All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutJMenuItem |
This is the Swing implementation of the About menu item.
AbstractCurve<T extends AbstractCurve> |
The interface and implementation in common to all curves.
AbstractEvaluatable1D |
A class that defines a 1D function y = fn(x) (named "function") that can
be called by math tools such as root finders.
AbstractGeomElement<T extends AbstractGeomElement> |
AbstractGeomList<T extends AbstractGeomList,E extends GeomElement> |
Partial implementation of a list of GeomElement objects.
AbstractGeomReader |
A partial implementation of the GeomReader interface.
AbstractNote<T extends AbstractNote> |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space.
AbstractParamVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,T extends AbstractParamVector<Q,T>> |
AbstractPlotWindow |
A partial implementation of a window that displays a plot using JFreeChart.
AbstractPointGeomList<T extends AbstractPointGeomList,E extends PointGeometry> |
AbstractRotation<T extends AbstractRotation<?>> |
This class represents a partial implementation of a Rotation object.
AbstractSurface<T extends AbstractSurface> |
The interface and implementation in common to all surfaces.
Airfoil |
Defines the interface in common to all airfoil type objects.
Altitude |
This class represents the Mean-Sea-Level vertical
altitude (MSL).
Amount<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a determinate or estimated amount for which
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
can be performed (it implements the Field interface).
AmountException |
Signals that an illegal measure operation has been performed.
AmountFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing measures instances.
AppPreferences |
This class serves as a collection of preferences for this program.
AppUtilities |
A set of generic utilities that I have found useful and that are used by most of my
Java applications.
ArrayParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
An array of parameter values in a case or run.
Axis |
Representation of a set of axes around the coordinates.
AxisAngle |
This class represents a rotation axis and rotation angle made up of Float64 elements.
BasicCSTCurve |
An implementation of the Class-Shape-Transform (CST) planar curve.
BasicNurbsCurve |
A basic implementation of a parametric NURBS curve.
BasicNurbsSurface |
A basic implementation of a parametric NURBS surface.
BasisFunction |
Defines the interface for a basis function as required by the ModelData class.
BDSGeomReader |
A GeomReader for writing vehicle point geometry out to an SAIC bdStudio BDS
mesh geometry file.
BGFGCanvas3D |
BGFGCanvas3D is a Canvas3D that renders an list of arbitrary 2D
BGFGImage objects either behind or over top of the 3D scene.
BGFGImage |
The interface in common to any objects that provide a background or foreground
(overlay) image to render behind or on top of a BGFGCanvas3D .
BinomialCoef |
This class represents an immutable matrix of binomial coefficients (n/k) defined up to
a specified maximum index.
BracketRoot1D |
Represents the bracket around a root in a 1D function.
BshLog |
A logging context that dumps the log to the supplied BeanShell Console.
CapturedImageObserver |
An observer for when images have been captured from the Canvas3D.
CARDGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing vehicle geometry from/to an APAS II
(Airplane Preliminary Analysis System) CARD formatted geometry file.
ChooseUnitDialog<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
ChooseUnitPanel<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A panel the allows the user to select a length unit to be used.
CircleInfo |
An simple container that packages together information about circles.
Colors |
A collection of Color constants with creative names.
Complex |
This class represents an immutable complex number.
ComplexMatrix |
This class represents an optimized matrix implementation
for complex numbers.
ComplexVector |
This class represents an optimized vector implementation
for complex numbers elements.
CompoundCoordinates<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a coordinates made up by combining
two coordinates objects together.
CompoundCRS<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a coordinate reference system combining two or more
distinct reference systems.
ConeGenerator |
Generator of Cone raw coordinates and geometry normals.
Constant<R extends Ring<R>> |
This class represents a constant function (polynomial of degree 0).
Constants |
The Constants class is a holding area for any "global" variables that are needed for
multiple classes.
Constants |
This class provides most accurate physical constants measurement;
the more accurate the constants, the higher the precision
of the calculations making use of these constants.
ControlPoint |
A container that holds the coordinates of a NURBS control point in n-dimensional space.
ControlPointNet |
A network or matrix of control points for a NURBS surface in n-dimensional space.
Coordinate3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements representing a
geometrical coordinate.
CoordinateReferenceSystem<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents an arbitrary system of reference for which
coordinates of same significance can be stated.
Coordinates<R extends CoordinateReferenceSystem<?>> |
This class designates the position that a point occupies in a given
n-dimensional reference frame or system.
CoordinatesConverter<S extends Coordinates<?>,T extends Coordinates<?>> |
This interface represents a converter between coordinates .
CoordinateUtils |
A utility class that can be used to modify coordinate values of an item
of geometry.
CSTClassFunction |
A generic Class-Shape-Transform (CST) class function implementation.
CSTCurve |
The interface and implementation in common to all Class-Shape-Transform (CST) planar
CSTCurveTrans |
CSTCurveUtils |
A collection of methods for working with Class-Shape-Transform or CSTCurve
CSTShapeFunction |
A generic Class-Shape-Transform (CST) shape function implementation.
Currency |
This class represents a currency Unit .
Curve<T extends Curve> |
Defines the interface for GeomElement objects that are continuous curves.
CurveFactory |
A collection of methods for creating NURBS curves.
CurveTestSuite |
This class holds the geomss.geom Curve unit tests and benchmarks.
CurveTestSuite.ArcLengthTest |
CurveTestSuite.CCIntersectionTest |
CurveTestSuite.CPlaneIntersectionTest |
CurveTestSuite.EnclosedAreaTest |
CurveTestSuite.GenericSingleCurveTests |
CurveTestSuite.PointCurveClosestTest |
CurveUtils |
A collection of utility methods for working with NURBS curves.
CylinderGenerator |
A simple cylinder that can be configured to have end caps.
Cylindrical3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements
representing a geometrical cylindrical coordinate with elements radius, azimuth angle
and height.
DataCase |
Defines a data element called a case.
DataElement |
Defines the interface in common to all data elements.
DataElementList<E extends DataElement> |
A named list of DataElement objects with associated user data.
DataParam |
A data parameter or variable in a case or run.
DataReader |
This class provides a standard interface for reading and writing data files of various
DataReaderFactory |
This class returns a specific DataReader object that can read in the specified
DataSet |
Defines a data element called a set.
DCMatrix |
This class represents a 3x3 transformation or direction cosine matrix
that represents a relative orientation (attitude or rotation transformation) between
two different reference frames; B wrt A or BA.
DecimalField |
A text field that validates it's input and only accepts inputs that are a valid decimal
number such as 3.14159.
DenseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> |
DenseVector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a dense vector.
DialogItem |
A container for for items to display in a dialog.
DimensionException |
Exception thrown when geometry element dimensions do not match expectations.
DimensionException |
Signals that an operation is performed upon vectors or matrices whose
dimensions disagree.
DirEntry |
The DirEntry class represents the IGES Directory Entry.
DiscreteFunction<X,Y> |
This class represents a function defined from a mapping betweem
two sets (points and values).
EditUnitSetDialog |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
EditUnitSetPanel |
A panel the allows the user to select a set of units to be used.
Entity |
The Entity class is meant to be a superclass for the individual entity type/ form
Entity000_Null |
NULL ENTITY - An entity that may be created as a result of editing a file
to delete an "undesired" entity.
Entity100_CircularArc |
CIRCULAR ARC ENTITY - This entity defines a circle or a portion of a
circle which may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a
Entity102_CompositeCurve |
COMPOSITE CURVE ENTITY - This entity defines an associativity
relationship between an ordered list of curve segments.
Entity104_0_GenConicArc |
CONIC ARC ENTITY - GENERAL - This entity defines an ellipse, a parabola,
a hyperbola, or a portion of one of these conic curves which may be isolated or used as
a component of a Composite Curve or a subfigure.
Entity104_1_EllipticalArc |
CONIC ARC ENTITY - ELLIPSE - This entity defines an ellipse or elliptical
Entity104_2_HyperbolicArc |
CONIC ARC ENTITY - HYPERBOLA - This entity defines a hyperbolic arc.
Entity104_3_ParabolicArc |
CONIC ARC ENTITY - PARABOLA - This entity defines a parabolic arc.
Entity104_ConicArc |
CONIC ARC ENTITY - This entity defines an ellipse, a parabola, a
hyperbola, or a portion of one of these conic curves which may be isolated or used as a
component of a Composite Curve or a sub-figure.
Entity106_1_2DPoints |
a set of 2D coordinate points which may be
isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
Entity106_11_2DLinearString |
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - LINEAR STRING - This entity defines a series of
linear segments along the consecutive points of the path which may be isolated or used
as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
Entity106_12_3DLinearString |
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - LINEAR STRING - This entity defines a series of
linear segments along the consecutive points of the path which may be isolated or used
as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
Entity106_13_3DVectorString |
ordered set of 3D coordinate points with associated 3D vectors.
Entity106_2_3DPoints |
a set of 3D coordinate points which may be
isolated or used as a component of a Subfigure Entity.
Entity106_3_3DVectors |
a set of 3D coordinate points with associated 3D vectors.
Entity106_63_ClosedPlanarLinearCurve |
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - CLOSED PLANAR CURVE - This entity defines a closed
collection of connected line segments which share a constant depth (zt) value and which
may be used as a component of a subfigure.
Entity106_CopiousData |
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - This entity is a list of data points, either 2D or
3D, closed or open.
Entity106_XX_Unsupported |
COPIOUS DATA ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity is a list of data points,
either 2D or 3D, closed or open.
Entity108_0_UnboundedPlane |
PLANE ENTITY - UNBOUNDED - This entity represents an unbounded plane.
Entity108_Plane |
PLANE ENTITY - This entity represents a plane.
Entity108_XX_Unsupported |
PLANE ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity represents a plane.
Entity110_Line |
LINE ENTITY - This entity defines a line segment which may be isolated or
used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a subfigure.
Entity112_ParSplineCurve |
PARAMETRIC SPLINE CURVE ENTITY - This entity represents a Parametric
Spline Curve that may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or
a Subfigure Entity.
Entity116_Point |
POINT ENTITY - This entity defines a point which may be isolated or used
as a component of a Composite Curve Entity or a subfigure.
Entity118_0_RuledSurface |
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly
lofted surface.
Entity118_1_RuledSurface |
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly
lofted surface.
Entity118_RuledSurface |
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly
lofted surface.
Entity118_XX_Unsupported |
RULED SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a ruled or 2-curve linearly
lofted surface.
Entity120_SurfaceOfRevolution |
SURFACE OF REVOLUTION ENTITY - This entity represents a surface of
Entity124_TransformationMatrix |
TRANSFORMATION MATRIX ENTITY - This allows translation and rotation to be
applied to other entities.
Entity126_BSplineCurve |
RATIONAL B-SPLINE CURVE ENTITY - This entity represents a Rational
B-Spline Curve that may be isolated or used as a component of a Composite Curve Entity
or a Subfigure Entity.
Entity128_BSplineSurface |
RATIONAL B-SPLINE SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a Rational
B-Spline Surface.
Entity142_CurveOnSurface |
CURVE ON A PARAMETRIC SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a curve
associated with a surface and identifies the curve as lying on the surface.
Entity144_TrimmedSurface |
TRIMMED PARAMETRIC SURFACE ENTITY - This entity represents a surface that
is a subset of another surface bounded on the outside by a boundary curve and on the
inside (holes) with a series of boundary curves.
Entity308_Subfigure |
SUBFIGURE DEFINITION ENTITY - This entity supports multiple instantiation
of a defined collection of entities.
Entity402_15_OrderedGroupNoBackPointers |
allows an ordered group of entities without back pointers to be maintained as a single,
logical entity.
Entity402_Associativity |
ASSOCIATIVITY ENTITY - This entity defines an associativity relationship
between other entities.
Entity402_XX_Unsupported |
ASSOCIATIVITY ENTITY - UNSUPPORTED - This entity allows an ordered group
of entities without back pointers to be maintained as a single, logical entity.
Entity404_Drawing |
DRAWING ENTITY - This entity defines drawing space coordinate system.
Entity408_SingularSubfigure |
SINGULAR SUBFIGURE INSTANCE ENTITY - This entity defines the occurrence
of a single instance of the defined subfigure.
Entity410_View |
VIEW ENTITY - This entity specifies the position of the model entities
when referenced from a Drawing Entity.
EntityFactory |
A factory class that provides methods for creating Entity instances.
EntityXXX_Unsupported |
UNSUPPORTED ENTITY - This entity is both a generic starting point for
entity class creation and a placeholder for unsupported entities in the IGES file.
EscapeJDialog |
A dialog that responds to the user pressing the escape or enter keys for default
buttons (cancel and OK).
EulerAngles |
This class represents the three Euler angles; theta1, theta2, theta3.
EulerAngles.Axis |
Enumeration of the axes that a rotation may be made around.
EulerAngles.Frame |
Enumeration of the frame from which the axes are taken.
EulerAngles.Order |
Enumeration of all the combinations of the Euler angle orders for both static ("s")
and rotating ("r") axes.
EulerAngles.Parity |
Enumeration of the parity of the axis permutation.
Evaluatable1D |
An interface that defines a 1D function y = fn(x) (named "function") that can be called
by math tools such as root finders.
ExtendedUndoManager |
An extension of UndoManager that provides two additional features: (1) The ability to
add & remove listeners and (2) the ability to gain more extensive access to the
edits being managed.
ExtFilenameFilter |
A convenience implementation of FilenameFilter and FileFilter that filters out all
files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
Field<F> |
This interface represents an algebraic structure in which the operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (except division by zero)
may be performed.
FileUtils |
This is a utility class of static methods for working with files.
Float64 |
This class represents a 64 bits floating point number.
Float64Matrix |
Float64Vector |
This class represents an optimized vector implementation
for 64 bits floating point elements.
FloatingPoint |
This class represents a floating point number of arbitrary precision.
FolderDialog |
A folder dialog is a modal file dialog to specially select a folder on
FormattedDocument |
A formatted document that uses a user supplied Format object to control the format of
the text in the document.
ForwardingChangeListener |
A ChangeListener that forwards the change event on to a target
AbstractGeomElement instance.
Function<X,Y> |
This abstract class represents a mapping between two sets such that
there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element
in the first set.
FunctionException |
Thrown when a function operation cannot be performed.
GenericActionListener |
A class that implements a generic action listener.
GenModelNote |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, and
represented at a fixed size and orientation in model space.
GenScreenNote |
Partial implementation of a textual note located at a point in nD space, but is
displayed at a fixed size on the screen and oriented such that it is always face-on to
the user.
GeocentricCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 3 dimensional spatial reference system.
GeographicCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 2 dimensional surface reference system
based on an ellipsoidal approximation of a geoid.
GeomElement<T extends GeomElement> |
Defines the interface in common to all geometry elements.
GeometryData |
Data representation of geometry information that is created through the
various generator classes in this package.
GeometryGenerator |
Abstract base representation of geometry generator of box raw coordinate
and geometry normals.
GeometryList<T extends GeometryList,E extends GeomElement> |
Partial implementation of a named list of GeomElement objects.
GeomList<E extends GeomElement> |
GeomPlane |
The interface and implementation in common to all 2D planes in n-dimensional space.
GeomPlaneTrans |
GeomPoint |
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
GeomPointTrans |
GeomReader |
Interface for classes that read and write geometry files of various formats.
GeomReaderFactory |
This class returns a specific GeomReader object that can read in the specified
GeomShape3D |
A Shape3D object that maintains a reference to the GeomElement with which it is
GeomSS |
Application that hosts a Geometry Scripting System.
GeomSSApp |
The public interface for the GeomSS application that is intended to be accessed from
the BeanShell scripting environment.
GeomSSBatch |
This class will run a GeomSS BeanShell script in batch (background or non-interactive)
GeomSSBatch.PublicScene |
A class that serves as the public interface (in BeanShell) for this application's
3D scene.
GeomSSCanvas3D |
The 3D canvas used by this application to display the user's geometry.
GeomSSCanvas3D.PDViewAngle |
Pre-defined view angles used with setView .
GeomSSEntity |
The interface an implementation in common to all Entity objects that contain GeomSS
This class represents a multi-document interface GUI application for use in this
GeomSSScene |
The public interface for the GeomSS 3D scene that is intended to be accessed from the
BeanShell scripting environment.
GeomSSUtil |
Static utility methods for the GeomSS application that are intended to be accessed from
the BeanShell scripting environment.
GeomTransform<T extends Transformable> |
GeomTriangle |
The interface and implementation in common to all triangles in n-dimensional space.
GeomUtil |
A collection of static methods used by classes in the geometry package.
GeomVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
Partial implementation of an n-dimensional vector which indicates direction, but not
GeomXMLBinding |
This class represents the binding between GeomSS Java classes and their XML
representation (XMLFormat); the binding may be shared among multiple
XMLObjectReader/XMLObjectWriter instances (is thread-safe).
GGPGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading vehicle geometry from a GGP formatted geometry file.
GlobalSection |
The GlobalSection class encapsulates the IGES Global Section.
GridRule |
Rules used for gridding parametric objects.
GridSpacing |
A collection of methods for creating various grid spacing options.
GridSpacing.GridType |
An enumeration of the available grid spacing types.
GroupAdditive<G> |
This interface represents a structure with a binary additive
operation (+), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element,
inverse element and closure).
GroupMultiplicative<G> |
This interface represents a structure with a binary multiplicative
operation (·), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element,
inverse element and closure).
GTCGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading geometry from a GridTool restart file.
GTransform |
A general 4x4 transformation matrix that transforms GeomPoint objects.
GUIPreferences |
This class serves as a collection of preferences for this program.
Height |
This class represents the vertical height above the
WGS84 ellipsoid.
HighEnergyModel |
This class represents the high-energy model.
IGESGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing geometry to an IGES
formatted transfer file.
ImageCaptureCanvas3D |
A version of the standard Java3D Canvas3D class that allows you to capture the contents
and write out the image information.
ImageEncoder |
Interface for abstracting different types of image encoders.
ImageSelection |
A Transferable which implements the capability required
to transfer an Image .
Inertia |
This interface represents the mass moment of inertia.
InputDialog |
A dialog that allows the user to edit values of various types from a list of
DialogItem objects.
InstanceOfRowFilter<M extends javax.swing.table.TableModel,I extends java.lang.Integer> |
A RowFilter that filters based on the Class type of the model data with behavior
similar to the instanceof operator.
Integer64 |
This class represents a 64 bits integer number.
IntegratorException |
Integrator routines may throw this exception
when an error occurs.
Interpolator<P,V> |
This interface represents an estimator of the values at a certain point
using surrounding points and values.
Interpolator.Linear<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a linear interpolator for field
instances (point and values from the same field).
IntersectType |
Indicates the type of intersection that resulted from certain intersection
InvalidArraySizeException |
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation arrays is not
big enough to contain the data requested.
J3DCurve |
A Java 3D node that represents a Curve in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGenModelNote |
A Java 3D node that represents a GenModelNote in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGenScreenNote |
A Java 3D node that represents a GenScreenNote in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGeomGroup<T extends GeomElement> |
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomElement in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGeomGroupFactory |
A factory for creating J3DGeomGroup objects appropriate to the provided
GeomElement object.
J3DGeomList |
A Java 3D node that represents a GeometryList in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGeomPlane |
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomPlane in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGeomPoint |
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomPoint in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DGeomVector |
A Java 3D node that represents a GeomVector in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DPointArray |
A Java 3D node that represents a PointArray in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DPointString |
A Java 3D node that represents a PointString in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DRenderingPrefs |
A class that contains a set of Java3D rendering preferences for this application.
J3DSurface |
A Java 3D node that represents a Surface in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DTriangle |
A Java 3D node that represents a single Triangle in a Java 3D scene graph.
J3DTriangleList |
A Java 3D node that represents a TriangleList in a Java 3D scene graph.
JButtonGroup |
javax.swing.ButtonGroup to provide methods that allow working
with button references instead of button models.
JButtonGroupEdit |
Class used to record the changes made to a JButtonGroup
object which holds a list of JRadioButtons.
JColor3f |
A three-element color value represented by single precision floating
point x,y,z values.
JColor4f |
A four-element color represented by single precision floating point
x, y, z, and w values.
JPEGEncoderAdapter |
Adapter class for the Sun JPEG Encoder.
JPEGImageObserver |
An image observer that turns the image into a JPEG image.
JScience |
JStreamedTextArea |
A JTextArea component that can display text that has been streamed to it
using an OutputStream.
KnotVector |
An immutable collection of knot values that are associated with a NURBS curve or
LargeInteger |
This class represents an immutable integer number of arbitrary size.
LatLong |
This class represents the geographic latitude/longitude
coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid.
LaWGSGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading vehicle geometry from a LaWGS (WGS) formatted geometry
LinearCombination<T extends LinearCombination,E extends GeomElement> |
Represents a linear combination made up of a list of two or more GeomElement objects.
LinearComboCurve |
Represents a linear combination made up of a list of Curve objects.
LineSeg |
A concrete line segment in n-dimensional space.
LineSegment |
The interface and implementation in common to all line segments in n-dimensional space.
LineSegTrans |
LoftedSurface |
Represents a "lofted" or "skinned" surface defined from a list of defining
curves that each define a cross-section of the surface.
LUDecomposition<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents the decomposition of a matrix
A into a product of a lower
and upper triangular matrices, L
and U respectively, such as A = P·L·U with
P a permutation matrix.
MacOSUtilities |
A set of utilities that are used by my programs when running under MacOS only.
MainApp |
An interface for classes that provide application resources.
MainWindow |
Main window for the GeomSS program.
MathTools |
A collection of useful static routines of a general mathematical nature.
Matrix<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a rectangular table of elements of a ring-like
algebraic structure.
Matrix3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
MDIApplication |
This class defines a MacOS friendly application instance.
MeshUtil |
A collection of static methods used to work with triangular unstructured meshes.
Minimization |
A collection of static routines to find the minima or maxima of functions or sets of
ModelData |
Methods in this class are used to create functions that model experimental data.
ModelNote |
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a specified size and
orientation in model space.
ModelNoteTrans |
ModuloInteger |
This class represents a modulo integer.
Money |
This interface represents something generally accepted as a medium of
exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.
MutablePoint |
A mutable container that holds changeable coordinates of a point in n-dimensional
MutableVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A container that holds changeable coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which
indicates direction, but not position.
NACA4Cambered |
This class represents an arbitrary cambered NACA 4
digit airfoil section with 2 digit camber such as a
NACA 6409 airfoil.
NACA4ModCambered |
This class represents an arbitrary cambered NACA
modified 4 digit airfoil section with 2 digit camber
such as a NACA 2512-34 airfoil.
NACA4ModUncambered |
This class represents an arbitrary uncambered NACA
modified 4 digit airfoil section such as a NACA 0012-34
NACA4Uncambered |
This class represents an arbitrary uncambered NACA 4
digit airfoil section such as a NACA 0012 airfoil.
NACA5Cambered |
This class represents an arbitrary cambered unreflexed
NACA 5 digit airfoil section with 3 digit camber such
as a NACA 23012 airfoil.
NACA5Reflexed |
This class represents an arbitrary cambered, reflexed,
NACA 5 digit airfoil section with 3 digit camber such
as a NACA 23112 airfoil.
NACA63ASeries |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 63A series
airfoil section such as a NACA 63A020 airfoil.
NACA63Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 63 series
airfoil section such as a NACA 63-020 airfoil.
NACA64ASeries |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 64A series
airfoil section such as a NACA 64A020 airfoil.
NACA64Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 64 series
airfoil section such as a NACA 64-020 airfoil.
NACA65ASeries |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 65A series
airfoil section such as a NACA 65A020 airfoil.
NACA65Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 65 series
airfoil section such as a NACA 65-020 airfoil.
NACA66Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 66 series
airfoil section such as a NACA 66-020 airfoil.
NACA67Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 67 series
airfoil section such as a NACA 67-020 airfoil.
NACA6ASeries |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 6*A series
airfoil section such as a NACA 63A-020 airfoil.
NACA6Series |
This class represents an arbitrary NACA 6 or 6*A series
airfoil section such as a NACA 63-020 airfoil.
NACAFactory |
This class contains a method for parsing a NACA airfoil
designation string (such as "NACA 2312") and returning
a corresponding Airfoil object.
NaturalModel |
This class represents the natural model.
Note |
Represents a textual note located at a point in model space with a fixed size and
orientation on the screen.
NoteTrans |
Number<T extends Number<T>> |
This class represents a value-type
NurbsCurve |
The interface and implementation in common to all NURBS curves.
NurbsCurveTrans |
NurbsSurface |
The interface and implementation in common to all NURBS surfaces.
NurbsSurfaceTrans |
Parameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents an amount (a value with associated units) for which operations
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed (it
implements the Field interface).
ParameterException |
Exception thrown when a parameter value does not match expectations.
ParameterFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing parameter instances.
ParameterVector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents an n-dimensional vector of Parameter
elements sharing the same units.
ParametricGeometry<T extends ParametricGeometry> |
Defines the interface for GeomElement objects that have parametric
ParamTestSuite |
ParamTestSuite.DCMatrixTests |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterBasicMathOperations |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterGetValue |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterLogicalComparisons |
ParamTestSuite.ParameterToUnit |
ParamTestSuite.QuaternionTests |
Part |
The Part class encapsulates the entire IGES file.
PhysicalModel |
This abstract class represents a physical model.
Plane |
A concrete, immutable, 2D plane in n-dimensional space.
PlotXYWindow |
An application window that displays a quick plot of the data contained in a DataSet
made up of DataCase objects containing sets of ArrayParam objects.
PNGEncoderAdapter |
Adapter class for the Sun PNG Encoder.
PNGImageObserver |
An image observer that turns the image into a PNG image.
POIGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading vehicle geometry from a POINTS (POI) formatted
geometry file.
Point |
A container that holds the coordinates of a point in n-dimensional space.
PointArray<E extends GeomPoint> |
A PointArray is a collection of PointString objects that make up a
"list of strings of points".
PointArrayShape3D |
PointComponent |
PointGeometry<T extends PointGeometry> |
Defines the interface for GeomElement objects that contain only points.
PointRegionQuadTree<P extends XYPoint> |
A QuadTree data structure for storing 2D XYPoint objects.
PointString<E extends GeomPoint> |
A PointString is a collection of GeomPoint objects that make up a
"string of points".
PointVehicle |
Polar3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements
representing a geometrical polar coordinate with elements magnitude, azimuth angle and
elevation angle where elevation is measured positive above the reference plane (similar
to latitude).
Polynomial<R extends Ring<R>> |
This class represents a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers
in one or more variables multiplied by
coefficients (such as x² + x·y + 3y² ).
PolynomialFit |
A basis function for generating a polynomial curve fits of degree p[].length-1 with
coefficients in the array p[].
Preferences |
An interface in common to preference classes in my applications.
PreferencesJMenuItem |
This is the Swing implementation of the Preferences menu item.
ProjectedCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 2-dimensional projected reference system.
ProjectionPolicy |
An enumeration of projection policy type codes.
Quadrature |
A collection of methods for integrating a 1D function within a range:
I=int_a^b{f(x) dx} .
QuantumModel |
This class represents the quantum model.
Quaternion |
This class represents a 4 element quaternion made up of Float64
QuitJMenuItem |
This is the Swing implementation of the Quit menu item.
QuitListener |
An interface for objects that wish to receive notification that the application will
soon be quitting.
Rational |
This class represents the ratio of two LargeInteger numbers.
RationalFunction<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents the quotient of two Polynomial ,
it is also a field (invertible).
Real |
This class represents a real number of arbitrary precision with
known/guaranteed uncertainty.
ReferenceEllipsoid |
The ReferenceEllipsoid class defines a geodetic reference ellipsoid
used as a standard for geodetic measurements.
RelativisticModel |
This class represents the relativistic model.
RenderType |
An enumeration of render type codes.
Ring<R> |
This interface represents an algebraic structure with two binary operations
addition and multiplication (+ and ·), such that (R, +) is an abelian group,
(R, ·) is a monoid and the multiplication distributes over the addition.
RootException |
Root finding routines may throw this exception
when an error occurs in the root finding routine.
Roots |
A collection of static routines to find the roots of functions or sets of functions.
Rotation<T extends Rotation<?>> |
This class represents a relative orientation (attitude or rotation transformation)
between two different reference frames; B wrt A or BA.
ScalarFunctionND |
A class that defines an n-Dimensional scalar function y = fn(x[1..n]) (named
"function") that can be called by math tools such as a function minimizer.
ScalarParam<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A class that represents a scalar data value in a case.
SelectCasesDialog |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available cases in a
list of data sets.
SelectParamsDialog |
A modal dialog the allows the user to select a subset of all the available parameters
in a list of data cases.
SizedObject |
An interface for any objects that have a defined size.
SizedObjectFactory<T extends SizedObject> |
This class holds factories to produces objects of variable size/length.
SparseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> |
SparseVector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a sparse vector.
SpringUtilities |
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for
creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
StandardMacAboutFrame |
Java and cross-platform implementation of an About box similar to the
standard About panel built into the Cocoa framework on Mac OS X.
StandardModel |
This class represents the standard model.
StartSection |
The StartSection class encapsulates the IGES Start Section.
STLGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing geometry from/to a binary STL
(STereoLithography) formatted geometry file.
StreamedTextViewer |
A window that displays a text area that can be written to using an OutputStream.
Structure<T> |
This interface represents a mathematical structure on a set (type).
Subrange<T extends GeomElement> |
SubrangeCurve |
SubrangePoint |
SubrangeSurface |
A subrange or trimmed Surface that is defined by a set of four 2D boundary
curves that define the 4 parametric edges of the trimmed surface on the child surface.
Surface<T extends Surface> |
Defines the interface for GeomElement objects that are surfaces with 2
parametric dimensions.
SurfaceColorType |
An enumeration of surface color type codes.
SurfaceFactory |
A collection of methods for creating NURBS surfaces
SurfaceUtils |
A collection of utility methods for working with NURBS surfaces.
TabDataReader |
This class translates data between a list of DataSet data structures and a stream
containing tab, space, or comma delimited columns of array data with a single line
header indicating the names of the parameters and an optional second line indicating
the units of each parameter.
TecplotGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing geometry from/to an Tecplot ASCII
formatted triangle file.
TemporalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 1 dimensional temporal reference system.
Term |
This class represents the term of a polynomial
such as x·y² .
Test4Java3D |
A class used to test for the existence of Java3D.
TextParam |
A class that represents a text/note parameter.
TextTokenizer |
The text tokenizer class allows an application to break a
Text object into tokens.
TFISurface |
Represents a bi-linearly blended transfinite interpolation (TFI) or Coons patch surface
defined from four boundary curves.
Time |
This class represents the temporal UTC time coordinates.
TransferActionListener |
A class that tracks the focused component.
Transformable<T extends GeomElement> |
Defines the interface in common to all transformable geometry elements.
TransformChangeEvent |
An even that represents a change in a transform.
TransformChangeEvent.Type |
The type of change that has been made to the transform.
TransformChangeListener |
A listener for changes to a transform.
TREETOPSDataReader |
This class reads data from a NASA TREETOPS/CLVTOPS *.dat and matching *.crf file and
returns a list of DataSet data structures containing the simulation data.
Triangle |
A concrete triangle in n-dimensional space.
TriangleList<E extends GeomTriangle> |
TriangleListShape3D |
TriangleShape3D |
TriangleTrans |
TriangleVertData |
An simple container that packages together information about a list of
TRIGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing geometry from/to an Cart3D ASCII
configuration TRI (TRIangulation) formatted geometry file.
UneditableDefaultTableModel |
A DefaultTableModel that has been modified to mark the cells as uneditable.
UnitParameter<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity,E extends UnitParameter> |
A class that represents a parameter in a case that has units associated with it.
UnitSet |
A class that contains a set of units (generally made self-consistent if not coherent)
and also provides lists (sets) of related units.
UnitSet.SetType |
The different unit set types in this collection.
UnitSet.UnitSystem |
The type of unit system being used.
UnsupportedTypeException |
Exception for when one of the requested geometry generation types is not
known or understood.
This class represents the projected
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid.
Variable<X> |
This interface represents a symbol on whose value a Function
Variable.Global<X> |
This class represents a simple Variable implementation with
context-local values.
Variable.Local<X> |
This class represents a simple Variable implementation for
functions not shared between threads (non static).
VECCGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading and writing vehicle geometry from/to a VECC (Viscous
Effects on Complex Configurations) MK5 formatted geometry file.
Vector<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
A container that holds the coordinates of an n-dimensional vector which indicates
direction, but not position.
Vector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents an immutable element of a vector space.
Vector3D<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
This class represents a 3 element vector of Parameter elements sharing
the same units.
VectorFunction |
A class that defines an n-Dimensional vector function y[] = fn(x[]) (named "function")
that can be called by math tools such as root finders.
VectorSpace<V,F extends Field> |
This interface represents a vector space over a field with two operations,
vector addition and scalar multiplication.
VectorSpaceNormed<V,F extends Field> |
This interface represents a vector space on which a positive vector length
or size is defined.
VectorTrans<Q extends javax.measure.quantity.Quantity> |
VerticalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 1 dimensional vertical reference system.
View |
The View class represents an IGES view and its transformation.
VirtualSphere |
VirtualSphere is a Java3D behavior object that lets users control the orientation,
translation and scale of an object via a mouse.
XGSSGeomReader |
A GeomReader for reading geometry from an XGSS formatted, GZIP compressed, XML
geometry file.
XYPoint |
The interface required of any data type that is to be stored in a PointRegionQuadTree.
This class represents the geocentric Earth-Centered,
Earth-Fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates used in GPS/GLONASS.
ZipUtils |
This is a utility class of static methods for working with ZIP archive files.