Class Coordinate3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>

    • Method Detail

      • getDimension

        public int getDimension()
        Returns the number of elements held by this vector. This implementation always returns a value of 3.
        Specified by:
        getDimension in class Vector<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        this vector dimension.
      • isApproxEqual

        public boolean isApproxEqual​(Coordinate3D<?> obj)
        Compares this Coordinate3D against the specified Coordinate3D for approximate equality (a Coordinate3D object with Vector3D values equal to this one to within the numerical roundoff tolerance).
        obj - the Coordinate3D object to compare with.
        true if this Coordinate3D is approximately identical to that Coordinate3D; false otherwise.
      • isApproxZero

        public boolean isApproxZero()
        Compares this Coordinate3D for approximate equality to zero (all the values are within the numerical roundoff error of zero).
        true if this Coordinate3D is approximately equal to zero; false otherwise.
      • asType

        public abstract <R extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Coordinate3D<R> asType​(java.lang.Class<R> type)
                                                                                    throws java.lang.ClassCastException
        Casts this Coordinate3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a ClassCastException if the dimension of the specified quantity and this parameter's unit dimension do not match.
        Type Parameters:
        R - The Quantity (unit type) to cast this parameter as.
        type - the quantity class identifying the nature of the unit.
        this AbstractParamVector parameterized with the specified type.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the dimension of this parameter's unit is different from the specified quantity dimension.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the specified quantity class does not have a public static field named "UNIT" holding the standard unit for the quantity.
      • toUnitVector

        public abstract Coordinate3D<javax.measure.quantity.Dimensionless> toUnitVector()
        Returns this vector converted to a unit vector with a vector magnitude of 1.0.
        this vector converted to a unit vector