross(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
- cross(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
- cross(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
- cross(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
- cross(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
- cross(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors.
- cross(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- crossArea(GeomVector, GeomVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the vector or cross product area value for two vectors.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CRS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Holds the coordinate reference system for all instances of this class.
- CSTClassFunction - Class in geomss.geom.cst
A generic Class-Shape-Transform (CST) class function implementation.
- CSTCurve - Class in geomss.geom.cst
The interface and implementation in common to all Class-Shape-Transform (CST) planar curves.
- CSTCurve() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
- CSTCurveTrans - Class in geomss.geom.cst
object that refers to aCSTCurve
object and masquerades as a CSTCurve object itself. - CSTCurveUtils - Class in geomss.geom.cst
A collection of methods for working with Class-Shape-Transform or
curves. - CSTCurveUtils() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveUtils
- CSTShapeFunction - Class in geomss.geom.cst
A generic Class-Shape-Transform (CST) shape function implementation.
- cubeRoot(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
- Currency - Class in org.jscience.economics.money
This class represents a currency
. - Currency(String) - Constructor for class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Creates the currency unit for the given currency code.
- current() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.PhysicalModel
Returns the current physical model (default: instance of
). - Curve<T extends Curve> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface for
objects that are continuous curves. - CurveFactory - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A collection of methods for creating NURBS curves.
- CurveTestSuite - Class in geomss.geom
This class holds the
Curve unit tests and benchmarks. - CurveTestSuite() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite
- CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest - Class in geomss.geom
- CurveUtils - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A collection of utility methods for working with NURBS curves.
- CurveUtils() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
- CUSTOM - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Constant used to indicate that a custom set of units is being used which may or may not be coherent.
- CYAN - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color cyan.
- CylinderGenerator - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
A simple cylinder that can be configured to have end caps.
- CylinderGenerator() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with end caps.
- CylinderGenerator(boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with ends.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.
- CylinderGenerator(float, float, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a cylinder of a given height and radius with the option of ends and selectable number of faces around the radius.
- CylinderGenerator(int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
- CylinderGenerator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Construct a default cylinder with the option of having end caps and selectable number of faces around the radius.
- Cylindrical3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 3 element
of Parameter elements representing a geometrical cylindrical coordinate with elements radius, azimuth angle and height.
- DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color dark gray.
- DataCase - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
Defines a data element called a case.
- DataElement - Interface in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
Defines the interface in common to all data elements.
- DataElementList<E extends DataElement> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A named list of
objects with associated user data. - DataParam - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A data parameter or variable in a
or run. - DataReader - Interface in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
This class provides a standard interface for reading and writing data files of various formats.
- DataReaderFactory - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
This class returns a specific
object that can read in the specified file. - DataSet - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
Defines a data element called a set.
- DCMatrix - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 3x3 transformation or direction cosine
that represents a relative orientation (attitude or rotation transformation) between two different reference frames; B wrt A or BA. - DCMatrixTests() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests
- DEBUG - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Sets debug mode.
- dec2bin(int, BitSet) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Converts a positive decimal number to it's binary equivalent.
- DecimalField - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A text field that validates it's input and only accepts inputs that are a valid decimal number such as 3.14159.
- DecimalField(double, int, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.DecimalField
Constructor that takes a value to be displayed, the number of columns to be displayed, and a number format object to do the text formatting.
- DecimalField(int, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.DecimalField
Constructor that takes the number of columns to be displayed, and a number format object to do the text formatting.
- decomposeToBezier(NurbsCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Decompose a NURBS curve into a list of Bezier segments.
- decomposeToBezier(NurbsSurface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceUtils
Decompose a NURBS surface into a list of lists of Bezier patches.
- DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
The default font used for displaying note objects.
- DEG - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
The angular unit "degree".
- degreeElevate(NurbsCurve, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Elevate the degree of a curve by the specified number of times.
- degreeElevate(NurbsSurface, int, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceUtils
Elevate the degree of a surface by the specified number of times in the S and T directions.
- deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Recursively deletes the directory tree indicated by the specified path.
- Delim - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Globalized delimiter character.
- DenseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents a matrix made of
dense vectors
(as rows). - DenseVector<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents a dense vector.
- derivative(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.AbstractEvaluatable1D
Calculates the derivative of the function
dy/dx = d fn(x)/dx
. - derivative(double) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.Evaluatable1D
Calculates the derivative of the function
dy/dx = d fn(x)/dx
. - derivatives(double[], double[]) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.ScalarFunctionND
User supplied method that calculates the derivatives of the function: (dy/dx)[1..n] = d( fn(x[1..n]))/dx.
- detach() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGenScreenNote
Detaches this BranchGroup from its parent.
- detectCorners(List<? extends GeomPoint>, double[], Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Method that detects corners in a a list of 2D points which represent a planar curve.
- determinant() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
- determinant() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
- determinant() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
- determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the determinant of the
having this decomposition. - determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
- determinant() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- DialogItem - Class in geomss.ui
A container for for items to display in a dialog.
- DialogItem() - Constructor for class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Construct a new and empty DialogItem.
- DialogItem(String, Object) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Construct a new DialogItem with the specified elements.
- DialogItem(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Construct a new DialogItem with the specified elements.
- DialogItem(String, Object, Unit[]) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Construct a new DialogItem with the specified elements.
- dialogPosition(Component) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Returns a point that can be used to locate a component in the "dialog" position (1/3 of the way from the top to the bottom of the screen).
- differentiate(Variable<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- differentiate(Variable<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- differentiate(Variable<X>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the first derivative of this function with respect to the specified variable.
- DIFFUSE - geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
- digitLength() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the minimal number of decimal digits necessary to represent this large integer (sign excluded).
- DimensionException - Exception in geomss.geom
Exception thrown when geometry element dimensions do not match expectations.
- DimensionException - Exception in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
Signals that an operation is performed upon vectors or matrices whose dimensions disagree.
- DimensionException() - Constructor for exception geomss.geom.DimensionException
Constructs a dimension exception with no detail message.
- DimensionException() - Constructor for exception org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DimensionException
Constructs a dimension exception with no detail message.
- DimensionException(String) - Constructor for exception geomss.geom.DimensionException
Constructs a dimension exception with the specified message.
- DimensionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DimensionException
Constructs a dimension exception with the specified message.
- dir - Variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Directory of base file.
- DirEntry - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The DirEntry class represents the IGES Directory Entry.
- DirEntry() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Default constructor.
- DirEntry(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Create a DirEntry from the specified information.
- DirEntry(DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Copy constructor.
- DiscreteFunction<X,Y> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a function defined from a mapping betweem two sets (points and values).
- DiscreteFunction(SortedMap<X, Y>, Interpolator<X, Y>, Variable<X>) - Constructor for class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
Creates the discrete function for the specified point-value entries.
- DISJOINT - geomss.geom.IntersectType
There is no intersection.
- dist(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
2D distance.
- dist(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
3D distance.
- distance(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the Euclidian distance between this point and the one specified.
- distance(ControlPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return the distance (in homogeneous coordinates) between this control point and another (this treats the weight simply as another dimension).
- distanceSq(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the square of the Euclidian distance between this point and the one specified.
- distanceSqValue(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the Euclidian distance squared between this point and the one specified as a
. - distanceValue(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the Euclidian distance between this point and the one specified as a
. - divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns this point with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a new control point with this point divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns this set of Euler angles with each angle divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns this measure divided by the specified approximate divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns this complex divided by the specified factor.
- divide(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns this number divided by the specified value.
- divide(double) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure divided by the specified approximate divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns this large integer divided by the specified
divisor. - divide(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns this number divided by the specified value.
- divide(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns this real number divided by the specified
divisor. - divide(long) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure divided by the specified exact divisor (dimensionless).
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the result of this vector divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns this measure divided by the one specified.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the result of this vector divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns this vector with each element divided by the specified divisor.
- divide(Parameter<Dimensionless>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns this point with each element divided by the specified dimensionless Parameter.
- divide(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the division of this rotation transform with the specified rotation transform.
- divide(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the quaternion division of this quaternion with the specified rotation transform.
- divide(Function<F, F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- divide(Function<X, Y>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the quotient of this function with the one specified.
- divide(RationalFunction<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the quotient of two rational functions.
- divide(Term) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Return the division of this term with the one specified.
- divide(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns this complex divided by the specified complex.
- divide(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns this number divided by the one specified.
- divide(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns this floating point number divided by the one specified.
- divide(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns this number divided by the one specified.
- divide(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns this large integer divided by the one specified (integer division).
- divide(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns this rational number divided by the one specified.
- divide(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns this real number divided by the one specified.
- divide(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns this matrix divided by the one specified.
- divide(Amount) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure divided by the one specified.
- dot(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of this vector with the one specified.
- dot(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the value of this floating point number as a
. - doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the value of this large integer as a
. - doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as a
. - doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the value of this rational number as a
. - doubleValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the value of this real number as a
. - doubleValue(Unit<Duration>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- doubleValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- doubleValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- doubleValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the value of this measurable stated in the specified unit as a
. - doubleValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the value of this measurable stated in the specified unit as a
. - doubleValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
- draw(GeomElement) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
- draw(GeomElement) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Draws the specified geometry element into the 3D scene without erasing the existing geometry.
- draw(GeomElement, boolean) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
- draw(GeomElement, boolean) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Draws the specified geometry element in the 3D scene.
- e - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the elementary charge (positron charge).
- EASTING_NORTHING_CS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ProjectedCRS
Holds the Easting/Northing coordinate system.
- eastingValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the projected distance of the position from the central meridian.
- editToBeRedone() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Returns the the next significant edit to be redone if redo is called.
- editToBeUndone() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Returns the the next significant edit to be undone if undo is called.
- EditUnitSetDialog - Class in jahuwaldt.js.unit
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- EditUnitSetDialog(Component, String, String, UnitSet) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.unit.EditUnitSetDialog
Construct a model dialog that allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- EditUnitSetPanel - Class in jahuwaldt.js.unit
A panel the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- EditUnitSetPanel(String, UnitSet, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.unit.EditUnitSetPanel
Construct a panel that allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
- EGGPLANT - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark purple color of an eggplant.
- Eh - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Hartree energy (2Rinf·h·c)
- elevateToDegree(NurbsCurve, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Elevate the degree of a curve to the specified degree.
- elevateToDegree(NurbsSurface, int, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceUtils
Elevate the degree of a surface to the specified degree in the S & T directions.
- ELEVATION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Constant used to identify the elevation angle of the vector.
- ELLIPTICAL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for an elliptical shape/airfoil.
- EMISSIVE - geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
- EnclosedAreaTest(Curve, Parameter<Area>, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest
- encode(BufferedImage) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Encodes an image in a particular format.
- encode(BufferedImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Encodes an image in JPEG format.
- encode(BufferedImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Encodes an image in PNG format.
- encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Encodes an image in a particular format and writes it to an OutputStream.
- encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Encodes an image in JPEG format and writes it to an output stream.
- encode(BufferedImage, OutputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Encodes an image in PNG format and writes it to an OutputStream.
- endTime(int) - Static method in class org.jscience.JScience
Ends measuring time and display the execution time per iteration.
- enrich() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with new rows (strings of points) and columns (points in each string) of points linearly interpolated between each of the existing rows and columns. - enrich() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a new
that is identical to this string but with a new point linearly interpolated half-way between each of the existing points. - enrichColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with a new column (point) linearly interpolated between each point of the existing strings. - enrichRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with a new row (string of points) linearly interpolated between each of the existing rows. - Entity - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The Entity class is meant to be a superclass for the individual entity type/ form classes.
- Entity(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Default constructor for the Entity superclass.
- Entity000_Null - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
NULL ENTITY - An entity that may be created as a result of editing a file to delete an "undesired" entity.
- Entity000_Null(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity000_Null
Default constructor.
- Entity100_CircularArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CIRCULAR ARC ENTITY - This entity defines a circle or a portion of a circle which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a subfigure.
- Entity100_CircularArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity100_CircularArc
Default constructor.
- Entity102_CompositeCurve - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COMPOSITE CURVE ENTITY - This entity defines an associativity relationship between an ordered list of curve segments.
- Entity102_CompositeCurve(Part, int, String, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Create this entity from the specified list of pointers to the curve segment DEs.
- Entity102_CompositeCurve(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Default constructor.
- Entity104_0_GenConicArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CONIC ARC ENTITY - GENERAL - This entity defines an ellipse, a parabola, a hyperbola, or a portion of one of these conic curves which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve or a subfigure.
- Entity104_0_GenConicArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_0_GenConicArc
Default constructor.
- Entity104_1_EllipticalArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CONIC ARC ENTITY - ELLIPSE - This entity defines an ellipse or elliptical arc.
- Entity104_1_EllipticalArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_1_EllipticalArc
Default constructor.
- Entity104_2_HyperbolicArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CONIC ARC ENTITY - HYPERBOLA - This entity defines a hyperbolic arc.
- Entity104_2_HyperbolicArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_2_HyperbolicArc
Default constructor.
- Entity104_3_ParabolicArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CONIC ARC ENTITY - PARABOLA - This entity defines a parabolic arc.
- Entity104_3_ParabolicArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_3_ParabolicArc
Default constructor.
- Entity104_ConicArc - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CONIC ARC ENTITY - This entity defines an ellipse, a parabola, a hyperbola, or a portion of one of these conic curves which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve or a sub-figure.
- Entity104_ConicArc(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_ConicArc
Default constructor.
- Entity106_1_2DPoints - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - DATA POINTS - This entity defines a set of 2D coordinate points which may be isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity106_1_2DPoints(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_1_2DPoints
Default constructor.
- Entity106_11_2DLinearString - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - LINEAR STRING - This entity defines a series of linear segments along the consecutive points of the path which may be isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity106_11_2DLinearString(Part, int, PointString) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_11_2DLinearString
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity106_11_2DLinearString(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_11_2DLinearString
Default constructor.
- Entity106_12_3DLinearString - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - LINEAR STRING - This entity defines a series of linear segments along the consecutive points of the path which may be isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity106_12_3DLinearString(Part, int, PointString) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_12_3DLinearString
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity106_12_3DLinearString(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_12_3DLinearString
Default constructor.
- Entity106_13_3DVectorString - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - LINEAR STRING WITH VECTORS - This entity defines an ordered set of 3D coordinate points with associated 3D vectors.
- Entity106_13_3DVectorString(Part, int, GeomList) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_13_3DVectorString
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity106_13_3DVectorString(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_13_3DVectorString
Default constructor.
- Entity106_2_3DPoints - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - DATA POINTS - This entity defines a set of 3D coordinate points which may be isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity106_2_3DPoints(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_2_3DPoints
Default constructor.
- Entity106_3_3DVectors - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - DATA POINTS WITH VECTORS - This entity defines a set of 3D coordinate points with associated 3D vectors.
- Entity106_3_3DVectors(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_3_3DVectors
Default constructor.
- Entity106_63_ClosedPlanarLinearCurve - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - CLOSED PLANAR CURVE - This entity defines a closed collection of connected line segments which share a constant depth (zt) value and which may be used as a component of a subfigure.
- Entity106_63_ClosedPlanarLinearCurve(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_63_ClosedPlanarLinearCurve
Default constructor.
- Entity106_CopiousData - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - This entity is a list of data points, either 2D or 3D, closed or open.
- Entity106_CopiousData(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_CopiousData
Default constructor.
- Entity106_XX_Unsupported - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity is a list of data points, either 2D or 3D, closed or open.
- Entity106_XX_Unsupported(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_XX_Unsupported
Default constructor.
- Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
PLANE ENTITY - UNBOUNDED - This entity represents an unbounded plane.
- Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane(Part, int, GeomPlane) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane
Default constructor.
- Entity108_Plane - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
PLANE ENTITY - This entity represents a plane.
- Entity108_Plane(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_Plane
Default constructor.
- Entity108_XX_Unsupported - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
PLANE ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity represents a plane.
- Entity108_XX_Unsupported(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_XX_Unsupported
Default constructor.
- Entity110_Line - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
LINE ENTITY - This entity defines a line segment which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a subfigure.
- Entity110_Line(Part, int, LineSegment) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity110_Line(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Default constructor.
- Entity112_ParSplineCurve - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
PARAMETRIC SPLINE CURVE ENTITY - This entity represents a Parametric Spline Curve that may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity112_ParSplineCurve(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity112_ParSplineCurve
Default constructor.
- Entity116_Point - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
POINT ENTITY - This entity defines a point which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a subfigure.
- Entity116_Point(Part, int, GeomPoint) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity116_Point(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Default constructor.
- Entity118_0_RuledSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly lofted surface.
- Entity118_0_RuledSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_0_RuledSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity118_1_RuledSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly lofted surface.
- Entity118_1_RuledSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_1_RuledSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity118_RuledSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly lofted surface.
- Entity118_RuledSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_RuledSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity118_XX_Unsupported - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly lofted surface.
- Entity118_XX_Unsupported(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_XX_Unsupported
Default constructor.
- Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
SURFACE OF REVOLUTION ENTITY - This entity represents a surface of revolution.
- Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution
Default constructor.
- Entity124_TransformationMatrix - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
TRANSFORMATION MATRIX ENTITY - This allows translation and rotation to be applied to other entities.
- Entity124_TransformationMatrix(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Default constructor.
- Entity126_BSplineCurve - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RATIONAL B-SPLINE CURVE ENTITY - This entity represents a Rational B-Spline Curve that may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a Subfigure Entity.
- Entity126_BSplineCurve(Part, int, NurbsCurve) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity126_BSplineCurve(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Default constructor.
- Entity128_BSplineSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
RATIONAL B-SPLINE SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a Rational B-Spline Surface.
- Entity128_BSplineSurface(Part, int, NurbsSurface) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity128_BSplineSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity142_CurveOnSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
CURVE ON A PARAMETRIC SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a curve associated with a surface and identifies the curve as lying on the surface.
- Entity142_CurveOnSurface(Part, int, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity142_CurveOnSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity144_TrimmedSurface - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
TRIMMED PARAMETRIC SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a surface that is a subset of another surface bounded on the outside by a boundary curve and on the inside (holes) with a series of boundary curves.
- Entity144_TrimmedSurface(Part, int, SubrangeSurface, int, int) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity144_TrimmedSurface(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Default constructor.
- Entity308_Subfigure - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
SUBFIGURE DEFINITION ENTITY - This entity supports multiple instantiation of a defined collection of entities.
- Entity308_Subfigure(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity308_Subfigure
Default constructor.
- Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
ASSOCIATIVITY ENTITY - ORDERED GROUP WITHOUT BACK POINTERS - This entity allows an ordered group of entities without back pointers to be maintained as a single, logical entity.
- Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers(Part, int, List<Entity>, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers
Create this entity from the specified GeomSS geometry element.
- Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers
Default constructor.
- Entity402_Associativity - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
ASSOCIATIVITY ENTITY - This entity defines an associativity relationship between other entities.
- Entity402_Associativity(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_Associativity
Default constructor.
- Entity402_XX_Unsupported - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
ASSOCIATIVITY ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity allows an ordered group of entities without back pointers to be maintained as a single, logical entity.
- Entity402_XX_Unsupported(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_XX_Unsupported
Default constructor.
- Entity404_Drawing - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
DRAWING ENTITY - This entity defines drawing space coordinate system.
- Entity404_Drawing(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity404_Drawing
Default constructor.
- Entity408_SingularSubfigure - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
SINGULAR SUBFIGURE INSTANCE ENTITY - This entity defines the occurrence of a single instance of the defined subfigure.
- Entity408_SingularSubfigure(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity408_SingularSubfigure
Default constructor.
- Entity410_View - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
VIEW ENTITY - This entity specifies the position of the model entities when referenced from a Drawing Entity.
- Entity410_View(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity410_View
Default constructor.
- EntityFactory - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
A factory class that provides methods for creating Entity instances.
- EntityFactory() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityFactory
- EntityXXX_Unsupported - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
UNSUPPORTED ENTITY - This entity is both a generic starting point for entity class creation and a placeholder for unsupported entities in the IGES file.
- EntityXXX_Unsupported(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityXXX_Unsupported
The default constructor should be good as is, unless you declare members that need initializing, such as Lists.
- EPS - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
The machine epsilon or unit roundoff for
in the Java environment. - EPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
The machine epsilon or unit roundoff for
in the Java environment. - EPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The machine epsilon (macheps) or unit roundoff for
in the Java environment. - EPS10 - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Ten times the machine epsilon or unit roundoff for
in the Java environment. - EPSF - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The machine epsilon (macheps) or unit roundoff for
in the Java environment. - epsilon(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the smallest roundoff in quantities of size x, EPSILON, such that
x + EPSILON > x
. - epsilon(float) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the smallest roundoff in quantities of size x, EPSILON, such that
x + EPSILON > x
. - equals(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Indicates if this number is equal to the specified value.
- equals(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Compares this number against the specified value.
- equals(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Compares this large integer against the specified
value. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Compares the specified object with this object for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Compares the specified object with this list of
objects for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Compares this BasicCSTCurve against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Compares this CSTClassFunction against the specified object for strict equality (same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Compares this NurbsCurveTrans against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Compares this CSTShapeFunction against the specified object for strict equality (same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Compares this GeomPlaneTrans against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Compares this GeomPointTrans against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Compares this GTransform against the specified object for strict equality (same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Compares the specified object with this list of
objects for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Compares this LineSeg against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Compares this LineSegTrans against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Compares the specified object with this list of
objects for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Compares this ModelNote against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Compares this ModelNoteTrans against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Compares this Point against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Compares this vector against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Compares this Note against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Compares this NoteTrans against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Compares this BasicNurbsCurve against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Compares this BasicNurbsSurface against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Compares this ControlPoint against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Compares this ControlPointNet against the specified object for strict equality (same sized lists of the equal ControlPoints).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Compares this ControlPoint against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Compares this NurbsCurveTrans against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Compares this NurbsSurfaceTrans against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Compares this Plane against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Compares this Point against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Compares this SubrangeCurve against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Compares this SubrangePoint against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Compares the specified object with this
for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Compares the specified object with this
for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Compares this Triangle against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Compares this TriangleTrans against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Compares this vector against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Compares this VectorTrans against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Compares this J3DRenderingPrefs against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Compares the specified object with this parameter for strict equality same value, same units, same name, same user data.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Compares the specified object with this list of
objects for equality. - equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Compares the specified object with this parameter for strict equality, same value, same name, same user data.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Compares the specified object with this parameter for strict equality same value, same units, same name, same user data.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Compares the specified object with this parameter for strict equality same text, same name, and same user data.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.UnitParameter
Compares the specified object with this parameter for strict equality same value, same units, same name, same user data.
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Compares this AxisAngle against the specified object for strict equality (same rotation type and same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Compares this Cylindrical3D against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Compares this DCMatrix against the specified object for strict equality (same rotation type and same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Compares this EulerAngles against the specified object for strict equality (same rotation type and same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this parameter against the specified object for strict equality (same value and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Compares this ParameterVector against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Compares this Polar3D against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Compares this Quaternion against the specified object for strict equality (same rotation type and same values).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Compares this Vector3D against the specified object for strict equality (same values and same units).
- equals(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Compares this UnitSet against the specified object for strict equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Indicates if this function is equals to the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Indicates if this term is equal to the object specified.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Compares this complex against the specified Object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Compares this number against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Compares this floating point number against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Compares this number against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Compares this large integer against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Compares this modulo integer against the specified object independently of the current modulus.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Indicates if this number is equals to the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Compares this rational number against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Compares this real number against the specified object.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Indicates if this matrix is strictly equal to the object specified.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Indicates if this vector is equal to the object specified.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Compares this measure against the specified object for strict equality (same value interval and same units).
- equals(Complex, double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Indicates if two complexes are "sufficiently" alike to be considered equal.
- equals(Matrix<F>, Comparator<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Indicates if this matrix can be considered equals to the one specified using the specified comparator when testing for element equality.
- equals(Vector<F>, Comparator<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Indicates if this vector can be considered equals to the one specified using the specified comparator when testing for element equality.
- erase() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
- erase() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Erases all the geometry from the 3D scene.
- erase(GeomElement) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Erases the specified geometry from the 3D scene (if possible).
- erase(GeomElement) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Erases the specified geometry from the 3D scene (if possible).
- EscapeJDialog - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A dialog that responds to the user pressing the escape or enter keys for default buttons (cancel and OK).
- EscapeJDialog(Component, String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
- EscapeJDialog(Component, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
- EulerAngles - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents the three Euler angles; theta1, theta2, theta3.
- EulerAngles.Axis - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.param
Enumeration of the axes that a rotation may be made around.
- EulerAngles.Frame - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.param
Enumeration of the frame from which the axes are taken.
- EulerAngles.Order - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.param
Enumeration of all the combinations of the Euler angle orders for both static ("s") and rotating ("r") axes.
- EulerAngles.Parity - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.param
Enumeration of the parity of the axis permutation.
- EUR - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Euro currency.
- Evaluatable1D - Interface in jahuwaldt.tools.math
An interface that defines a 1D function y = fn(x) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders.
- evaluate() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
- evaluate() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Evaluates this function using its
current values. - evaluate() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- evaluate() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- evaluate(X) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Evaluates this function for the specified argument value (convenience method).
- evaluate(X...) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Evaluates this function for the specified arguments values (convenience method).
- even(long) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Test to see if a given long integer is even.
- EVEN - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Parity
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- execute() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit
- execute() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests
- exp() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the exponential number e raised to the power of this complex.
- exp() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the exponential number e raised to the power of this number.
- ExtendedUndoManager - Class in jahuwaldt.swing.undo
An extension of UndoManager that provides two additional features: (1) The ability to add & remove listeners and (2) the ability to gain more extensive access to the edits being managed.
- ExtendedUndoManager() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
The preferred file extension for files of this reader's type.
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
- EXTENSION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
- ExtFilenameFilter - Class in jahuwaldt.io
A convenience implementation of FilenameFilter and FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
- ExtFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Creates a filename filter.
- ExtFilenameFilter(String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Creates a filename filter that accepts files with the given extension.
- ExtFilenameFilter(String...) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
- ExtFilenameFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
- ExtFilenameFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
- extractGrid(GridRule, List<Double>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve using the specified spacing and gridding rule.
- extractGrid(GridRule, List<Double>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve using the specified spacing and gridding rule.
- extractGrid(GridRule, List<Double>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve using the specified spacing and gridding rule.
- extractGrid(GridRule, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return an array of SubrangePoint objects that are gridded onto the surface using the specified spacings and gridding rule.
- extractGrid(GridRule, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>, List<Double>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return an array of SubrangePoint objects that are gridded onto the surface using the specified spacings and gridding rule.
- extractZip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Extracts a ZIP archive file to the specified directory.
- extractZip(InputStream, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Extracts a ZIP archive file to the specified directory.
- F - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Faraday constant (N·e)
- factorial(int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the factorial of n (usually written as n!) for any value of n.
- FERN - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The medium green color of a fern.
- Field<F> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents an algebraic structure in which the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (except division by zero) may be performed.
- file2Buffer(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Returns a buffer that contains the contents of the specified file.
- file2ByteBuffer(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Returns a ByteBuffer that contains the contents of the specified file.
- FileUtils - Class in jahuwaldt.io
This is a utility class of static methods for working with files.
- find(Evaluatable1D, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision of about "tol".
- find(Evaluatable1D, double, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
Method that isolates the minimum of a 1D function to a fractional precision of about "tol".
- findBrackets(Evaluatable1D, double, double, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
Given a function,
, defined on the intervalx1
, this routine subdivides the interval inton
equally spaced segments, and searches for zero crossings of the function. - findMultiplicity(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Find the multiplicity of the knot with the specified index in this knot vector.
- findND(ScalarFunctionND, double[], int, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
Method that isolates the minimum of an n-Dimensional scalar function to a fractional precision of about "tol".
- findRoot1D(Evaluatable1D, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Find the root of a general 1D function
f(x) = 0
known to lie betweenx1
. - findRoot1D(Evaluatable1D, BracketRoot1D, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Find the root of a general 1D function
f(x) = 0
known to lie betweenx1
. - findRootsND(VectorFunction, double[], int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Find the roots of a set of
non-linear equations inN
variables. - findSpan(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the span (position of corresponding knot values in knot vector) a given parameter value belongs to.
- fit(double[], double[], double[], BasisFunction, double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
Method that returns the coefficients of an arbitrary basis function that best models or "fits" the supplied data values in a minimization of chi-squared sense.
- fitPoints(int, int, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceFactory
Create a
of the specified degrees that is fit to, interpolates, or passes through the specified array of geometry points in the input order. - fitPoints(int, PointString<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a
of the specified degree that is fit to, interpolates, or passes through the specified list of geometry points in the input order. - fitPoints(int, PointString<? extends GeomPoint>, double[], KnotVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a
of the specified degree that is fit to, interpolates, or passes through the specified list of geometry points in the input order. - fitPoints(int, PointString<? extends GeomPoint>, List<GeomVector>, boolean, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Create a
of the specified degree that is fit to, interpolates, or passes through the specified list of geometry points constrained to the input list of tangent vectors at each point in the input order. - fitPoints(List<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return a
instance that is fit through the input list of points resulting in the least-squared orthogonal error between the points and the plane. - Float64 - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a 64 bits floating point number.
- Float64Matrix - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents an optimized
implementation for64 bits floating-point
numbers. - Float64Vector - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents an optimized
implementation for 64 bits floating point elements. - FloatingPoint - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a floating point number of arbitrary precision.
- floatValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as a
. - FLORA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The light green color of new leaves.
- FolderDialog - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A folder dialog is a modal file dialog to specially select a folder on disk.
- FolderDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Construct a folder dialog with the given parent frame.
- FolderDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Construct a folder dialog with the given parent frame and title.
- force() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the force units.
- FORCE - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- format(LargeInteger, int, Appendable) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Formats the specified large integer in the specified radix and into the specified
argument. - FormattedDocument - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A formatted document that uses a user supplied Format object to control the format of the text in the document.
- FormattedDocument(Format) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.FormattedDocument
Construct a formatted document that uses the supplied Format object.
- ForwardingChangeListener - Class in geomss.geom
A ChangeListener that forwards the change event on to a target AbstractGeomElement instance.
- ForwardingChangeListener(AbstractGeomElement) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.ForwardingChangeListener
- four_π - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds 4·
. - frac(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the fractional part of a floating point number (removes the integer part).
- fromVector3D(Vector3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Return the specified
object as a vector of a particular subtype of this class. - fromVector3D(Vector3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Return the specified
object as aCylindrical3D
instance. - fromVector3D(Vector3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Return the specified
object as aParameterVector
instance. - fromVector3D(Vector3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Return the specified
object as aPolar3D
instance. - fromVector3D(Vector3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Return the specified
object as aVector3D
instance. - FRONT - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- func(double, double[]) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.BasisFunction
Basis function that takes an input x and calculates the parameters of the function placing them in p[].
- func(double, double[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.PolynomialFit
Basis function that takes an input x and calculates the parameters of the polynomial function placing them in p[].
- function(double) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.Evaluatable1D
User supplied method that calculates the function y = fn(x).
- function(double[]) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.ScalarFunctionND
User supplied method that calculates the function y = fn(x[1..n]).
- function(int, double[], double[]) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.VectorFunction
User supplied method that calculates the function y[] = fn(x[]).
- Function<X,Y> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This abstract class represents a mapping between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.
- FunctionException - Exception in org.jscience.mathematics.function
Thrown when a function operation cannot be performed.
- FunctionException() - Constructor for exception org.jscience.mathematics.function.FunctionException
Constructs a
with no detail message. - FunctionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jscience.mathematics.function.FunctionException
Constructs a
with the specified message.
- g - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the standard acceleration due to gravity (approximately equal to the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface).
- G - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Newtonian constant of gravitation.
- G0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the conductance quantum (2e²/h)
- gaussLegendre_Wx1N10(Evaluatable1D, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
Returns the integral of the supplied function from
using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=10). - gaussLegendre_Wx1N20(Evaluatable1D, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
Returns the integral of the supplied function from
using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=20). - gaussLegendre_Wx1N40(Evaluatable1D, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
Returns the integral of the supplied function from
using Gauss-Legendre integration (W(x) = 1, N=40). - GBP - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The British Pound currency.
- gcd(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the greatest common divisor of this large integer and the one specified.
- generate(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
- generate(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
- generate(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
- GenericActionListener - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A class that implements a generic action listener.
- GenericActionListener(Object, Method) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.GenericActionListener
- GenericSingleCurveTests(Curve, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- GenModelNote - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, and represented at a fixed size and orientation in model space.
- GenModelNote() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
- GenScreenNote - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, but is displayed at a fixed size on the screen and oriented such that it is always face-on to the user.
- GenScreenNote() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
- GeocentricCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a 3 dimensional spatial reference system.
- GeocentricCRS() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.GeocentricCRS
- GeographicCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a 2 dimensional surface reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of a geoid.
- GeographicCRS() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.GeographicCRS
- GeomElement<T extends GeomElement> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface in common to all geometry elements.
- geometryComponents - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The attributes of the geometry you want created.
- GeometryData - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
Data representation of geometry information that is created through the various generator classes in this package.
- GeometryData() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
- GeometryGenerator - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
Abstract base representation of geometry generator of box raw coordinate and geometry normals.
- GeometryList<T extends GeometryList,E extends GeomElement> - Interface in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of a named list of
objects. - geometrySubType - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
A generator specific field that describes the type of output algorithm you would like to use for the geometry.
- geometryType - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
This is the type of geometry that you want to have made
- GeomList<E extends GeomElement> - Class in geomss.geom
A concrete list of arbitrary
objects. - GeomPlane - Class in geomss.geom
The interface and implementation in common to all 2D planes in n-dimensional space.
- GeomPlane() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
- GeomPlaneTrans - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aGeomPlane
object and masquerades as a GeomPlane object itself. - GeomPoint - Class in geomss.geom
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
- GeomPoint() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
- GeomPointTrans - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aGeomPoint
object and masquerades as a GeomPoint object itself. - GeomReader - Interface in geomss.geom.reader
Interface for classes that read and write geometry files of various formats.
- GeomReaderFactory - Class in geomss.geom.reader
This class returns a specific
object that can read in the specified file. - GeomShape3D - Class in geomss.j3d
A Shape3D object that maintains a reference to the GeomElement with which it is associated.
- GeomShape3D(GeomElement) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.GeomShape3D
Constructs a Shape3D node with default parameters.
- GeomShape3D(GeomElement, Geometry) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.GeomShape3D
Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry component and a null appearance component.
- GeomShape3D(GeomElement, Geometry, Appearance) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.GeomShape3D
Constructs and initializes a Shape3D node with the specified geometry and appearance components.
- geomss - package geomss
- GeomSS - Class in geomss.app
Application that hosts a Geometry Scripting System.
- GeomSS() - Constructor for class geomss.app.GeomSS
Constructor for our application that displays the GUI.
- geomss.app - package geomss.app
- geomss.geom - package geomss.geom
- geomss.geom.cst - package geomss.geom.cst
- geomss.geom.nurbs - package geomss.geom.nurbs
- geomss.geom.reader - package geomss.geom.reader
- geomss.geom.reader.iges - package geomss.geom.reader.iges
- geomss.j3d - package geomss.j3d
- geomss.ui - package geomss.ui
- GeomSSApp - Interface in geomss
The public interface for the GeomSS application that is intended to be accessed from the BeanShell scripting environment.
- GeomSSBatch - Class in geomss.app
This class will run a GeomSS BeanShell script in batch (background or non-interactive) mode.
- GeomSSBatch(ResourceBundle, File) - Constructor for class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
Construct a new batch script running thread.
- GeomSSBatch.PublicScene - Class in geomss.app
A class that serves as the public interface (in BeanShell) for this application's 3D scene.
- GeomSSCanvas3D - Class in geomss.app
The 3D canvas used by this application to display the user's geometry.
- GeomSSCanvas3D(GeomElement, int, int) - Constructor for class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Constructs and initializes a new Canvas3D object that Java 3D can render into.
- GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle - Enum in geomss.app
Pre-defined view angles used with
. - GeomSSEntity - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The interface an implementation in common to all Entity objects that contain GeomSS geometry.
- GeomSSEntity(Part, DirEntry) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GeomSSEntity
Default constructor.
- GeomSSGUI - Class in geomss.app
This class represents a multi-document interface GUI application for use in this program.
- GeomSSGUI(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Constructor for our application that displays the GUI.
- GeomSSScene - Interface in geomss
The public interface for the GeomSS 3D scene that is intended to be accessed from the BeanShell scripting environment.
- GeomSSUtil - Class in geomss
Static utility methods for the GeomSS application that are intended to be accessed from the BeanShell scripting environment.
- GeomSSUtil() - Constructor for class geomss.GeomSSUtil
- GeomTransform<T extends Transformable> - Interface in geomss.geom
Represents a transformation element that applies a
to a childTransformable
object. - GeomTriangle - Class in geomss.geom
The interface and implementation in common to all triangles in n-dimensional space.
- GeomTriangle() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
- GeomUtil - Class in geomss.geom
A collection of static methods used by classes in the geometry package.
- GeomUtil() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
- GeomVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.geom
Partial implementation of an n-dimensional vector which indicates direction, but not position.
- GeomVector() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomVector
- GeomXMLBinding - Class in geomss.geom
This class represents the binding between GeomSS Java classes and their XML representation (XMLFormat); the binding may be shared among multiple XMLObjectReader/XMLObjectWriter instances (is thread-safe).
- GeomXMLBinding() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GeomXMLBinding
- get() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b values of this JColor3f object.
- get() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Returns a new AWT color object initialized with the r,g,b,a values of this Color4f object.
- get() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Global
- get() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Local
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the value of a Parameter from this point.
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the value of a Parameter from this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the Curve at the specified position in this LinearComboCurve.
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the Curve at the specified position in this surface's list of curves.
- get(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the knot at the specified index.
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the value of a Parameter from this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the value of an element from this set of Euler angles (0=1st axis, 1=2nd axis, 2=3rd axis).
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the value of a Parameter from this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the value of a Parameter from this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the value of an element from this quaternion (0=x, 1=y, 2=z, 3=w).
- get(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the value of a Parameter from this vector.
- get(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- get(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- get(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- get(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- get(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns a single element from this vector.
- get(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a single element from this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the ControlPoint at the specified s,t position in this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns the
at the specified pair of indices in this array. - get(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Return the specified binomial coefficient (n / k)
- get(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a single element from this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a single element from this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns a single element from this matrix.
- get(int, int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- get(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns the element with the specified name from this list.
- get(String) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
Return the preference with the specified key String.
- get(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the element with the specified name from this list.
- get(String) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns the element with the specified name from this list.
- get(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the
with the specified name from this list. - get(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the
with the specified name from this list. - get(String) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.Preferences
Return the preference with the specified key String.
- get2DPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Return a 2D point that represents the value of this shape function at the specified parametric position: (s,getValue(s)).
- getAboutJMenuItem() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the About item as a Swing menu item.
- getAbsoluteError() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the value by which the
estimated value
may differ from the true value (all stated in base units). - getAccuracy() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the number of decimal digits guaranteed exact which appear to the right of the decimal point (absolute error).
- getActionListenerForMethod(Object, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that returns an action listener that simply calls the specified method in the specified class.
- getAlias() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - An alternative name by which this object is identified.
- getAll() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns a new
with the elements in this list. - getAll() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns a new
with the elements in this list. - getAll() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns an new
containing the ordered points in this triangle. - getAll() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an new
with all the curves in this list. - getAll() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an new
with the elements in this list. - getAll() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the knot values as an vector of
values. - getAllArrays() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Returns a list of all the
objects in this case. - getAllGeomWriters() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
- getAllowedArraySize() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Returns the size of any array in this case (since all arrays must have the same number of elements).
- getAllReaders() - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.GeomReaderFactory
Method that returns a list of all the
objects found by this factory. - getAllReaders() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReaderFactory
Method that returns a list of all the DataReader objects found by this factory.
- getAllScalars() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Returns a list of all the
objects in this case. - getAllText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Returns a list of all the Text/Note objects in this case.
- getAllUserData() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Returns a new Map containing all the user objects associated with this geometry element.
- getAllUserData() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns a new Map containing all the user objects associated with this geometry element.
- getAngle() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Return the rotation angle.
- getAnglesUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the unit in which the angles in this vector are stated in.
- getAngleUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the unit in which the azimuth angle in this vector is stated in.
- getApplicationIcon() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Return the application icon for this program or null if one can not be found.
- getArcLength(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the total arc length of this curve.
- getArcLength(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the total arc length of this curve.
- getArcLength(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the total arc length of this curve.
- getArcLength(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return the total arc length of this curve.
- getArcLength(double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArcLength(double, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArcLength(double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArcLength(double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArcLength(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArcLength(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the arc length of a segment of this curve.
- getArea() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the surface area of one side of this triangle.
- getArea() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return the total surface area of all the panels formed by this array of points.
- getArea() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the surface area of one side of this triangle.
- getArea() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return the total surface area of this list of triangles.
- getArea() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the surface area of one side of this triangle.
- getArea(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the surface area of this entire surface.
- getArea(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the surface area of this entire surface.
- getArea(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the surface area of a portion of this surface.
- getArea(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the surface area of a portion of this surface.
- getArea(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the surface area of a portion of this surface.
- getArea(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the surface area of a portion of this surface.
- getAuthor() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the name of the person who created this exchange file.
- getAverage() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Calculate the average or centroid of all the points in this PointString.
- getAxis() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the rotation axis part of this axis/angle rotation transformation as a unit vector.
- getAzimuth() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the azimuth angle of this vector as a
. - getAzimuth() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the azimuth angle of this vector as a
. - getBackground(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Return the specified background used by this canvas.
- getBasisFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Return the basis function for this shape function.
- getBezierStartParameters(NurbsCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Returns a list containing the parameters at the start (and end) of each Bezier segment of the specified NURBS curve.
- getBezierStartParameters(NurbsSurface, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceUtils
Returns a list containing the parameters at the start (and end) of each Bezier patch of the specified NURBS surface in the specified direction.
- getBinormal(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the binormal vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getBinormal(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the binormal vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getBinormal(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the binormal vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getBinormal(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the binormal vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z) of this matrix of ControlPoint objects.
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMax() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the maximum bounding box corner (e.g.: max X, max Y, max Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z) of this matrix of ControlPoint objects.
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBoundsMin() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the coordinate point representing the minimum bounding box corner of this geometry element (e.g.: min X, min Y, min Z).
- getBracketErrorInstance(int) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountFormat
Returns a format for which the error is represented by an integer value in brackets; for example
"1.3456[20] m"
is equivalent to"1.3456 ± 0.0020 m"
. - getButton(ButtonModel) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns the
is given. - getButtons() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns the buttons in the group as a
- getCamber() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.Airfoil
Returns a list of points containing the camber line of the airfoil.
- getCamber() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a list of points containing the camber line of the airfoil.
- getCamber() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a list of points containing the camber line of the airfoil.
- getCamberDist(CSTCurve, CSTCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveUtils
Return a
that represents the camber distribution for an airfoil formed by the input upper and lower airfoil curves. - getCentralMeridian(int, char) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the central meridian (in radians) for the specified UTM/UPS zone.
- getCFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the class function associated with this CST curve.
- getCFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the class function associated with this CST curve.
- getCFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the class function associated with this CST curve.
- getChart() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Returns the chart contained in this window.
- getChartPanel() - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Return the panel used to display the chart (may be
if the chart has not been created yet). - getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomTransform
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Subrange
Returns the child object this subrange object is subranged onto.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the child object this point is subranged onto.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the child object this point is subranged onto.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the child object this point is subranged onto.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChild() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the child object transformed by this transform element.
- getChord() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the chord length of the curve.
- getChord() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the chord length of the curve.
- getChord() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the chord length of the curve.
- getClosest(Curve, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified curve.
- getClosest(Curve, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified curve.
- getClosest(Curve, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified curve.
- getClosest(Curve, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified curve.
- getClosest(GeomPlane, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified plane.
- getClosest(GeomPlane, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the closest point (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified plane.
- getClosest(GeomPlane, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified plane.
- getClosest(GeomPlane, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the closest point (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified plane.
- getClosest(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the closest point on this plane to the input point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest point on this curve to the specified point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the closest point on this surface to the specified point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest point on this curve to the specified point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Returns the closest point on this parametric object to the specified point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the closest point on this surface to the specified point.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest point on this curve to the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest point on this curve to the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the closest point on this surface to the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getClosest(GeomPoint, double, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the closest point on this surface to the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getClosest(Surface, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified surface.
- getClosest(Surface, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified surface.
- getClosest(Surface, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this curve and the specified surface.
- getClosest(Surface, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the closest points (giving the minimum distance) between this surface and the specified surface.
- getClosest(List<? extends GeomPoint>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the closest points on this curve to the specified list of points.
- getClosest(List<? extends GeomPoint>, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the closest points on this curve to the specified list of points.
- getClosest(List<? extends List<GeomPoint>>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the array of closest points on this surface to the specified array (list of lists) of points.
- getClosest(List<? extends List<GeomPoint>>, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the array of closest points on this surface to the specified array (list of lists) of points.
- getCode() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Returns the currency code for this currency.
- getCoefficient(Term) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the coefficient for the specified term.
- getCoefficients() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Return the array of Bernstein Polynomial coefficients for this shape function.
- getColor() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return color of this entity.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a list of ControlPoint objects that represent a single column in this network of control points.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a column of points from this array as a new PointString object.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getColumn(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- getConstant() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the constant term of the plane equation (e.g.: "D" for a 3D plane:
A*x + B*y + C*z = D
). - getConstant() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return the constant term of the plane equation (e.g.: "D" for a 3D plane:
A*x + B*y + C*z = D
). - getConstant() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return the constant term of the plane equation (e.g.: "D" for a 3D plane:
A*x + B*y + C*z = D
). - getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return a list of control points for this curve.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return a matrix or network of control points for this surface.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a list of control points for this curve.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return a list of transformed control points for this curve.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a matrix or network of control points for this surface.
- getControlPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return a matrix or network of control points for this surface.
- getConverterTo(CoordinateReferenceSystem<T>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
Returns the converter between this coordinate reference system and the one specified.
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
Returns the reference system for this coordinates.
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
- getCoordinateReferenceSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
- getCoordinates() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - Returns the sequence of numbers that hold the coordinate of this position in its reference system.
- getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CompoundCRS
- getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
Returns the OpenGIS coordinate system associated to this coordinate reference system.
- getCurrentDirectory() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Return the current working directory as defined by the "user.dir" environment variable as a File object.
- getCurvature(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the curvature (kappa = 1/rho; where rho = the radius of curvature) of the curve at the parametric position
. - getCurvature(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the curvature (kappa = 1/rho; where rho = the radius of curvature) of the curve at the parametric position
. - getCurvature(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the curvature (kappa = 1/rho; where rho = the radius of curvature) of the curve at the parametric position
. - getCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the curvature (kappa = 1/rho; where rho = the radius of curvature) of the curve at the parametric position
. - getCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the curvature (kappa = 1/rho; where rho = the radius of curvature) of the curve at the parametric position
. - getCurve(Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return a subrange curve on the surface for the given parametric position curve.
- getCurve(Curve) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a subrange curve on the surface for the given parametric position curve.
- getDataName() - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Return the name to use for the data in this window.
- getDataSet() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return a reference to the data set plotted in this window.
- getDateTime() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the date and time of IGES file generation.
- getDefaultFractionDigits() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Returns the default number of fraction digits used with this currency unit.
- getDefaultLineColor() - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getDefaultPointColor() - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getDefaultRenderingPrefs() - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
- getDefaultUnit() - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the default units for this system.
- getDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return the degree of the NURBS curve.
- getDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the degree of the KnotVector
- getDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return the degree of the NURBS curve.
- getDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return the degree of the NURBS curve.
- getDelim() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return parameter delimiter character.
- getDENum() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return Directory Entry number for this entity.
- getDENum() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return Directory Entry number.
- getDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the class function for the given parametric distance along the class function,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the shape function for the given parametric distance along the shape function,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric position(s) on a parametric object for the given parametric position on the object,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric position(s) on a parametric object for the given parametric position on the object,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric position(s) on a parametric object for the given parametric position on the object,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric position(s) on a parametric object for the given parametric position on the object,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric position(s) on a parametric object for the given parametric position on the object,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getDerivativeVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the dimensional derivative vector for this line segment.
- getDerivativeVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the dimensional direction/derivative vector for this line segment.
- getDerivativeVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the dimensional derivative vector for this line segment.
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- getDescription() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Returns the human readable description of this filter.
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit
- getDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests
- getDiagonal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the diagonal vector.
- getDiagonal() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the diagonal vector.
- getDiagonal() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the diagonal vector.
- getDiagonal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- getDiagonal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- getDiagonal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- getDiagonal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the diagonal vector.
- getDiagonal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- getDigits() - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the
number of digits used during calculations (default 20 digits). - getDimension() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
Returns the number of elements held by this vector.
- getDimension() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the number of elements held by this vector.
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - The length of coordinate sequence (the number of entries).
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- getDimension() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the number of elements held by this vector.
- getDimension(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.HighEnergyModel
- getDimension(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.NaturalModel
- getDimension(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.QuantumModel
- getDimension(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.RelativisticModel
- getDimension(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.StandardModel
- getDimensions() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Get the dimensions of the cone.
- getDimensions() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Get the dimensions of the cylinder.
- getDirectory() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Get the directory of this file dialog.
- getDividend() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the dividend of this rational function.
- getDividend() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the smallest dividend of the fraction representing this rational number.
- getDivisor() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the divisor of this rational function.
- getDivisor() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the smallest divisor of the fraction representing this rational (always positive).
- getDocumentBase() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Try and determine the directory to where the program is installed and return that as a URL.
- getDomainAxis() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the domain axis for the plot in this window.
- getDomainAxisLabel() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the domain or X-axis label for this chart.
- getDrawTolerance() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Return the tolerance used when drawing parametric objects such as curves and surfaces.
- getDrawTolerance() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Return the tolerance used when drawing parametric objects such as curves and surfaces.
- getDrawTolerance() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getEccentricity() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the (first) eccentricity of this reference ellipsoid.
- getEccentricitySquared() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the square of the (first) eccentricity.
- getEdits() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Return the complete list of edits in an array.
- getElement() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Return the element to be edited.
- getElevation() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the elevation angle of this vector as a
. - getEnclosedArea(GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the signed area of the region enclosed or subtended by a planar curve relative to the specified reference point.
- getEnclosedArea(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the signed area of the region enclosed or subtended by a planar curve relative to the specified reference point.
- getEnd() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the end point of the line segment.
- getEnd() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the end point of the line segment.
- getEnd() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the end point of the line segment.
- getEntities() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return list of entities.
- getEntity(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return entity with specified DE number
- getEntityCount() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return the entity count.
- getEntityHeader(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return a specific entity's header for the Entity List window.
- getError() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the maximum error (positive) on this real significand.
- getErrors() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Get a list of error and warning messages issued by this Entity.
- getErrors() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Get the list of error strings built up after checking the entities.
- getEstimatedValue() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the estimated value for this measure stated in this measure
. - getEulerOrder() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the Euler order for this set of Euler angles.
- getEulerTM(Measurable<Angle>, Measurable<Angle>, Measurable<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
Returns the direction cosine T.M.
- getExactDigitsInstance() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountFormat
Returns a format for which only digits guaranteed to be exact are written out.
- getExactPrecision() - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the
minimum precision (number of exact digits) when exact numbers have to be approximated. - getExactValue() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the exact value for this measure stated in this measure
. - getExchangeRate() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Returns the exchange rate for this
. - getExponent() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the decimal exponent.
- getExponent() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the exponent of the power of 10 multiplier.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this GeomReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this DataReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this DataReader's type.
- getExtension() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Returns the preferred file extension (not including the ".") for files of this DataReader's type.
- getExtension(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
- getExtension(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Return the extension portion of the file's name.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the farthest point on this curve from the specified point.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the farthest point on this surface from the specified point.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the farthest point on this curve from the specified point.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Returns the farthest point on this parametric object from the specified point.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the farthest point on this surface from the specified point.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the farthest point on this curve from the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the farthest point on this curve from the specified point near the specified parametric position.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the farthest point on this surface from the specified point near the specified parametric position on the surface.
- getFarthest(GeomPoint, double, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the farthest point on this surface from the specified point near the specified parametric position on the surface.
- getFarthest(List<? extends GeomPoint>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the farthest points on this curve to the specified list of points.
- getFarthest(List<? extends GeomPoint>, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the farthest points on this curve to the specified list of points.
- getFarthest(List<? extends List<GeomPoint>>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the array of farthest points on this surface from the specified array (list of lists) of points.
- getFarthest(List<? extends List<GeomPoint>>, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the array of farthest points on this surface from the specified array (list of lists) of points.
- getFeedbackOverlay() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Returns an
for use in anBGFGCanvas3D
that displays a visual representation of the Virtual Sphere for user feedback. - getFile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Get the file of this file dialog, which in the case of this class, is always an empty string ("") unless the user has canceled where the return value will be
. - getFileExtension() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Returns the file extension requested for saving a file (or null if none has been set).
- getFileName() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the IGES file name record which contains the name of the exchange file.
- getFilenameFilter() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Return a reference to this application's default file name filter or null if a filename filter has not been stored.
- getFileNameWithoutExtension(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Return the file name of the specified file without the extension.
- getFileNameWithoutExtension(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Return the file name of the specified file without the extension.
- getFirst() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the first element from this list.
- getFirst() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns the first element from this list.
- getFirst() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the first curve from this LinearComboCurve.
- getFirst() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the first curve from this surface's list of curves.
- getFirst() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
Returns the first coordinates.
- getFirstWeight() - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Returns the first linear combination weight from this list.
- getFirstWeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the first linear combination weight from this LinearComboCurve.
- getFlattening() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the flattening or ellipticity of this reference ellipsoid.
- getFloat64Matrix() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return the transformation matrix that represents this GTransform object as a Float64Matrix.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return the font used to display this note.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the font used to display this note.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the font used to display this note.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return the font used to display this note.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return the font used to display this note.
- getFont() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return line font of this entity.
- getForm() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return entity form.
- getFormat() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FormattedDocument
Method that returns the Format used by this document.
- getFormat(Class<T>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomXMLBinding
- getFrame() - Method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns the frame from which the axes are taken.
- getFrameForComponent(Component) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Returns the specified component's top-level
. - getFramelessJMenuBar() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the Swing frameless menu bar.
- getGaussianCurvature(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the Gaussian Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getGaussianCurvature(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the Gaussian Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getGaussianCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the Gaussian Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getGaussianCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the Gaussian Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getGeomElement() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
- getGeomElement(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GeomSSEntity
Return a reference to the GeomElement element contained in this IGES Entity.
- getGeometryElement() - Method in class geomss.j3d.GeomShape3D
Return a reference to the GeomSS geometry element that this shape is associated with.
- getGlobalSection() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return the Global Section object.
- getGrain() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value.
- getGrainParameter() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value.
- getGUIApplication() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSS
- getGUIApplication() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.MainApp
Return a reference to this program's GUI application or null if we are running in batch mode.
- getHeader() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Dumps a simple header.
- getHeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the height of the text box in model units.
- getHeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the height of the text box in model units.
- getHeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the height of the text box in model units.
- getHeight() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the height or altitude element of this vector as a
. - getHomogeneous() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return a copy of this control point with the values made homogeneous (all the geometric point values are divided by the weight).
- getHonorQuotes() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
if this tokenizer honors quoted text (counts it as a single token). - getID() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Return the unique ID number of this geometry element.
- getID() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return the unique ID number of this geometry element.
- getIdentifiers() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - An identifier which references elsewhere the object's defining information.
- getImage() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGImage
Returns a BufferedImage containing the background or overlay to be displayed in a
canvas either behind or over top of the 3D scene or returnsnull
for no image. - getImageCursor(String, int, int, String, ImageObserver) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that loads an image from a file and creates a custom mouse cursor from it.
- getImageCursor(URL, int, int, String, ImageObserver) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that loads an image from a URL and creates a custom mouse cursor from it.
- getImageX() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGImage
Returns the X coordinate location on the canvas where the upper-left corner of the buffered image should be drawn.
- getImageY() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGImage
Returns the Y coordinate location on the canvas where the upper-left corner of the buffered image should be drawn.
- getImaginary() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the imaginary component of this complex number.
- getImaginary(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns the imaginary value of a complex number from this vector (fast).
- getIndexFromName(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Return the index to the 1st data element in this list with the specified name.
- getIndexFromName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Return the index to the 1st geometry element in this list with the specified name.
- getIndexFromName(String) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Return the index to the 1st geometry element in this list with the specified name.
- getIndexFromName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return the index to the 1st Curve in this list with the specified name.
- getIndexFromName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the index to the 1st Curve in this list with the specified name.
- getInitialAxis() - Method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns the initial rotation axis.
- getInitialValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.AbstractEvaluatable1D
Returns the initial function value set with "setInitialValue()".
- getInstance() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the unique application instance.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountFormat
Returns the current
format (defaultAmountFormat.getPlusMinusErrorInstance(2)
). - getInterpolator() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
Returns the interpolator used by this discrete function.
- getKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return the knot vector of this curve.
- getKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return the knot vector of this curve.
- getKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return the knot vector of this curve.
- getLabel() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return the label for this entity.
- getLast() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the last element from this list.
- getLast() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns the last element from this list.
- getLast() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the last curve from this LinearComboCurve list of curves.
- getLast() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the last curve from this surface's list of curves.
- getLastPath() - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
Returns the file path to the parent of the last referenced file.
- getLastPath() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.Preferences
Returns the file path to the parent of the last referenced file.
- getLastWeight() - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Returns the last linear combination weight from this list.
- getLastWeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the last linear combination weight from this LinearComboCurve.
- getLatitudeZone(LatLong) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the UTM/UPS latitude zone identifier for the specified coordinates.
- getLblDsp() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return label display pointer of this entity.
- getLevel() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return level of this entity.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this curve.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction for the geometry in this list.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this surface.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this triangle.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this geometry element.
- getLimitPoint(int, boolean, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the most extreme point, either minimum or maximum, in the specified coordinate direction on this curve.
- getLineAndShapeRenderer() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the line and shape rendered for the plot in this window.
- getLineColor() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Returns the color used when rendering curves and lines.
- getLineColor() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- getLineColor() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getLineWeights() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return number of line weights.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Return the width that line/curve objects are rendered in pixels.
- getLineWidth() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return maximum line width.
- getLineWidth() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- getLineWidth() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getLocation() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return the geometric location of this note in space.
- getLocation() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the location of this note in space.
- getLocation() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the location of this note in model space.
- getLocation() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return the location of this note in model space.
- getLocation() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return the location of this note in model space.
- getLongitudeZone(LatLong) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the UTM/UPS longitude zone number for the specified coordinates.
- getLower() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.Airfoil
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the lower surface of the airfoil.
- getLower() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the lower surface of the airfoil.
- getLower() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the lower surface of the airfoil.
- getLower(F, F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the lower matrix decomposition (
) with diagonal elements equal to the multiplicative identity for F. - getLowerYp() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.Airfoil
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the lower surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getLowerYp() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the lower surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getLowerYp() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the lower surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getLowestSetBit() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the index of the lowest-order one bit in this large integer or
. - getLU() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the lower/upper decomposition in one single matrix.
- getMagnitude() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the magnitude of this vector as a
. - getMagnitudeValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the magnitude of this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getMat() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Returns the internal matrix.
- getMatrix() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return the transformation matrix that represents this GTranfrom object as a 2D Java matrix.
- getMatrix() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return matrix pointer of this entity.
- getMatrix(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Get matrix representing entity's matrix appended to supplied matrix.
- getMaximumValue() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the upper bound interval value for this measure stated in this measure unit.
- getMeanCurvature(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the Mean Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getMeanCurvature(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the Mean Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getMeanCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the Mean Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getMeanCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the Mean Curvature for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- getMinimumValue() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the lower bound interval value for this measure stated in this measure unit.
- getMinNumCoef() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.BasisFunction
Method that returns the minimum number of coefficients allowed by this basis function.
- getMinNumCoef() - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.PolynomialFit
Method that returns the minimum number of coefficients allowed by a polynomial (method returns a value of 2 corresponding to a degree=1 polynomial).
- getModDateTime() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
- getModulus() - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the
modulus for modular arithmetic ornull
if the arithmetic operations are non-modular (default). - getMouseZoomFactor() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Return the mouse zoom multiplier.
- getN1() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Return the first exponent of the class function, N1.
- getN2() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Return the second exponent of the class function, N2.
- getName() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Return the name of this geometry element.
- getName() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return the name of this geometry element.
- getName() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElement
Return the name of this data element.
- getName() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Return the name of this data element.
- getName() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Return the name of this parameter.
- getName() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the name of the application.
- getName() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - The primary name by which this object is identified.
- getNext() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
Returns the next coordinates.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the (at least 3D) vector indicating the normal axis direction for the text.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the normal vector for the plane.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return the normal vector for the plane.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the surface unit normal vector for this triangle.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return the normal vector for the plane.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the surface unit normal vector for this triangle.
- getNormal() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the surface unit normal vector for this triangle.
- getNormal(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the at least 3D normal vector for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getNormal(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the normal vector for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getNormal(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the normal vector for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getNormal(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the normal vector for this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getNote() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return the text string associated with this note object.
- getNote() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the text string associated with this note object.
- getNote() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the text string associated with this note object.
- getNote() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return the text string associated with this note object.
- getNote() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return the text string associated with this note object.
- getNu() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the length of the knot vector (nu).
- getNumberBackgrounds() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Returns the number of background images associated with this canvas.
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the number of columns for this matrix.
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the control point matrix size in the t-direction (across the columns of control points).
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return the control point matrix size in the t-direction (across the columns of control points).
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the control point matrix size in the t-direction (across the columns of control points).
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the control point matrix size in the t-direction (across the columns of control points).
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the number of columns
for this matrix. - getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the number of columns n for this matrix.
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the number of columns
for this matrix. - getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- getNumberOfPanels() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return the total number of quadrilateral panels in this array of points.
- getNumberOfPanels() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return the total number of quadrilateral panels in this component.
- getNumberOfPanels() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return the total number of quadrilateral panels in this vehicle.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractPointGeomList
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in interface geomss.geom.PointGeometry
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return the total number of points in this geometry element.
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the number of rows for this matrix.
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the control point matrix size in the s-direction (down a column of control points).
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return the control point matrix size in the s-direction (down a column of control points).
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the control point matrix size in the s-direction (down a column of control points).
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the control point matrix size in the s-direction (down a column of control points).
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the number of rows
for this matrix. - getNumberOfRows() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the number of rows m for this matrix.
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- getNumberOfRows() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the number of rows
for this matrix. - getNumberOfRows() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- getNumberOfSegments() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the number of segments in the knot vector.
- getNumberOverlays() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Returns the number of overlays/foregrounds associated with this canvas.
- getOffsetTE() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the offset of the trailing edge of the curve from the chord line.
- getOffsetTE() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the offset of the trailing edge of the curve from the chord line.
- getOffsetTE() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the offset of the trailing edge of the curve from the chord line.
- getOrder() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the order of this CST curve.
- getOrder() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Return the order of this shape function.
- getOrder(Variable<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the order of this polynomial for the specified variable.
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - Returns the ordinate at the specified dimension.
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
- getOrdinate(int) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
- getOrganization() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
- getOrientation() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return a direction cosine matrix containing the orientation of the note string.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the origin of the leading edge of this curve.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the origin of the leading edge of this curve.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the origin of the leading edge of this curve.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Return the origin point for this vector.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Return the origin point for this vector.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Return the origin point for this vector.
- getOrigin() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Return the origin point for this vector.
- getOutput() - Method in class geomss.ui.InputDialog
Return the list of edited
objects ornull
if the user canceled. - getOutputStream() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- getOutputStream() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StreamedTextViewer
Return an output stream to the text area in this frame.
- getOverlay(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Return the specified overlay used by this canvas.
- getOverlayPaint() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Returns the
used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics. - getP1() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the first vertex in this triangle.
- getP1() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the first vertex in this triangle.
- getP1() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the first vertex in this triangle.
- getP2() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the second vertex in this triangle.
- getP2() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the second vertex in this triangle.
- getP2() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the second vertex in this triangle.
- getP3() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return the third and last vertex in this triangle.
- getP3() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return the third and last vertex in this triangle.
- getP3() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return the third and last vertex in this triangle.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of this geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the number of parametric dimensions of the geometry element.
- getParentFrame() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
- getParity() - Method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns the parity of the axis permutation.
- getParPosition() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Subrange
Returns the parametric position on the child object that this subrange refers to.
- getParPosition() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the parametric position on the child object that this curve refers to.
- getParPosition() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the parametric position on the child object that this point refers to.
- getParPosition() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns a 2D surface in parametric space which maps this surface's parametric positions to the child surface.
- getPDCnt() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return Parameter Data line count for this entity.
- getPDNum() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return Parameter Data number for this entity.
- getPDNum() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return Parameter Data number.
- getPermutation(F, F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the permutation matrix (
). - getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractPointGeomList
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the number of physical dimensions of this geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the number of physical dimensions of this vector.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns the number of physical dimensions of this geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the number of physical dimensions of this vector.
- getPhyDimension() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the number of physical dimensions of the geometry element.
- getPivotComparator() - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the
comparator used for pivoting ornull
if pivoting is not performed (defaultLUDecomposition.NUMERIC_COMPARATOR
). - getPivots() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the pivots elements of this decomposition.
- getPlusMinusErrorInstance(int) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountFormat
Returns a format for which the error (if present) is stated using the '±' character; for example
"(1.34 ± 0.01) m"
. - getPoint() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return the Point representation of this ControlPoint.
- getPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return a subrange point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getPoint(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a subrange point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return a subrange point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getPoint(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a subrange point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return a subrange point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return a subrange point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a subrange point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Return a subrange point on the parametric geometry for the given parametric distance along the parametric geometry.
- getPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a subrange point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getPointAtArcLength(Parameter<Length>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return a subrange point at the position on the curve with the specified arc-length.
- getPointAtArcLength(Parameter<Length>, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a subrange point at the position on the curve with the specified arc-length.
- getPointAtArcLength(Parameter<Length>, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return a subrange point at the position on the curve with the specified arc-length.
- getPointColor() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Returns the color used when rendering points.
- getPointColor() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Returns the color used when rendering points.
- getPointColor() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getPoints() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return all three vertices of this triangle as an ordered list of points.
- getPoints(GeomPoint[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return all three vertices of this triangle contained in the supplied array of points.
- getPointSize() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Return the size that Point objects are rendered in pixels.
- getPointSize() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- getPointSize() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getPointValues() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
Returns the point-value entries of this discrete function.
- getPosition() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - Returns the direct position for this position.
- getPower(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the power of the variable at the specified position.
- getPower(Variable<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the power of the specified variable.
- getPrecision() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the total number of decimal digits guaranteed exact (relative error).
- getPreferences() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSS
- getPreferences() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
- getPreferences() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.MainApp
Return a reference to the user preferences for this application or null if no preferences class has been stored.
- getPreferences() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
- getPreferencesJMenuItem() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the About item as a Swing menu item.
- getPreferencesJMenuItem(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the About item as a Swing menu item.
- getPrefix() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Return the prefix String.
- getPreprocesorVersion() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the IGES file preprocessor version.
- getPresentationName() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Provides a localized, human readable description of this edit suitable for use in, say, a change log.
- getPreviousSelected() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns the button that was selected prior to the currently selected button in the group.
- getPrincipalNormal(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the principal normal vector for the given parametric distance,
, along the curve. - getPrincipalNormal(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the principal normal vector for the given parametric distance,
, along the curve. - getPrincipalNormal(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the principal normal vector for the given parametric distance,
, along the curve. - getPrincipalNormal(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the principal normal vector for the given parametric distance,
, along the curve. - getProductName() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63ASeries
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64ASeries
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65ASeries
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA66Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA67Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProfile() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a String that represents the profile type of this airfoil.
- getProjectionPolicy() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Retrieves the current projection policy for this scene.
- getProjectionPolicy() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- getProxyIcon(JFrame) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Return the contents of the "Window.documentFile" client property (which can return null).
- getPsiThetaTM(Polar3D<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
Returns the direction cosine T.M.
- getPsiThetaTM(Measurable<Angle>, Measurable<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
Returns the direction cosine T.M.
- getQuality() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Get the quality of the image encoding.
- getQuality() - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Returns the quality of the image encoding, which is a number in the range 0.0f to 1.0f (higher values give better quality output, but larger file sizes).
- getQuality() - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Get the quality of the image encoding (always 0.0).
- getQuitJMenuItem() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the Quit item as a Swing menu item.
- getQuitJMenuItem(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get the Quit item as a Swing menu item.
- getQuitOnClose() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Returns a flag indicating if the application should quit when the last window is closed (true) or stay open (false; allowing the user to select "New" from the file menu for instance).
- getRadius() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the radius element of this vector as a
. - getRadiusValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the radius element of this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the range of Curves in this LinearComboCurve from the specified start and ending indexes as a new LinearComboCurve.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the range of Curves in this surface from the specified start and ending indexes as a new LoftedSurface.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns the range of elements in this list from the specified start and ending indexes.
- getRangeAxis() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the range axis for the plot in this window.
- getRangeAxisLabel() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the range or Y-axis label for this chart.
- getReader(BufferedInputStream, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReaderFactory
Method that attempts to find a
object that might be able to read the data in the specified input stream. - getReader(File) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.GeomReaderFactory
Method that attempts to find an
object that might be able to read the data in the specified file. - getReader(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReaderFactory
Method that attempts to find an
object that might be able to read the data in the specified file. - getReal() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the real component of this complex number.
- getReal(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns the real value of a complex number from this vector (fast).
- getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getRealPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRealPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate a point on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getRealPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Calculate a point on the parametric geometry for the given parametric distance along the parametric geometry.
- getRealPoint(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate a point on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface.
- getRedoableEdits() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Return all currently significant redoable edits.
- getReferenceCurrency() - Static method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Returns the currency used as reference when setting the exchange rate.
- getRefPoint() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the reference point for this plane.
- getRefPoint() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return the reference point for this plane.
- getRefPoint() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return the reference point for this plane.
- getRelativeError() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the percentage by which the estimated amount may differ from the true amount.
- getRemainder() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the final undivided part after division that is less or of lower degree than the divisor.
- getRemarks() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - Comments on or information about this object, including data source information.
- getRenderingPrefs() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
- getRenderType() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Returns the
rendering type
for the 1st item in the scene. - getRenderType() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- getRenderType() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Return the render type used for this group.
- getRepeat1st() - Method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns true if the initial axis is repeated as the last and false if it is not.
- getResource(String, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Returns the a File reference to the specified resource in the MacOS application bundle's Resource directory.
- getResource(String, String, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Returns the a File reference to the specified resource in the specified sub-directory of the application bundle's Resource directory.
- getResourceBundle() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSS
- getResourceBundle() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
- getResourceBundle() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.MainApp
Returns the resource bundle stored with this application.
- getResourceBundle() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Returns the resource bundle stored with this application.
- getResourceIcon(String, Logger) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Return the application icon for this program or null if one can not be found.
- getRootComponent(Object) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Return the root component of the given component.
- getRotation() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a direction cosine matrix containing the rotational portion of this transformation matrix.
- getRotationMatrix() - Method in enum geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- getRotationScale() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the upper 3x3 values of this matrix (which contains combined rotation and scale information) and places them into the output matrix.
- getRow(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getRow(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a list of ControlPoint objects that represent a single row in this network of control points.
- getRow(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getRow(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getRow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- getRow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- getRow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- getRow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
- getRow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- getS0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the S=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the S=0 Boundary for this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getS0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the S=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS0Curve() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the S=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the S=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the S=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the S=1 Boundary for this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getS1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the S=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS1Curve() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the S=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getS1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the S=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getScalar() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Return the scalar part of this quaternion.
- getScalarValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Return the scalar part of this quaternion as a floating point number.
- getScale() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the uniform scale factor for this matrix.
- getScaleVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a 3 element vector containing the scale factors in each dimension X, Y & Z.
- getScene() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
- getScene() - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
- getScene() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
- getScope() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - Description of domain of usage, or limitations of usage, for which this (coordinate) reference system object is valid.
- getSCurve(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return a subrange curve at a constant parametric s-value.
- getSCurve(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a subrange curve at a constant parametric s-value.
- getSCurve(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the S-curve with the specified index from this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getSDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the degree of the NURBS surface in the s-direction.
- getSDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the s-degree of the NURBS surface.
- getSDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the s-degree of the NURBS surface.
- getSDerivative(double, double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric s-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getSDerivative(double, double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric s-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getSDerivative(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric distance of the given grade on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getSDerivative(double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric distance of the given grade on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,
. - getSDerivative(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric s-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getSDerivative(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric s-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric distance on the curve for the given parametric distance along the curve,d^{grade}p(s)/d^{grade}s
. - getSDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric s-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}s
. - getSecondEccentricitySquared() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the square of the second eccentricity of this reference ellipsoid.
- getSelected() - Method in class geomss.app.ChooseUnitDialog
- getSelected() - Method in class geomss.app.ChooseUnitPanel
- getSelected() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectCasesDialog
This method returns a single DataSet object that contains all the cases that were selected in this dialog.
- getSelected() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectParamsDialog
This method returns a single DataSet object that contains all the parameters that were selected in this dialog stored in a set of new DataCase objects (one parameter per case).
- getSelected() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns the selected button in the group.
- getSemimajorAxis() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the semimajor or equatorial radius of this reference ellipsoid.
- getSet(UnitSet.SetType) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Returns an array of units of the specified type (array of related units).
- getSFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the shape function associated with this CST curve.
- getSFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the shape function associated with this CST curve.
- getSFunction() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the shape function associated with this CST curve.
- getSharedInstance() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Fetch the currently shared singleton instance.
- getSignificand() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the significand value.
- getSignificand() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns this real significand value.
- getSimpleFormatInstance() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterFormat
Returns a simple ParameterFormat for which the value is stated using the current units; for example
"1.34 m"
. - getSKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the s-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getSKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the s-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getSKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the s-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getSpecVersion() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the version of the IGES Specification to which the data in this file complies.
- getsSemiminorAxis() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the semiminor or polar radius of this reference ellipsoid.
- getStandardUnit() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
- getStart() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return the starting point of the line segment.
- getStart() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the starting point of the line segment.
- getStart() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the starting point of the line segment.
- getStartSection() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return the Start Section object.
- getStatus() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return status field of this entity.
- getSuffix() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Return the suffix String.
- getSurfaceAlpha() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Get the alpha or transparency used when rendering surfaces or point-arrays.
- getSurfaceAlpha() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Get the alpha or transparency used when rendering surfaces or point-arrays.
- getSurfaceAlpha() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Get the alpha or transparency used when rendering surfaces or point-arrays.
- getSurfaceAppearance() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
- getSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Get the color (of the specified type) used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Get the color (of the specified type) used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Get the color (of the specified type) used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSurfaceShininess() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Get the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSurfaceShininess() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Get the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSurfaceShininess() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Get the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays.
- getSymbol() - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable
Returns the symbol for this variable.
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Global
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Local
- getSystem() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Method that returns the Unit System for this unit set.
- getSystemID() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
- getT0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the T=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the T=0 Boundary for this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getT0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the T=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT0Curve() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the T=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT0Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the T=0 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the T=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the T=1 Boundary for this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getT1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the T=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT1Curve() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the T=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getT1Curve() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the T=1 Boundary for this surface as a curve.
- getTangencyPoint(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
A point is found along this curve that when connected by a straight line to the given point in space, the resulting line is tangent to this curve.
- getTangencyPoint(GeomPoint, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
A point is found along this curve that when connected by a straight line to the given point in space, the resulting line is tangent to this curve.
- getTangent(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the tangent vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getTangent(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the tangent vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getTangent(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the tangent vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getTangent(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the tangent vector for the given parametric distance along the curve.
- getTangentPlane(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the tangent plane to this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getTangentPlane(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the tangent plane to this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getTangentPlane(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the tangent plane to this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getTangentPlane(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the tangent plane to this surface at the given parametric position (s,t) on this surface.
- getTCurve(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return a subrange curve at a constant parametric t-value.
- getTCurve(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a subrange curve at a constant parametric t-value.
- getTCurve(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the T-curve with the specified index from this surface as a NURBS curve.
- getTDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the degree of the surface in the t-direction (across the defining curves).
- getTDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the degree of the NURBS surface in the t-direction.
- getTDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the t-degree of the NURBS surface.
- getTDegree() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the t-degree of the NURBS surface.
- getTDerivative(double, double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric t-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getTDerivative(double, double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivative(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric t-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getTDerivative(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate a derivative with respect to parametric t-distance of the given grade on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTDerivatives(GeomPoint, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate all the derivatives from
with respect to parametric t-position on the surface for the given parametric position on the surface,d^{grade}p(s,t)/d^{grade}t
. - getTerm() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return parameter terminator character.
- getTerms() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the terms of this polynomial.
- getText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Return the text of this text parameter.
- getTextArea() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StreamedTextViewer
Return the text area used to display the output stream.
- getThicknessDist(CSTCurve, CSTCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveUtils
Return a
that represents the thickness distribution for an airfoil formed by the input upper and lower airfoil curves. - getTKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the t-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getTKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return the t-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getTKnotVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the t-direction knot vector of this surface.
- getTopWindow() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Returns a reference to the top-most window in the list of all open windows registered with this application.
- getTorsion(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the torsion of the curve at the parametric position
. - getTorsion(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the torsion of the curve at the parametric position
. - getTorsion(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the torsion of the curve at the parametric position
. - getTorsion(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the torsion of the curve at the parametric position
. - getTorsion(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the torsion of the curve at the parametric position
. - getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomTransform
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below this one.
- getTotalTransform(GeomTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns the total transformation represented by an entire chain of GeomTransform objects below the one provided.
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.ImageSelection
Returns the
's data in the requestedDataFlavor
if possible. - getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.ImageSelection
Returns an array of flavors in which this
can provide the data. - getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomTransform
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- getTransform() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent
Return the new transformation matrix.
- getTransform(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.HighEnergyModel
- getTransform(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.NaturalModel
- getTransform(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.QuantumModel
- getTransform(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.RelativisticModel
- getTransform(BaseUnit<?>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.model.StandardModel
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Transformable
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTransformed(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns transformed version of this element.
- getTranslation() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the translational components of this transformation matrix.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getTwistVector(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Calculate the twist vector (d^2P/(ds*dt) = d(dP/ds)/dt) for this surface at the specified position on this surface.
- getType() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return entity type.
- getType() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return Entity type.
- getType() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent
Return the type of transform.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity000_Null
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity100_CircularArc
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_0_GenConicArc
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_1_EllipticalArc
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_2_HyperbolicArc
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_3_ParabolicArc
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_1_2DPoints
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_11_2DLinearString
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_12_3DLinearString
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_13_3DVectorString
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_2_3DPoints
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_3_3DVectors
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_63_ClosedPlanarLinearCurve
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_XX_Unsupported
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_XX_Unsupported
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity112_ParSplineCurve
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_0_RuledSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_1_RuledSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_RuledSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_XX_Unsupported
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity308_Subfigure
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_XX_Unsupported
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity404_Drawing
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity408_SingularSubfigure
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity410_View
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getTypeString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityXXX_Unsupported
Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
- getUndoableEdits() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Return all currently significant undoable edits.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the unit in which the first geometry element in this list is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Returns the unit in which this curve is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the unit in which the geometry of this curve is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the unit in which the geometry in this element are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the unit in which the geometry in this element are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the unit in which the
in this point are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the unit in which this GeomTriangle is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the unit in which the curves in this linear combination curve are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the unit in which this curve is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the unit in which this curve is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the unit in which the first curve in this list is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns the unit in which the note height and location are stored.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the unit in which the note location Point is stored.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the unit in which the
in this point are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the unit in which the
in this vector are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns the unit in which the note location Point is stored.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the unit in which the note location Point is stored.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the unit in which the control points in this curve are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns the unit in which the control points in this surface are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the unit in which this control point is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the unit in which the control points in this network are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the unit in which the control points in this curve are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the unit in which the control points in this curve are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns the unit in which the geometry in this element are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the unit in which the
in this point are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Return the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the unit in which this curves values are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the unit in which the
in this point are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the unit in which this surface is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the unit in which this surface is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the unit in which this triangle is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the unit in which the
in this vector are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the unit in which the
in this vector are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.UnitParameter
Returns the unit in which the value is stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the unit in which the values in this vector are stated.
- getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the unit in which the radius and height in this vector are stated in.
- getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the unit in which the
in this set of Euler angles are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the unit in which the
in this matrix are stated. - getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the unit in which the
is stated. - getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the unit in which the
in this vector are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the unit in which the magnitude in this vector are stated in.
- getUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the unit in which the
in this vector are stated in. - getUnit() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the unit in which the
estimated value
andabsolute error
are stated. - getUnitList() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Return the array of units.
- getUnits() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.EditUnitSetDialog
Returns the unit set that has been edited by the user.
- getUnits() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.EditUnitSetPanel
Returns the unit set stored with this panel.
- getUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Get a unit direction vector for the line segment.
- getUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Get unit direction vector for the line segment.
- getUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Get unit direction vector for the line segment.
- getUpper() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.Airfoil
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the upper surface of the airfoil.
- getUpper() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the upper surface of the airfoil.
- getUpper() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a list of points containing the abscissas (X coordinate) and ordinates (Y coordinate) of the points defining the upper surface of the airfoil.
- getUpper(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the upper matrix decomposition (
). - getUpperYp() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.Airfoil
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the upper surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getUpperYp() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the upper surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getUpperYp() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a list containing the slope (dy/dx) of the upper surface of the airfoil at each ordinate.
- getUserData(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Return any user defined object associated with this geometry element and the specified key.
- getUserData(Object) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return any user defined object associated with this geometry element and the specified key.
- getUserObject() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElement
Return any user defined object associated with this data element.
- getUserObject() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Return any user defined object associated with this data element.
- getUserObject() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Return any user defined object associated with this data element.
- getValidArea() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - Area for which the (coordinate) reference system is valid.
- getValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns the value for this parameter stated in this parameter's
. - getValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the value for this measure stated in this measure's
. - getValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.DecimalField
Return the value represented by the text in this text field.
- getValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Constant
Returns the constant value for this function.
- getValue(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Return the value of this class function at the specified parametric location.
- getValue(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Return the value of this shape function at the specified parametric location.
- getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the value of the Parameter in this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the value of the Parameter in this point as a
, stated in this point's unit. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the knot value at a specific index as a
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Return the value of an element in the array in the current units.
- getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
in the current units of the specified dimension of this vector. - getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the value of a floating point number from this set of Euler angles (0=1st axis, 1=2nd axis, 2=3rd axis).
- getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the value of a floating point number from this quaternion (0=x, 1=y, 2=z, 3=w).
- getValue(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in this vector'sunit
. - getValue(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns the value of a floating point number from this vector (fast).
- getValue(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a single element from this matrix as a
. - getValue(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a single element from this matrix as a
. - getValue(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a single element from this matrix as a
. - getValue(int, Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in the specified unit. - getValue(int, Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in the specified unit. - getValue(int, Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in the specified unit. - getValue(int, Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in the specified unit. - getValue(int, Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the value of a coordinate in this point as a
, stated in the specified unit. - getValue(int, Unit<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in the specified units. - getValue(int, Unit<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in the specified units. - getValue(int, Unit<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in the specified units. - getValue(int, Unit<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the value of the Parameter in this vector as a
, stated in the specified units. - getValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the value of this measurable stated in the specified unit as a
. - getValues() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Return the list of values as a Float64Vector, in current units.
- getValueSI() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Return the value of this parameter in reference SI units.
- getValueSI(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Return the value of an element in the array in reference SI units.
- getValuesSI() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Return the list of values as a Float64Vector, in reference SI units.
- getVariable(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the variable at the specified index (variables are lexically ordered).
- getVariable(String) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Retrieves the variable from this function having the specified symbol (convenience method).
- getVariables() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
- getVariables() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns a lexically ordered list of the variables (or arguments) for this function (empty list for constant functions).
- getVariables() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- getVariables() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- getVariationOfCurvature(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the variation of curvature or rate of change of curvature (VOC or dKappa(s)/ds) at the parametric position
. - getVariationOfCurvature(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the variation of curvature or rate of change of curvature (VOC or dKappa(s)/ds) at the parametric position
. - getVariationOfCurvature(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the variation of curvature or rate of change of curvature (VOC or dKappa(s)/ds) at the parametric position
. - getVariationOfCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the variation of curvature or rate of change of curvature (VOC or dKappa(s)/ds) at the parametric position
. - getVariationOfCurvature(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the variation of curvature or rate of change of curvature (VOC or dKappa(s)/ds) at the parametric position
. - getVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the vector part of this quaternion.
- getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
- getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
- getVertexCount(GeometryData) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryGenerator
Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
- getView() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return view pointer of this entity.
- getView() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return View.
- getVolume(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the enclosed volume of this entire surface.
- getVolume(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the enclosed volume of this entire surface.
- getVolume(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the enclosed volume of a portion of this surface.
- getVolume(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the enclosed volume of a portion of this surface.
- getVolume(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the enclosed volume of a portion of this surface.
- getVolume(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the enclosed volume of a portion of this surface.
- getWarnings() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Return a list of any warning messages that the reader/writer may have issued.
- getWarnings() - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Return a list of any warning messages that the reader/writer may have issued.
- getWeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Return the weight associated with this control point.
- getWeight() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Return line weight of this entity.
- getWeight(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Returns the linear combination weight at the specified position in this list.
- getWeight(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the linear combination weight at the specified position in this LinearComboCurve.
- getWeightRange(int, int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Returns the range of linear combination weights in this list from the specified start and ending indexes as a List of double values.
- getWeightRange(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the range of linear combination weights in this LinearComboCurve from the specified start and ending indexes as a List of double values.
- getWheelZoomFactor() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Return the scroll wheel zoom multiplier.
- getWidth() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the width of the text box in model units.
- getX() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the X-coordinate of this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getX() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.util.XYPoint
Returns the X coordinate of this XYPoint in double precision.
- getXhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the chord-wise direction of this curve (the curve X-direction).
- getXhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the chord-wise direction of this curve (the curve X-direction).
- getXhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the chord-wise direction of this curve (the curve X-direction).
- getXHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the vector indicating the horizontal axis direction for the text.
- getXHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the vector indicating the horizontal axis direction for the text.
- getXHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the vector indicating the horizontal axis direction for the text.
- getXTranslationFactor() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Return the x-axis translation multiplier.
- getXY() - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return a 3D plane that represents the XY plane through the origin.
- getXYPlot() - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Return the XYPlot contained in this window.
- getXZ() - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return a 3D plane that represents the XZ plane through the origin.
- getY() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the Y-coordinate of this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getY() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.util.XYPoint
Returns the Y coordinate of this XYPoint in double precision.
- getYhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the in-plane direction of this curve perpendicular to the chord-wise direction (the curve Y-direction).
- getYhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return the in-plane direction of this curve perpendicular to the chord-wise direction (the curve Y-direction).
- getYhat() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the in-plane direction of this curve perpendicular to the chord-wise direction (the curve Y-direction).
- getYHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return the vector indicating the vertical axis direction (or ascent direction) for the text.
- getYHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the vector indicating the vertical axis direction (or ascent direction) for the text.
- getYHat() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the vector indicating the vertical axis direction (or ascent direction) for the text.
- getYTranslationFactor() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Return the y-axis translation multiplier.
- getYZ() - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a 3D plane that represents the YZ plane through the origin.
- getZ() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return the Z-coordinate of this point as a
, stated in this point'sunit
. - getZero() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns the value of the non-set elements for this sparse matrix.
- getZero() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
Returns the value of the non-set elements for this sparse vector.
- getZoomScale() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Return the zoom scale.
- GGPGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading vehicle geometry from a GGP formatted geometry file. - GGPGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
- Global(String) - Constructor for class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Global
Creates a new global variable with a unique symbol.
- GlobalSection - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The GlobalSection class encapsulates the IGES Global Section.
- GlobalSection() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Default constructor.
- Grain - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Globalized grain value.
- GRAPE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark purple color of grapes.
- GRAY - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color medium gray.
- greatestCommonDivisor(long, long) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Calculates the greatest common divisor between two input integers.
- GREEN - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pure green.
- GridRule - Enum in geomss.geom
Rules used for gridding parametric objects.
- GridSpacing - Class in geomss.geom
A collection of methods for creating various grid spacing options.
- GridSpacing() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
- GridSpacing.GridType - Enum in geomss.geom
An enumeration of the available grid spacing types.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that have mid-points that are all within the specified tolerance of this curve.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return an array of points that are gridded onto the surface with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that have mid-points that are all within the specified tolerance of this surface.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that are within the specified tolerance of this curve.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that have mid-points that are all within the specified tolerance of this curve.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a string of points that are gridded onto the curve with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that have mid-points that are all within the specified tolerance of this curve.
- gridToTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return an array of points that are gridded onto the surface with the number of points and spacing chosen to result in straight line segments between the points that have mid-points that are all within the specified tolerance of this surface.
- GroupAdditive<G> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents a structure with a binary additive operation (+), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element, inverse element and closure).
- GroupMultiplicative<G> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents a structure with a binary multiplicative operation (·), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element, inverse element and closure).
- GRS80 - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Geodetic Reference System 1980 ellipsoid.
- GTCGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading geometry from a GridTool restart file. - GTCGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
- GTOL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Generic/default tolerance for use in root finders, etc.
- GTOL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Generic/default tolerance for use in root finders, etc.
- GTOL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.PointString
Generic/default tolerance for use in root finders, etc.
- GTransform - Class in geomss.geom
A general 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms
objects. - GUIPreferences - Class in geomss.app
This class serves as a collection of preferences for this program.
- GUIPreferences(MainApp) - Constructor for class geomss.app.GUIPreferences
Construct the preferences object for this application.
- gzip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
GZIP compress the src file writing to the destination file.
- gzip(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
GZIP compress the input stream and write it to the output stream.
- half_π - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
/2. - HALFPI_ANGLE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An angular measure of
or 90 degrees. - handleChangeCWD(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Change Working Directory..." from the File menu.
- handleClose(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Close" from the File menu.
- handleClose(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Close" from the File menu.
- handleClose(ActionEvent) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Handle the user choosing "Close" from the File menu.
- handleCopy(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Copy" from the Edit menu.
- handleExportGeom(GeomReader) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing to export to a GeomReader.
- handleImport(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Import..." from the File menu.
- handleNew(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Handle the user choosing the "New..." from the File menu.
- handleNew(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing the "New..." from the File menu.
- handleNew(ActionEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Handle the user requesting a new document window.
- handleOK() - Method in class geomss.ui.InputDialog
This method is called when the user clicks on the "OK Button".
- handleOpen(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSGUI
Handles the user choosing "Open" from the File menu.
- handleOpen(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Open..." from the File menu.
- handlePageSetup(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Page Setup..." from the File menu.
- handlePageSetup(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Page Setup..." from the File menu.
- handlePrint(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Print" from the File menu.
- handlePrint(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Print" from the File menu.
- handleQuit(QuitEvent, QuitResponse) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Handle the user choosing "Quit" from the File menu.
- handleSave(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save" from the File menu.
- handleSaveAs(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save As" from the File menu.
- handleSaveAsJPEG(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save As JPEG..." from the File menu.
- handleSaveAsPNG(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save As PNG..." from the File menu.
- handleSaveAsPNG(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save As PNG..." from the File menu.
- handleSaveAsSVG(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Handle the user choosing "Save As SVG..." from the File menu.
- handleSrcScript(ActionEvent) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Handle the user choosing "Source Script..." from the File menu.
- hasBottom() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Check to see that this cone has a bottom in use or not
- hasEnds() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Check to see that this cylinder has ends in use or not
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Returns the hash code for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Returns the hash code for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the hash code for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the hash code for this GTransform object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns the hash code for this ModelNote object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns the hash code for this Note object.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Returns the hash code for this set of preferences.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.UnitParameter
Returns the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the hash code for this rotation.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the hash code for this rotation.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the hash code for this rotation.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the hash code for this rotation.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the hash code for this parameter.
- hashCode() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Returns the hash code for this UnitSet.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the hash code for this function (consistent with
. - hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns a hash code for this term.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the hash code for this complex number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the hash code for this number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the hash code for this floating point number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the hash code for this number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the hash code for this large integer number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the hash code for this large integer number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the hash code for this number (consistent with
. - hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the hash code for this rational number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the hash code for this real number.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns a hash code value for this matrix.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns a hash code value for this vector.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the hash code for this measure.
- hasIllegalChars(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Returns true if the supplied file name contains characters that are illegal on some file systems.
- hasIllegalChars(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Returns true if the supplied file name contains characters that are illegal on some file systems.
- hasMoreElements() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the same value as the
method. - hasMoreTokens() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Tests if there are more tokens available from this tokenizer's text.
- hasNext() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the same value as the
method. - Height - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the
height above the WGS84 ellipsoid. - HEIGHT - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Constant used to identify the height or altitude of the vector.
- HEIGHT_CS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.VerticalCRS
Holds the gravity-related height coordinate system.
- hierStatus() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return hierarchy status.
- HighEnergyModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This class represents the high-energy model.
- HighEnergyModel() - Constructor for class org.jscience.physics.model.HighEnergyModel
- HONEYDEW - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The yellow-greenish color of a honeydew melon.
- I - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
The imaginary unit i.
- ICE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The light blue color of ice.
- IDENT - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
A DCM object that represents no relative change in orientation.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GTransform
The identity matrix containing ones along the diagonal.
- IDENTITY - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
A Rotation object that represents no relative change in orientation.
- IGESColor - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Standard IGES Colors (Index 0, "undefined" is set to black).
- IGESGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing geometry to an IGES formatted transfer file. - IGESGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
- ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
A list of characters that are illegal on some of the file systems supported by this program.
- ImageCaptureCanvas3D - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
A version of the standard Java3D Canvas3D class that allows you to capture the contents and write out the image information.
- ImageCaptureCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.ImageCaptureCanvas3D
Create a new canvas given the graphics configuration that runs as an on screen canvas.
- ImageCaptureCanvas3D(GraphicsConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.ImageCaptureCanvas3D
Create a new canvas that allows capture and may operate either on screen or off-screen.
- ImageEncoder - Interface in jahuwaldt.image.encoders
Interface for abstracting different types of image encoders.
- ImageSelection - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
which implements the capability required to transfer anImage
. - ImageSelection(Image) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.ImageSelection
Creates a
capable of transferring the specifiedImage
. - immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return an immutable version of this CST curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Return an immutable version of this CST curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return an immutable version of this CST curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return an immutable version of this plane.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return an immutable version of this plane.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Return an immutable version of this point.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Return an immutable version of this point.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Return an immutable version of this vector.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Return an immutable version of this point.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Return an immutable version of this vector.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return an immutable version of this note.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return an immutable version of this NURBS curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return an immutable version of this NURBS curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return an immutable version of this NURBS curve.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return an immutable version of this plane.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Return an immutable version of this point.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Return an immutable version of this point.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Return an immutable version of this vector.
- immutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Return an immutable version of this vector.
- include(RowFilter.Entry<? extends M, ? extends I>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.InstanceOfRowFilter
Returns true if the specified entry should be shown; returns false if the entry should be hidden.
- INDEXED_LINE_STRIPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed line strip array
- INDEXED_LINES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed line array
- INDEXED_QUADS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as indexed quads
- INDEXED_TRIANGLE_FANS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle fan array
- INDEXED_TRIANGLE_STRIPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle strip array
- INDEXED_TRIANGLES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an indexed triangle array
- indexes - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for coordinate index information if the shape type requires it.
- indexesCount - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of items stored in the indexes array
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain this element.
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified
, or -1 if the list does not contain this curve. - indexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain this element.
- inertia() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the inertia units.
- Inertia - Interface in jahuwaldt.js.unit
This interface represents the mass moment of inertia.
- INERTIA - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- initGlobals(GlobalSection) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Set up globals from GlobalSection
- initialize() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Initializes the behavior.
- initializeBeanShell(String, Interpreter, GeomSSApp) - Static method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
Provides the initial setup of the BeanShell environment required by GeomSS.
- InputDialog - Class in geomss.ui
A dialog that allows the user to edit values of various types from a list of
objects. - InputDialog(Frame, String, String, List<DialogItem>) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.InputDialog
Construct a dialog to allow the user to edit a list of items.
- insert(P) - Method in class jahuwaldt.util.PointRegionQuadTree
Insert point at X,Y into tree.
- insertKnot(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Create and return a new
NURBS curve
that is geometrically identical to this one but with a new knot inserted at the specified parametric location. - insertSKnot(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with a new knot inserted at the specified parametric S-location. - insertString(int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FormattedDocument
Inserts some content into the document using the documents Format to validate what has be inserted.
- insertTKnot(double, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with a new knot inserted at the specified parametric T-location. - InstanceOfRowFilter<M extends javax.swing.table.TableModel,I extends java.lang.Integer> - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A RowFilter that filters based on the Class type of the model data with behavior similar to the
operator. - InstanceOfRowFilter(List, List<Class>) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.InstanceOfRowFilter
Construct a RowFilter using the specified list of model data objects and the specified list of Class objects to filter on.
- Integer64 - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a 64 bits integer number.
- integrate(Variable<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- integrate(Variable<X>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns an integral of this function with respect to the specified variable.
- IntegratorException - Exception in jahuwaldt.tools.math
Integrator routines may throw this exception when an error occurs.
- IntegratorException(String) - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.tools.math.IntegratorException
Constructs a IntegratorException with the specified detail message.
- INTERNATIONAL1924 - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
The International 1924 reference ellipsoid, one of the earliest "global" ellipsoids.
- interpolate(F, SortedMap<F, F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Interpolator.Linear
- interpolate(P, SortedMap<P, V>) - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.function.Interpolator
Estimates the value at the specified point.
- Interpolator<P,V> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This interface represents an estimator of the values at a certain point using surrounding points and values.
- Interpolator.Linear<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a linear interpolator for
instances (point and values from the same field). - intersect(Curve, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the intersection between a curve and this plane.
- intersect(Curve, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the intersection between another curve and this curve.
- intersect(Curve, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the intersections between a curve and this surface.
- intersect(Curve, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the intersection between another curve and this curve.
- intersect(Curve, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the intersections between a curve and this surface.
- intersect(GeomPlane, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the intersection between a plane and this curve.
- intersect(GeomPlane, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the intersection between a plane and this curve.
- intersect(GeomPlane, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the intersection between a plane and this curve.
- intersect(GeomPlane, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the intersections between an infinite plane and this surface.
- intersect(GeomPlane, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the intersections between an infinite plane and this surface.
- intersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, MutablePoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the intersection between an infinite line/ray and this plane.
- intersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the intersection between an infinite line and this curve.
- intersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the intersections between an infinite line and this surface.
- intersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the intersection between an infinite line and this curve.
- intersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the intersections between an infinite line and this surface.
- intersect(LineSegment) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return the intersection between a line segment and this plane.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the intersection between a line segment and this curve.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the intersections between a line segment and this surface.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the intersection between a line segment and this curve.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return the intersection between a line segment and this curve.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return the intersection between a line segment and this curve.
- intersect(LineSegment, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the intersections between a line segment and this surface.
- intersect(Surface, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Return the intersections between a surface and this curve.
- intersect(Surface, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Return the intersections between another surface and this surface.
- intersect(Surface, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return the intersections between a surface and this curve.
- intersect(Surface, Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return the intersections between another surface and this surface.
- INTERSECT - geomss.geom.IntersectType
There is at least one intersection.
- IntersectType - Enum in geomss.geom
Indicates the type of intersection that resulted from certain intersection calculations.
- intFactorial(int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the factorial of n (usually written as n!) for values of n up to 12.
- intValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as an
. - InvalidArraySizeException - Exception in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation arrays is not big enough to contain the data requested.
- InvalidArraySizeException(int, int) - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.InvalidArraySizeException
Create an exception that contains a prefabricated message.
- InvalidArraySizeException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.InvalidArraySizeException
Create an exception that contains the given message plus a pre-fabricated part.
- inverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the inverse of this matrix.
- inverse() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the inverse of this matrix.
- inverse() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the inverse of this matrix.
- inverse() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the multiplicative inverse of this measure.
- inverse() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the quaternion inverse of this quaternion.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the inverse of this rational function.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the inverse of this complex.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the reciprocal of this number.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the inverse of this floating point number.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the inverse of this rational number.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the reciprocal (or inverse) of this real number.
- inverse() - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.GroupMultiplicative
Returns the multiplicative inverse of this object.
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the solution X of the equation: A * X = Identity with
this = A.lu()
using back and forward substitutions. - inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the inverse of this matrix (must be square).
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- inverse() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the multiplicative inverse of this measure.
- inverseScaled(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns a scaled approximation of
1 / this
. - isApproxEqual(double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the two supplied numbers are approximately equal to within machine precision.
- isApproxEqual(double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the two supplied numbers are approximately equal to within the specified tolerance.
- isApproxEqual(float, float) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the two supplied numbers are approximately equal to within machine precision.
- isApproxEqual(float, float, float) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the two supplied numbers are approximately equal to within the specified tolerance.
- isApproxEqual(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Compares this point against the specified point for approximate equality (coordinate values approximately equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Compares this point against the specified point for approximate equality (coordinate values approximately equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(GeomVector) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Compares this vector against the specified vector for approximate equality (coordinate values approximately equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(GeomVector, Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Compares this vector against the specified vector for approximate equality (coordinate values approximately equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(Coordinate3D<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
Compares this Coordinate3D against the specified Coordinate3D for approximate equality (a Coordinate3D object with Vector3D values equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this measure with that measure for approximate equality.
- isApproxEqual(Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this measure with that measure for approximate equality.
- isApproxEqual(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
Compares this Rotation against the specified Rotation for approximate equality (a Rotation object with DCM values equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxEqual(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Compares this Rotation against the specified Rotation for approximate equality (a Rotation object with rotation is equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
- isApproxZero() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
Compares this Coordinate3D for approximate equality to zero (all the values are within the numerical roundoff error of zero).
- isApproxZero() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Compares this Matrix3D for approximate equality to zero (all the values are within the numerical roundoff error of zero).
- isApproxZero() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this measure with zero for approximate equality.
- isApproxZero(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the supplied number is approximately zero to within machine precision.
- isApproxZero(double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the supplied number is approximately zero to within the specified tolerance.
- isApproxZero(float) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the supplied number is approximately zero to within machine precision.
- isApproxZero(float, float) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns true if the supplied number is approximately zero to within the specified tolerance.
- isAutomaticallyPresent() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AboutJMenuItem
Get whether this menu item is automatically present in the menu bar of the current underlying platform.
- isAutomaticallyPresent() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.PreferencesJMenuItem
Get whether this menu item is automatically present in the menu bar of the current underlying platform.
- isAutomaticallyPresent() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.QuitJMenuItem
Get whether this menu item is automatically present in the menu bar of the current underlying platform.
- isBezierEndPointNearest(GeomPoint, List<ControlPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
if an end point is the closest point in the specified Bezier curve segment to the target point. - isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Returns false regardless of parameter values.
- isCircular - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- isCircular(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
if this curve is a circular arc to within the specified tolerance. - isCircular(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
if this curve is a circular arc to within the specified tolerance. - isCircular(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
if this curve is a circular arc to within the specified tolerance. - isCoherent() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
if this unit set is coherent. - isConsistent() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
if this unit set is consistent. - isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.ImageSelection
Returns whether the requested flavor is supported by this
. - isDegenerate - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
if this curve is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
if this curve is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
if this curve is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
if this triangle is degenerate (i.e.: has zero surface area). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
if this curve is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
if this element is degenerate (i.e.: has length or area less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
if this string of points is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
if this curve is degenerate (i.e.: has length less than the specified tolerance). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
if this surface is degenerate (i.e.: has area less than the specified tolerance squared). - isDisplayed() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Returns the display setting of this geometry group.
- isEmpty() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
if this collection contains no elements. - isEmpty() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
if this collection contains no elements. - isEmpty() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
if this collection contains no elements. - isEnabled() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns true if any button in this button group is enabled.
- isEncodingAlpha() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Get whether the encoder should encode alpha transparency.
- isEncodingAlpha() - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
always, indicating that this encoder does not encode alpha transparency. - isEncodingAlpha() - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Get whether the encoder should encode alpha transparency (always false).
- isErrorLogged() - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- isEven() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is an even number.
- isExact() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Indicates if this real number is exact (
== 0 - isExact() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Indicates if this measure amount is exact.
- isExtensionListInDescription() - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Returns whether the extension list (.jpg,.gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
- isGreaterThan(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Indicates if this measure is ordered after that measure (independently of the measure unit).
- isGreaterThan(Amount<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Indicates if this measure is ordered after that measure (independently of the measure unit).
- isGreaterThan(T) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Indicates if this number is ordered after that number (convenience method).
- isGZIPCompressed(byte[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
if the specified array of bytes represent a GZIP compressed data set. - isGZIPCompressed(BufferedInputStream) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
if the specified input stream is pointing at a GZIP compressed data set. - isGZIPCompressed(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
if the specified input file is pointing at a GZIP compressed data set. - isInfinite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
if thisParameter
value is infinitely large in magnitude,false
otherwise. - isInfinite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Indicates if either the real or imaginary component of this complex is infinite.
- isInfinite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Indicates if this number is infinite.
- isInfoLogged() - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- isLargerThan(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Compares this measure with that measure ignoring the sign.
- isLargerThan(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Compares the
of this complex number with the magnitude of the complex number specified. - isLargerThan(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Compares the absolute value of this number with that number.
- isLargerThan(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Compares the absolute value of two FloatingPoint numbers.
- isLargerThan(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Compares the magnitude of this number with that number.
- isLargerThan(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is larger than the one specified in absolute value.
- isLargerThan(ModuloInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- isLargerThan(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Compares the absolute value of two rational numbers.
- isLargerThan(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Compares the absolute value of two real numbers.
- isLargerThan(Amount<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Compares this measure with that measure ignoring the sign.
- isLargerThan(T) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Compares the magnitude of this number with that number.
- isLessThan(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Indicates if this measure is ordered before that measure (independently of the measure unit).
- isLessThan(Amount<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Indicates if this measure is ordered before that measure (independently of the measure unit).
- isLessThan(T) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Indicates if this number is ordered before that number (convenience method).
- isLine - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- isLine(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
if this curve is a line to within the specified tolerance. - isLine(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
if this curve is a line to within the specified tolerance. - isLine(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
if this curve is a line to within the specified tolerance. - isLine(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
if this curve is a line to within the specified tolerance. - isLine(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
if this string of points is a line to within the specified tolerance. - isLoadFile() - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Returns the load/save option (true to use a load file dialog and false to use a save file dialog).
- isMacOS() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Returns true if this program is running in any MacOS environment, false is returned otherwise.
- isMacOS() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Returns true if this program is running in any MacOS 8/9/X environment, false is returned otherwise.
- isMarkedModified(JFrame) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Return the state of the "Window.documentModified" client property for the specified frame.
- isMirrored() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Returns a flag indicating if the geometry display is currently mirrored about the XZ plane of symmetry or not.
- isMirrored() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
- isMirrored() - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Returns a flag indicating if the geometry display is currently mirrored about the XZ plane of symmetry or not.
- isNaN() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
if thisParameter
value is a Not-a-Number (NaN),false
otherwise. - isNaN() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Indicates if either the real or imaginary component of this complex is not a number.
- isNaN() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Indicates if this number is not a number.
- isNaN() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Indicates if this floating point is Not-a-Number.
- isNaN() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Indicates if this real is Not-a-Number (unbounded value interval).
- isNegative() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Indicates if this rational number is less than zero.
- isNegative() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is less than
. - isNegative() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Indicates if this rational number is less than zero.
- isNegative() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Indicates if this real is less than zero.
- isNorthPolar(LatLong) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns true if the position indicated by the coordinates is north of the northern limit of the UTM grid (84 degrees).
- isOdd() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is an odd number.
- isOpen() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
if the knot vector is open andfalse
if it is closed. - isPlanar - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- isPlanar(double, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
if this surface is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(double, double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
if this surface is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
if this curve is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
if this surface is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
if this curve is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
if this curve is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
if this curve is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
if this curve is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
if this surface is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
if this string of points is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPlanar(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
if this surface is planar orfalse
if it is not. - isPositive() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Indicates if this floating point number is greater than zero.
- isPositive() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is greater than
is not included). - isPositive() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Indicates if this rational number is greater than zero.
- isPositive() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Indicates if this real is greater than zero.
- isPowerOfTwo() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this number is a power of two (equals to 2 (
- 1)). - isProbablyPrime() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is probably prime.
- isSelected(AbstractButton) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Returns whether the button is selected
- isSimpleConvexPolygon(List<ControlPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return true if the supplied control point polygon is simple and convex.
- isSouthPolar(LatLong) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns true if the position indicated by the coordinates is south of the southern limit of the UTM grid (-80 degrees).
- isSquare() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Indicates if this matrix is square.
- isSystemLAF() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Returns true if the current look and feel is the same as the system look and feel.
- isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
This method always returns
as BDS files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Returns true if this reader is unit aware and false if it is not.
- isUnitAware() - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
if this reader is unit aware (the format it reads from or writes to stores the units being used) and returnsfalse
otherwise. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
This method always returns
as GGP files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
This method always returns
as GTC restart files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
This method always returns
as IGES files do encode the units that are being used though the list of available units is limited. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
This method always returns
as LaWGS files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
This method always returns
as POI files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
This method always returns
as STL files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
This method always returns
as TRI files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
This method always returns
as TRI files do not encode the units that are being used. - isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Returns true if this reader is unit aware and false if it is not.
- isUnitAware() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
This method always returns
as XGSS files do encode the units that are being used for each geometry element. - isUsedInList() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GeomSSEntity
Returns true if this Entity is being used in another GeomSSEntity, otherwise returns false.
- isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
if this geometry list contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
if this curve contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
if this curve contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
if this shape function contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
if this GeomElement contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
if this GeomPlane contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
if this point contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
if this point contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
if this GeomTriangle contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
if this GeomVector contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
if this LinearComboCurve contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
if this LineSegment contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
if this LoftedSurface contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
if this ModelNote contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
if this Note contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
if this Note contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
if this Note contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
if this control point contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
if this ControlPointNet contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
if this KnotVector contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
if this NurbsCurve contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
if this NurbsSurface contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
if this SubrangeCurve contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
if this point contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
if this SubrangeSurface contains valid and finite numerical components. - isValid() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
if this TFISurface contains valid and finite numerical components. - isWarningLogged() - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- isWindows() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Returns true if this program is running in a MS Windows environment, false is returned otherwise.
- isZero() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Indicates if this floating point number is equal to zero.
- isZero() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Indicates if this large integer is equal to
. - isZero() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Indicates if this rational number is equal to zero.
- iterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list.
- iterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an iterator over the curves in this LinearComboCurve.
- iterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an iterator over the curves in this surface's list of curves.
- iterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns an iterator over the lists of ControlPoint objects in this network.
- iterator() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list (allocated on the stack when executed in a StackContext).
- iterator() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns an iterator over the tokens returned by this tokenizer.
- J3DCurve - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a Curve in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DCurve(GeomSSCanvas3D, Curve) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DCurve
Construct a new J3DCurve using the specified Curve as a reference.
- J3DGenModelNote - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a GenModelNote in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DGenModelNote(GeomSSCanvas3D, GenModelNote) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGenModelNote
Construct a J3DGenModelNote using the specified GenModelNote as a reference.
- J3DGenScreenNote - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a GenScreenNote in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DGenScreenNote(GeomSSCanvas3D, GenScreenNote) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGenScreenNote
Construct a J3DGenScreenNote using the specified GenScreenNote as a reference.
- J3DGeomGroup<T extends GeomElement> - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomElement in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DGeomGroup(GeomSSCanvas3D, T) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Construct a J3DGeomGroup using the specified GeomElement as a reference.
- J3DGeomGroupFactory - Class in geomss.j3d
A factory for creating
objects appropriate to the provided GeomElement object. - J3DGeomGroupFactory() - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroupFactory
- J3DGeomList - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a GeometryList in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DGeomList(GeomSSCanvas3D, AbstractGeomList) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomList
Construct a J3DGeomList using the specified GeomList as a reference.
- J3DGeomPlane - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a
in a Java 3D scene graph. - J3DGeomPlane(GeomSSCanvas3D, GeomPlane) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomPlane
Construct a J3DGeomPlane using the specified GeomPlane as a reference.
- J3DGeomPoint - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomPoint in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DGeomPoint(GeomSSCanvas3D, GeomPoint) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomPoint
Construct a J3DGeomPoint using the specified GeomPoint as a reference.
- J3DGeomVector - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a
in a Java 3D scene graph. - J3DGeomVector(GeomSSCanvas3D, GeomVector) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomVector
Construct a J3DGeomVector using the specified GeomVector as a reference.
- J3DPointArray - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a PointArray in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DPointArray(GeomSSCanvas3D, PointArray) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DPointArray
Construct a J3DPointArray using the specified PointArray as a reference.
- J3DPointString - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a PointString in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DPointString(GeomSSCanvas3D, PointString) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DPointString
Construct a J3DPointString using the specified PointString as a reference.
- J3DRenderingPrefs - Class in geomss.j3d
A class that contains a set of Java3D rendering preferences for this application.
- J3DRenderingPrefs() - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DRenderingPrefs
Construct a default set of rendering preferences.
- J3DSurface - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a Surface in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DSurface(GeomSSCanvas3D, Surface) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DSurface
Construct a J3DSurface using the specified PointArray as a reference.
- J3DTriangle - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a single Triangle in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DTriangle(GeomSSCanvas3D, GeomTriangle) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangle
Construct a J3DTriangle using the specified GeomTriangle as a reference.
- J3DTriangleList - Class in geomss.j3d
A Java 3D node that represents a TriangleList in a Java 3D scene graph.
- J3DTriangleList(GeomSSCanvas3D, TriangleList) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangleList
Construct a J3DTriangleList using the specified TriangleList as a reference.
- jacobian(int, double[], double[][]) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.tools.math.VectorFunction
User supplied method that calculates the Jacobian of the function.
- jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils - package jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
- jahuwaldt.image.encoders - package jahuwaldt.image.encoders
- jahuwaldt.io - package jahuwaldt.io
- jahuwaldt.j3d - package jahuwaldt.j3d
- jahuwaldt.j3d.geom - package jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
- jahuwaldt.j3d.image - package jahuwaldt.j3d.image
- jahuwaldt.js.datareader - package jahuwaldt.js.datareader
- jahuwaldt.js.math - package jahuwaldt.js.math
- jahuwaldt.js.param - package jahuwaldt.js.param
- jahuwaldt.js.unit - package jahuwaldt.js.unit
- jahuwaldt.js.util - package jahuwaldt.js.util
- jahuwaldt.swing - package jahuwaldt.swing
- jahuwaldt.swing.undo - package jahuwaldt.swing.undo
- jahuwaldt.tools.math - package jahuwaldt.tools.math
- jahuwaldt.util - package jahuwaldt.util
- JButtonGroup - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
to provide methods that allow working with button references instead of button models. - JButtonGroup() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Creates an empty
- JButtonGroup(AbstractButton[]) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Creates a
object from an array of buttons and adds the buttons to the group No button will be selected initially. - JButtonGroupEdit - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
Class used to record the changes made to a JButtonGroup object which holds a list of JRadioButtons.
- JButtonGroupEdit(JButtonGroup, String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Construct an edit that records changes made to a JButtonGroup.
- JColor3f - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
A three-element color value represented by single precision floating point x,y,z values.
- JColor3f() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
- JColor3f(float[]) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the array of length 3.
- JColor3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the three xyz values.
- JColor3f(JColor3f) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the specified JColor3f.
- JColor3f(Color) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the specified AWT Color object.
- JColor3f(Tuple3d) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the specified Tuple3d.
- JColor3f(Tuple3f) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Constructs and initializes a JColor3f from the specified Tuple3f.
- JColor4f - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
A four-element color represented by single precision floating point x, y, z, and w values.
- JColor4f() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
- JColor4f(float[]) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the array of length 4.
- JColor4f(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified xyzw coordinates.
- JColor4f(JColor4f) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Color4f.
- JColor4f(Color) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified AWT Color object.
- JColor4f(Tuple4d) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Tuple4d.
- JColor4f(Tuple4f) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Constructs and initializes a Color4f from the specified Tuple4f.
- JPEGEncoderAdapter - Class in jahuwaldt.image.encoders
Adapter class for the Sun JPEG Encoder.
- JPEGEncoderAdapter() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Creates a new
instance. - JPEGImageObserver - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.image
An image observer that turns the image into a JPEG image.
- JPEGImageObserver() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.JPEGImageObserver
Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.
- JPY - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Japanese Yen currency.
- JScience - Class in org.jscience
This class represents the JScience library; it contains the
method for versionning, self-tests, and performance analysis. - JStreamedTextArea - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A JTextArea component that can display text that has been streamed to it using an OutputStream.
- JStreamedTextArea() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- JStreamedTextArea(int, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- JStreamedTextArea(String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- JStreamedTextArea(String, int, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
- k - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Boltzmann constant.
- keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
This function is called whenever a Component belonging to this JFrame (or the JFrame itself) gets the KEY_PRESSED event.
- keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
- keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.EscapeJDialog
- KnotVector - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
An immutable collection of knot values that are associated with a NURBS curve or surface.
- knotVectorUnion(Float64Vector, Float64Vector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Return the union between two knot vectors.
- KRW - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Korean Republic Won currency.
- LargeInteger - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents an immutable integer number of arbitrary size.
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain this element.
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified
, or -1 if the list does not contain this curve. - lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain this element.
- LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_CS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.GeographicCRS
Holds the Geodetic Latitude/Longitude coordinate system.
- latitudeValue(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
Returns the latitude value as
- latitudeZone() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the latitude zone identifier.
- LatLong - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the
latitude/longitude coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid. - latLongToUps(LatLong, ReferenceEllipsoid) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Converts latitude/longitude coordinates to UPS coordinates based on the specified reference ellipsoid.
- latLongToUtm(LatLong, ReferenceEllipsoid) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Converts latitude/longitude coordinates to UTM coordinates based on the specified reference ellipsoid.
- LAVENDER - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The light purple color lavender.
- LaWGSGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading vehicle geometry from a LaWGS (WGS) formatted geometry file. - LaWGSGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
- LEFT_SIDE - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- length() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Return the length of the text string associated with this geometry object.
- length() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return the number of elements in the knot vector.
- length() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns the length of this PointString in terms of the sum of the distances between each consecutive point in the string.
- length() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the length units for this unit set.
- LENGTH - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- LENGTH_UNITS - Static variable in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
The length unit options for this program.
- LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color light gray.
- LIME - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The bright green color of a lime.
- LINE_STRIPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as an line strip array
- linear(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values evenly or linearly spaced between 0 and 1.
- Linear() - Constructor for class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Interpolator.Linear
- LINEAR - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- LinearCombination<T extends LinearCombination,E extends GeomElement> - Interface in geomss.geom
Represents a linear combination made up of a list of two or more GeomElement objects.
- LinearComboCurve - Class in geomss.geom
Represents a linear combination made up of a list of
objects. - linearSlope(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
Returns the slope of the line formed by a linear regression through the specified data arrays.
- lineBoundsIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomElement, MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns true if the specified infinite line and bounding box of the specified geometry element intersect.
- lineInterp(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Straight linear 1D interpolation between two points.
- lineLineIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPoint, GeomVector, Parameter<Length>, MutablePoint, MutablePoint, MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the intersection point between two lines, or the point of closest approach if the lines do not intersect, and returns the point on each line.
- linePlaneIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPlane, MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the intersection point between a line and a plane (if there is an intersection).
- linePlaneIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPlane, MutablePoint, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the intersection point between a line and a plane (if there is an intersection).
- lineQuadIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomVector, MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Test to see if an infinite line intersects a quadrilateral panel.
- LINES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a line array
- LineSeg - Class in geomss.geom
A concrete line segment in n-dimensional space.
- lineSegBoundsIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns true if the specified line segment and bounding box of the specified geometry element intersect or overlap.
- LineSegment - Class in geomss.geom
The interface and implementation in common to all line segments in n-dimensional space.
- LineSegment() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.LineSegment
- LineSegTrans - Class in geomss.geom
object that refers to aLineSegment
object and masquerades as a LineSegment object itself. - lineSegTriIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Test to see if a line segment intersects a triangle.
- listIterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list.
- listIterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a list iterator over the curves in this LinearComboCurve.
- listIterator() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a list iterator over the curves in this surface.
- listIterator() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (allocated on the stack when executed in a StackContext).
- listIterator(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns a list iterator from the specified position.
- listIterator(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a Curve list iterator from the specified position.
- listIterator(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a list iterator from the specified position.
- listIterator(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns a list iterator from the specified position (allocated on the stack when executed in a StackContext).
- lnGamma(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the natural log of the Gamma Function defined by the integral:
Gamma(z) = integral from 0 to infinity of t^(z-1)*e^-t dt
. - loadtxt(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadtxt(File, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadtxt(File, String, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadtxt(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadtxt(String, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadtxt(String, String, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Read in an optionally GZIP compressed, delimited text file that contains a regular array of Double values.
- loadWorkspace(File) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Load the specified XGSS file into the current global workspace.
- Local(String) - Constructor for class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Local
Creates a new local variable with a unique symbol.
- LoftedSurface - Class in geomss.geom
Represents a "lofted" or "skinned" surface defined from a list of defining
that each define a cross-section of the surface. - log() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the principal natural logarithm (base e) of this complex.
- log() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of this number.
- log10(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
- LOG10 - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The natural logarithm of 10.
- log2(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Find the base 2 logarithm of the given double.
- LOG2 - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The natural logarithm of 2.
- logError(Throwable, CharSequence) - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- logInfo(CharSequence) - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- logWarning(CharSequence) - Method in class geomss.ui.BshLog
- longitudeValue(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
Returns the longitude value as
- longitudeZone() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the longitude zone identifier.
- longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
- longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
- longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the value of this floating point number as a
. - longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
- longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the low order bits of this large integer as a
. - longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as a
. - longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the value of this rational number as a
. - longValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the value of this real number as a
. - longValue(Unit<Duration>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
- longValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
- longValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
- longValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the estimated integral value of this measurable stated in the specified unit as a
. - longValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the estimated integer value of this measurable stated in the specified unit as a
. - longValue(Unit<Q>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
- lostOwnership(Clipboard, Transferable) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.ImageSelection
Notifies this object that it is no longer the clipboard owner.
- lP - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Planck length (ℏ/(mP·c))
- LUDecomposition<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents the decomposition of a
into a product of alower
triangular matrices,L
respectively, such asA = P·L·U
- MacOSUtilities - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A set of utilities that are used by my programs when running under MacOS only.
- MacOSUtilities() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
- mag() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- mag() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- MAGENTA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color magenta.
- magnitude() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the magnitude of this complex number, also referred to as the "modulus" or "length".
- MAGNITUDE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Constant used to identify the magnitude of in the vector.
- magValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - magValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.app.GeomSS
Entry point for this application.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Cambered
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModCambered
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModUncambered
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Cambered
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Reflexed
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63ASeries
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63Series
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64ASeries
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64Series
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65ASeries
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65Series
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA66Series
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA67Series
Simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACAFactory
A simple method to test this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Testing code for this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Tests the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Testing code for this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StreamedTextViewer
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Used to test out the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
Used to test out the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
Used to test the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
Used to test out the methods in this class.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jscience.JScience
The library
method. - MainApp - Interface in jahuwaldt.swing
An interface for classes that provide application resources.
- MainWindow - Class in geomss.app
Main window for the GeomSS program.
- makeCompactGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first
components ofparent
in a grid. - makeConsistent() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Makes this unit set consistent by deriving a complete set of units for this application based on the fundamental or base units of time, length, mass and angle.
- makeGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first
components ofparent
in a grid. - makeImageCursor(Image, int, int, String, ImageObserver) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that creates a custom mouse cursor from the specified image.
- makeSequenceNumber(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Create a sequence number using the specified integer and padding it with zeros on the left until it is 7 characters long.
- makeSkewSymmetric(double, double, double, Unit<R>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix representation of the values in the input 3D vector stated in the specified units.
- makeXVector(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return a unit vector, of
dimensions, in the X (dimension = 0) direction. - makeYVector(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return a unit vector, of
dimensions, in the Y (dimension = 1) direction. - makeZVector(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return a unit vector, of
dimensions, in the Z (dimension = 2) direction. - MAROON - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The bluish-red color of maroon.
- mass() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the mass units for this unit set.
- MASS - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- MASS_DENSITY - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- massDensity() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the mass density units.
- MathTools - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A collection of useful static routines of a general mathematical nature.
- Matrix<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents a rectangular table of elements of a ring-like algebraic structure.
- Matrix3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- max(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a point consisting of the maximum value in each dimension between this point and the input point.
- max(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the maximum of this parameter and the specified one.
- MAX_LOG - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The natural logarithm of the maximum double value: log(MAX_VALUE).
- maxPhyDimension(GeomElement...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the maximum physical dimension among a collection of geometry elements.
- maxPhyDimension(Collection<GeomElement>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the maximum physical dimension among a collection of geometry elements.
- MAYBE - Static variable in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Constant indicating that a reader might be able to read a specified file, but can't determine for sure.
- MAYBE - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Constant indicating that a reader might be able to read a specified file stream, but can't determine for sure.
- md - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the deuteron rest mass.
- MDIApplication - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
This class defines a MacOS friendly application instance.
- me - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the electron rest mass.
- mergeKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a
NURBS curve
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots merged into it's knot vector. - mergeSKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots merged into it's S-knot vector. - mergeTKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots merged into it's T-knot vector. - meridionalArc(double) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the meridional arc, the true meridional distance on the ellipsoid from the equator to the specified latitude, in meters.
- meridionalArc(Measurable<Angle>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the meridional arc, the true meridional distance on the ellipsoid from the equator to the specified latitude.
- meridionalRadiusOfCurvature(double) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the radius of curvature in the meridian for this reference ellipsoid at the specified latitude.
- meridionalRadiusOfCurvature(Measurable<Angle>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the radius of curvature in the meridian for this reference ellipsoid at the specified latitude.
- MeshUtil - Class in geomss.geom
A collection of static methods used to work with triangular unstructured meshes.
- MeshUtil() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.MeshUtil
- MIDNIGHT - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark blue color of midnight blue.
- min(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a point consisting of the minimum value in each dimension between this point and the input point.
- min(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the minimum of this parameter and the specified one.
- MIN_LOG - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
The natural logarithm of the minimum double value: log(MIN_VALUE).
- Minimization - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A collection of static routines to find the minima or maxima of functions or sets of functions.
- Minimization() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Minimization
- minus(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the difference between this number and the specified value.
- minus(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the difference between this number and the specified value
- minus(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the difference between this large integer and the specified value
- minus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the difference between this point and the one specified.
- minus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the difference between this point and the one specified.
- minus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the difference between this point and the one specified.
- minus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the difference between this point and the one specified.
- minus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the difference between this point and the one specified.
- minus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(ControlPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a new control point with the difference between this point with the one specified.
- minus(DCMatrix) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
- minus(EulerAngles) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the difference between this set of Euler angles and the one specified.
- minus(Parameter<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Subtracts the supplied angle from each element of this set of Euler angles and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Subtracts the specified parameter from each component of this point.
- minus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Subtracts the specified parameter from each component of this point.
- minus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Subtracts the specified parameter from each component of this point.
- minus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Subtracts the specified parameter from each component of this point.
- minus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Subtracts the specified parameter from each component of this point.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from this vector.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from this vector's and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the difference of this measure with the one specified.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from this vector's magnitude and returns the result.
- minus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Subtracts the supplied Parameter from each element of this vector and returns the result.
- minus(Quaternion) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the difference between this quaternion and the one specified.
- minus(Function<F, F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- minus(Function<R, R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- minus(Function<X, Y>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the difference of this function with the one specified.
- minus(Polynomial<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the difference of two polynomials.
- minus(RationalFunction<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the difference of two rational functions.
- minus(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the difference between this complex and the one specified.
- minus(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the difference between this number and the one specified.
- minus(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the difference between this FloatingPoint number and the one specified.
- minus(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the difference between this number and the one specified.
- minus(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the difference between this large integer and the one specified.
- minus(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the difference between this rational number and the one specified.
- minus(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the difference between this real number and the one specified.
- minus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- minus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
- minus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- minus(Matrix<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
- minus(Matrix<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- minus(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- minus(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- minus(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Parameter<Angle>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the difference between this set of Euler angles and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the difference between this vector and the one specified.
- minus(Vector<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- minus(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- minus(Amount) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the difference of this measure with the one specified.
- minus(T) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the difference between this number and the one specified.
- mn - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the neutron rest mass.
- MOCHA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The brown color of chocolate or coffee.
- mod(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns this large integer modulo the specified large integer.
- ModelData - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
Methods in this class are used to create functions that model experimental data.
- ModelData() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
- ModelNote - Class in geomss.geom
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a specified size and orientation in model space.
- ModelNoteTrans - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aGenModelNote
object and masquerades as a GenModelNote object itself. - modInverse(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer whose value is
(this-1 mod m)
. - modPow(LargeInteger, LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns this large integer raised at the specified exponent modulo the specified modulus.
- MODULO - Static variable in class org.jscience.JScience
- ModuloInteger - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a modulo integer.
- moduloValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the current modulo value of this number.
- Money - Interface in org.jscience.economics.money
This interface represents something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.
- MOSS - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The blue-green color of moss.
- mp - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the proton rest mass.
- mP - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Planck mass (ℏ·c/G)1/2
- mutable() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Return a mutable copy of this point.
- MutablePoint - Class in geomss.geom
A mutable container that holds changeable coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
- MutableVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.geom
A container that holds changeable coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which indicates direction, but not position.
- myReadLine(RandomAccessFile) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Reads in a line of text, 80 characters, ignoring any EOL chars
- mμ - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the muon rest mass.
- N - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Avogadro constant.
- NACA4Cambered - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary cambered NACA 4 digit airfoil section with 2 digit camber such as a NACA 6409 airfoil.
- NACA4Cambered(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Cambered
Create a cambered NACA 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA4ModCambered - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary cambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil section with 2 digit camber such as a NACA 2512-34 airfoil.
- NACA4ModCambered(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModCambered
Create a cambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA4ModCambered(double, double, double, int, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModCambered
Create a cambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA4ModUncambered - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary uncambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil section such as a NACA 0012-34 airfoil.
- NACA4ModUncambered(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModUncambered
Create an uncambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA4ModUncambered(double, int, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModUncambered
Create an uncambered NACA modified 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA4Uncambered - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary uncambered NACA 4 digit airfoil section such as a NACA 0012 airfoil.
- NACA4Uncambered() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Creates an uncambered NACA 4 digit airfoil with a thickness to chord ratio of 20% and a chord length of 1.0.
- NACA4Uncambered(double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Create an uncambered NACA 4 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA5Cambered - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil section with 3 digit camber such as a NACA 23012 airfoil.
- NACA5Cambered(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Cambered
Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA5Cambered(double, int, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Cambered
Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA5Reflexed - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary cambered, reflexed, NACA 5 digit airfoil section with 3 digit camber such as a NACA 23112 airfoil.
- NACA5Reflexed(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Reflexed
Create a cambered reflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA5Reflexed(double, int, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Reflexed
Create a cambered reflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA63ASeries - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 63A series airfoil section such as a NACA 63A020 airfoil.
- NACA63ASeries(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63ASeries
Create a NACA 63A series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA63Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 63 series airfoil section such as a NACA 63-020 airfoil.
- NACA63Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA63Series
Create a NACA 63 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA64ASeries - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 64A series airfoil section such as a NACA 64A020 airfoil.
- NACA64ASeries(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64ASeries
Create a NACA 64A series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA64Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 64 series airfoil section such as a NACA 64-020 airfoil.
- NACA64Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA64Series
Create a NACA 64 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA65ASeries - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 65A series airfoil section such as a NACA 65A020 airfoil.
- NACA65ASeries(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65ASeries
Create a NACA 65A series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA65Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 65 series airfoil section such as a NACA 65-020 airfoil.
- NACA65Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA65Series
Create a NACA 65 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA66Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 66 series airfoil section such as a NACA 66-020 airfoil.
- NACA66Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA66Series
Create a NACA 66 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA67Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 67 series airfoil section such as a NACA 67-020 airfoil.
- NACA67Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA67Series
Create a NACA 67 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA6ASeries - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 6*A series airfoil section such as a NACA 63A-020 airfoil.
- NACA6ASeries(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6ASeries
Create a NACA 6*A series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACA6Series - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 6 or 6*A series airfoil section such as a NACA 63-020 airfoil.
- NACA6Series(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Create a NACA 6 series airfoil with the specified parameters.
- NACAFactory - Class in jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils
This class contains a method for parsing a NACA airfoil designation string (such as "NACA 2312") and returning a corresponding Airfoil object.
- NACAFactory() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACAFactory
- NaN - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
The Not-a-Number instance (unique).
- NaN - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Holds a Not-a-Number instance (infinite error).
- NaturalModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This class represents the natural model.
- NaturalModel() - Constructor for class org.jscience.physics.model.NaturalModel
- newAppWindow(String, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Creates, and initializes, a new application window with the specified content.
- newGroup(GeomSSCanvas3D, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroupFactory
Return a
object appropriate to the supplied GeomElement ornull
if an appropriate J3DGeomGroup can not be found. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) that can store a list ofGeomElement
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofCurve
objects and associated weighting factors. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofPointString
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofPointArray
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofGeomPoint
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofPointComponent
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) that can store a list ofGeomTriangle
objects. - newInstance() - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
Construct a new TriangleVertData structure.
- newInstance() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterFormat
Returns the current
format (defaultParameterFormat.getSimpleFormatInstance()
). - newInstance() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Return a text tokenizer with an initially empty string of text and with no delimiters.
- newInstance(double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
Construct a new CST Class Function using the specified exponents.
- newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofCurve
objects. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension with zero meters for each coordinate value. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a dimensionless
instance of the specified dimension with all the coordinate values set to zero. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension with zero meters for each coordinate value and zero weight. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension with zero meters for each coordinate value. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a dimensionless
instance of the specified dimension with all the coordinate values set to zero. - newInstance(int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Returns a
instance holding the coefficients (at least) up to the specified size. - newInstance(int, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Construct a new shape function of the specified order from the specified list of Bernstein Polynomial coefficients.
- newInstance(int, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Create a KnotVector from the given knot values of the desired degree.
- newInstance(int, List<Double>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Create a KnotVector from the given list of knot values of the desired degree.
- newInstance(int, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension and units with zero for each coordinate value. - newInstance(int, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension and units with zero for each coordinate value and zero weight. - newInstance(int, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension and units with zero for each coordinate value. - newInstance(int, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension and units with all the coordinate values set to zero. - newInstance(int, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance of the specified dimension and units with all the coordinate values set to zero. - newInstance(int, Float64Vector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Create a KnotVector from the given knot values of the desired degree.
- newInstance(CSTClassFunction, CSTShapeFunction, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a new 2D, planar
instance using the supplied input parameters with the origin at (0,0), a chord length of 1.0 m and with the chord aligned with the X-axis. - newInstance(CSTClassFunction, CSTShapeFunction, Parameter<Length>, Point, Parameter<Length>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a new planar
instance using the supplied input parameters. - newInstance(CSTCurve, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
- newInstance(Curve, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedCurve
and parametric location. - newInstance(Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a TFISurface made up of the specified boundary
objects. - newInstance(GenModelNote, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
- newInstance(GenScreenNote, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
- newInstance(GeomPlane, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
- newInstance(GeomPoint, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
- newInstance(GeomTriangle, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
- newInstance(GeomVector<Q>, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
- newInstance(LineSegment, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
- newInstance(ControlPoint[][], int, int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Create a NURBS surface from the given control points, knots and degree.
- newInstance(ControlPoint[], int, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Create a NURBS curve from the given control points, knots and degree.
- newInstance(ControlPointNet, KnotVector, KnotVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Generate a NURBS surface from the given control points and the given knot vectors.
- newInstance(NurbsCurve, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
- newInstance(NurbsSurface, GTransform) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
- newInstance(ParametricGeometry, Curve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedParametricGeometry
and parametric location. - newInstance(ParametricGeometry, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedParametricGeometry
and parametric location. - newInstance(Surface, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedSurface
and parametric location. - newInstance(Surface, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns a SubrangeSurface on the surface
that covers the range of parametric positions froms0,t0
. - newInstance(Surface, Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedSurface
and the supplied boundary location curves in parametric space. - newInstance(Surface, Surface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns a
instance referring to the specifiedSurface
and the supplied 2D surface in parametric space which maps the SubrangeSurface to the child Surface. - newInstance(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, no units, and no values (zero size). - newInstance(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
- newInstance(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataSet
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofDataCase
objects and any associated user data. - newInstance(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name and containing no text. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofGeomElement
objects. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
), that can store a list ofCurve
objects and associated weighting factors. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofPointString
objects. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofPointArray
objects. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a new, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofGeomPoint
objects. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofPointComponent
objects. - newInstance(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofGeomTriangle
objects. - newInstance(String, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a new, empty, preallocated or recycled
instance (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
) with the specified name, that can store a list ofCurve
objects. - newInstance(String, Curve, Curve, Curve, Curve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a TFISurface made up of the specified boundary
objects. - newInstance(List<ControlPoint>, KnotVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Generate a NURBS curve from the given control points and the given knot vector.
- newRotationX(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed rotation about the X axis (when looking down the X-axis).
- newRotationY(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed rotation about the Y axis (when looking down the Y-axis).
- newRotationZ(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Return a transformation matrix representing a counter-clockwise or right-handed rotation about the Z axis (when looking down the Z-axis).
- newScale(double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix representing a scale matrix with a uniform scale factor applied to each dimension.
- newTranslation(double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
- newTranslation(GeomVector<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
- newTranslation(Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
- newTranslation(Float64Vector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix representing a translation matrix.
- newValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Return the new button selected in the button group after the edit.
- newWindowFromDataFile(Frame, File) - Static method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Method that reads in the specified file and creates a new window for displaying it's contents.
- newWindowsMenu(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Get a new JMenu instance that can be used as a Windows menu using the specified title (typically "Windows").
- next() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the same value as the
method. - nextElement() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the same value as the
method. - nextToken() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the next token from this text tokenizer.
- nextToken(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the next token in this text tokenizer's text.
- NO - Static variable in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Constant indicating that a reader certainly can not read a specified file.
- NO - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Constant indicating that a reader can not read a specified file stream.
- NO - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Indicates that the initial axis is NOT repeated as the last axis.
- NO_UNITS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
- norm() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of the vector from the origin to this point (square root of the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the Euclidian norm, magnitude, or length of this quaternion (square root of the dot product of this quaternion and it's conjugate).
- norm() - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.VectorSpaceNormed
Returns the positive length or size of this vector.
- norm() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns the Euclidian norm of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- norm() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns the Euclidian norm of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself).
- NORMAL_DATA - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for lighting normal data to be produced
- normal2D(GeomVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return a vector that is the in-plane normal to the input 2D vector.
- normalIndexes - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for normal index information if the shape type requires it.
- normals - Variable in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
The surface normal vector for each triangle.
- normals - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for lighting normal information.
- normSq() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normSqValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normSqValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normSqValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normSqValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normSqValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the square of the Euclidean norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (square root of the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself). - normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself). - normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself). - normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the norm, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this control point geometric point (square root of the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself).
- normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector (square root of the dot product of this vector and itself). - normValue() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of the vector from the origin to this point (square root of the dot product of the origin-to-this-point vector and itself). - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this quaternion. - normValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the
, magnitude, or length value of this vector. - normValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns the
value of this vector. - northingValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the projected distance of the point from the equator.
- Note - Class in geomss.geom
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a fixed size and orientation on the screen.
- NoteTrans - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aGenScreenNote
object and masquerades as a GenScreenNote object itself. - Number<T extends Number<T>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a
number. - Number() - Constructor for class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
- NUMERIC_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Holds the default comparator for pivoting.
- numStrips - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of items stored in the strip counts
- numTris - Variable in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
The number of triangles in the list.
- NurbsCurve - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
The interface and implementation in common to all NURBS curves.
- NurbsCurve() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
- NurbsCurveTrans - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
object that refers to aNurbsCurve
object and masquerades as a NurbsCurve object itself. - NurbsSurface - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
The interface and implementation in common to all NURBS surfaces.
- NurbsSurface() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
- NurbsSurfaceTrans - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
object that refers to aNurbsSurface
object and masquerades as a NurbsSurface object itself.
- object(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.SizedObjectFactory
Returns an sized object possibly recycled or preallocated of specified minimum size.
- OCEAN - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark blue color of the ocean.
- odd(long) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Test to see if a given long integer is odd.
- ODD - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Parity
- OLIVE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The drab green color of green olives.
- omega(Vector3D<AngularVelocity>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Compute the angular velocity quaternion matrix (Omega) from an angular velocity vector of three-space.
- ONE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Holds a dimensionless measure of one.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Holds the multiplicative identity.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
The complex number one.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
The 64 bits floating point representing one.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
The floating point instance representing the multiplicative identity.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
The 64 bits floating point representing one.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
The large integer representing the multiplicative identity.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
The modulo integer representing the multiplicative identity.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
representing the multiplicative identity. - ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Holds the exact ONE instance.
- ONE - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Holds a dimensionless measure of one (exact).
- oneMinusSqrt(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with a 1-square root spacing between 0 and 1.
- ONEMSQRT - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the negation of this point (all the values of each dimension negated).
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the negation of this point (all the values of each dimension negated).
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the negation of this point (all the values of each dimension negated).
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the negation of this point (all the values of each dimension negated).
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the negation of this point (all the values of each dimension negated).
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the negation of this matrix.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the negation of this set of Euler angles (each angle is negated).
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the negation of this matrix.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the opposite of this measure.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the negation of this quaternion (all elements are multiplied by -1).
- opposite() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the opposite of this polynomial.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the opposite of this rational function.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the negation of this complex.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the opposite of this number.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the opposite of this floating point number.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the opposite of this number.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the opposite of this large integer.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the opposite of this rational number.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the negation of this real number.
- opposite() - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.GroupAdditive
Returns the additive inverse of this object.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the negation of this matrix.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the negation of this vector.
- opposite() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the opposite of this measure.
- ORANGE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color orange.
- ORCHID - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The violet color of an orchid.
- org.jscience - package org.jscience
Provides the library classes for versionning, self-tests and performance analysis.
- org.jscience.economics.money - package org.jscience.economics.money
Provides support for monetary quantities and their currencies.
- org.jscience.geography.coordinates - package org.jscience.geography.coordinates
Provides linear or angular
which designate the position that a point occupies in a given reference frame or system. - org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs - package org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
Provides the Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) specifying how
are to be assigned to spatial/temporal locations. - org.jscience.mathematics.function - package org.jscience.mathematics.function
Provides support for fairly simple symbolic math analysis (to solve algebraic equations, integrate, differentiate, calculate expressions, and so on).
- org.jscience.mathematics.number - package org.jscience.mathematics.number
Provides common types of numbers most of them implementing the
interface. - org.jscience.mathematics.structure - package org.jscience.mathematics.structure
Provides mathematical sets (identified by the class parameter) associated to binary operations, such as multiplication or addition, satisfying certain axioms.
- org.jscience.mathematics.vector - package org.jscience.mathematics.vector
- org.jscience.physics.amount - package org.jscience.physics.amount
Provides support for exact or arbitrary precision measurements.
- org.jscience.physics.model - package org.jscience.physics.model
Provides models for physical quantities.
- origin - Variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Origin 2D point
- originalValue() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Return the original button selected in the button group before the edit.
- p - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- padLeft(String, char, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Add the specified pad character to the left of the input String until it is the specified length.
- padRight(String, char, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Add the specified pad character to the right of the input String until it is the specified length.
- PAR - geomss.geom.GridRule
Gridding by arc-length in parametric space.
- PARALLEL_PROJECTION - geomss.j3d.ProjectionPolicy
- Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents an amount (a value with associated units) for which operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed (it implements the Field interface).
- ParameterBasicMathOperations() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations
- ParameterException - Exception in geomss.geom
Exception thrown when a parameter value does not match expectations.
- ParameterException() - Constructor for exception geomss.geom.ParameterException
Constructs an exception with no detail message.
- ParameterException(String) - Constructor for exception geomss.geom.ParameterException
Constructs an exception with the specified message.
- ParameterFormat - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing
instances. - ParameterGetValue(int, Unit, Unit) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- parameterizationCheck(int, double[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Check the array of parameterization values and reports any problems by throwing a ParameterException.
- parameterizeString(PointString<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveFactory
Turn a string of points into a list of parameter values along a curve through those points.
- ParameterLogicalComparisons() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons
- ParameterToUnit(Unit, Unit) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit
- ParameterVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParametricGeometry<T extends ParametricGeometry> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface for
objects that have parametric dimensions. - ParamTestSuite - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class holds the
package unit tests and benchmarks. - ParamTestSuite() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite
- ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
- parse(CharSequence, int, TextFormat.Cursor) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Parses the specified character sequence from the specified position as a large integer in the specified radix.
- Part - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The Part class encapsulates the entire IGES file.
- Part() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Default constructor.
- PDID_COL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Column in IGES file Parameter Data delimiting free-form data with DENum of the entity.
- PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION - geomss.j3d.ProjectionPolicy
- PhysicalModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This abstract class represents a physical model.
- PI_ANGLE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An angular measure of
or 180 degrees. - pick() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Pick items from the scene by control-clicking with the mouse.
- pick() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Pick items from the scene by control-clicking with the mouse.
- PINK - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pink.
- Plane - Class in geomss.geom
A concrete, immutable, 2D plane in n-dimensional space.
- planeBoundsIntersect(GeomPlane, GeomElement) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Returns true if the specified infinite plane and bounding box of the specified geometry element intersect.
- planePlaneIntersect(GeomPlane, GeomPlane, MutablePoint, MutableVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the intersection line between two planes (if there is an intersection).
- planeQuadIntersect(GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Test to see if an infinite plane intersects a quadrilateral panel.
- PlotXYWindow - Class in geomss.ui
An application window that displays a quick plot of the data contained in a DataSet made up of DataCase objects containing sets of ArrayParam objects.
- PlotXYWindow(String, DataCase) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Creates a new instance of a data plot window using the specified list of data arrays.
- PlotXYWindow(String, DataSet) - Constructor for class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Creates a new instance of a data plot window using the specified list of data arrays.
- PLUM - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark violet color of plums.
- plus(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the sum of this number with the specified value.
- plus(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the sum of this number with the specifice value.
- plus(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the sum of this large integer with the specified
integer (convenience method) - plus(G) - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.GroupAdditive
Returns the sum of this object with the one specified.
- plus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(ControlPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a new control point with the sum of this point with the one specified.
- plus(DCMatrix) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
- plus(EulerAngles) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the sum of this set of Euler angles with the one specified.
- plus(Parameter<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the sum of this set of Euler angles with the angle specified.
- plus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Adds the specified parameter to each component of this point.
- plus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Adds the specified parameter to each component of this point.
- plus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Adds the specified parameter to each component of this point.
- plus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Adds the specified parameter to each component of this point.
- plus(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Adds the specified parameter to each component of this point.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the sum of this measure with the one specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Parameter<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the parameter specified.
- plus(Quaternion) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the sum of this quaternion with the one specified.
- plus(Function<F, F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- plus(Function<R, R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- plus(Function<X, Y>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the sum of this function with the one specified.
- plus(Polynomial<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the sum of two polynomials.
- plus(RationalFunction<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the sum of two rational functions.
- plus(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the sum of this complex with the one specified.
- plus(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the sum of this number with the one specified.
- plus(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the sum of this floating point number with the one specified.
- plus(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the sum of this number with the one specified.
- plus(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the sum of this large integer with the one specified.
- plus(ModuloInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- plus(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the sum of this rational number with the one specified.
- plus(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the sum of this real number with the one specified.
- plus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- plus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
- plus(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- plus(Matrix<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
- plus(Matrix<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- plus(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- plus(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- plus(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- plus(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Parameter<Angle>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the sum of this set of Euler angles with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the sum of this vector with the one specified.
- plus(Vector<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- plus(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- plus(Amount) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the sum of this measure with the one specified.
- plus(R) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the sum of this polynomial with a constant polynomial having the specified value (convenience method).
- PNGEncoderAdapter - Class in jahuwaldt.image.encoders
Adapter class for the Sun PNG Encoder.
- PNGEncoderAdapter() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
- PNGImageObserver - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d.image
An image observer that turns the image into a PNG image.
- PNGImageObserver() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.PNGImageObserver
Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.
- POIGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading vehicle geometry from a POINTS (POI) formatted geometry file. - POIGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
- Point - Class in geomss.geom
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
- PointArray<E extends GeomPoint> - Class in geomss.geom
is a collection ofPointString
objects that make up a "list of strings of points". - PointArrayShape3D - Class in geomss.j3d
A Shape3D object based on a
. - PointArrayShape3D(GeomElement, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.PointArrayShape3D
Construct a PointArrayShape3D object from the specified
. - PointArrayShape3D(GeomElement, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>, List<List<GeomVector<Dimensionless>>>, Appearance, boolean) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.PointArrayShape3D
Construct a PointArrayShape3D object from the specified
. - PointArrayShape3D(GeomElement, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>, Appearance) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.PointArrayShape3D
Construct a PointArrayShape3D object from the specified
. - PointArrayShape3D(GeomElement, PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>, Appearance, boolean) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.PointArrayShape3D
Construct a PointArrayShape3D object from the specified
. - PointComponent - Class in geomss.geom
A list that holds only
objects. - PointCurveClosestTest(Curve, GeomPoint, SubrangePoint, String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest
- PointGeometry<T extends PointGeometry> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface for
objects that contain only points. - pointLineClosest(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the point on an infinite line that is closest to the specified point.
- pointLineDistance(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the shortest distance from a point to an infinite line.
- pointLineSegDistance(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the shortest distance from a point to an finite line segment.
- pointPlaneClosest(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the point on an infinite plane that is closest to the specified point.
- pointPlaneDistance(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomVector<Dimensionless>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds the shortest signed distance from a point to an infinite plane.
- PointRegionQuadTree<P extends XYPoint> - Class in jahuwaldt.util
A QuadTree data structure for storing 2D XYPoint objects.
- PointRegionQuadTree(P, double, double) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.util.PointRegionQuadTree
Create a QuadTree who's upper left coordinate is located at x,y and it's bounding box is described by the height and width.
- POINTS - geomss.j3d.RenderType
- PointString<E extends GeomPoint> - Class in geomss.geom
is a collection ofGeomPoint
objects that make up a "string of points". - PointVehicle - Class in geomss.geom
A list that holds only
objects. - Polar3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 3 element
of Parameter elements representing a geometrical polar coordinate with elements magnitude, azimuth angle and elevation angle where elevation is measured positive above the reference plane (similar to latitude). - polynomial(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
Method that returns the coefficients of a polynomial of the specified degree that best models or "fits" the supplied data values in a minimization of chi-squared sense.
- polynomial(double[], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.ModelData
Method that returns the coefficients of a polynomial of the specified degree that best models or "fits" the supplied data values in a minimization of chi-squared sense.
- Polynomial<R extends Ring<R>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers in one or more
multiplied by coefficients (such asx² + x·y + 3y²
). - PolynomialFit - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A basis function for generating a polynomial curve fits of degree p[].length-1 with coefficients in the array p[].
- PolynomialFit() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.PolynomialFit
- positionWindow(Window, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Positions the specified window neatly on the screen such that document windows are staggered one after the other.
- positionWindowFixedSize(Window, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Positions the specified window neatly on the screen such that document windows are staggered one after the other.
- postRender() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
This routine is called by the Java 3D rendering loop after completing all rendering to the canvas for this frame and before the buffer swap.
- postSwap() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Process code after we have swapped the image to the foreground.
- postSwap() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.ImageCaptureCanvas3D
Process code after we have swapped the image to the foreground.
- posWindowFromPrefs(String, Window) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Positions the input window at the location stored in the preferences using the supplied key (with "PosX" and "PosY" appended).
- pow(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns this complex raised to the specified power.
- pow(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns this number raised to the specified power.
- pow(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns this measure raised at the specified exponent.
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns this function raised at the specified exponent.
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns this number raised at the specified positive exponent.
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns this matrix raised at the specified exponent.
- pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure raised at the specified exponent.
- pow(long, long) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns a number "a" raised to the power "b".
- pow(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns this complex raised to the power of the specified complex exponent.
- pow(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns this number raised to the power of the specified exponent.
- pow10(int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Raises 10 to the small integer power indicated (eg: 10^5 = 100000).
- pow2(long) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Raises 2 to the small integer power indicated (eg: 2^3 = 8).
- Preferences - Interface in jahuwaldt.swing
An interface in common to preference classes in my applications.
- PreferencesJMenuItem - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
This is the Swing implementation of the Preferences menu item.
- prepare() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- prepare() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit
- preRender() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
This routine is called by the Java 3D rendering loop after clearing the canvas and before any rendering has been done for this frame.
- prettyPrint() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Convenience method to print out all the data associated with this geometry array.
- PRIME_CERTAINTY - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Holds the certainty required when testing for primality (default
, the probability for a composite to pass the primality test is less than2-100
). - print() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Print the current 3D view.
- print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Prints the 3D model image from this canvas to the specified Graphics context using the specified page format.
- printSizes(Component) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.SpringUtilities
A debugging utility that prints to stdout the component's minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes.
- processStimulus(Iterator<WakeupCriterion>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Processes the MouseBehavior stimulus.
- productOf(Unit<?>, Unit<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the product of the two input units.
- ProjectedCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a 2-dimensional projected reference system.
- ProjectedCRS() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ProjectedCRS
- ProjectionPolicy - Enum in geomss.j3d
An enumeration of projection policy type codes.
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.TransferActionListener
- pseudoInverse() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the inverse or pseudo-inverse if this matrix if not square.
- pu - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- PublicScene() - Constructor for class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
- putAllUserData(Map) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Add all the user defined data in the supplied Map to this objects map of user defined data.
- putAllUserData(Map) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Add all the user defined data in the supplied Map to this objects map of user defined data.
- putUserData(Object, Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Set the user defined object associated with this geometry element and the specified key.
- putUserData(Object, Object) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Set the user defined object associated with this geometry element and the specified key.
- puu - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- quadNormal(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Return the approximate normal vector for a quadrilateral panel.
- Quadrature - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A collection of methods for integrating a 1D function within a range:
I=int_a^b{f(x) dx}
. - Quadrature() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
- QUADS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as individual unindexed quads
- QuantumModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This class represents the quantum model.
- QuantumModel() - Constructor for class org.jscience.physics.model.QuantumModel
- Quaternion - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 4 element quaternion made up of Float64 elements.
- QuaternionTests() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests
- queryRange(double, double, double, double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.util.PointRegionQuadTree
Range query of the QuadTree.
- quit() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Quit or exit the application after properly saving preferences, etc.
- quit() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.QuitListener
This method is called by MDIApplication when the application is quitting.
- QuitJMenuItem - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
This is the Swing implementation of the Quit menu item.
- QuitListener - Interface in jahuwaldt.swing
An interface for objects that wish to receive notification that the application will soon be quitting.
- R - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the molar gas constant (N·k)
- RAD - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
The angular unit "radian".
- radius - Variable in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
THe radius of the circle in length units.
- RADIUS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Constant used to identify the radius of in the vector.
- rangeOf(double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the measure corresponding to the specified interval stated in the specified unit.
- Rational - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents the ratio of two
numbers. - RationalFunction<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents the quotient of two
, it is also afield
(invertible). - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Reads in a geometry file from the supplied input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Reads in an APAS CARD formatted geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Reads in a geometry file from the supplied input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
Reads in a GGP formatted geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the GGP file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
Reads in a GridTool restart file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
Reads in an IGES geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
Reads in a LaWGS geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the LaWGS file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
Reads in a POINTS (POI) geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the POI file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Reads in a binary STL formatted geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the triangle geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
Reads in a Tecplot ASCII formatted triangle geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains a set ofTriangleList
objects (1 for each "zone" in the Tecplot file). - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Reads in a Cart3D ASCII Configuration *.tri formatted geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains a set ofTriangleList
objects (1 for each "configuration" in the *.tri file or a single one if the *.tri file is a component file only). - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Reads in a VECC MK5 or GEO geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Reads in an XGSS geometry file from the specified input file and returns a
object that contains the geometry from the file. - read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Read the Directory Entry from a file.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Reads the entity from the input file "in".
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity000_Null
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity100_CircularArc
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_ConicArc
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_CopiousData
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_Plane
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity112_ParSplineCurve
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_RuledSurface
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity308_Subfigure
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_Associativity
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity404_Drawing
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity408_SingularSubfigure
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity410_View
Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.EntityXXX_Unsupported
The read() method basically parses the String read in by Entity.read().
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Read the Global Section from the input file.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Read in Part from input IGES file.
- read(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Read Start Section from input file.
- read(String, InputStream) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Interface for reading in data from an input stream and returning that data as a list of
objects. - read(String, InputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Method that reads in tab, space or comma delimited array data from the specified input stream and returns that data as a list of
objects. - read(String, InputStream) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Method that reads in CLVTOPS formatted simulation data from the specified input stream and returns that data as a list of
objects. - read(String, InputStream, UnitSet) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Method that reads in CLVTOPS formatted simulation data from the specified input stream and returns that data as a list of
objects. - read_additional() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Reads in the "additional pointers" after the regular Parameter Data.
- readGeometryData(ResourceBundle, Component, File) - Static method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
Method that reads in a data file and return the resulting data structure.
- readGeomFile(File) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Read in a geometry file and return a GeometryList instance.
- readlines(File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Returns a list of String objects each of which represents a line in the specified file.
- readlines(InputStream) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Returns a list of String objects each of which represents a line in the specified input stream.
- readWorkspace(File) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Reads in an XGSS geometry + workspace file from the specified input file and returns a Map object that contains the geometry and workspace variables from the file with the variable names as the keys.
- Real - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.number
This class represents a real number of arbitrary precision with known/guaranteed uncertainty.
- REAR - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- RECTANGULAR - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for a rectangular shape.
- recycle(BasicCSTCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(CSTCurveTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(GeomList) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Recycles a GeomList instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(GeomPlaneTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(GeomPointTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(LinearComboCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(LineSeg) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(LineSegTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(LoftedSurface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(MutablePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(MutableVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(BasicNurbsCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(BasicNurbsSurface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(NurbsCurveTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(NurbsSurfaceTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(Plane) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(PointArray) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(PointComponent) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(PointString) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(PointVehicle) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(SubrangeCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(SubrangePoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(SubrangeSurface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Recycles a SubrangeSurface instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(TFISurface) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(Triangle) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(TriangleList) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Recycles a TriangleList instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(TriangleTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(Vector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(VectorTrans) - Static method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle(ArrayParam) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Recycles a parameter instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(DataCase) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Recycles a case instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(DataSet) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataSet
Recycles a set instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(ScalarParam) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Recycles a parameter instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(TextParam) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Recycles a parameter instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext).
- recycle(BinomialCoef) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in a StackContext). - recycle(SizedObject) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.SizedObjectFactory
Recycles the specified sized object.
- recycle(TextTokenizer) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Recycles a
instance immediately (on the stack when executing in aStackContext
). - recycle2DArray(double[][]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Recycle any 2D array of doubles that was created by allocate2DArray().
- recycle2DArray(double[][]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Recycle any 2D array of doubles that was created by this classes factory methods.
- recycleArray(Point[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Recycle an array of Point objects that was created by Point.allocateArray().
- recycleArray(Vector[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Recycle an array of Vector objects that was created by Vector.allocateArray().
- RED - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pure red.
- redo() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Re-apply the edit, assuming that it has been undone.
- ReferenceEllipsoid - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
The ReferenceEllipsoid class defines a geodetic reference ellipsoid used as a standard for geodetic measurements.
- ReferenceEllipsoid(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Constructs an instance of a reference ellipsoid.
- refineKnotVector(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Create and return a new
NURBS curve
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's knot vector. - refineKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Create and return a new
NURBS curve
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's knot vector. - refineSKnotVector(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's S-knot vector. - refineSKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's S-knot vector. - refineTKnotVector(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's T-knot vector. - refineTKnotVector(Float64Vector) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Create and return a new
NURBS surface
that is geometrically identical to this one but with the specified list of knots inserted into it's T-knot vector. - RelativisticModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This class represents the relativistic model.
- RelativisticModel() - Constructor for class org.jscience.physics.model.RelativisticModel
- remainder(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the remainder of the division of this large integer with the one specified (convenience method equivalent to
). - remove() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
This implementation always throws
. - remove(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
- remove(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Removes the curve (and its associated weight) at the specified position in this LinearComboCurve.
- remove(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Removes the curve at the specified position in this surface's list of curves.
- remove(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
- remove(int, int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FormattedDocument
Removes some content from the document.
- remove(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Removes the element at the specified name in this list.
- remove(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present (optional operation).
- remove(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Removes a single instance of the specified
(and its associated weight) from this collection, if it is present. - remove(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
- remove(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Removes the element with the specified name from this list.
- remove(String) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Removes the element with the specified name from this list.
- remove(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Removes the curve with the specified name from this list.
- remove(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Removes the curve with the specified name from this list.
- remove(AbstractButton) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Removes a button from the group
- remove(AbstractButton[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Removes all the buttons in the array from the group
- remove(P) - Method in class jahuwaldt.util.PointRegionQuadTree
Remove point at X,Y from tree.
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Removes from this list all the elements that are contained in the specified collection.
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Removes from this list all the
objects that are contained in the specified collection. - removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Removes from this list all the elements that are contained in the specified collection.
- removeBackground(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes the specified background from this canvas.
- removeBackground(BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes the specified background from this canvas.
- removeCaptureObserver(CapturedImageObserver) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.ImageCaptureCanvas3D
Remove a registered observer from this canvas.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Remove a listener from receiving notifications of changes to the state of this element.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Remove a listener from receiving notifications of changes to the state of this element.
- removeDegenerate(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a new triangle list that is identical to this one, but with any degenerate triangles removed.
- removeKnot(int, int, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Attempts to remove the knot with the specified index from this NURBS curve the specified number of times.
- removeOverlay(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes the specified overlay from this canvas.
- removeOverlay(BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Removes the specified overlay from this canvas.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
- removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
- removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
- removeQuitListener(QuitListener) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Method to remove a quit listener from the list of quit listeners for this application.
- removeSKnot(int, int, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Attempts to remove the knot in the S-direction with the specified index from this NURBS surface the specified number of times.
- removeTKnot(int, int, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Attempts to remove the knot in the T-direction with the specified index from this NURBS surface the specified number of times.
- removeTransformChangeListener(TransformChangeListener) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Remove a
from this canvas. - removeTransformChangeListener(TransformChangeListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Remove a
from this object. - removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
Remove a listener from this manager.
- removeUserData(Object) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Removes the entry for the specified user object key if present.
- removeUserData(Object) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Removes the entry for the specified user object key if present.
- rename(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Attempt to rename a file from the source File location to the destination File location.
- RenderType - Enum in geomss.j3d
An enumeration of render type codes.
- RESBUNDLE - Static variable in class geomss.app.GeomSS
The resource bundle containing the string resources for this application.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- reset() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Resets the internal state of this object to its default values.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
The resource bundle for this package.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
The String resources used by this package.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElement
The resource bundle for this package.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
The resource bundle for this package.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReaderFactory
The resource bundle for this package.
- RESOURCES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectCasesDialog
The resource bundle for this package.
- restOfText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Retrieves the rest of the text as a single token.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Retains only the curves in this list that are contained in the specified collection.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns a new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Return a new triangle that is identical to this one, but with the order of the points (and the surface normal direction) reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an new
with the curves in this surface in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Return a copy of this knot vector with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return a new curve that is identical to this one, but with the parameterization reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return a new triangle that is identical to this one, but with the order of the points (and the surface normal direction) reversed.
- reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns an new
with the elements in this list in reverse order. - reverse() - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return a new triangle that is identical to this one, but with the order of the points (and the surface normal direction) reversed.
- reverseColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return a new control point network that is identical to this one but with the columns in reverse order.
- reverseRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return a new control point network that is identical to this one but with the rows in reverse order.
- reverseS() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the S-parameterization reversed.
- reverseS() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the S-parameterization reversed.
- reverseS() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the S-parameterization reversed.
- reverseS() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the S-parameterization reversed.
- reverseS() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the S-parameterization reversed.
- reverseStrings() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns an new
with the points in each string in this array in reverse order. - reverseT() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the T-parameterization reversed.
- reverseT() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the T-parameterization reversed.
- reverseT() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the T-parameterization reversed.
- reverseT() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the T-parameterization reversed.
- reverseT() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one, but with the T-parameterization reversed.
- RIGHT_SIDE - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- Rinf - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Rydberg constant (α²·me·c/2h).
- Ring<R> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents an algebraic structure with two binary operations addition and multiplication (+ and ·), such that (R, +) is an abelian group, (R, ·) is a monoid and the multiplication distributes over the addition.
- root(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the given root of this measure.
- root(int) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the given root of this measure.
- RootException - Exception in jahuwaldt.tools.math
Root finding routines may throw this exception when an error occurs in the root finding routine.
- RootException(String) - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.tools.math.RootException
Constructs a RootException with the specified detail message.
- Roots - Class in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A collection of static routines to find the roots of functions or sets of functions.
- Roots() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Roots
- ROTATE - jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent.Type
- ROTATING - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Frame
- Rotation<T extends Rotation<?>> - Interface in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a relative orientation (attitude or rotation transformation) between two different reference frames; B wrt A or BA.
- round() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Return a new parameter with the value of this parameter rounded to the nearest ones place.
- round() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the closest integer value to this 64 bits floating point number.
- round() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the closest integer to this floating point number.
- round() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the closest integer value to this rational number.
- round() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the closest integer value to this rational number.
- roundDownToPlace(double, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Rounds a floating point number down to the desired decimal place.
- roundToPlace(double, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Rounds a floating point number to the desired decimal place.
- roundToPlace(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Return a new parameter with the value of this parameter rounded to the specified decimal place.
- roundToSigFig(double, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Rounds a floating point number to the desired number of significant digits.
- roundUpToPlace(double, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Rounds a floating point number up to the desired decimal place.
- run() - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
The run() method just sits and waits for incoming connections and hands each one off to a new ServerJobRunner thread to handle it.
- run() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite
- run() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite
- run_batch(String[]) - Static method in class geomss.app.GeomSS
Runs the application in batch mode.
- SALMON - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The red-orangish color of a salmon.
- sameFile(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
if and only if the two File objects refer to the same file in the file system. - saveAsJPEG() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save a copy of the current 3D view as a JPEG file.
- saveAsJPEG(File) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save a copy of the current 3D view as a JPEG file.
- saveAsPNG() - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save a copy of the current 3D view as a PNG file.
- saveAsPNG(File) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save a copy of the current 3D view as a PNG file.
- savePrefsWindowPos(String, Window) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save the location of the specified window in the application preferences using the supplied key (with "PosX" and "PosY" appended).
- saveWorkspace(File) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Save the entire global workspace to an XGSS file.
- ScalarFunctionND - Interface in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A class that defines an n-Dimensional scalar function y = fn(x[1..n]) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as a function minimizer.
- ScalarParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A class that represents a scalar data value in a case.
- SEAFOAM - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The blue-green color sea foam.
- SEARS_HAACK - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for a Sears-Haack minimum wave-drag body profile.
- SECTID_COL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Column in IGES file with section identifier ('S', 'G', etc)
- select() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.HighEnergyModel
Selects the relativistic model as the current model.
- select() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.NaturalModel
Selects the relativistic model as the current model.
- select() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.QuantumModel
Selects the relativistic model as the current model.
- select() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.RelativisticModel
Selects the relativistic model as the current model.
- select() - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.model.StandardModel
Selects the standard model as the current model.
- SelectCasesDialog - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available cases in a list of data sets.
- SelectCasesDialog(Frame, String, String, List<? extends DataElementList<?>>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectCasesDialog
Construct a model dialog that allows the user to select a subset of all the available cases in a list of data sets.
- selectDataForSaving(Frame, List<DataSet>) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Returns a data structure that contains the data in the input list filtered in whatever way is necessary to save it using a particular format.
- selectDataForSaving(Frame, List<DataSet>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
The Tabbed Array format can save only a single case of arrays.
- selectDataForSaving(Frame, List<DataSet>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
This class can not write to the CLVTOPS format file(s), so this method always throws an exception.
- selectDirectory(Component, int, String, String, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that brings up a file chooser dialog and allows the user to select a directory.
- selectFile(Component, int, String, String, String, FilenameFilter) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that brings up a file chooser dialog and allows the user to select a file.
- selectFile4Save(Component, String, String, String, FilenameFilter, String, String, String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that displays a "Save As..." dialog asking the user to select or input a file name to save a file to and returns a reference to the chosen file.
- SelectParamsDialog - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available parameters in a list of data cases.
- SelectParamsDialog(Frame, String, String, List<DataCase>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.SelectParamsDialog
Construct a model dialog that allows the user to select a subset of all the available cases in a list of data sets.
- set(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Replaces the GeomElement at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractPointGeomList
Replaces the PointGeometry at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
- set(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, E) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, E) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, E, Double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Replaces the GeomElement and weight at the specified position in this linear combination with the specified GeomElement and weight.
- set(int, Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Replaces the Curve at the specified position in this list of curves with the specified Curve.
- set(int, Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Replaces the Curve at the specified position in this surface's list of curves with the specified element.
- set(int, Curve, Double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Replaces the Curve and weight at the specified position in this LinearComboCurve with the specified curve and weight.
- set(int, PointArray) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, PointComponent) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, Point, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Set the values for the view.
- set(int, PointString<E>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Replaces the
at the specified position in this list with the specified element. - set(int, DataParam) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Replaces the parameter at the specified position in this case with the specified parameter.
- set(int, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Set the value of a point dimension to the specified Parameter.
- set(int, Parameter<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Set the value of a vector dimension to the specified Parameter.
- set(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Set the value of elements of this point to the elements of the specified point.
- set(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Set the value of elements of this point to the elements of the specified vector of Parameter objects.
- set(GeomVector<Q>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Set the value of elements of this vector to the elements of the specified vector.
- set(Color) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor3f
Sets the r,g,b values of this JColor3f object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
- set(Color) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.JColor4f
Sets the r,g,b,a values of this Color4f object to those of the specified AWT Color object.
- set(String, String) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
Set the preference with the specified key String.
- set(String, String) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.Preferences
Set the preference with the specified key String.
- set(X) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Global
- set(X) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable.Local
- setAboutHandler(AboutHandler) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Installs a handler to show a custom About window for your application.
- setAngle(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Method used to set the angular measure units in this unit set.
- setApplicationIcon(Icon) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the icon of the application to be displayed.
- setApplicationName(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the name of the application to be displayed.
- setApplicationVersion(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the version of the application to be displayed.
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the name of the person who created this exchange file.
- setAutoScrollToBottom(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JStreamedTextArea
Automatically move the display to the bottom when new content is appended if true.
- setBackground(int, BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Set the specified background for use for this canvas.
- setBuildVersion(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the version of the build to be displayed.
- setCaptureNextFrame() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.JPEGImageObserver
Tell the observer to capture the next frame it is told about.
- setCaptureNextFrame() - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.PNGImageObserver
Tell the observer to capture the next frame it is told about.
- setChartTitle(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the chart title.
- setCopyright(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the coyright text to be displayed.
- setCredits(String, String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the text to be displayed in the credits area of the About frame.
- setCreditsPreferredSize(Dimension) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the preferred size of the credits area of the About frame.
- setCurrentDirectory(String) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Sets the Java "user.dir" environment variable to the absolute path of the specified directory name.
- setDefaultRenderingPrefs(J3DRenderingPrefs) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the currently active rendering preferences that will be used to render future objects.
- setDefaultSetName(CharSequence) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Sets the default set name to use for data formats that do not have named data sets.
- setDefaultSetName(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Sets the default set name to use.
- setDefaultSetName(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Sets the default set name to use.
- setDelimiters(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Set the delimiters for this TextTokenizer.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
- setDigits(int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Sets the
number of digits to be used during calculations. - setDimensions(float, float, boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
- setDimensions(float, float, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
- setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Sets the display of this geometry group to either displayed (true) or not displayed (false).
- setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomList
Sets the display of this geometry group to either DISPLAYED (true) or NOT_DISPLAYED (false).
- setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointArray
Sets the display of this geometry group to either displayed (true) or not displayed (false).
- setDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangle
Sets the display of this geometry group to either displayed (true) or not displayed (false).
- setDomainAxisLabel(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the domain or X-axis label.
- setDomainAxisRange(double, double) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the domain axis range to the given values and sets the auto-range flag to false.
- setDrawTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the tolerance used when drawing parametric objects such as curves and surfaces.
- setDrawTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the tolerance used when drawing parametric objects such as curves and surfaces.
- setDrawTolerance(Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the tolerance used when drawing parametric objects such as curves and surfaces.
- setElement(Object) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the element to be edited.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Enables or disables all the buttons in this button group.
- setEncodingAlpha(boolean) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Set whether the encoder should encode alpha transparency (not supported by all ImageEncoders).
- setEncodingAlpha(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Set whether the encoder should encode alpha transparency (this is not supported for JPEG, so this method does nothing).
- setEncodingAlpha(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Set whether the encoder should encode alpha transparency (not supported in this ImageEncoder).
- setExactPrecision(int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Sets the
minimum precision (number of exact digits) when exact numbers have to be approximated. - setExchangeRate(double) - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Sets the exchange rate of this
relatively to the reference currency. - setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.io.ExtFilenameFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg,.gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
- setFacetCount(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.ConeGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
- setFacetCount(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CylinderGenerator
Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
- setFileExtension(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the file extension to enforce when selecting a file for saving.
- setFilename(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.JPEGImageObserver
Set the filename that this will write to.
- setFilename(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.image.PNGImageObserver
Set the filename that this will write to.
- setFileName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the file name of the exchange file.
- setFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Used to set the filename filter for this application.
- setFileUnits(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Sets the units used for the geometry as stored in a non-unit aware geometry file being read in.
- setFileUnits(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Sets the units used for the geometry as stored in a non-unit aware geometry file being read in.
- setFramelessJMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Set the Swing frameless menu bar.
- setGrain(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the Minimum User-Intended Resolution or Granularity value.
- setHonorQuotes(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Sets whether or not this tokenizer recognizes quoted text using the specified quote character.
- setHyperlinkListener(HyperlinkListener) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Set the hyperlink listener to be called when hyperlinks are clicked in the credits field.
- setInitialValue(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.AbstractEvaluatable1D
Used to set an initial function value (or any other initial value the user wants to use).
- setInstance(ParameterFormat) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterFormat
Sets the current
format. - setInstance(AmountFormat) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.AmountFormat
Sets the current
format. - setInterpreter(Interpreter) - Static method in class geomss.GeomSSUtil
Set the BeanShell interpreter used by this set of utilities.
- setLastPath(String) - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
Set the last file path referenced by the user.
- setLastPath(String) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.Preferences
Set the last file path referenced by the user.
- setLegendLabel(int, String) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the labels used to display all the legend items to the supplied String values.
- setLegendLabels(String...) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the labels used to display all the legend items to the supplied String values.
- setLegendVisible(boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Method that toggles the display of the plot legend.
- setLength(Unit<Length>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Method used to set the length units in this unit set.
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Sets the color used when rendering curves and lines.
- setLineColor(Color) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Sets the color used when rendering curves and lines.
- setLineColor(Color) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the color to use when rendering curves and lines.
- setLinesVisible(boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Method that toggles the display of lines between the data points being plotted.
- setLinesVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Method that toggles the display of lines between the data points being plotted in a given series.
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the width that line/curve objects are rendered in pixels.
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the width that line/curve objects are rendered in pixels.
- setLineWidth(int) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the width that line/curve objects are rendered in pixels.
- setLoadFile(boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the file load/save option (if the element is of type File).
- setMass(Unit<Mass>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Method used to set the mass units in this unit set.
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Sets a flag indicating that the geometry is mirrored about the XZ plane of symmetry.
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Sets a flag indicating that the geometry is mirrored about the XZ plane of symmetry.
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the display of a copy of this geometry mirrored across the XZ plane to either DISPLAYED (true) or NOT_DISPLAYED (false).
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomList
Set the display of a copy of this geometry mirrored across the XZ plane to either DISPLAYED (true) or NOT_DISPLAYED (false).
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointArray
Set the display of a copy of this geometry mirrored across the XZ plane to either DISPLAYED (true) or NOT_DISPLAYED (false).
- setMirrored(boolean) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangle
Set the display of a copy of this geometry mirrored across the XZ plane to either DISPLAYED (true) or NOT_DISPLAYED (false).
- setModDateTime(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
- setMode(int) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Set the mode of the dialog.
- setModifiedMark(JFrame, boolean) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Sets the "Window.documentModified" client property on the frame's root pane to the value indicated.
- setModulus(LargeInteger) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Sets the
modulus for modular arithmetic. - setMouseZoomFactor(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the mouse zoom multiplier factor.
- setName(CharSequence) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElement
Change the name of this data element to the specified name.
- setName(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Change the name of this data element to the specified name (may not be
). - setName(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Change the name of this parameter to the specified name (may not be
). - setName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Change the name of this geometry element to the specified name (may be
to clear the name and make it undefined). - setName(String) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Change the name of this geometry element to the specified name (may be
to clear the name and make it undefined). - setName(String) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Set the name of the application.
- setOpenFileHandler(OpenFilesHandler) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Installs the handler which is notified when the application is asked to open a list of files.
- setOrdinate(int, double) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
OpenGIS® - Throws
as JScience coordinates are immutable. - setOrganization(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
- setOrigin(Point) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Set the origin point for this vector.
- setOrigin(Point) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Set the origin point for this vector.
- setOrigin(Point) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Set the origin point for this vector.
- setOrigin(Point) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Set the origin point for this vector.
- setOverlay(int, BGFGImage) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.BGFGCanvas3D
Set the specified overlay for use for this canvas.
- setOverlayPaint(Paint) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Sets the
used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics. - setParPosition(Curve) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Sets the parametric position on the child object that this curve refers to.
- setParPosition(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Sets the parametric position on the child object that this point refers to.
- setParPosition(Surface) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Sets the range of parametric positions on the child object that this surface refers to.
- setParPosition(T) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Subrange
Sets the parametric position on the child object that this subrange refers to.
- setPDNumber(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Set the first line of parameter data record for the entity as well as number of lines in parameter data record for this entity.
- setPivotComparator(Comparator<Field>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Sets the
comparator used for pivoting ornull
to disable pivoting. - setPointColor(Color) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Sets the color used when rendering points.
- setPointColor(Color) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Sets the color used when rendering points.
- setPointColor(Color) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the color to use when rendering points.
- setPointSize(int) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the size that Point objects are rendered in pixels.
- setPointSize(int) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the size that Point objects are rendered in pixels.
- setPointSize(int) - Static method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the size that Point objects are rendered in pixels.
- setPreferences(Preferences) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Used to set the user preferences for this application.
- setPreferencesHandler(PreferencesHandler) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Installs a handler to show a custom Preference window for your application.
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the prefix String.
- setPreprocessorVersion(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the preprocessor version.
- setProductName(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part.
- setProjectionPolicy(ProjectionPolicy) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Sets the projection policy for this scene.
- setProjectionPolicy(ProjectionPolicy) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Sets the projection policy for this scene.
- setProxyIcon(JFrame, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MacOSUtilities
Set's the title bar proxy icon.
- setQuality(float) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.image.encoders.ImageEncoder
Set the quality of the image encoding (not supported by all ImageEncoders).
- setQuality(float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.JPEGEncoderAdapter
Set the quality of the image encoding.
- setQuality(float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.image.encoders.PNGEncoderAdapter
Set the quality of the image encoding (not supported in this ImageEncoder).
- setQuitHandler(QuitHandler) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Installs the handler which determines if the application should quit.
- setQuitOnClose(boolean) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Sets a flag indicating if the application should quit when the last window is closed (true) or stay open (false; allowing the user to select "New" from the file menu for instance).
- setQuoteChar(char) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Set the character to use as the "quote" character.
- setRangeAxisLabel(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the range or Y-axis label.
- setRangeAxisRange(double, double) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Sets the range axis range to the given values and sets the auto-range flag to false.
- setReferenceCurrency(Currency) - Static method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
Sets the reference currency (context-local).
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
rendering type
for all the objects currently displayed in the entire scene. - setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
rendering type
for all the objects currently displayed in the entire scene. - setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
Set the render type used for this group.
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomList
Set the render type used for this group.
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointArray
Set the render type used for this group.
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DPointString
Set the render type used for this group.
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangle
Set the render type used for this group.
- setRenderType(RenderType) - Method in class geomss.j3d.J3DTriangleList
Set the render type used for this group.
- setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Used to set the resource bundle for this application.
- setReturnEmptyTokens(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Set whether empty tokens should be returned from this point in in the tokenizing process onward.
- setRotation(Matrix3d) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Change the current rotation matrix to the one specified.
- setRotationCenter(Point3d) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the center of rotation on the model for the virtual sphere.
- setRotationCenter(Point3d, double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the center of rotation on the model and the zoom scale for the virtual sphere.
- setSelected(AbstractButton, boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Sets the selected button in the group Only one button in the group can be selected
- setSelected(ButtonModel, boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroup
Sets the selected button model in the group
- setSeriesPaint(int, Paint) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Set the series Paint for a specified series.
- setShapesVisible(boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Method that toggles the display of plot symbols/shapes for each data point plotted.
- setShapesVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Method that toggles the display of plot symbols/shapes for each data point plotted in the given series.
- setStartSection(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Set Start Section string.
- setStroke(int, Stroke) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Set the series stroke for a specified series.
- setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class geomss.ui.PlotXYWindow
Set the base stroke for the chart.
- setSuffix(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the suffix string.
- setSurfaceAlpha(float) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the alpha or transparency used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSurfaceAlpha(float) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the alpha or transparency used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType, Color) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the color (of the specified type) used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSurfaceColor(SurfaceColorType, Color) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the color (of the specified type) used to render surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSurfaceShininess(float) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch.PublicScene
Set the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSurfaceShininess(float) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSScene
Set the shininess used when rendering surfaces and point-arrays.
- setSystemID(String) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
- setSystemLAF() - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Sets the Swing look and feel to hide that hideous default Java LAF.
- setText(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Change the text contained in this parameter.
- setText(CharSequence) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Set the text to be tokenized in this TextTokenizer.
- setTime(Unit<Duration>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Method used to set the time units in this unit set.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class geomss.app.MainWindow
Sets the title for this frame to the specified string.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class geomss.ui.AbstractPlotWindow
Sets the title for this window to the specified string.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomTransform
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTransform(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Sets the transformation represented by this transformation element.
- setTranslationFactor(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier factor.
- setTranslationFactor(double, double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier with xFactor and yFactor respectively.
- setUnit(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Set the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
- setUnitList(Unit[]) - Method in class geomss.ui.DialogItem
Set the array of units.
- setupCallback(MouseBehaviorCallback) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
The transformChanged method in the callback class will be called every time the transform is updated
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElement
Set the user defined object associated with this data element.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Set the user defined object associated with this data element.
- setUserObject(Object) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Set the user defined object associated with this data element.
- setValue(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.DecimalField
Set the text in this text field to the specified value.
- setValue(int, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Set the value of a point dimension to the specified double in the current point units.
- setValue(int, double) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Set the value of a vector dimension to the specified double in the current vector units.
- setView(GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Set the viewing angle for this canvas to one of the pre-set angles.
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.FolderDialog
Shows or hides this Dialog depending on the value of parameter 'visible'.
- setWeight(int, Double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Replaces the weight at the specified position in this linear combination list with the specified weight.
- setWeight(int, Double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Replaces the weight at the specified position in this LinearComboCurve with the specified weight.
- setWheelZoomFactor(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the scroll wheel zoom multiplier with factor.
- setZoomScale(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Set the zoom scale.
- SHARPNOSED_AIRFOIL - Static variable in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTClassFunction
A class function for a sharp-nosed airfoil (supersonic airfoil).
- shiftLeft(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the value of this large integer after performing a binary shift to left.
- shiftRight(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the value of this large integer after performing a binary shift to right with sign extension
(-1 >> 1 == -1)
. - shortValue() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the value of this number as a
. - showException(Component, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that displays a dialog with a scrollable text field that contains the text of a Java exception message.
- showPreferenceDialog() - Method in class geomss.app.AppPreferences
Method that displays a dialog that allows the user to change the application preferences.
- showPreferenceDialog() - Method in class geomss.app.GUIPreferences
Method that displays a dialog that allows the user to change the application preferences.
- showPreferenceDialog() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.swing.Preferences
Method that displays a dialog that allows the user to change the application preferences.
- SI_MKS - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Constant used to indicate that the coherent SI units should be used.
- sign(double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the absolute value of "a" times the sign of "b".
- sign(float, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the absolute value of "a" times the sign of "b".
- sign(int, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the absolute value of "a" times the sign of "b".
- sign(long, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Returns the absolute value of "a" times the sign of "b".
- simpsonsRule(Evaluatable1D, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.Quadrature
Returns the integral of the supplied function from
using Simpson's Rule. - sin(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the trigonometric sine of the specified angle.
- sinh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurve
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the number of
objects that make up this linear combination curve. - size() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the number of elements in this surface (the number of defining curves that make up this surface).
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the total number of control points in this matrix of control points.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the number of child-elements that make up this geometry element.
- size() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Return the number of elements in this array.
- size() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
- size() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Return the size of the binomial coefficient matrix (the maximum binomial index value: (N/N)).
- size() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.util.SizedObject
Return the size of the object.
- size() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the number of variables for this term.
- SizedObject - Interface in jahuwaldt.js.util
An interface for any objects that have a defined size.
- SizedObjectFactory<T extends SizedObject> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.util
This class holds factories to produces objects of variable size/length.
- SizedObjectFactory() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.util.SizedObjectFactory
Default constructor.
- SKY - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The light blue color of the sky.
- SOLID - geomss.j3d.RenderType
- SOLID_PLUS_WIREFRAME - geomss.j3d.RenderType
- solve(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the solution X of the equation: A * X = B with
this = A.lu()
using back and forward substitutions. - solve(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Solves this matrix for the specified matrix (returns
such asthis · x = y
). - solve(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- solve(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Solves this matrix for the specified vector (returns
such asthis · x = y
). - sort() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Method that sorts the values in this array in ascending numerical order.
- sort(int, boolean, Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return a new
with the points in this list sorted into ascending order with respect to the specified coordinate dimension. - spacing(int) - Method in enum geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
Return a list of "n" values between 0 and 1 (inclusive) using this grid spacing type.
- SparseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents a matrix made of
sparse vectors
(as rows). - SparseVector<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents a sparse vector.
- SPECULAR - geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
- SPINDRIFT - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The blue-green color spindrift.
- splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Split this
at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions). - splitAt(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Split this
at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions). - splitAt(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractCurve
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAt(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Split this curve at the specified parametric position returning a list containing two curves (a lower curve with smaller parametric positions than "s" and an upper curve with larger parametric positions).
- splitAtS(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Split this
at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions). - splitAtS(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Split this
at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions). - splitAtS(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Split this
at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions). - splitAtS(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Split this surface at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions).
- splitAtS(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Split this
at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions). - splitAtS(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Split this surface at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions).
- splitAtS(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Split this surface at the specified parametric S-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller S-parametric positions than "s" and an upper surface with larger S-parametric positions).
- splitAtT(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Split this surface at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions).
- splitAtT(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Split this
at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions). - splitAtT(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Split this
at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions). - splitAtT(double) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Split this surface at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions).
- splitAtT(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Split this
at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions). - splitAtT(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Split this surface at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions).
- splitAtT(GeomPoint) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Split this surface at the specified parametric T-position returning a list containing two new surfaces (a lower surface with smaller T-parametric positions than "t" and an upper surface with larger T-parametric positions).
- SpringUtilities - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
- SpringUtilities() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.SpringUtilities
- sqr(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Calculates the square (x^2) of the argument.
- sqr(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with a squared spacing between 0 and 1.
- SQR - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- sqrt() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the square root of this measure.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns one of the two square root of this complex number.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the positive square root of this number.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the square root of this floating point number.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the integer square root of this integer.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the square root of this real number, the more accurate is this real number, the more accurate the square root.
- sqrt() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the square root of this measure.
- sqrt(int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with a square root spacing between 0 and 1.
- SQRT - geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- SQRT_EPS - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
The square-root of EPS.
- SQRT_EPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
The square-root of EPS.
- SQRT_EPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Square-root of the machine epsilon for
. - SQRT_EPSF - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
Square-root of the machine epsilon for
. - standardAboutHandler(ResourceBundle, Logger) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Create an standard about handler for use in this application.
- StandardMacAboutFrame - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
Java and cross-platform implementation of an About box similar to the standard About panel built into the Cocoa framework on Mac OS X.
- StandardMacAboutFrame(String, String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.StandardMacAboutFrame
Construct a standard Mac about frame.
- StandardModel - Class in org.jscience.physics.model
This class represents the standard model.
- StartSection - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The StartSection class encapsulates the IGES Start Section.
- StartSection() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Default constructor.
- StartSection(String) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Initialization constructor.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class geomss.geom.ForwardingChangeListener
- STATIC - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Frame
- STLGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing geometry from/to a binary STL (STereoLithography) formatted geometry file. - STLGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
- STRAWBERRY - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The hot pink color of strawberries.
- StreamedTextViewer - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A window that displays a text area that can be written to using an OutputStream.
- StreamedTextViewer(String) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.StreamedTextViewer
Construct a streamed text area window with the specified title.
- STRINGS - geomss.j3d.RenderType
- stripCounts - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for strip counts if the shape type uses it
- Structure<T> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents a mathematical structure on a set (type).
- subList(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns a view of the portion of this list between fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
- subList(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns a view of the portion of this LinearComboCurve between fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
- subList(int, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns a view of the portion of this list between fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
- subordStatus() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return subordinate status.
- Subrange<T extends GeomElement> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface for
objects that are subranges of otherParametricGeometry
objects. - SubrangeCurve - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aParametricGeometry
object such as aCurve
and a parametric curve on that parametric object. - SubrangePoint - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aParametricGeometry
object such as aCurve
and a parametric position on that parametric object. - SubrangeSurface - Class in geomss.geom
A subrange or trimmed
that is defined by a set of four 2D boundary curves that define the 4 parametric edges of the trimmed surface on the child surface. - Surface<T extends Surface> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface for
objects that are surfaces with 2 parametric dimensions. - SurfaceColorType - Enum in geomss.j3d
An enumeration of surface color type codes.
- SurfaceFactory - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A collection of methods for creating NURBS surfaces
- SurfaceUtils - Class in geomss.geom.nurbs
A collection of utility methods for working with NURBS surfaces.
- SurfaceUtils() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.nurbs.SurfaceUtils
- TabDataReader - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
This class translates data between a list of DataSet data structures and a stream containing tab, space, or comma delimited columns of array data with a single line header indicating the names of the parameters and an optional second line indicating the units of each parameter.
- TabDataReader() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
- tan(Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the trigonometric tangent of the specified angle.
- TANGERINE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The dark orange color of a tangerine.
- tanh(double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.MathTools
- tanh(int, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GridSpacing
Returns a list of values with a hyperbolic tangent spacing between 0 and 1.
- TEAL - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The blue-green color teal.
- TecplotGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing geometry from/to an Tecplot ASCII formatted triangle file. - TecplotGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
- TemporalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a 1 dimensional temporal reference system.
- TemporalCRS() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.TemporalCRS
- tensor(DCMatrix) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another matrix (Kronecker product).
- tensor(Matrix) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another (Kronecker product).
- tensor(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- tensor(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another (Kronecker product).
- tensor(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- tensor(Matrix<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- tensor(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- Term - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents the term of a
such asx·y²
. - Term - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Globalized terminate character.
- test(int, int) - Static method in class geomss.app.Test4Java3D
Call this method to test for Java3D.
- Test4Java3D - Class in geomss.app
A class used to test for the existence of Java3D.
- Test4Java3D() - Constructor for class geomss.app.Test4Java3D
- texCoordIndexes - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Storage for texture coordinate index information if the shape type requires it.
- TextParam - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A class that represents a text/note parameter.
- TextTokenizer - Class in jahuwaldt.js.util
The text tokenizer class allows an application to break a
object into tokens. - TEXTURE_2D_DATA - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for 2D Texture coordinate data to be produced
- TEXTURE_3D_DATA - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Request for 3D Texture coordinate data to be produced
- textureCoordinates - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Texture coordinate information if requested.
- TFISurface - Class in geomss.geom
Represents a bi-linearly blended transfinite interpolation (TFI) or Coons patch surface defined from four boundary curves.
- THETA - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
The index to the angular component of this axis angle rotation representation.
- thin() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with every other row (string of points) and column (points in the strings) removed. - thin() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a new
that is identical to this string but with every other point removed. - thinColumns() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with every other column (points in strings) removed. - thinKnotsToTolerance(BasicNurbsCurve, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.CurveUtils
Attempt to minimize the number of knots in the specified NURBS curve while maintaining the same shape (to within tolerance) of the original curve.
- thinRows() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is identical to this array but with every other row (string of points) removed. - threePointCircle(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Find a circle that passes through the supplied (not co-linear) points.
- time() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the duration of time units for this unit set.
- Time - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the
UTC time coordinates. - Time(double, Unit<Duration>) - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
Creates the temporal position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- TIME - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- TIME_CS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.TemporalCRS
Holds the time coordinate system.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient (dimensionless).
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient (dimensionless).
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a new control point with the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the product of this point with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient (dimensionless).
- times(double) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient (dimensionless).
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the product of this set of Euler angles with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns this measure scaled by the specified approximate factor (dimensionless).
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the product of this quaternion with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns this complex multiplied by the specified factor.
- times(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the product of this number with the specified value.
- times(double) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Equivalent to
- times(double) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure scaled by the specified approximate factor (dimensionless).
- times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the product of this floating point number with the specified
multiplier. - times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the product of this number with the specified value.
- times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the product of this large integer with the specified
multiplier. - times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the product of this rational number with the specified
multiplier. - times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the product of this real number with the specified
multiplier. - times(long) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns this measure scaled by the specified exact factor (dimensionless).
- times(F) - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.VectorSpace
Returns the scalar multiplication of this vector by the specified field element.
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- times(F) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(G) - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.GroupMultiplicative
Returns the product of this object with the one specified.
- times(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of this vector with the one specified.
- times(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of this vector with the one specified.
- times(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of this vector with the one specified.
- times(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the dot product (scalar product) of this vector with the one specified.
- times(GTransform) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
- times(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the product of this measure with the one specified.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the product of this vector with the specified coefficient.
- times(Parameter<Dimensionless>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the product of this point with the specified dimensionless Parameter.
- times(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the product of this rotation transform with the specified rotation transform.
- times(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the product of this direction cosine matrix and another rotation transform.
- times(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the product of this set of Euler angles and the specified rotation transform.
- times(Rotation<?>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the quaternion product of this quaternion with the specified rotation transform.
- times(Rotation<?>) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Returns the product of this attitude transformation and another.
- times(Function<F, F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- times(Function<R, R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- times(Function<X, Y>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the product of this function with the one specified.
- times(Polynomial<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the product of two polynomials.
- times(RationalFunction<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the product of two rational functions.
- times(Term) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Return the product of this term with the one specified.
- times(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the product of this complex with the one specified.
- times(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- times(Complex) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- times(Float64) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
- times(Float64) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the product of this quaternion with the specified coefficient.
- times(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the product of this number with the one specified.
- times(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- times(Float64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- times(FloatingPoint) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the product of this floating point number with the one specified.
- times(Integer64) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the product of this number with the one specified.
- times(LargeInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the product of this large integer with the one specified.
- times(ModuloInteger) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
- times(Rational) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the product of this rational number with the one specified.
- times(Real) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the product of this real number with the one specified.
- times(Matrix) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
- times(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- times(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
- times(Matrix<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- times(Matrix<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- times(Matrix<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- times(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- times(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
- times(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- times(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- times(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
- times(Vector<F>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the dot product of this vector with the one specified.
- times(Vector<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- times(Vector<Complex>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
- times(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
- times(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- times(Vector<Float64>) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
- times(Amount) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the product of this measure with the one specified.
- times(R) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns the product of this polynomial with a constant polynomial having the specified value (convenience method).
- times(R) - Method in interface org.jscience.mathematics.structure.Ring
Returns the product of this object with the one specified.
- times10pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the value of this large integer after multiplication by a power of ten.
- times2pow(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the value of this large integer after multiplication by a power of two.
- timesEBE(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- timesEBE(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- timesEBE(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- timesEBE(GeomVector<?>) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- timesEBE(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- timesEBE(Vector) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the element-by-element product of this vector with the one specified.
- to(Unit) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Angle>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the equivalent to this set of Euler angles but stated in the specified angle unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns the equivalent to this list object but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the equivalent of this GeomPointTrans object that has a child point in the specified units.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the equivalent to this LinearComboCurve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the equivalent to this LineSegment object but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns the equivalent to this note but with the location stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Returns the equivalent to this note but with the location stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the equivalent to this point but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns the equivalent to this note but with the location stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Returns the equivalent to this note but with the location stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the equivalent to this control point but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the equivalent to this control point network but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Returns the equivalent to this parametric object but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the equivalent to this point but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.PointGeometry
Returns the equivalent to this point geometry object but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the equivalent to this curve but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the equivalent to this point but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the equivalent to this surface but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Returns the equivalent to this list but with all the elements stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Returns the equivalent to this element but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Returns the equivalent to this parameter but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns the parameter equivalent to this parameter but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.UnitParameter
Returns the parameter equivalent to this parameter but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns the equivalent to this vector but with the radius and height stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the equivalent to this matrix but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the measure equivalent to this measure but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns the equivalent to this vector but with the magnitude stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns the equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
- to(Unit<R>) - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the measure equivalent to this measure but stated in the specified unit.
- toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
- toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the values stored in this point as a Java array, stated in the current
. - toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the values stored in this vector as a Java array, stated in the current
. - toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an array containing all of the curves in this collection.
- toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
- toArray() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the values stored in this control point as a Java array, stated in the current
with the weight tacked onto the end of the array. - toArray() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns a new Java array that contains the values of the coordinates of this vector in the current units.
- toArray(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the values stored in this point, stated in the current
stored in the input Java array. - toArray(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the values stored in this vector, stated in the current
stored in the input Java array. - toArray(double[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the values stored in this control point, with the coordinate point stated in the current
and the weight tacked onto the end, stored in the input Java array. - toArray(double[]) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Fills the input Java array with the values of the coordinates of this vector in the current units.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an array containing all of the curves in this collection.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
- toByteArray(byte[], int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the two's-complement binary representation of this large integer.
- toDCM() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns a direction cosine transformation matrix from this axis/angle rotation.
- toDCM() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a direction cosine transformation matrix from this rotation transformation.
- toDCM() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns a direction cosine transformation matrix from this set of Euler angles.
- toDCM() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a direction cosine transformation matrix from this quaternion.
- toDCM() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Returns a direction cosine transformation matrix from this attitude transformation.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return the equivalent of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return the equivalent of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a copy of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Return a copy of this element converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Return a copy of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Return a copy of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Return a copy of this plane converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlaneTrans
Return the equivalent of this plane converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Return the equivalent of this point converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Return a copy of this vector converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return the equivalent of this LinearComboCurve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Return a copy of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return the equivalent of this line segment converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return the equivalent of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Return the equivalent of this note converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.ModelNoteTrans
Return the equivalent of this note converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Return the equivalent of this point converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Return a copy of this vector converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Note
Return the equivalent of this note converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.NoteTrans
Return the equivalent of this note converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Return the equivalent of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsSurface
Return the equivalent of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return the equivalent of this control point network converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurveTrans
Return the equivalent of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurfaceTrans
Return the equivalent of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.ParametricGeometry
Return a copy of this parametric geometry converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Return the equivalent of this plane converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Return the equivalent of this point converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return the equivalent of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return the equivalent of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return the equivalent of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return the equivalent of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return the equivalent of this curve converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Return the equivalent of this point converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return the equivalent of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a copy of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return the equivalent of this surface converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Return a copy of this Triangle converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a copy of this list converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleTrans
Return a copy of this Triangle converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Return a copy of this vector converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDimension(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Return the equivalent of this vector converted to the specified number of physical dimensions.
- toDouble(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Converts the string to an double.
- toFloat64Matrix() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the equivalent of this direction cosine matrix as a Float64Matix.
- toFloat64Matrix() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a Float64Matrix containing the data in this matrix in the current units of this matrix.
- toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the values stored in this point, stated in the current
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns the values stored in this transformed point, stated in this point's
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns a
containing the elements of this vector stated in the current units. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns the values stored in this point, stated in this point's
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
containing the elements of this vector stated in the current units. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the values stored in this control point, with the coordinate points stated in this point's unit and the weight tacked onto the end as a Float64Vector.
- toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns the values stored in this point, stated in this point's
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns the values stored in this transformed point, stated in this point's
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
containing the elements of this vector stated in the current units. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns a
containing the elements of this vector stated in the current units. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the values stored in this set of Euler angles, in the current units, as a Float64Vector with the values ordered (1st axis angle, 2nd axis angle, 3rd axis angle).
- toFloat64Vector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns the values stored in this vector, stated in this vector's
, as a Float64Vector. - toFloat64Vector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the values stored in this vector as a Float64Vector with the values ordered (x, y, z, w).
- toFloat64Vector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns double the values stored in this vector, stated in this vector's
, as a Float64Vector. - toGeomVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a
representation of this point. - toInt(String) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Converts the string to an integer.
- toLeftMatrix() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a 4x4 matrix version of this quaternion used to multiply on the left (q*p = Lq*p) where "Lq" is the matrix returned by this method and "p" is treated as a 4-element column vector.
- toMatrix() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the equivalent of this direction cosine matrix as a Java 2D matrix.
- toNurbs() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return a NURBS curve representation of this line segment.
- toNurbs() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve.
- toNurbs() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.BasicCSTCurve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTCurveTrans
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Curve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Return a NURBS curve representation of this line segment.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegTrans
Return a transformed NURBS curve representation of this line segment.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Return a NURBS curve representation of this curve to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface to within the specified tolerance.
- toNurbs(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a NURBS surface representation of this surface to within the specified tolerance.
- TOP - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- TOP_LEFT_BACK - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- TOP_LEFT_FRONT - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- TOP_RIGHT_BACK - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- TOP_RIGHT_FRONT - geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
- toParameterVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a ParameterVector representation of this point.
- toParameterVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns a
representation of this vector. - toParameterVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
representation of this vector. - toParameterVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
representation of this vector. - toParameterVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns a
representation of this vector. - toQuaternion() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns a quaternion representing this rotation transformation.
- toQuaternion() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a
constructed from the this transformation matrix. - toQuaternion() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns a quaternion from this set of Euler angles.
- toQuaternion() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a quaternion representing this attitude transformation.
- toQuaternion() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Returns a quaternion representing this attitude transformation.
- toRightMatrix() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a 4x4 matrix version of this quaternion used to multiply on the right (p*q = p*Rq) where "Rq" is the matrix returned by this method and "p" is treated as a 4-element column vector.
- torque() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the torque units.
- TORQUE - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- toSkewSymmetric() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix representation of the values in this vector stated in this vector's
. - toStandardUnit() - Method in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Returns a string representation of this geometry element.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
Return a String representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in enum geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a string representation of this matrix.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the String representation of this control point that consists of the the geometry coordinate values followed by the weighting factor.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the String representation of this control point matrix that consists of the control points listed out.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the string representation of this knot vector that consists of the degree followed by the knot values.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GGPGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity100_CircularArc
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity104_ConicArc
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_CopiousData
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_Plane
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity112_ParSplineCurve
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_0_RuledSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_1_RuledSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity118_RuledSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity124_TransformationMatrix
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity308_Subfigure
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_Associativity
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity404_Drawing
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity408_SingularSubfigure
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity410_View
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Dump to String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return info on the whole part as a String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Dump to a String.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Dump to string.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.LaWGSGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.POIGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TecplotGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Cambered
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModCambered
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4ModUncambered
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA4Uncambered
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Cambered
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA5Reflexed
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.aero.airfoils.NACA6Series
Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Create a string representation of this data element which simply consists of the element's name.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Create a String representation of this parameter which simply consists of the parameter's name.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Create a String representation of this parameter which consists of the parameter's name + value + units.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Create a string representation of this parameter which consists of the parameter's name and text.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractRotation
Returns the text representation of this rotation transform as a
. - toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the text representation of this parameter as a
. - toString() - Method in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
Return a String representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in exception jahuwaldt.tools.math.IntegratorException
Returns a short description of the IntegratorException.
- toString() - Method in exception jahuwaldt.tools.math.RootException
Returns a short description of the RootException.
- toString() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
Returns the text representation of these coordinates as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the text representation of this function as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the text representation of this term as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the text representation of this number as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the text representation of this matrix as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the text representation of this vector as a
. - toString() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the text representation of this amount as a
. - toString(int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Return a specific entity as a String.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomElement
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractNote
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the text string followed by the coordinate position.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenModelNote
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the text string, the orienting plane and location, and the text box height.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GenScreenNote
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the text string followed by the coordinate position.
- toText() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeomElement
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPlane
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the equation of a plane.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the coordinate values.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomTriangle
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the three defining points.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the vector axis values.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the text representation of this matrix.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.LineSegment
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the start and end points.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.BasicNurbsCurve
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the control point values, followed by the knot vector.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns the text representation of this control point that consists of the the geometry coordinate values followed by the weighting factor.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns the text representation of this control point matrix that consists of the the control points listed out.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.KnotVector
Returns the text representation of this knot vector that consists of the degree followed by the knot values.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsCurve
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the control point values, followed by the knot vector.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Returns the text representation of this geometry element that consists of the name followed by the control point values, followed by the knot vectors.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeCurve
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Returns the text representation of this geometry element.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Create a Text representation of this data element which simply consists of the element's name.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataParam
Create a Text representation of this parameter which simply consists of the parameter's name.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Create a Text representation of this parameter which consists of the parameter's name, value and unit.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Create a Text representation of this parameter which consists of the parameter's name and text.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.math.BinomialCoef
Returns the text representation of this binomial coefficient matrix.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the text representation of this rotation transform.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the text representation of this direction cosine matrix.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the text representation of this set of Euler angles.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the text representation of this parameter.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the text representation of this quaternion.
- toText() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Returns the same value as the
method. - toText() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Coordinates
Returns the string representation of this coordinates.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.DiscreteFunction
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Function
Returns the textual representation of this real-time object (equivalent to
except that the returned value can be allocated from the local context space). - toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Returns the text representation of this term.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the text representation of this complex number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the text representation of this number using the current
. - toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the text representation of the current modulo value of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Number
Returns the textual representation of this real-time object (equivalent to
except that the returned value can be allocated from the local context space). - toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the decimal text representation of this number.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the text representation of this matrix.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Vector
Returns the text representation of this vector.
- toText() - Method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the text representation of this measure.
- toText(int) - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the text representation of this number in the specified radix.
- toUnit() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns this quaternion with unit length (a versor).
- toUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toUnitVector() - Method in class geomss.geom.VectorTrans
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toUnitVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector with a vector magnitude of 1.0.
- toUnitVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector with a vector magnitude of 1.0.
- toUnitVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toUnitVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector with a vector magnitude of 1.0.
- toUnitVector() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns this vector converted to a unit vector by dividing all the vector's elements by the length (
) of this vector. - toVector(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the x/y/z coordinates value as a 3-dimensional vector.
- toVector3D() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Returns a Vector3D representation of this point if possible.
- toVector3D() - Method in class geomss.geom.GeomPointTrans
Returns a Vector3D representation of this transformed point if possible.
- toVector3D() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangePoint
Returns a Vector3D representation of this transformed point if possible.
- toVector3D() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AbstractParamVector
Returns a Vector3D representation of this vector if possible.
- toVector3D() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a Cartesian Vector3D representation of this vector.
- toVector3D() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a Vector3D representation of this vector if possible.
- toVector3D() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a Cartesian Vector3D representation of this vector.
- toVector3D() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a Cartesian Vector3D representation of this vector.
- toVertData(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Convert this list of Triangle objects into a TriangleVertData structure with a non-repeating (unique) list of vertices, non-degenerate triangles defined by indices into the list of vertices, areas of all the triangles, and normals for all the triangles.
- toWKT() - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem
OpenGIS® - Returns a Well Known Text (WKT) for this object.
- tP - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Planck time (lP/c)
- trace() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the trace of this matrix.
- TransferActionListener - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A class that tracks the focused component.
- TransferActionListener() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.TransferActionListener
- transform(GeomPoint) - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Transform the input point by multiplying it times this general transformation matrix.
- transform(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Transforms a 3D vector from frame A to B using this axis/angle rotation.
- transform(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Transforms a 3D vector from frame A to B using this rotation transformation.
- transform(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Transforms a 3D vector from frame A to B using this set of Euler angles.
- transform(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Transforms a 3D vector from frame A to B using this quaternion.
- transform(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Transforms a 3D vector from frame A to B using this attitude transformation.
- Transformable<T extends GeomElement> - Interface in geomss.geom
Defines the interface in common to all transformable geometry elements.
- transformChanged(TransformChangeEvent) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeListener
Invoked when the transform being listened to has changed.
- transformChanged(Transform3D) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform.
- TransformChangeEvent - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
An even that represents a change in a transform.
- TransformChangeEvent(Object, TransformChangeEvent.Type, Transform3D) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent
Construct a new event using the specified source, type code and transform.
- TransformChangeEvent.Type - Enum in jahuwaldt.j3d
The type of change that has been made to the transform.
- TransformChangeListener - Interface in jahuwaldt.j3d
A listener for changes to a transform.
- translate(float[][], int, float[][], float, float, float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
- translate(float[][], int, float, float, float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate, in place, the coordintes by the given amount in each direction.
- translate(float[], int, float[], float, float, float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate the coordintes by the given amount in each direction and place them in the destination array.
- translate(float[], int, float, float, float) - Method in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.CoordinateUtils
Translate, in place, the coordintes by the given amount in each direction.
- TRANSLATE - jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent.Type
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractSurface
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException as this method is not supported for this object type! Subclasses that do support transpose() should override this method.
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the transpose of this matrix.
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one but with the transpose of the parameterization of this surface.
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Return a new control point network that is the transpose of this network (the rows & columns are swapped).
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.NurbsSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one but with the transpose of the parameterization of this surface.
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Returns a new
that is the transpose this array (rows and columns swapped). - transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.SubrangeSurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one but with the transpose of the parameterization of this surface.
- transpose() - Method in interface geomss.geom.Surface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one but with the transpose of the parameterization of this surface.
- transpose() - Method in class geomss.geom.TFISurface
Return a new surface that is identical to this one but with the transpose of the parameterization of this surface.
- transpose() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns the spatial inverse of this transformation: AB rather than BA.
- transpose() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the transpose of this matrix.
- transpose() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns the spatial inverse of this transformation: AB rather than BA.
- transpose() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the transpose of this matrix.
- transpose() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns the spatial inverse of this transformation: AB rather than BA.
- transpose() - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.param.Rotation
Returns the spatial inverse of this transformation: AB rather than BA.
- transpose() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- transpose() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- transpose() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- transpose() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the transpose of this matrix.
- transpose() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- TREETOPSDataReader - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
This class reads data from a NASA TREETOPS/CLVTOPS *.dat and matching *.crf file and returns a list of DataSet data structures containing the simulation data.
- TREETOPSDataReader() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
- Triangle - Class in geomss.geom
A concrete triangle in n-dimensional space.
- TRIANGLE_FANS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a triangle fan array(s)
- TRIANGLE_STRIPS - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as a triangle strip array(s)
- TriangleList<E extends GeomTriangle> - Class in geomss.geom
A concrete list of
objects. - TriangleListShape3D - Class in geomss.j3d
A Shape3D object based on a
. - TriangleListShape3D(GeomElement, TriangleList<? extends GeomTriangle>) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.TriangleListShape3D
Construct a TriangleListShape3D object from the specified
. - TriangleListShape3D(GeomElement, TriangleList<? extends GeomTriangle>, Appearance) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.TriangleListShape3D
Construct a TriangleListShape3D object from the specified
. - TriangleListShape3D(GeomElement, TriangleList<? extends GeomTriangle>, Appearance, boolean) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.TriangleListShape3D
Construct a TriangleListShape3D object from the specified
. - TRIANGLES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
Generate the geometry as individual unindexed triangles
- TriangleShape3D - Class in geomss.j3d
A Shape3D object based on a
. - TriangleShape3D(GeomElement, GeomTriangle) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.TriangleShape3D
Construct a TriangleShape3D object from the specified AbstactTriangle.
- TriangleShape3D(GeomElement, GeomTriangle, Appearance) - Constructor for class geomss.j3d.TriangleShape3D
Construct a TriangleShape3D object from the specified AbstactTriangle.
- TriangleTrans - Class in geomss.geom
object that refers to aTriangle
object and masquerades as a Triangle object itself. - TriangleVertData - Class in geomss.geom
An simple container that packages together information about a list of triangles.
- triangulate() - Method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a TriangleList containing a simple triangulation of the input array of quadrilateral panels.
- triangulateQuads(PointArray<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a TriangleList containing a simple triangulation of the input array of quadrilateral panels.
- TRIGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing geometry from/to an Cart3D ASCII configuration TRI (TRIangulation) formatted geometry file. - TRIGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
- tris - Variable in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
The array of indexes into the "vertices" list for the vertices of each triangle.
- TURQUOISE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The light blue color of turquoise.
- TWD - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The Taiwanese dollar currency.
- two_π - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds 2·
. - TWOPI_ANGLE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An angular measure of
or 360 degrees. - twoPointTangentCircle(GeomPoint, GeomVector, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomUtil
Finds a circle that passes through the two specified points with the specified tangent vector at the start.
- TYPE_CHAR - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Character type identifier.
- TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Real type identifier.
- TYPE_INT - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Integer type identifier.
- TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
String type identifier.
- undo() - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.JButtonGroupEdit
Undo the edit that was made.
- undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class jahuwaldt.swing.undo.ExtendedUndoManager
When an edit is sent to us, call addEdit() to notify any of our listeners.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel - Class in jahuwaldt.swing
A DefaultTableModel that has been modified to mark the cells as uneditable.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel() - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a default UneditableDefaultTableModel which is a table of zero columns and zero rows.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(int, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a UneditableDefaultTableModel with rowCount and columnCount of null object values.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(Object[][], Object[]) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a DefaultTableModel and initializes the table by passing data and columnNames to the setDataVector method.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(Object[], int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a UneditableDefaultTableModel with as many columns as there are elements in columnNames and rowCount of null object values.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(List, List) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a UneditableDefaultTableModel and initializes the table by passing data and columnNames to the setDataVector method.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(Vector, int) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a UneditableDefaultTableModel with as many columns as there are elements in columnNames and rowCount of null object values.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.swing.UneditableDefaultTableModel
Constructs a UneditableDefaultTableModel and initializes the table by passing data and columnNames to the setDataVector method.
- ungzip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Un-GZIP the compressed src file writing the uncompressed data to the destination file.
- ungzip(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Un-GZIP the compressed input stream and write the uncompressed data to the specified output stream.
- unique(Parameter<Length>) - Method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Returns a new PointString that contains the points in this PointString with all duplicate points removed.
- unit - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Globalized length units for the file.
- UNIT - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.unit.Inertia
Holds the SI unit (Système International d'Unités) for this quantity.
- UNIT_X - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A unit vector in the X axis direction.
- UNIT_Y - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A unit vector in the Y axis direction.
- UNIT_Z - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A unit vector in the Z axis direction.
- UnitParameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,E extends UnitParameter> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.datareader
A class that represents a parameter in a case that has units associated with it.
- UnitSet - Class in jahuwaldt.js.unit
A class that contains a set of units (generally made self-consistent if not coherent) and also provides lists (sets) of related units.
- UnitSet(UnitSet.UnitSystem) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Construct a coherent set of units based on the system identification provided.
- UnitSet.SetType - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.unit
The different unit set types in this collection.
- UnitSet.UnitSystem - Enum in jahuwaldt.js.unit
The type of unit system being used.
- unmodifiable() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataElementList
Returns the unmodifiable view associated to this collection.
- unmodifiableList() - Method in class geomss.geom.AbstractGeomList
Returns an unmodifiable list view associated to this list.
- unmodifiableList() - Method in interface geomss.geom.GeometryList
Returns an unmodifiable list view associated to this list.
- unmodifiableList() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an unmodifiable list view of the curves in this list.
- unmodifiableList() - Method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Returns an unmodifiable list view of the curves in this surface.
- unmodifiableWeightList() - Method in interface geomss.geom.LinearCombination
Returns an unmodifiable list view of the list of weights in this linear combination.
- unmodifiableWeightList() - Method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Returns an unmodifiable list view of the weights in this list.
- UnsupportedTypeException - Exception in jahuwaldt.j3d.geom
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation types is not known or understood.
- UnsupportedTypeException() - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.UnsupportedTypeException
Create a blank exception with no message
- UnsupportedTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.UnsupportedTypeException
Create an exception that contains the given message.
- UPS_FALSE_EASTING - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UPS "false easting" value.
- UPS_FALSE_NORTHING - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UPS "false northing" value.
- UPS_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UPS scale factor.
- upsToLatLong(UTM, ReferenceEllipsoid) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Converts the UPS coordinates to latitude/longitude coordinates, based on the specified reference ellipsoid.
- US - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
The IGES ASCII file format must always be written using the US locale.
- US_FPS - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Constant used to indicate that coherent US Customary units (ft-lbm-sec) should be used.
- US_FSS - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Constant used to indicate that coherent US Customary units (ft-slug-sec) should be used.
- USD - Static variable in class org.jscience.economics.money.Currency
The United State dollar currency.
- USERDATA_KEY - Static variable in class geomss.j3d.J3DGeomGroup
The key used to store this instance in the user data of the supplied GeomElement object.
- userEnteredInteger(Component, String, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that returns the bounded integer value that a user has entered in a standard input dialog.
- userSelectionFromArray(Component, Object, String, int, Object[], Object) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.AppUtilities
Method that returns the index to an option that a user has selected from an array of options using a standard input dialog.
- useStatus() - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Return usage status.
- UTM - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid. - UTM_FALSE_EASTING - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UTM "false easting" value.
- UTM_FALSE_NORTHING - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UTM "false northing" value.
- UTM_NORTHERN_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The northern limit of the UTM grid.
- UTM_SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The UTM scale factor.
- UTM_SOUTHERN_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
The southern limit of the UTM grid.
- utmToLatLong(UTM, ReferenceEllipsoid) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Converts the UTM coordinates to latitude/longitude coordinates, based on the specified reference ellipsoid.
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- validate() - Method in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit
- validate() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests
- valueOf(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer of specified two's-complement binary representation.
- valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the 64 bits float from the specified
value. - valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the floating point number for the specified
value (convenience method). - valueOf(double) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the real number (inexact except for
) corresponding to the specifieddouble
value. - valueOf(double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values stated in meters. - valueOf(double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a dimensionless
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values. - valueOf(double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values stated in meters. - valueOf(double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a dimensionless
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values. - valueOf(double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values for the quaternion elements in the order (x, y, z, w). - valueOf(double...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns a new vector holding the specified
values. - valueOf(double[][]) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
Returns a dense matrix from a 2-dimensional array of
values. - valueOf(double[][], Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a
instance containing the specified matrix of double values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(double, double) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the complex number having the specified real and imaginary components.
- valueOf(double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a 2D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in meters. - valueOf(double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix holding the specified diagonal vector with zeros placed in all the other elements.
- valueOf(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix holding the specified diagonal vector with zeros placed in all the other elements.
- valueOf(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a 3D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in meters. - valueOf(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values for the quaternion elements. - valueOf(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix from a sequence of 9
values. - valueOf(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns 3D matrix from a sequence of 9
values. - valueOf(double, double, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a 3D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a
instance with the specified 3D plane equation values. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a 3D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a 2D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a 3D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the spatial position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Q>, Unit<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, double, Unit<Q>, Unit<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, Unit<Angle>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.LatLong
Returns the surface position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a 2D
instance holding the specifieddouble
value stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a 2D
instance holding the specifieddouble
value stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a 2D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the measure corresponding to the specified approximate value and measurement error, both stated in the specified unit.
- valueOf(double, Unit<Duration>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
Returns the temporal position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a 1D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a 1D
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Altitude
Returns the vertical position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Height
Returns the vertical position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the measure corresponding to a value (
) stated in the specified unit. - valueOf(double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the measure corresponding to an approximate value (
) stated in the specified unit; the precision of the measure is assumed to be thedouble
precision (64 bits IEEE 754 format). - valueOf(int, char, double, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.UTM
Returns the projected UTM position corresponding to the specified coordinates.
- valueOf(int, F, int, F) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
Returns a sparse vector having a single element at the specified index.
- valueOf(int, F, Map<Index, F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
Returns a sparse vector from the specified index to element mapping.
- valueOf(int, Curve...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a LoftedSurface made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(int, Collection<? extends Curve>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a LoftedSurface made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the floating point number for the specified
value (convenience method). - valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the 64 bits integer from the specified
value. - valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer of specified
value. - valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the exact real number corresponding to the specified
value (convenience method). - valueOf(long, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the floating point number for the specified
significand and power of two exponent (convenience method). - valueOf(long, long) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the rational number for the specified integer dividend and divisor.
- valueOf(long, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the exact measure corresponding to the value stated in the specified unit.
- valueOf(E...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return a PointString made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(E...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a TriangleList containing the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(F...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
Returns a dense vector holding the specified elements.
- valueOf(F[][]) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
Returns a dense matrix from the specified 2-dimensional array.
- valueOf(Curve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns a
that represents a straight line between the end points of the input curve. - valueOf(Curve...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return a LinearComboCurve made up of the
objects in the specified array each with a default weight of 1.0. - valueOf(GeomElement...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Return a GeomList containing the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance containing the specified GeomPoint's data. - valueOf(GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedGeomPoint
values. - valueOf(GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance containing the specified GeomPoint's data. - valueOf(GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedGeomPoint
values. - valueOf(GeomPoint[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns a
instance with the specified corner vertices in counter-clockwise order/winding when looking down the surface normal vector. - valueOf(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a
instance that contains the specified 3 independent points. - valueOf(GeomPoint, GeomPoint, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns a
instance with the specified corner vertices in counter-clockwise order/winding when looking down the surface normal vector. - valueOf(GeomTriangle) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a
instance that contains the specified triangle. - valueOf(GeomVector<?>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance that represents the direction elements of the specified GeomVector given in length or dimensionless units. - valueOf(GeomVector<?>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance that represents the direction elements of the specified GeomVector given in length or dimensionless units. - valueOf(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a
instance with the specified normal vector and plane equation constant. - valueOf(GeomVector<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Plane
Returns a
instance with the specified normal vector and plane equation constant. - valueOf(GeomVector<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified GeomVector values. - valueOf(GeomVector<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance containing the specified GeomVector values. - valueOf(GeomVector, GeomVector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a
instance representing the transformation from one axis direction directly to another. - valueOf(ModelNote) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Returns a new ModelNote instance that is identical to the specified ModelNote.
- valueOf(Note) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Note
Returns a new Note instance that is identical to the specified Note.
- valueOf(ControlPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance containing the specified ControlPoint's data. - valueOf(ControlPoint[][]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a
instance made up of the control points in the specified java matrix. - valueOf(ControlPointNet) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a
instance made up of the control points contained in the specified network. - valueOf(NurbsCurve) - Static method in class geomss.geom.cst.CSTShapeFunction
Construct a new shape function from the specified 1D basis function Bezier curve.
- valueOf(Point) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance containing the specified Point's data. - valueOf(PointArray...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return a PointComponent made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(PointComponent...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return a PointVehicle made up of the
objects in the specified list. - valueOf(Point, double) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance containing the specified Point's data. - valueOf(Point, GeomVector<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns a
instance with the specified start point and direction/length vector. - valueOf(Point, Point) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LineSeg
Returns a
instance with the specified end points. - valueOf(PointString<E>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a PointArray made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance holding the specified@link jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D Coordinate3D
values. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance holding the specified@link jahuwaldt.js.param.Coordinate3D Coordinate3D
values. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a
instance containing the cylindrical coordinate representation of the specifiedcoordinate
. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a
instance containing the polar coordinate representation of the specifiedcoordinate
. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Q>, Unit<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a
instance containing the cylindrical coordinate representation of the specifiedcoordinate
. - valueOf(Coordinate3D<Q>, Unit<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a
instance containing the polar coordinate representation of the specifiedcoordinate
. - valueOf(Coordinate3D, Coordinate3D, int, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Return a new
instance constructed from the specified axis pair. - valueOf(EulerAngles.Axis, EulerAngles.Parity, boolean, EulerAngles.Frame) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns the Order that corresponds to the specified order parts.
- valueOf(Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>, EulerAngles.Order) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns an
instance holding the specifiedParameter<Angle>
values for the rotation angle elements and the specified Euler order information. - valueOf(Parameter<Length>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Length>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>...) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Polar3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Angle>, Parameter<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Cylindrical3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Q>, Parameter<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(Rotation) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a
instance containing a copy of the specified rotation transformation. - valueOf(Rotation<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns a new
instance constructed from the specified rotation transform. - valueOf(Rotation<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a
instance equivalent to the specified rotation transform. - valueOf(Rotation<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a new
instance constructed from the specified rotation transform. - valueOf(Rotation<?>, EulerAngles.Order) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns an
object constructed from the specified rotation transformation. - valueOf(Rotation, double, Vector<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a
instance containing the specified rotation transformation, uniform scale factor, and translation vector. - valueOf(Vector3D<?>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
Returns a
instance containing the specified rotation axis and rotation angle. - valueOf(Vector3D<Angle>, EulerAngles.Axis, EulerAngles.Parity, boolean, EulerAngles.Frame) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns an
instance holding the specifiedVector3D<Angle>
values for the rotation angle elements and the specified Euler order information. - valueOf(Vector3D<Angle>, EulerAngles.Order) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Returns an
instance holding the specifiedVector3D<Angle>
values for the rotation angle elements and the specified Euler order information. - valueOf(Vector3D<Dimensionless>, double) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a
instance containing the specified unit vector and scalar. - valueOf(Vector3D<Dimensionless>, Parameter<Angle>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a
representing a rotation about an arbitrary axis. - valueOf(Vector3D<Q>, Vector3D<Q>, Vector3D<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Returns the measure represented by the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Return a text tokenizer for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
Returns the complex number for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
Returns the number for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the floating point number for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
Returns the number for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer for the specified character sequence using the current
. - valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the modulo integer for the specified character sequence in decimal number.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the rational number for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns the real for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Returns the measure represented by the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence, double, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ScalarParam
Returns a scalar with the specified name, value and units.
- valueOf(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer for the specified character sequence in the specified radix.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomPoint) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Note
Construct and return a new instance of a Note that uses the specified text string, the default display font, and is located at the specified location in space.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomPoint, int) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Note
Construct and return a new instance of a Note that uses the specified text string, the default display font at the specified size, and is located at the specified location in space.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Construct and return a new instance of a ModelNote that uses the specified text string, the default display font at the specified size, and is located parallel to the the XY plane with the xhat in the X-axis direction, yhat in the Y-axis direction.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomPoint, Font) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Note
Construct and return a new instance of a Note that uses the specified text string, the specified display font, and is located at the specified location in space.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Construct and return a new instance of a ModelNote that uses the specified text string, the default display font at the specified size, and is located at the location and orientation in space specified by the input plane.
- valueOf(CharSequence, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomVector<Dimensionless>, GeomPoint, Font, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Construct and return a new instance of a ModelNote that uses the specified text string, the specified display font, is located at the location and orientation in space specified by the input vectors, and has the specified height in model units.
- valueOf(CharSequence, Rotation, GeomPoint, Parameter<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.ModelNote
Construct and return a new instance of a ModelNote that uses the specified text string, the default display font at the specified size, and is located at the specified location with the text plane oriented using the specified orientation rotation.
- valueOf(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TextParam
Returns a text parameter with the specified name and text (which may be null).
- valueOf(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Return a text tokenizer for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence, CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.util.TextTokenizer
Return a text tokenizer for the specified character sequence.
- valueOf(CharSequence, Collection<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataCase
Return a case made up of any
found in the specified collection. - valueOf(CharSequence, Unit<Q>, double[]) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Construct an array with the specified name, array of values and units (name and units may not be null).
- valueOf(CharSequence, Unit<Q>, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Construct an array with the specified name and units with the array values all set to zero.
- valueOf(CharSequence, Unit<Q>, List<Double>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.ArrayParam
Construct an array with the specified name, list of values and units (name and units may not be null).
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.geom.GridRule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.geom.IntersectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.ProjectionPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.RenderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Frame
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Parity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String, int, Curve...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a LoftedSurface made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(String, int, Collection<? extends Curve>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LoftedSurface
Return a LoftedSurface made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, E...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return a PointString made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(String, E...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a TriangleList containing the
objects in the specified list. - valueOf(String, GeomElement...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Return a GeomList containing the
objects in the specified list. - valueOf(String, PointArray...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return a PointComponent made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(String, PointComponent...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return a PointVehicle made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(String, PointString<E>...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a PointArray made up of the
objects in the specified array. - valueOf(String, Collection<?>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataSet
Return a data set made up of any
found in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<? extends GeomElement>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GeomList
Return a GeomList containing the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<? extends PointArray>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointComponent
Return a PointComponent made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<? extends PointComponent>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointVehicle
Return a PointVehicle made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<? extends PointString<E>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointArray
Return a PointArray made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<E>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.PointString
Return a PointString made up of the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(String, Collection<E>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a TriangleList containing the
objects in the specified collection. - valueOf(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
Returns the large integer corresponding to the specified
instance. - valueOf(Collection<? extends Curve>, Collection<Double>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.LinearComboCurve
Return a LinearComboCurve made up of the
and weight objects in the specified collections. - valueOf(Date) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.Time
Returns the temporal position corresponding to the specified date.
- valueOf(List<? extends GeomPoint>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Triangle
Returns a
instance with the specified corner vertices in counter-clockwise order/winding when looking down the surface normal vector. - valueOf(List<? extends GeomPoint>, int[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.TriangleList
Return a TriangleList containing the triangles
- valueOf(List<? extends List<ControlPoint>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPointNet
Returns a
instance made up of the control points in the specified list of lists. - valueOf(List<F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
Returns a dense vector holding the elements from the specified collection.
- valueOf(List<Parameter<Length>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(List<Parameter<Length>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(List<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified list of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(List<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance containing the specified list of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(List<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedParameter
values. - valueOf(List<Vector3D<Q>>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a 3D matrix holding the row
from the specified collection (column vectors iftransposed
). - valueOf(List<Complex>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns a new vector holding the elements from the specified collection.
- valueOf(List<Float64>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns a new vector holding the elements from the specified collection.
- valueOf(List<ComplexVector>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
Returns a complex matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if
). - valueOf(List<DenseVector<F>>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
Returns a dense matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if
). - valueOf(List<Float64Vector>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix holding the row vectors from the specified list.
- valueOf(List<Float64Vector>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if
). - valueOf(List<Float64Vector>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
Returns a complex matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if
). - valueOf(List<SparseVector<F>>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns a sparse matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Unit<Length>, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Unit<Length>, double[]) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Unit<Length>, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Unit<Q>, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Unit<Q>, double...) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
value or values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Unit<Q>, double...) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance holding the specifieddouble
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Polynomial<F>, Polynomial<F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.RationalFunction
Returns the rational function from the specified dividend and divisor.
- valueOf(Variable<?>, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Term
Return the term corresponding to the specified variable raised to the specified power.
- valueOf(Complex...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns a new vector holding the specified complex numbers.
- valueOf(Complex[][]) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
Returns a complex matrix from the specified 2-dimensional array.
- valueOf(LargeInteger) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
Returns the modulo integer having the specified value (independently of the current modulo).
- valueOf(LargeInteger, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
Returns the floating point number for the specified
significand and power of two exponent. - valueOf(LargeInteger, int, int) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Returns a real having the specified significand, error and exponent values.
- valueOf(LargeInteger, LargeInteger) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
Returns the rational number for the specified large integer dividend and divisor.
- valueOf(ComplexVector...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
Returns a complex matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(DenseVector<F>...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
Returns a dense matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Float64Vector) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix holding the specified diagonal vector with zeros placed in all the other elements.
- valueOf(Float64Vector...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
Returns a complex matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Float64Vector, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the spatial position corresponding to the specified 3-dimensional vector.
- valueOf(Float64Vector, Float64Vector, Float64Vector) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a 3D direction cosine matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Float64Vector, Float64Vector, Float64Vector, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors in the stated units (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Float64Vector, Float64Vector, Float64Vector, Float64Vector) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a transformation matrix holding the specified row vectors.
- valueOf(Matrix<F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
Returns a dense matrix equivalent to the specified matrix.
- valueOf(Matrix<F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.LUDecomposition
Returns the lower/upper decomposition of the specified matrix.
- valueOf(Matrix<F>, F) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns a sparse matrix equivalent to the specified matrix but with the zero elements removed using the default object equality comparator.
- valueOf(Matrix<F>, F, FastComparator<? super F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns a sparse matrix equivalent to the specified matrix but with the zero elements removed using the specified object equality comparator.
- valueOf(Matrix<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a 3D matrix equivalent to the specified matrix.
- valueOf(Matrix<Complex>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
Returns a complex matrix equivalent to the specified matrix.
- valueOf(Matrix<Float64>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a
instance containing a copy of the specified matrix of Float64 values. - valueOf(Matrix<Float64>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns a
instance containing a copy of the specified matrix of Float64 values. - valueOf(Matrix<Float64>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
Returns a complex matrix equivalent to the specified matrix.
- valueOf(Matrix<Float64>, double, Vector<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns a
instance containing the specified direction cosine rotation matrix, uniform scale factor, and translation vector. - valueOf(Matrix<Float64>, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns a
instance containing the specified matrix of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(SparseVector<F>...) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns a sparse matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if
). - valueOf(Vector<F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseVector
Returns a dense vector equivalent to the specified vector.
- valueOf(Vector<F>, F) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
Returns the sparse square matrix having the specified diagonal vector.
- valueOf(Vector<F>, F) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
Returns a sparse vector equivalent to the specified vector but with the zero elements removed removed using a default object equality comparator.
- valueOf(Vector<F>, F, FastComparator<? super F>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseVector
Returns a sparse vector equivalent to the specified vector but with the zero elements removed using the specified object equality comparator.
- valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with length units. - valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with length units. - valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(Vector<Parameter<Q>>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Parameter values with compatible units. - valueOf(Vector<Complex>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexVector
Returns a
instance equivalent to the specified vector. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Vector
Returns a
instance equivalent to the specified vector. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, double, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedFloat64
values plus weight stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutablePoint
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.nurbs.ControlPoint
Returns a
instance holding the specifiedFloat64
values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Point
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.MutableVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class geomss.geom.Vector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(Vector<Float64>, Unit<Q>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Returns a
instance containing the specified vector of Float64 values stated in the specified units. - valueOf(R) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Constant
Returns a constant function of specified value.
- valueOf(R, Term) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns a polynomial corresponding to the specified
with the specified coefficient multiplier. - valueOf(R, Variable<R>) - Static method in class org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
Returns an univariate polynomial of degree one with the specified coefficient multiplier.
- valueOf(T1, T2) - Static method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.CompoundCoordinates
Returns a compound coordinates made up of the specified coordinates.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.geom.GridRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.geom.GridSpacing.GridType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.geom.IntersectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.ProjectionPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.RenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum geomss.j3d.SurfaceColorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Frame
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Parity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.UnitSystem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VANILLA - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color vanilla is a rich tint of off-white as well as a medium pale tint of yellow.
- Variable<X> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This interface represents a symbol on whose value a
depends. - Variable.Global<X> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a simple
implementation withcontext-local
values. - Variable.Local<X> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.function
This class represents a simple
implementation for functions not shared between threads (non static). - VECCGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading and writing vehicle geometry from/to a VECC (Viscous Effects on Complex Configurations) MK5 formatted geometry file. - VECCGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
- Vector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.geom
A container that holds the coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which indicates direction, but not position.
- Vector<F extends Field<F>> - Class in org.jscience.mathematics.vector
This class represents an immutable element of a vector space.
- Vector3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in jahuwaldt.js.param
This class represents a 3 element
of Parameter elements sharing the same units. - VectorFunction - Interface in jahuwaldt.tools.math
A class that defines an n-Dimensional vector function y[] = fn(x[]) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders.
- vectorization() - Method in class geomss.geom.GTransform
Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
- vectorization() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
- vectorization() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Matrix3D
Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
- vectorization() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.ComplexMatrix
- vectorization() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.DenseMatrix
- vectorization() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Float64Matrix
- vectorization() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.Matrix
Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
- vectorization() - Method in class org.jscience.mathematics.vector.SparseMatrix
- VectorSpace<V,F extends Field> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents a vector space over a field with two operations, vector addition and scalar multiplication.
- VectorSpaceNormed<V,F extends Field> - Interface in org.jscience.mathematics.structure
This interface represents a vector space on which a positive vector length or size is defined.
- VectorTrans<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> - Class in geomss.geom
element that refers to aGeomVector
object and masquerades as a GeomVector object itself. - velocity() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the velocity units.
- VELOCITY - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- VERSION - Static variable in class org.jscience.JScience
Holds the version information.
- vertexCount - Variable in class jahuwaldt.j3d.geom.GeometryData
The number of vertices stored in the coordinates array
- VerticalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs
This class represents a 1 dimensional vertical reference system.
- VerticalCRS() - Constructor for class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.VerticalCRS
- verticalRadiusOfCurvature(double) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the radius of curvature in the prime vertical for this reference ellipsoid at the specified latitude.
- verticalRadiusOfCurvature(Measurable<Angle>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
Returns the radius of curvature in the prime vertical for this reference ellipsoid at the specified latitude.
- vertices - Variable in class geomss.geom.TriangleVertData
The list of unique vertices in this triangle data.
- View - Class in geomss.geom.reader.iges
The View class represents an IGES view and its transformation.
- View() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Default constructor.
- View(int, Point, double) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Initialization constructor
- View(View) - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
Copy constructor.
- viewde - Variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.View
View DE number
- VirtualSphere - Class in jahuwaldt.j3d
VirtualSphere is a Java3D behavior object that lets users control the orientation, translation and scale of an object via a mouse.
- VirtualSphere(Canvas3D) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Creates a
behavior associated with the specified canvas. - VirtualSphere(JCanvas3D) - Constructor for class jahuwaldt.j3d.VirtualSphere
Creates a
behavior associated with the specified canvas. - voc - Variable in class geomss.geom.CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests
- volume() - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet
Return the volume units.
- VOLUME - jahuwaldt.js.unit.UnitSet.SetType
- W - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Constant used to identify the W or 4th coordinate.
- W - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
The index to the scalar W component of this quaternion.
- waitForRendering(long) - Method in class geomss.app.GeomSSCanvas3D
Causes the calling thread to wait until either the current rendering is complete, or until the specified amount of time has elapsed.
- WGS72 - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
The World Geodetic System 1972 reference ellipsoid.
- WGS84 - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.ReferenceEllipsoid
The World Geodetic System 1984 reference ellipsoid.
- WHITE - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color pure white.
- windowTitleChanged(Window) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.swing.MDIApplication
Call this method when a window being shown in a Windows menu has changed it's title.
- WIREFRAME - geomss.j3d.RenderType
- write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.AbstractGeomReader
Writes out a geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.BDSGeomReader
Writes out a bdStudio mesh (BDS) geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.CARDGeomReader
Writes out an APAS CARD geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Writes out a geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.GTCGeomReader
Writes out a geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.IGESGeomReader
Writes out a geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.STLGeomReader
Writes out an binary STL formatted geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied geometry list.
- write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.TRIGeomReader
Writes out a Cart3D ASCII Configuration *.tri formatted geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied geometry list.
- write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.VECCGeomReader
Writes out a VECC MK5 geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, GeometryList) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Writes out a geometry file for the geometry contained in the supplied
object. - write(File, Map<String, GeomElement>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
Writes out an XGSS geometry file for the and non-geometry workspace variables contained in the supplied maps.
- write(OutputStream, List<DataSet>) - Method in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Interface for writing out all the data stored in the specified list of
objects to the specified output stream. - write(OutputStream, List<DataSet>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TabDataReader
Method that writes out all the data stored in the specified list of
objects to the specified output stream in tabbed array format. - write(OutputStream, List<DataSet>) - Method in class jahuwaldt.js.datareader.TREETOPSDataReader
Method that writes out the data stored in the specified
object to the specified output stream in CLVTOPS format. - write(PrintWriter) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.DirEntry
Write this directory entry out to the exchanged file.
- write(PrintWriter) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.GlobalSection
Write the Global Section to the specified writer.
- write(PrintWriter) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Part
Write this Part to an IGES file.
- write(PrintWriter) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.StartSection
Write the Start Section to the specified writer.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity102_CompositeCurve
Write this entity object's parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_11_2DLinearString
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_12_3DLinearString
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity106_13_3DVectorString
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity110_Line
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity116_Point
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity126_BSplineCurve
Write this entity's parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity128_BSplineSurface
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity142_CurveOnSurface
Write this entity object's parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity144_TrimmedSurface
Write this entity object's parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- write(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers
Write this entities parameter data to the specified PrintWriter.
- writeGeometryData(ResourceBundle, Component, GeometryList, File, GeomReader) - Static method in class geomss.app.GeomSSBatch
Method that writes out geometry to a data file using a specific GeomReader instance.
- writeGeomFile(GeometryList, File, GeomReader) - Method in interface geomss.GeomSSApp
Write out geometry to the specified file using the specified GeometryList instance (some GeomReader classes have specific requirements for the contents of this list).
- writelines(File, List<String>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Write out a list of String objects which represent a line to the specified output stream.
- writelines(OutputStream, List<String>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Write out a list of String objects which represent a line to the specified output stream.
- writelines(String, List<String>) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.FileUtils
Write out a list of String objects which represent a line to the specified output stream.
- writeSection(PrintWriter, int, String, char, StringBuilder) - Static method in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
Write out a single section of an IGES file.
- writeZip(File, File) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Create a ZIP archive file made up of all the contents of the specified file or directory.
- writeZip(File, File, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Create a ZIP archive file made up of all the contents of the specified file or directory, using the specified compression method.
- writeZip(File, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class jahuwaldt.io.ZipUtils
Write a ZIP archive to the specified output stream made up of all the contents of the specified file or directory, using the specified compression method.
- X - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Axis
- X - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Constant used to identify the X or 1st coordinate.
- X - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Constant used to identify the X coordinate in a 3D vector.
- X - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
The index to the vector X component of this axis angle rotation representation's axis.
- X - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Constant used to identify the X (0) coordinate in the vector.
- X - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
The index to the vector X component of this quaternion.
- X - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Constant used to identify the X coordinate in the vector.
- X_AXIS - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
- x1 - Variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
The lower bound of the bracket.
- x2 - Variable in class jahuwaldt.tools.math.BracketRoot1D
The upper bound of the bracket.
- XGSSGeomReader - Class in geomss.geom.reader
for reading geometry from an XGSS formatted, GZIP compressed, XML geometry file. - XGSSGeomReader() - Constructor for class geomss.geom.reader.XGSSGeomReader
- xhat - Variable in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
The direction of the circles X axis.
- xValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the x coordinate value as
- XYPoint - Interface in jahuwaldt.util
The interface required of any data type that is to be stored in a PointRegionQuadTree.
- XYXr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XYXs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XYZ - Class in org.jscience.geography.coordinates
This class represents the
Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates used in GPS/GLONASS. - XYZ_CS - Static variable in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.crs.GeocentricCRS
Holds the XYZ coordinate system.
- XYZr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XYZs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XZXr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XZXs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XZYr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- XZYs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- Y - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Axis
- Y - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Constant used to identify the Y or 2nd coordinate.
- Y - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Constant used to identify the Y coordinate in a 3D vector.
- Y - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
The index to the vector Y component of this axis angle rotation representation's axis.
- Y - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Constant used to identify the Y (1) coordinate in the vector.
- Y - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
The index to the vector Y component of this quaternion.
- Y - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Constant used to identify the Y coordinate in the vector.
- Y_AXIS - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
- YAW_PITCH_ROLL - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
The Euler order typically used in aerospace applications.
- YELLOW - Static variable in class geomss.ui.Colors
The color yellow.
- YES - Static variable in interface geomss.geom.reader.GeomReader
Constant indicating that a reader certainly can read a specified file.
- YES - Static variable in interface jahuwaldt.js.datareader.DataReader
Constant indicating that a reader can certainly read a specified file stream.
- YES - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles
Indicates repetition of initial axis as the last.
- yhat - Variable in class geomss.geom.CircleInfo
The direction of the circles Y axis.
- yValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the y coordinate value as
- YXYr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YXYs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YXZr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YXZs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YZXr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YZXs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YZYr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- YZYs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- Z - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Axis
- Z - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomPoint
Constant used to identify the Z or 3rd coordinate.
- Z - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GeomVector
Constant used to identify the Z coordinate in a 3D vector.
- Z - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.AxisAngle
The index to the vector Z component of this axis angle rotation representation's axis.
- Z - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.ParameterVector
Constant used to identify the Z (2) coordinate in the vector.
- Z - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Quaternion
The index to the vector Z component of this quaternion.
- Z - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
Constant used to identify the Z coordinate in the vector.
- Z_AXIS - Static variable in class geomss.geom.reader.iges.Constants
- Z0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the characteristic impedance of vacuum (µ0·c).
- ZERO - Static variable in class geomss.geom.GTransform
A matrix containing all zero elements.
- ZERO - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.DCMatrix
A matrix containing all zero elements.
- ZERO - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
Holds a dimensionless measure of zero.
- ZERO - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A dimensionless vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
The complex number zero.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Float64
The 64 bits floating point representing zero.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.FloatingPoint
The floating point instance representing the additive identity.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Integer64
The 64 bits floating point representing zero.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.LargeInteger
The large integer representing the additive identity.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.ModuloInteger
The modulo integer representing the additive identity.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Rational
representing the additive identity. - ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.mathematics.number.Real
Holds the exact ZERO instance.
- ZERO - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount
Holds a dimensionless measure of zero (exact).
- ZERO_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An acceleration measure of zero.
- ZERO_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
An acceleration vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO_ANGLE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An angular measure of zero.
- ZERO_ANGLE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A angle vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO_AREA - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An area measure of zero.
- ZERO_DURATION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
A duration measure of zero.
- ZERO_FORCE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
A force measure of zero.
- ZERO_FORCE - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A force vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO_LENGTH - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An length measure of zero.
- ZERO_POSITION - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A position or length vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO_VELOCITY - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
An velocity measure of zero.
- ZERO_VELOCITY - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Vector3D
A velocity vector with all the elements set to zero.
- ZERO_VOLUME - Static variable in class jahuwaldt.js.param.Parameter
A volume measure of zero.
- ZipUtils - Class in jahuwaldt.io
This is a utility class of static methods for working with ZIP archive files.
- ZOOM - jahuwaldt.j3d.TransformChangeEvent.Type
- zValue(Unit<Length>) - Method in class org.jscience.geography.coordinates.XYZ
Returns the z coordinate value as
- ZXYr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZXYs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZXZr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZXZs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZYXr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZYXs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZYZr - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- ZYZs - jahuwaldt.js.param.EulerAngles.Order
- α - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the fine structure constant (e²/(2·ε0·c·h))
- ε0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the permittivity of vacuum or electric constant (1/(µ0·c²))
- µ0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the permeability of vacuum or magnetic constant.
- µB - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Bohr magneton (ℏ·e/2me)
- µN - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the nuclear magneton (ℏ·e/2mp)
- π - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
- π_square - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
- σ - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Stefan-Boltzmann constant ((π²/60)·k4/(ℏ³·c²))
- Φ0 - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the magnetic flux quantum (h/2e)
- ℏ - Static variable in class org.jscience.physics.amount.Constants
Holds the Planck constant over 2π.
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