Class EntityXXX_Unsupported

  • public class EntityXXX_Unsupported
    extends Entity
    UNSUPPORTED ENTITY - This entity is both a generic starting point for entity class creation and a placeholder for unsupported entities in the IGES file. To extend this class, add whatever member variables are required for the entity type. Make them private.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    April 10, 2016
    JDN, Version 1.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntityXXX_Unsupported

        public EntityXXX_Unsupported​(Part p,
                                     DirEntry de)
        The default constructor should be good as is, unless you declare members that need initializing, such as Lists.
        p - part to which this entity is contained
        de - Directory Entry for this entity
    • Method Detail

      • check

        public void check()
        The method check() should go through the given restrictions for the entity and put together an error string to be displayed in the error window. If the error should prevent the entity from being drawn, set toBeDrawn to false (it is true by default).
        Specified by:
        check in class Entity
      • read

        public void read​( in)
        The read() method basically parses the String read in by There are several methods to use to grab specific data types: getInt(), getReal(), getString(), and getChar(). See other entity classes for examples of usage. The GlobalSection class also has some examples.
        read in class Entity
        in - input file
        Throws: - if there is any problem reading the entity from the IGES file.
      • getTypeString

        public java.lang.String getTypeString()
        Returns a short String describing this Entity object's type.
        Specified by:
        getTypeString in class Entity
        A short String describing this Entity object's type.