Class GlobalSection

  • public class GlobalSection
    extends java.lang.Object
    The GlobalSection class encapsulates the IGES Global Section. This holds the "global variables" for the file. This class handles initialization, reading, access, and dumping of the values.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    April 7, 2016
    JDN, Version 1.0
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getAuthor()
      Return the name of the person who created this exchange file.
      java.lang.String getDateTime()
      Return the date and time of IGES file generation.
      char getDelim()
      Return parameter delimiter character.
      java.lang.String getFileName()
      Return the IGES file name record which contains the name of the exchange file.
      double getGrain()
      Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value.
      Parameter<javax.measure.quantity.Length> getGrainParameter()
      Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value.
      int getLineWeights()
      Return number of line weights.
      double getLineWidth()
      Return maximum line width.
      java.lang.String getModDateTime()
      Return the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
      java.lang.String getOrganization()
      Return the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
      java.lang.String getPreprocesorVersion()
      Return the IGES file preprocessor version.
      java.lang.String getProductName()
      Return the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part.
      int getSpecVersion()
      Return the version of the IGES Specification to which the data in this file complies.
      java.lang.String getSystemID()
      Return the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
      char getTerm()
      Return parameter terminator character.
      javax.measure.unit.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> getUnit()
      Return the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
      void read​( in)
      Read the Global Section from the input file.
      void setAuthor​(java.lang.String author)
      Set the name of the person who created this exchange file.
      void setFileName​(java.lang.String fileName)
      Set the file name of the exchange file.
      void setGrain​(double value)
      Set the Minimum User-Intended Resolution or Granularity value.
      void setModDateTime​(java.lang.String modDate)
      Set the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
      void setOrganization​(java.lang.String organization)
      Set the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
      void setPreprocessorVersion​(java.lang.String version)
      Set the preprocessor version.
      void setProductName​(java.lang.String productName)
      Set the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part.
      void setSystemID​(java.lang.String sysID)
      Set the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
      void setUnit​(javax.measure.unit.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> unit)
      Set the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Dump to String.
      int write​( writer)
      Write the Global Section to the specified writer.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getDelim

        public char getDelim()
        Return parameter delimiter character. This indicates which character is used to separate parameter values in the Global and Parameter Data sections. The default value is “comma.”
        parameter delimiter character
      • getTerm

        public char getTerm()
        Return parameter terminator character. This indicates which character denotes the end of parameters in the Global Section and in each Parameter Data Section entry. The default value is “semicolon.”
        parameter terminator character
      • getProductName

        public java.lang.String getProductName()
        Return the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part. This contains the name or identifier which is used by the sender reference this product.
        The IGES product identification of the sending system.
      • setProductName

        public void setProductName​(java.lang.String productName)
        Set the IGES product identification from the sending system for this Part. This contains the name or identifier which is used by the sender reference this product.
        productName - The name the sender uses to reference this product (Part).
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        Return the IGES file name record which contains the name of the exchange file.
        The IGES file name
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(java.lang.String fileName)
        Set the file name of the exchange file.
        fileName - The file name for the exchange file.
      • getSystemID

        public java.lang.String getSystemID()
        Return the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
        The Native System ID
      • setSystemID

        public void setSystemID​(java.lang.String sysID)
        Set the Native System ID which identifies the native system software which created the native format file used to generate this exchange file.
        sysID - The Native System ID to set.
      • getPreprocesorVersion

        public java.lang.String getPreprocesorVersion()
        Return the IGES file preprocessor version. This uniquely identifies the version or release date of the preprocessor which created this file.
        The IGES file preprocessor version
      • setPreprocessorVersion

        public void setPreprocessorVersion​(java.lang.String version)
        Set the preprocessor version. This uniquely identifies the version or release date of the preprocessor which created this file.
        version - The IGES file preprocessor version to set.
      • getUnit

        public javax.measure.unit.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> getUnit()
        Return the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
        The length units used in this transfer.
      • setUnit

        public void setUnit​(javax.measure.unit.Unit<javax.measure.quantity.Length> unit)
        Set the model length unit's used in the IGES file.
        unit - The model length unit to save the data in.
      • getLineWeights

        public int getLineWeights()
        Return number of line weights.
        number of line weights
      • getLineWidth

        public double getLineWidth()
        Return maximum line width.
        maximum line width
      • getDateTime

        public java.lang.String getDateTime()
        Return the date and time of IGES file generation.
        The date and time of IGES file generation
      • getGrain

        public double getGrain()
        Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value. This specifies the smallest distance between coordinates, in model-space units, that the receiving system shall consider as discernible.
        the granularity value
      • getGrainParameter

        public Parameter<javax.measure.quantity.Length> getGrainParameter()
        Return Minimum User-Intended Resolution Granularity value. This specifies the smallest distance between coordinates, in model-space units, that the receiving system shall consider as discernible.
        the granularity value as a Parameter object.
      • setGrain

        public void setGrain​(double value)
        Set the Minimum User-Intended Resolution or Granularity value. This specifies the smallest distance between coordinates, in model-space units, that the receiving system shall consider as discernible.
        value - The granularity value
      • getModDateTime

        public java.lang.String getModDateTime()
        Return the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
        The date and time of the last modification
      • setModDateTime

        public void setModDateTime​(java.lang.String modDate)
        Set the date and time of the last modification of the model in this exchange file.
        modDate - The date and time of the last modification as a String.
      • getAuthor

        public java.lang.String getAuthor()
        Return the name of the person who created this exchange file.
        the author identification
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(java.lang.String author)
        Set the name of the person who created this exchange file.
        author - The name of the author of the file.
      • getOrganization

        public java.lang.String getOrganization()
        Return the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
        the author's organization identification
      • setOrganization

        public void setOrganization​(java.lang.String organization)
        Set the name of the organization or group with whom the author is associated.
        organization - The name of the organization the author is associated with.
      • getSpecVersion

        public int getSpecVersion()
        Return the version of the IGES Specification to which the data in this file complies.
        The version of the IGES Specification to which the file complies.
      • read

        public void read​( in)
        Read the Global Section from the input file. This method can handle missing or incorrect fields.
        in - input file
        Throws: - if there is any problem reading the IGES file.
      • write

        public int write​( writer)
        Write the Global Section to the specified writer.
        writer - The PrintWriter to write the Global Section to.
        The number of lines written out to the global section.
        Throws: - if there is any problem writing the section.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Dump to String.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        String containing the resulting text.