Class Entity124_TransformationMatrix

  • public class Entity124_TransformationMatrix
    extends Entity
    TRANSFORMATION MATRIX ENTITY - This allows translation and rotation to be applied to other entities. This is used to define alternate coordinate systems for definition and viewing. The transformation matrix entity transforms three-row column vectors by means of matrix multiplication and then a vector addition. This entity can be considered as an "operator" entity in that it starts with the input vector, operates on it as described above, and produces the output vector.

    This entity, when read from an IGES file, is converted to a GTransform object. This entity type can not be written out to an IGES file.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    September 13, 2016
    JDN, Version 1.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • Entity124_TransformationMatrix

        public Entity124_TransformationMatrix​(Part p,
                                              DirEntry de)
        Default constructor. Needs to initialize the internal matrix representation.
        p - part to which this entity is contained
        de - Directory Entry for this entity
    • Method Detail

      • check

        public void check()
        Checks to see if the entity is correct. The following restrictions are imposed: - The Transformation Matrix Pointer shall be 0
        Specified by:
        check in class Entity
      • read

        public void read​( in)
        Read the Parameter Data from the String read in by the superclass.
        read in class Entity
        in - input file
        Throws: - if there is any problem reading the entity from the IGES file.
      • getTypeString

        public java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
        Specified by:
        getTypeString in class Entity
        A short String describing this Entity object's type.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Dump to String.
        toString in class Entity
        String containing the resulting text.
      • getMat

        public GTransform getMat()
        Returns the internal matrix.
        GTransform set to the values of the transform matrix.