ArrayParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
An array of parameter values in a case or run.
DataCase |
Defines a data element called a case.
DataElementList<E extends DataElement> |
A named list of DataElement objects with associated user data.
DataParam |
A data parameter or variable in a case or run.
DataReaderFactory |
This class returns a specific DataReader object that can read in the specified
DataSet |
Defines a data element called a set.
ScalarParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A class that represents a scalar data value in a case.
SelectCasesDialog |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available cases in a
list of data sets.
SelectParamsDialog |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available parameters
in a list of data cases.
TabDataReader |
This class translates data between a list of DataSet data structures and a stream
containing tab, space, or comma delimited columns of array data with a single line
header indicating the names of the parameters and an optional second line indicating
the units of each parameter.
TextParam |
A class that represents a text/note parameter.
TREETOPSDataReader |
This class reads data from a NASA TREETOPS/CLVTOPS *.dat and matching *.crf file and
returns a list of DataSet data structures containing the simulation data.
UnitParameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,E extends UnitParameter> |
A class that represents a parameter in a case that has units associated with it.