Class Constants

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Amount<?> µ0
      Holds the permeability of vacuum or magnetic constant.
      static Amount<?> µB
      Holds the Bohr magneton (ℏ·e/2me)
      static Amount<?> µN
      Holds the nuclear magneton (ℏ·e/2mp)
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Length> a0
      Holds the Bohr radius (α/(4π·Rinf))
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> amu
      Holds the unified atomic mass unit (0.001 kg/mol)/N
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Velocity> c
      Holds the speed of light in vacuum (exact).
      static Amount<?> c_square
      Holds c².
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.ElectricCharge> e
      Holds the elementary charge (positron charge).
      static Amount<?> Eh
      Holds the Hartree energy (2Rinf·h·c)
      static Amount<?> F
      Holds the Faraday constant (N·e)
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> four_π
      Holds 4·π.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Acceleration> g
      Holds the standard acceleration due to gravity (approximately equal to the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface).
      static Amount<?> G
      Holds the Newtonian constant of gravitation.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.ElectricConductance> G0
      Holds the conductance quantum (2e²/h)
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> half_π
      Holds π/2.
      static Amount<?> k
      Holds the Boltzmann constant.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Length> lP
      Holds the Planck length (ℏ/(mP·c))
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> md
      Holds the deuteron rest mass.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> me
      Holds the electron rest mass.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mn
      Holds the neutron rest mass.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mp
      Holds the proton rest mass.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mP
      Holds the Planck mass (ℏ·c/G)1/2
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass>
      Holds the muon rest mass.
      static Amount<?> N
      Holds the Avogadro constant.
      static Amount<?> R
      Holds the molar gas constant (N·k)
      static Amount<?> Rinf
      Holds the Rydberg constant (α²·me·c/2h).
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> tP
      Holds the Planck time (lP/c)
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> two_π
      Holds 2·π.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.ElectricResistance> Z0
      Holds the characteristic impedance of vacuum (µ0·c).
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.MagneticFlux> Φ0
      Holds the magnetic flux quantum (h/2e)
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> α
      Holds the fine structure constant (e²/(2·ε0·c·h))
      static Amount<?> ε0
      Holds the permittivity of vacuum or electric constant (1/(µ0·c²))
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> π
      Holds the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
      static Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> π_square
      Holds π².
      static Amount<?> σ
      Holds the Stefan-Boltzmann constant ((π²/60)·k4/(ℏ³·c²))
      static Amount<?>
      Holds the Planck constant.
      static Amount<?>
      Holds the Planck constant over 2π.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • g

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Acceleration> g
        Holds the standard acceleration due to gravity (approximately equal to the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface).
        See Also:
        Wikipedia: Acceleration due to gravity
      • me

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> me
        Holds the electron rest mass.
      • mp

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mp
        Holds the proton rest mass.
      • mn

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mn
        Holds the neutron rest mass.
      • md

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> md
        Holds the deuteron rest mass.
      • public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> 
        Holds the muon rest mass.
      • π

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> π
        Holds the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
      • half_π

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> half_π
        Holds π/2.
      • two_π

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> two_π
        Holds 2·π.
      • four_π

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> four_π
        Holds 4·π.
      • π_square

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> π_square
        Holds π².
      • c

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Velocity> c
        Holds the speed of light in vacuum (exact).
      • public static final Amount<?> 
        Holds the Planck constant over 2π.
      • Z0

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.ElectricResistance> Z0
        Holds the characteristic impedance of vacuum (µ0·c).
      • σ

        public static final Amount<?> σ
        Holds the Stefan-Boltzmann constant ((π²/60)·k4/(ℏ³·c²))
      • amu

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> amu
        Holds the unified atomic mass unit (0.001 kg/mol)/N
      • a0

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Length> a0
        Holds the Bohr radius (α/(4π·Rinf))
      • Eh

        public static final Amount<?> Eh
        Holds the Hartree energy (2Rinf·h·c)
      • Φ0

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.MagneticFlux> Φ0
        Holds the magnetic flux quantum (h/2e)
      • G0

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.ElectricConductance> G0
        Holds the conductance quantum (2e²/h)
      • µB

        public static final Amount<?> µB
        Holds the Bohr magneton (ℏ·e/2me)
      • µN

        public static final Amount<?> µN
        Holds the nuclear magneton (ℏ·e/2mp)
      • mP

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Mass> mP
        Holds the Planck mass (ℏ·c/G)1/2
      • lP

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Length> lP
        Holds the Planck length (ℏ/(mP·c))
      • tP

        public static final Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> tP
        Holds the Planck time (lP/c)