Class ConeGenerator

  • public class ConeGenerator
    extends GeometryGenerator
    Generator of Cone raw coordinates and geometry normals.

    The generator is used to create cone shapes for the code. It only generates the geometry array. Internally the representation uses a triangle array and generates all the values requested - textures oordinates, normals and coordinates. Normals are always generated per vertex calculated rather than per-face.

    The height of the cone is along the Y axis with the point in the positive Y direstion and starting at the origin. The radius is around the X-Z plane and is centered on the origin.

    When generating strips, we create a strip for all the top and a strip for all the bottom (if used). Generating quads are a bit useless for this geometry type, but is supported non-the-less for completeness.

    $Revision: 1.7 $
    Justin Couch
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct a default cone of height 2 and bottom radius of 1.
      ConeGenerator​(float height, float radius)
      Create a custom cone of the given height and radius that includes the bottom faces.
      ConeGenerator​(float height, float radius, boolean hasTop, boolean hasBottom)
      Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces.
      ConeGenerator​(float height, float radius, int facets)
      Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can control the number of facets in the cone.
      ConeGenerator​(float height, float radius, int facets, boolean hasTop, boolean hasBottom)
      Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces and control the number of facets in the cone.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void generate​(GeometryData data)
      Generate a new set of geometry items based on the passed data.
      float[] getDimensions()
      Get the dimensions of the cone.
      int getVertexCount​(GeometryData data)
      Get the number of vertices that this generator will create for the shape given in the definition.
      boolean hasBottom()
      Check to see that this cone has a bottom in use or not
      void setDimensions​(float height, float radius, boolean hasBottom)
      Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated.
      void setFacetCount​(int facets)
      Change the number of facets used to create this cone.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConeGenerator

        public ConeGenerator()
        Construct a default cone of height 2 and bottom radius of 1. It also includes the bottom faces and uses 16 segments around the base of the cone.
      • ConeGenerator

        public ConeGenerator​(float height,
                             float radius)
        Create a custom cone of the given height and radius that includes the bottom faces. There are 16 segments around the base of the cone.
        height - The height of the cone to generate
        radius - The radius of the bottom of the cone
      • ConeGenerator

        public ConeGenerator​(float height,
                             float radius,
                             int facets)
        Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can control the number of facets in the cone. The cone always has a base. The minimum number of facets is 3.
        height - The height of the cone to generate
        radius - The radius of the bottom of the cone
        facets - The number of facets on the side of the cone
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The number of facets is less than 3
      • ConeGenerator

        public ConeGenerator​(float height,
                             float radius,
                             boolean hasTop,
                             boolean hasBottom)
        Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces. There are 16 segments around the base of the cone.
        height - The height of the cone to generate
        radius - The radius of the bottom of the cone
        hasTop - True if to generate faces for the top
        hasBottom - True if to generate faces for the bottom
      • ConeGenerator

        public ConeGenerator​(float height,
                             float radius,
                             int facets,
                             boolean hasTop,
                             boolean hasBottom)
        Create a custom cone of the given height and radius and can toggle the use of the bottom faces and control the number of facets in the cone. The minimum number of facets is 3.
        height - The height of the cone to generate
        radius - The radius of the bottom of the cone
        facets - The number of facets on the side of the cone
        hasTop - True if to generate faces for the top
        hasBottom - True if to generate faces for the bottom
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The number of facets is less than 3 or the radius is not positive
    • Method Detail

      • getDimensions

        public float[] getDimensions()
        Get the dimensions of the cone. These are returned as 2 values of height and radius respectively for the array. A new array is created each time so you can do what you like with it.
        The current size of the cone
      • hasBottom

        public boolean hasBottom()
        Check to see that this cone has a bottom in use or not
        true if there is a bottom in use
      • setDimensions

        public void setDimensions​(float height,
                                  float radius,
                                  boolean hasBottom)
        Change the dimensions of the cone to be generated. Calling this will make the points be re-calculated next time you ask for geometry or normals.
        height - The height of the cone to generate
        radius - The radius of the bottom of the cone
        hasBottom - True if to generate faces for the bottom
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The radius is not positive
      • setFacetCount

        public void setFacetCount​(int facets)
        Change the number of facets used to create this cone. This will cause the geometry to be regenerated next time they are asked for. The minimum number of facets is 3.
        facets - The number of facets on the side of the cone
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The number of facets is less than 3