Package geomss.geom

Class MeshUtil

  • public final class MeshUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    A collection of static methods used to work with triangular unstructured meshes.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    April 11, 2018
    Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: February 4, 2018
    • Method Detail

      • advancingFrontPlanar

        public static TriangleList<TriangleadvancingFrontPlanar​(PointString<? extends GeomPoint> boundaryPnts,
                                                                  Parameter<javax.measure.quantity.Length> tol,
                                                                  Parameter<javax.measure.quantity.Area> minArea,
                                                                  Parameter<javax.measure.quantity.Length> smoothingEps)
        Generate an unstructured mesh/grid on a planar region defined by the input boundary points.
        boundaryPnts - The ordered boundary points for the region being meshed. The physical dimension of the points must be either 2 or 3. The points must be planar and must form a closed loop with the "inside" to the left of the unit vectors between each pair of points (when looking down the unit vector).
        tol - The geometric tolerance on the input points.
        minArea - The minimum area triangle to allow in the mesh.
        smoothingEps - The tolerance for stopping the smoothing process. Smoothing stops when the maximum node position change in the mesh is less than this value. If this value is null or zero, then no smoothing is done.
        A list of triangles that represent the final unstructured mesh.