Class NACA5Cambered

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NACA5Cambered
    extends NACA4Uncambered

    This class represents an arbitrary cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil section with 3 digit camber such as a NACA 23012 airfoil. The 1st digit is defined as 2/3 of the design lift coefficient (in tenths, i.e.: 2 denotes cl = 0.3). The 2nd digit is twice the chordwise location of maximum camber in tenths of chord. The 3rd digit of zero indicates a non-reflexed trailing edge and the last two digits indicate the thickness ratio in percent chord.

    Ported from FORTRAN "NACA4.FOR" to Java by: Joseph A. Huwaldt, October 9, 2000

    Original FORTRAN "NACA4" code had the following note:

             AUTHORS - Charles L.Ladson and Cuyler W. Brooks, NASA Langley
                       Liam Hardy, NASA Ames
                       Ralph Carmichael, Public Domain Aeronautical Software
             Last FORTRAN version:  8Aug95  1.7   RLC
             NOTES - This program has been known by the names ANALIN, FOURDIGIT and NACA4.
             REFERENCES-  NASA Technical Memorandum TM X-3284 (November, 1975),
                          "Development of a Computer Program to Obtain Ordinates for
                          NACA 4-Digit, 4-Digit Modified, 5-Digit and 16-Digit Airfoils",
                          by Charles L. Ladson and Cuyler W. Brooks, Jr.,
                          NASA Langley Research Center.
                          NASA Technical Memorandum TM 4741 (December 1996),
                          "Computer Program to Obtain Ordinates for NACA Airfoils",
                          by Charles L. Ladson, Cuyler W. Brooks, Jr., and Acquilla S. Hill,
                          NASA Langley Research Center and
                          Darrell W. Sproles, Computer Sciences Corporation, Hampton, VA.
                          "Theory of Wing Sections", by Ira Abbott and Albert Von Doenhoff.

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    March 7, 2013
    Joseph A. Huwaldt Date: October 9, 2000
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      NACA5Cambered​(double thickness, double k1, double r, double xcamber, double length)
      Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
      NACA5Cambered​(double thickness, int code, double length)
      Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NACA5Cambered

        public NACA5Cambered​(double thickness,
                             double k1,
                             double r,
                             double xcamber,
                             double length)
        Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters. For example: a NACA 23012 airfoil translates to: thickness = 0.12, cl*2/3 = 2, xcamber*2 = 0.30. The 3rd digit must be 0 for an unreflexed airfoil. This constructor requires the user to specify the 5 digit airfoil k and r factors and position of max camber explicitly. See NASA TM X-3284.
        thickness - The thickness to chord ratio (e.g.: 0.09 ==> 9% t/c).
        k1 - The airfoil camber k factor as described in NASA TM X-3284.
        r - The airfoil camber r factor as described in NASA TM X-3284.
        xcamber - The position of maximum camber in tenths of chord (e.g.: 0.40 ==> max camber at 4% chord).
        length - The chord length.
      • NACA5Cambered

        public NACA5Cambered​(double thickness,
                             int code,
                             double length)
        Create a cambered unreflexed NACA 5 digit airfoil with the specified parameters. For example: a NACA 23012 airfoil translates to: thickness = 0.12, cl*2/3 = 2, xcamber*2 = 0.30. The 3rd digit must be 0 for an unreflexed airfoil. This constructor requires the thickness and camber code (the 1st 2 digits of the airfoil designation).
        thickness - The thickness to chord ratio (e.g.: 0.09 ==> 9% t/c).
        code - The 1st 2 digits of the airfoil designation. Acceptable values are: 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25.
        length - The chord length.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this airfoil (the NACA designation of this airfoil).
        toString in class NACA4Uncambered
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
        Simple method to test this class.