Class Matrix<F extends Field<F>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javolution.lang.Immutable, javolution.lang.Realtime, javolution.lang.ValueType, GroupAdditive<Matrix<F>>, Ring<Matrix<F>>, Structure<Matrix<F>>, VectorSpace<Matrix<F>,​F>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ComplexMatrix, DenseMatrix, Float64Matrix, Matrix3D, SparseMatrix

    public abstract class Matrix<F extends Field<F>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements VectorSpace<Matrix<F>,​F>, Ring<Matrix<F>>, javolution.lang.ValueType, javolution.lang.Realtime

    This class represents a rectangular table of elements of a ring-like algebraic structure.

    Instances of this class can be used to resolve system of linear equations involving any kind of Field elements (e.g. Real, Complex, Amount<?>, Function, etc). For example:[code] // Creates a dense matrix (2x2) of Rational numbers. DenseMatrix M = DenseMatrix.valueOf( { Rational.valueOf(23, 45), Rational.valueOf(33, 75) }, { Rational.valueOf(15, 31), Rational.valueOf(-20, 45)}); // Creates a sparse matrix (16x2) of Real numbers. SparseMatrix M = SparseMatrix.valueOf( SparseVector.valueOf(16, Real.ZERO, 0, Real.valueOf(5)), SparseVector.valueOf(16, Real.ZERO, 15, Real.valueOf(-3))); // Creates a floating-point (64 bits) matrix (3x2). Float64Matrix M = Float64Matrix.valueOf( {{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0}}); // Creates a complex single column matrix (1x2). ComplexMatrix M = ComplexMatrix.valueOf( {{ Complex.valueOf(1.0, 2.0), Complex.valueOf(4.0, 5.0)}}).transpose(); // Creates an identity matrix (2x2) for modulo integer. SparseMatrix IDENTITY = SparseMatrix.valueOf( DenseVector.valueOf(ModuloInteger.ONE, ModuloInteger.ONE), ModuloInteger.ZERO); [/code]

    Non-commutative field multiplication is supported. Invertible square matrices may form a non-commutative field (also called a division ring). In which case this class may be used to resolve system of linear equations with matrix coefficients.

    Implementation Note: Matrices may use StackContext and ConcurrentContext in order to minimize heap allocation and accelerate calculations on multi-core systems.

    3.3, December 24, 2006
    Jean-Marie Dautelle
    See Also:
    Wikipedia: Matrix (mathematics)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Matrix<F> adjoint()
      Returns the adjoint of this matrix.
      abstract F cofactor​(int i, int j)
      Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix.
      abstract Matrix<F> copy()
      Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
      abstract F determinant()
      Returns the determinant of this matrix.
      Matrix<F> divide​(Matrix<F> that)
      Returns this matrix divided by the one specified.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object that)
      Indicates if this matrix is strictly equal to the object specified.
      boolean equals​(Matrix<F> that, java.util.Comparator<F> cmp)
      Indicates if this matrix can be considered equals to the one specified using the specified comparator when testing for element equality.
      abstract F get​(int i, int j)
      Returns a single element from this matrix.
      abstract Vector<F> getColumn​(int j)
      Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
      abstract Vector<F> getDiagonal()
      Returns the diagonal vector.
      abstract int getNumberOfColumns()
      Returns the number of columns n for this matrix.
      abstract int getNumberOfRows()
      Returns the number of rows m for this matrix.
      abstract Vector<F> getRow​(int i)
      Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for this matrix.
      abstract Matrix<F> inverse()
      Returns the inverse of this matrix (must be square).
      boolean isSquare()
      Indicates if this matrix is square.
      Matrix<F> minus​(Matrix<F> that)
      Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
      abstract Matrix<F> opposite()
      Returns the negation of this matrix.
      abstract Matrix<F> plus​(Matrix<F> that)
      Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
      Matrix<F> pow​(int exp)
      Returns this matrix raised at the specified exponent.
      Matrix<F> pseudoInverse()
      Returns the inverse or pseudo-inverse if this matrix if not square.
      Matrix<F> solve​(Matrix<F> y)
      Solves this matrix for the specified matrix (returns x such as this · x = y).
      Vector<F> solve​(Vector<F> y)
      Solves this matrix for the specified vector (returns x such as this · x = y).
      abstract Matrix<F> tensor​(Matrix<F> that)
      Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another (Kronecker product).
      abstract Matrix<F> times​(F k)
      Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
      abstract Matrix<F> times​(Matrix<F> that)
      Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
      abstract Vector<F> times​(Vector<F> v)
      Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the text representation of this matrix as a java.lang.String.
      javolution.text.Text toText()
      Returns the text representation of this matrix.
      F trace()
      Returns the trace of this matrix.
      abstract Matrix<F> transpose()
      Returns the transpose of this matrix.
      abstract Vector<F> vectorization()
      Returns the vectorization of this matrix.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfRows

        public abstract int getNumberOfRows()
        Returns the number of rows m for this matrix.
        m, the number of rows.
      • getNumberOfColumns

        public abstract int getNumberOfColumns()
        Returns the number of columns n for this matrix.
        n, the number of columns.
      • get

        public abstract F get​(int i,
                              int j)
        Returns a single element from this matrix.
        i - the row index (range [0..m[).
        j - the column index (range [0..n[).
        the element read at [i,j].
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - ((i < 0) || (i >= m)) || ((j < 0) || (j >= n))
      • getRow

        public abstract Vector<FgetRow​(int i)
        Returns the row identified by the specified index in this matrix.
        i - the row index (range [0..m[).
        the vector holding the specified row.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - (i < 0) || (i >= m)
      • getColumn

        public abstract Vector<FgetColumn​(int j)
        Returns the column identified by the specified index in this matrix.
        j - the column index (range [0..n[).
        the vector holding the specified column.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - (j < 0) || (j >= n)
      • getDiagonal

        public abstract Vector<FgetDiagonal()
        Returns the diagonal vector.
        the vector holding the diagonal elements.
      • plus

        public abstract Matrix<Fplus​(Matrix<F> that)
        Returns the sum of this matrix with the one specified.
        Specified by:
        plus in interface GroupAdditive<F extends Field<F>>
        that - the matrix to be added.
        this + that.
        DimensionException - matrices's dimensions are different.
      • minus

        public Matrix<Fminus​(Matrix<F> that)
        Returns the difference between this matrix and the one specified.
        that - the matrix to be subtracted.
        this - that.
        DimensionException - matrices's dimensions are different.
      • times

        public abstract Matrix<Ftimes​(F k)
        Returns the product of this matrix by the specified factor.
        Specified by:
        times in interface VectorSpace<Matrix<F extends Field<F>>,​F extends Field<F>>
        k - the coefficient multiplier.
        this · k
      • times

        public abstract Vector<Ftimes​(Vector<F> v)
        Returns the product of this matrix by the specified vector.
        v - the vector.
        this · v
        DimensionException - if v.getDimension() != this.getNumberOfColumns()
      • times

        public abstract Matrix<Ftimes​(Matrix<F> that)
        Returns the product of this matrix with the one specified.
        Specified by:
        times in interface Ring<F extends Field<F>>
        that - the matrix multiplier.
        this · that.
        DimensionException - if this.getNumberOfColumns() != that.getNumberOfRows().
      • inverse

        public abstract Matrix<Finverse()
        Returns the inverse of this matrix (must be square).
        1 / this
        DimensionException - if this matrix is not square.
      • divide

        public Matrix<Fdivide​(Matrix<F> that)
        Returns this matrix divided by the one specified.
        that - the matrix divisor.
        this / that.
        DimensionException - if that matrix is not square or dimensions do not match.
      • pseudoInverse

        public Matrix<FpseudoInverse()
        Returns the inverse or pseudo-inverse if this matrix if not square.

        Note: To resolve the equation A * X = B, it is usually faster to calculate rather than A.inverse().times(B).

        the inverse or pseudo-inverse of this matrix.
      • determinant

        public abstract F determinant()
        Returns the determinant of this matrix.
        this matrix determinant.
        DimensionException - if this matrix is not square.
      • transpose

        public abstract Matrix<Ftranspose()
        Returns the transpose of this matrix.
      • cofactor

        public abstract F cofactor​(int i,
                                   int j)
        Returns the cofactor of an element in this matrix. It is the value obtained by evaluating the determinant formed by the elements not in that particular row or column.
        i - the row index.
        j - the column index.
        the cofactor of THIS[i,j].
        DimensionException - matrix is not square or its dimension is less than 2.
      • adjoint

        public abstract Matrix<Fadjoint()
        Returns the adjoint of this matrix. It is obtained by replacing each element in this matrix with its cofactor and applying a + or - sign according (-1)**(i+j), and then finding the transpose of the resulting matrix.
        the adjoint of this matrix.
        DimensionException - if this matrix is not square or if its dimension is less than 2.
      • isSquare

        public boolean isSquare()
        Indicates if this matrix is square.
        getNumberOfRows() == getNumberOfColumns()
      • solve

        public Vector<Fsolve​(Vector<F> y)
        Solves this matrix for the specified vector (returns x such as this · x = y).
        y - the vector for which the solution is calculated.
        x such as this · x = y
        DimensionException - if that matrix is not square or dimensions do not match.
      • solve

        public Matrix<Fsolve​(Matrix<F> y)
        Solves this matrix for the specified matrix (returns x such as this · x = y).
        y - the matrix for which the solution is calculated.
        x such as this · x = y
        DimensionException - if that matrix is not square or dimensions do not match.
      • pow

        public Matrix<Fpow​(int exp)
        Returns this matrix raised at the specified exponent.
        exp - the exponent.
        DimensionException - if this matrix is not square.
      • trace

        public F trace()
        Returns the trace of this matrix.
        the sum of the diagonal elements.
      • tensor

        public abstract Matrix<Ftensor​(Matrix<F> that)
        Returns the linear algebraic matrix tensor product of this matrix and another (Kronecker product). The default implementation returns a DenseMatrix.
        that - the second matrix.
        this ⊗ that
        See Also:
        Wikipedia: Kronecker Product
      • vectorization

        public abstract Vector<Fvectorization()
        Returns the vectorization of this matrix. The vectorization of a matrix is the column vector obtain by stacking the columns of the matrix on top of one another. The default implementation returns a DenseVector.
        the vectorization of this matrix.
        See Also:
        Wikipedia: Vectorization.
      • toText

        public javolution.text.Text toText()
        Returns the text representation of this matrix.
        Specified by:
        toText in interface javolution.lang.Realtime
        the text representation of this matrix.
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        Returns the text representation of this matrix as a java.lang.String.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Matrix<F> that,
                              java.util.Comparator<F> cmp)
        Indicates if this matrix can be considered equals to the one specified using the specified comparator when testing for element equality. The specified comparator may allow for some tolerance in the difference between the matrix elements.
        that - the matrix to compare for equality.
        cmp - the comparator to use when testing for element equality.
        true if this matrix and the specified matrix are both matrices with equal elements according to the specified comparator; false otherwise.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object that)
        Indicates if this matrix is strictly equal to the object specified.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        that - the object to compare for equality.
        true if this matrix and the specified object are both matrices with equal elements; false otherwise.
        See Also:
        equals(Matrix, Comparator)
      • copy

        public abstract Matrix<Fcopy()
        Returns a copy of this matrix allocated by the calling thread (possibly on the stack).
        Specified by:
        copy in interface javolution.lang.ValueType
        an identical and independant copy of this matrix.