Interface Summary Interface Description BasisFunction Defines the interface for a basis function as required by the ModelData class.Evaluatable1D An interface that defines a 1D function y = fn(x) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders.ScalarFunctionND A class that defines an n-Dimensional scalar function y = fn(x[1..n]) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as a function minimizer.VectorFunction A class that defines an n-Dimensional vector function y[] = fn(x[]) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractEvaluatable1D A class that defines a 1D function y = fn(x) (named "function") that can be called by math tools such as root finders.BracketRoot1D Represents the bracket around a root in a 1D function.MathTools A collection of useful static routines of a general mathematical nature.Minimization A collection of static routines to find the minima or maxima of functions or sets of functions.ModelData Methods in this class are used to create functions that model experimental data.PolynomialFit A basis function for generating a polynomial curve fits of degree p[].length-1 with coefficients in the array p[].Quadrature A collection of methods for integrating a 1D function within a range:I=int_a^b{f(x) dx}
.Roots A collection of static routines to find the roots of functions or sets of functions. -
Exception Summary Exception Description IntegratorException Integrator routines may throw this exception when an error occurs.RootException Root finding routines may throw this exception when an error occurs in the root finding routine.