Class JPEGImageObserver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JPEGImageObserver
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CapturedImageObserver
    An image observer that turns the image into a JPEG image.

    If the filename already exists, it will automatically overwrite the existing image. If the filename contains non-existent intermediate directories, these will be automatically created.

    Modified by: Joseph A.Huwaldt

    February 17, 2014
    Justin Couch
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void canvasImageCaptured​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage img)
      Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing.
      boolean captureNextFrame()
      Returns a flag indicating if the next frame should be captured or not.
      void setCaptureNextFrame()
      Tell the observer to capture the next frame it is told about.
      void setFilename​(java.lang.String name)
      Set the filename that this will write to.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • JPEGImageObserver

        public JPEGImageObserver()
        Construct a default observer with no filename set and it has not yet captured an image.
    • Method Detail

      • setCaptureNextFrame

        public void setCaptureNextFrame()
        Tell the observer to capture the next frame it is told about. If the observer has already fired, it will throw an IllegalStateException.
      • captureNextFrame

        public boolean captureNextFrame()
        Returns a flag indicating if the next frame should be captured or not.
        Specified by:
        captureNextFrame in interface CapturedImageObserver
        true if the observer should be passed an image for the next frame and false if it should not.
      • setFilename

        public void setFilename​(java.lang.String name)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
        Set the filename that this will write to. If the filename is null, this will remove the previously set name. It can only be set if the image has not yet been captured.
        name - The name of the file to write to.
      • canvasImageCaptured

        public void canvasImageCaptured​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage img)
        Notification that an image has been captured from the canvas and is ready for processing. If the filename has not been set then this will throw an exception.
        Specified by:
        canvasImageCaptured in interface CapturedImageObserver
        img - The image that was captured
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - The filename has not been set