Class Entity106_3_3DVectors

  • public class Entity106_3_3DVectors
    extends Entity106_CopiousData

    COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - DATA POINTS WITH VECTORS - This entity defines a set of 3D coordinate points with associated 3D vectors. Form 3 indicates that all the points are 3D and have associated 3D vectors.

    This entity, when read from an IGES file, is converted to a list of vectors GeomList. Each vector has the origin set to the appropriate point.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    February 17, 2025
    Joseph A. Huwaldt Date: March 14, 2013
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • Entity106_3_3DVectors

        public Entity106_3_3DVectors​(Part p,
                                     DirEntry de)
        Default constructor.
        p - part to which this entity is contained
        de - Directory Entry for this entity
    • Method Detail

      • getTypeString

        public java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
        Specified by:
        getTypeString in class Entity
        A short String describing this Entity object's type.