Class Matrix3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, javolution.lang.Immutable, javolution.lang.Realtime, javolution.lang.ValueType, javolution.xml.XMLSerializable, GroupAdditive<Matrix<Parameter<Q>>>, Ring<Matrix<Parameter<Q>>>, Structure<Matrix<Parameter<Q>>>, VectorSpace<Matrix<Parameter<Q>>,​Parameter<Q>>

    public final class Matrix3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
    extends Matrix<Parameter<Q>>
    implements javolution.lang.Realtime, javolution.lang.ValueType, javolution.xml.XMLSerializable

    This class represents a 3x3 matrix implementation for parameter elements.

    Instances of this class can be created from Vector3D, either as rows or columns if the matrix is transposed. For example:

             Vector3D column0 = Vector3D.valueOf(...);
             Vector3D column1 = Vector3D.valueOf(...);
             Vector3D column2 = Vector3D.valueOf(...);
             Matrix3D M = Matrix3D.valueOf(column0, column1, column2).transpose();

    Modified by: Joseph A. Huwaldt

    October 23, 2015
    Joseph A. Huwaldt, Date: November 26, 2008
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Matrix3D adjoint()
      Returns the adjoint of this matrix.
      <T extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      asType​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
      Casts this Matrix3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a ClassCastException if the specified quantity and this matrix unit dimension do not match.
      Parameter cofactor​(int i, int j)
      Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix.
      Matrix3D<Q> copy()
      Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
      Parameter determinant()
      Returns the determinant of this matrix.
      Parameter<Q> get​(int i, int j)
      Returns a single element from this matrix.
      Vector3D<Q> getColumn​(int j)
      Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
      Vector3D<Q> getDiagonal()
      Returns the diagonal vector.
      int getNumberOfColumns()
      Returns the number of columns n for this matrix.
      int getNumberOfRows()
      Returns the number of rows m for this matrix.
      Vector3D<Q> getRow​(int i)
      Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
      javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> getUnit()
      Returns the unit in which the values in this vector are stated.
      double getValue​(int i, int j)
      Returns a single element from this matrix as a double.
      Matrix3D inverse()
      Returns the inverse of this matrix.
      boolean isApproxZero()
      Compares this Matrix3D for approximate equality to zero (all the values are within the numerical roundoff error of zero).
      static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
      Tests the methods in this class.
      Matrix3D<Q> minus​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
      Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
      Matrix3D<Q> opposite()
      Returns the negation of this matrix.
      Matrix3D<Q> plus​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
      Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
      Matrix tensor​(Matrix that)
      Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another (Kronecker product).
      Matrix3D<Q> times​(double k)
      Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
      Matrix3D times​(Parameter k)
      Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
      Matrix3D times​(Matrix that)
      Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
      Vector3D times​(Vector v)
      Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
      <R extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      to​(javax.measure.unit.Unit<R> unit)
      Returns the equivalent to this matrix but stated in the specified unit.
      Float64Matrix toFloat64Matrix()
      Returns a Float64Matrix containing the data in this matrix in the current units of this matrix.
      Matrix3D<Q> transpose()
      Returns the transpose of this matrix.
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(double[][] matrix, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
      Returns a Matrix3D instance containing the specified matrix of double values stated in the specified units.
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, double g, double h, double i, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
      Returns 3D matrix from a sequence of 9 double values.
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(Vector3D<Q> row0, Vector3D<Q> row1, Vector3D<Q> row2)
      Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if transposed).
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(java.util.List<Vector3D<Q>> rows)
      Returns a 3D matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if transposed).
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(Float64Vector row0, Float64Vector row1, Float64Vector row2, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
      Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors in the stated units (column vectors if transposed).
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
      Returns a 3D matrix equivalent to the specified matrix.
      static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
      valueOf​(Matrix<Float64> matrix, javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
      Returns a Matrix3D instance containing the specified matrix of Float64 values stated in the specified units.
      Vector<Parameter<Q>> vectorization()
      Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface javolution.lang.Realtime

    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(double a,
                                                                                      double b,
                                                                                      double c,
                                                                                      double d,
                                                                                      double e,
                                                                                      double f,
                                                                                      double g,
                                                                                      double h,
                                                                                      double i,
                                                                                      javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
        Returns 3D matrix from a sequence of 9 double values.

        Values are ordered as follows:

                 | a b c |
                 | d e f |
                 | g h i |

        a - matrix element 0,0
        b - matrix element 0,1
        c - matrix element 0,2
        d - matrix element 1,0
        e - matrix element 1,1
        f - matrix element 1,2
        g - matrix element 2,0
        h - matrix element 2,1
        i - matrix element 2,2
        unit - the unit in which the elements are stated.
        the 3D matrix having the specified elements stated in the specified units.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(Float64Vector row0,
                                                                                      Float64Vector row1,
                                                                                      Float64Vector row2,
                                                                                      javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
        Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors in the stated units (column vectors if transposed).
        row0 - the 1st row vector.
        row1 - the 2nd row vector.
        row2 - the 3rd row vector.
        unit - the unit in which the elements are stated.
        the 3D matrix having the specified elements stated in the specified units.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(Vector3D<Q> row0,
                                                                                      Vector3D<Q> row1,
                                                                                      Vector3D<Q> row2)
        Returns a 3D matrix holding the specified row vectors (column vectors if transposed). All the values are converted to the same units as the 1st row (row0).
        row0 - the 1st row vector.
        row1 - the 2nd row vector.
        row2 - the 3rd row vector.
        the 3D matrix having the specified rows.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(java.util.List<Vector3D<Q>> rows)
        Returns a 3D matrix holding the row vectors from the specified collection (column vectors if transposed). All the values are converted to the same units as the 1st row (row0).
        rows - The list of row vectors. If there are more than 3 elements, an exception is thrown.
        the 3D matrix having the specified rows.
        DimensionException - if the rows do not have a dimension of 3.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(Matrix<Float64> matrix,
                                                                                      javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
        Returns a Matrix3D instance containing the specified matrix of Float64 values stated in the specified units. The input matrix must have dimensions of 3x3.
        matrix - the matrix of Float64 values stated in the specified unit (must have dimension of 3x3).
        unit - the unit in which the elements are stated.
        the matrix having the specified values.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(double[][] matrix,
                                                                                      javax.measure.unit.Unit<Q> unit)
        Returns a Matrix3D instance containing the specified matrix of double values stated in the specified units. The input matrix must have dimensions of 3x3.
        matrix - the matrix of double values stated in the specified unit (must have dimension of 3x3).
        unit - the unit in which the elements are stated.
        the matrix having the specified values.
      • valueOf

        public static <Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<Q> valueOf​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
        Returns a 3D matrix equivalent to the specified matrix. All the values are converted to the same units as the 1st element (row=0,column=0).
        that - the matrix to convert.
        that or a 3D matrix holding the same elements as the specified matrix.
      • getNumberOfRows

        public int getNumberOfRows()
        Returns the number of rows m for this matrix. This implementation always returns 3.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfRows in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        m, the number of rows.
      • getNumberOfColumns

        public int getNumberOfColumns()
        Returns the number of columns n for this matrix. This implementation always returns 3.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfColumns in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        n, the number of columns.
      • getUnit

        public javax.measure.unit.Unit<QgetUnit()
        Returns the unit in which the values in this vector are stated.
      • to

        public <R extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<R> to​(javax.measure.unit.Unit<R> unit)
        Returns the equivalent to this matrix but stated in the specified unit.
        unit - the unit of the matrix to be returned.
        a matrix equivalent to this vector but stated in the specified unit.
        ConversionException - if the current model does not allows for conversion to the specified unit.
      • asType

        public <T extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> Matrix3D<T> asType​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
                                                                       throws java.lang.ClassCastException
        Casts this Matrix3D to a parameterized unit of specified nature or throw a ClassCastException if the specified quantity and this matrix unit dimension do not match.
        type - the quantity class identifying the nature of the unit.
        this matrix parameterized with the specified type.
        java.lang.ClassCastException - if the dimension of this parameter's unit is different from the specified quantity dimension.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the specified quantity class does not have a public static field named "UNIT" holding the standard unit for the quantity.
      • get

        public Parameter<Qget​(int i,
                                int j)
        Returns a single element from this matrix.
        Specified by:
        get in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        i - the row index (range [0..3[).
        j - the column index (range [0..3[).
        the element read at [i,j].
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(int i,
                               int j)
        Returns a single element from this matrix as a double.
        i - the row index (range [0..3[).
        j - the column index (range [0..3[).
        the element read at [i,j].
      • getRow

        public Vector3D<QgetRow​(int i)
        Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
        Specified by:
        getRow in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        i - the row index (range [0..3[).
        the vector holding the specified row.
      • getColumn

        public Vector3D<QgetColumn​(int j)
        Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
        Specified by:
        getColumn in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        j - the column index (range [0..3[).
        the vector holding the specified column.
      • plus

        public Matrix3D<Qplus​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
        Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
        Specified by:
        plus in interface GroupAdditive<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
        Specified by:
        plus in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        that - the matrix to be added.
        this + that
        DimensionException - if the matrix dimensions are different.
      • minus

        public Matrix3D<Qminus​(Matrix<Parameter<Q>> that)
        Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
        minus in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        that - the matrix to be subtracted from this one.
        this - that
        DimensionException - if the matrix dimensions are different.
      • times

        public Matrix3D times​(Parameter k)
        Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
        Specified by:
        times in interface VectorSpace<Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>,​Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        Specified by:
        times in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        k - the coefficient multiplier
        this · k
      • times

        public Matrix3D<Qtimes​(double k)
        Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
        k - the coefficient multiplier
        this · k
      • times

        public Vector3D times​(Vector v)
        Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
        Specified by:
        times in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        v - the vector.
        this · v
        DimensionException - - if v.getDimension() != this.getNumberOfColumns()
      • times

        public Matrix3D times​(Matrix that)
        Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
        Specified by:
        times in interface Ring<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>
        Specified by:
        times in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        that - the matrix multiplier.
        this · that
        DimensionException - - if this.getNumberOfColumns() != that.getNumberOfRows().
      • inverse

        public Matrix3D inverse()
        Returns the inverse of this matrix. If the matrix is singular, the determinant() will be zero (or nearly zero).
        Specified by:
        inverse in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        1 / this
      • cofactor

        public Parameter cofactor​(int i,
                                  int j)
        Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix. It is the value obtained by evaluating the determinant formed by the elements not in that particular row or column.
        Specified by:
        cofactor in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        i - the row index.
        j - the column index.
        the cofactor of THIS[i,j].
      • adjoint

        public Matrix3D adjoint()
        Returns the adjoint of this matrix. It is obtained by replacing each element in this matrix with its cofactor and applying a + or - sign according to (-1)**(i+j), and then finding the transpose of the resulting matrix.
        Specified by:
        adjoint in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        the adjoint of this matrix.
      • isApproxZero

        public boolean isApproxZero()
        Compares this Matrix3D for approximate equality to zero (all the values are within the numerical roundoff error of zero).
        true if this Matrix3D is approximately equal to zero; false otherwise.
      • vectorization

        public Vector<Parameter<Q>> vectorization()
        Returns the vectorization of this matrix. The vectorization of a matrix is the column vector obtained by stacking the columns of the matrix on top of one another. The default implementation returns a DenseVector>.
        Specified by:
        vectorization in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        the vectorization of this matrix.
        See Also:
        Wikipedia: Vectorization.
      • copy

        public Matrix3D<Qcopy()
        Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
        Specified by:
        copy in interface javolution.lang.ValueType
        Specified by:
        copy in class Matrix<Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity>>
        an identical and independent copy of this matrix.
      • toFloat64Matrix

        public Float64Matrix toFloat64Matrix()
        Returns a Float64Matrix containing the data in this matrix in the current units of this matrix.
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
        Tests the methods in this class.