Package jahuwaldt.j3d

Class VirtualSphere

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.MouseListener, java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener, java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener, java.util.EventListener

    public class VirtualSphere
    extends org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehavior
    VirtualSphere is a Java3D behavior object that lets users control the orientation, translation and scale of an object via a mouse. This class implements the virtual sphere algorithm for 3D rotation using a 2D input device. This is a much simpler implementation than that described in the reference paper. This is also known by as the "virtual track ball", "cue ball", or "arc ball" interface. This implementation is designed to work with Java3D.

    Reference: Chen, Michael, Mountford, S. Jay, Sellen, Abigail, "A Study in Interactive 3-D Rotation Using 2-D Control Devices," ACM Siggraph '88 Proceedings, Volume 22, Number 4, August 1988.

    To use this utility, first create a transform group that this mouse input behavior will operate on. Then,

       VirtualSphere behavior = new VirtualSphere(canvas3D);
    The above code will add the virtual sphere behavior to the transform group. The user can then rotate, translate and scale any object attached to the objTrans. This class implements mouse rotation, translation, scaling and mouse wheel scaling actions.

    Modified by: Joseph A.Huwaldt

    February 22, 2025
    Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: Feburary 19, 2001
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehavior

      • Fields inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.Node

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      VirtualSphere​(org.jogamp.java3d.Canvas3D canvas)
      Creates a VirtualSphere behavior associated with the specified canvas.
      VirtualSphere​(org.jogamp.java3d.exp.swing.JCanvas3D canvas)
      Creates a VirtualSphere behavior associated with the specified canvas.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addTransformChangeListener​(TransformChangeListener listener)
      Add a TransformChangeListener to this object.
      BGFGImage getFeedbackOverlay()
      Returns an BGFGImage for use in an BGFGCanvas3D that displays a visual representation of the Virtual Sphere for user feedback.
      double getMouseZoomFactor()
      Return the mouse zoom multiplier.
      java.awt.Paint getOverlayPaint()
      Returns the Paint used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
      double getWheelZoomFactor()
      Return the scroll wheel zoom multiplier.
      double getXTranslationFactor()
      Return the x-axis translation multiplier.
      double getYTranslationFactor()
      Return the y-axis translation multiplier.
      double getZoomScale()
      Return the zoom scale.
      void initialize()
      Initializes the behavior.
      void processStimulus​(java.util.Iterator<org.jogamp.java3d.WakeupCriterion> criteria)
      Processes the MouseBehavior stimulus.
      void removeTransformChangeListener​(TransformChangeListener listener)
      Remove a TransformChangeListener from this object.
      void setMouseZoomFactor​(double factor)
      Set the mouse zoom multiplier factor.
      void setOverlayPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
      Sets the Paint used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
      void setRotation​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d rotationMatrix)
      Change the current rotation matrix to the one specified.
      void setRotationCenter​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Point3d rotationCenter)
      Set the center of rotation on the model for the virtual sphere.
      void setRotationCenter​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Point3d rotationCenter, double zoomScale)
      Set the center of rotation on the model and the zoom scale for the virtual sphere.
      void setTranslationFactor​(double factor)
      Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier factor.
      void setTranslationFactor​(double xFactor, double yFactor)
      Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier with xFactor and yFactor respectively.
      void setupCallback​(org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehaviorCallback callback)
      The transformChanged method in the callback class will be called every time the transform is updated
      void setWheelZoomFactor​(double factor)
      Set the scroll wheel zoom multiplier with factor.
      void setZoomScale​(double zoomScale)
      Set the zoom scale.
      void transformChanged​(org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D transform)
      Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform.
      • Methods inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehavior

        addListener, getTransformGroup, mouseClicked, mouseDragged, mouseEntered, mouseExited, mouseMoved, mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseWheelMoved, processMouseEvent, setEnable, setTransformGroup, wakeup
      • Methods inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.Behavior

        getEnable, getNumSchedulingIntervals, getSchedulingBoundingLeaf, getSchedulingBounds, getSchedulingInterval, postId, setSchedulingBoundingLeaf, setSchedulingBounds, setSchedulingInterval, updateNodeReferences
      • Methods inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.Node

        cloneNode, cloneTree, cloneTree, cloneTree, cloneTree, cloneTree, cloneTree, duplicateNode, getBounds, getBoundsAutoCompute, getCollidable, getLocale, getLocalToVworld, getLocalToVworld, getParent, getPickable, setBounds, setBoundsAutoCompute, setCollidable, setPickable
      • Methods inherited from class org.jogamp.java3d.SceneGraphObject

        clearCapability, clearCapabilityIsFrequent, getCapability, getCapabilityIsFrequent, getName, getUserData, isCompiled, isLive, setCapability, setCapabilityIsFrequent, setName, setUserData, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualSphere

        public VirtualSphere​(org.jogamp.java3d.Canvas3D canvas)
        Creates a VirtualSphere behavior associated with the specified canvas.
        canvas - The Java3D canvas to associate this virtual sphere with.
      • VirtualSphere

        public VirtualSphere​(org.jogamp.java3d.exp.swing.JCanvas3D canvas)
        Creates a VirtualSphere behavior associated with the specified canvas.
        canvas - The Java3D canvas to associate this virtual sphere with.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize()
        Initializes the behavior.
        initialize in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehavior
      • getXTranslationFactor

        public double getXTranslationFactor()
        Return the x-axis translation multiplier.
        The x-axis translation multiplier.
      • getYTranslationFactor

        public double getYTranslationFactor()
        Return the y-axis translation multiplier.
        The y-axis translation multiplier.
      • getMouseZoomFactor

        public double getMouseZoomFactor()
        Return the mouse zoom multiplier.
        The mouse zoom multiplier.
      • getWheelZoomFactor

        public double getWheelZoomFactor()
        Return the scroll wheel zoom multiplier.
        The scroll wheel zoom multiplier.
      • setTranslationFactor

        public void setTranslationFactor​(double factor)
        Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier factor.
        factor - The factor to set the X & Y axis translation multiplier to.
      • setTranslationFactor

        public void setTranslationFactor​(double xFactor,
                                         double yFactor)
        Set the X-axis and Y-axis translation multiplier with xFactor and yFactor respectively.
        xFactor - The X-axis translation multiplier factor.
        yFactor - The Y-axis translation multiplier factor.
      • setMouseZoomFactor

        public void setMouseZoomFactor​(double factor)
        Set the mouse zoom multiplier factor.
        factor - The mouse zoom multiplier.
      • setWheelZoomFactor

        public void setWheelZoomFactor​(double factor)
        Set the scroll wheel zoom multiplier with factor.
        factor - The scroll wheel zoom multiplier.
      • getZoomScale

        public double getZoomScale()
        Return the zoom scale. This is the scale factor applied to the model to zoom in/out before the model is displayed.
        The zoom scale.
      • setZoomScale

        public void setZoomScale​(double zoomScale)
        Set the zoom scale. This is the scale factor applied to the model to zoom in/out before the model is displayed. The value must be > 0 or nothing happens.
        zoomScale - The zoom scale to set.
      • setRotationCenter

        public void setRotationCenter​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Point3d rotationCenter)
        Set the center of rotation on the model for the virtual sphere. The transform will be adjusted to move center the specified point on the screen and the virtual sphere will rotate about it.
        rotationCenter - The point about which the model should be rotated in virtual world coordinates.
      • setRotationCenter

        public void setRotationCenter​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Point3d rotationCenter,
                                      double zoomScale)
        Set the center of rotation on the model and the zoom scale for the virtual sphere. The transform will be adjusted to move center the specified point on the screen and the virtual sphere will rotate about it. The zoom scale will also be adjusted.
        rotationCenter - The point about which the model should be rotated in virtual world coordinates.
        zoomScale - The scale factor used to zoom the model.
        See Also:
      • setRotation

        public void setRotation​(org.jogamp.vecmath.Matrix3d rotationMatrix)
        Change the current rotation matrix to the one specified.
        rotationMatrix - The rotation matrix to be used.
      • getFeedbackOverlay

        public BGFGImage getFeedbackOverlay()
        Returns an BGFGImage for use in an BGFGCanvas3D that displays a visual representation of the Virtual Sphere for user feedback. This overlay is specific to the canvas that was used to create this virtual sphere and should not be used with any other canvas.
        The Virtual Sphere feedback image.
      • getOverlayPaint

        public java.awt.Paint getOverlayPaint()
        Returns the Paint used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
        The Paint used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
      • setOverlayPaint

        public void setOverlayPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
        Sets the Paint used to render the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
        paint - The paint to use for the virtual sphere overlay graphics.
      • processStimulus

        public void processStimulus​(java.util.Iterator<org.jogamp.java3d.WakeupCriterion> criteria)
        Processes the MouseBehavior stimulus. This method is invoked if the Behavior's wakeup criteria are satisfied and an active ViewPlatform's activation volume intersects with the Behavior's scheduling region.
        Specified by:
        processStimulus in class org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehavior
        criteria - An enumeration of triggered wakeup criteria for this behavior.
      • transformChanged

        public void transformChanged​(org.jogamp.java3d.Transform3D transform)
        Users can overload this method which is called every time the Behavior updates the transform. This default implementation does nothing.
        transform - The new 3D transform.
      • setupCallback

        public void setupCallback​(org.jogamp.java3d.utils.behaviors.mouse.MouseBehaviorCallback callback)
        The transformChanged method in the callback class will be called every time the transform is updated
        callback - The mouse behavior callback. May pass null for no callback.